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Yomo Kimyata

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Everything posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. I agree with both of you. Farmers gonna farm, marketers gonna market, meriters gonna merit. I love in the other thread though how so many farmer-based inf makers are saying, "Well, since I have less money to spend, I'm going to raise prices." It's stagflation!!! It's been 12 hours and a literal gold mine in the AH from my experience. Maybe because I'm about ten times more active than I have been since last summer.
  2. There already are ceilings on almost everything and they are a lot lower than 250mm. I’ll bet, however, that they are higher than you want.
  3. I thought so too, but the some of the hardcore badgers get really bent at the idea of new badges that aren’t trivially easy for them to get.
  4. Personally, I’d hate that, but I’m just one person. They’d have to get rid of the AH, and they’d have to set those fixed prices. Dollars to donuts that price fix would be a lot higher than current AH prices.
  5. I said this in another thread but if yesterday, farmers were making X inf per hour and getting Y drops, let’s assume the inf got cut in half so now they are making X/2 inf per hour and getting Y drops. If they want to keep their inf generation steady and work for two hours, they are making X inf and 2Y drops. Unless farmers rage quit en masse, this could easily increase the supply of drops from farming as they work longer hours.
  6. I’m seeing a lot of “let’s encourage [certain behavior] by offering more rewards.” What else can possibly be offered? Even with the nerf to lvl 49 farming, inf and merits and incarnate godlike powers are currently thrown around like they are nothing. Even the godliest items and achievements are trivially easy to get.
  7. I really wouldn't mind a wipe. It would be simple to make it all back. The mythological "average player" would be devastated, however.
  8. I'm not sure I understand the (not Jimmy's) antipathy for people who are familiar with the market. Read some of the posts on the Market Forum. Send one of us a PM. As someone said in another thread, you literally cannot get us to shut up about how you can make inf. We are literally giving away inf to anyone who wants it. Not only are we giving away free fishing lessons, we are giving away free fish! I understand that some people simply don't want to have to market, just like some people don't want to have to farm. That's the beauty of this game! You don't have to. Nobody has to.
  9. Or a hundred yellow salvages that you can magically sell in order to buy the couple of yellow salvages you need? I swear, if yellow salvage went to zero, then people would come out of the woodwork complaining about how they couldn't sell them for anything anymore.
  10. But in this particular version of the game, with fungibility, converters, merits, tickets, etc., you cannot stop more supply from entering the market. The seller can control the price at which he or she lists, but cannot stop anyone else from creating more supply and listing it for less. There is no way for a monopolist in HC to stop more supply from entering the market.
  11. I, for one, am extremely grateful for the ineffective players.
  12. Now that I think about it, I wish the devs would create some sort of macro shock like this every few months. Things in the AH were boring!
  13. I've bought a small number of Winter packs at 20mm over the past few weeks. People do strange things.
  14. Also, on a macro basis, people in that other thread are predicting supply of items is going to decrease. The only way I see that happening is if farmers decide to rage quit. I mean, let's say yesterday a farmer would AFK farm for an hour and generate X inf and get Y drops. Today, if they farm for an hour they generate X/2 inf and get Y drops. If they want to keep inf steady, they farm for 2 hours, generate X inf and get 2Y drops. Is it my imagination or will this potentially INCREASE the supply of drops?
  15. I wonder if the devs even know what the inf flows look like. In principle, farming inf (and to be honest, earning inf through regular play) was like printing money in your basement and using it to buy groceries. The question was whether or not the inf generation was more than 10x the value of the associated drops. I think that it was, but since the cost of creating goods was so low, we didn't see significant inflationary pressures. Ironically, a lot of talk in the thread on the Patch Notes indicate that people are going to start raising their offer prices, so maybe we will see that inflation after all. I expect there will be less demand for farming build IOs such as Aegis. Performance Shifters will be harder to come by, since the conversion pool just increased by 150%.
  16. But you cannot stop supply. Someone buys out all the LotG 7.5%? People will produce more, and will particularly produce more the higher the bids rise. Recipes will keep dropping, merits will still be earned. Then the trillionaire gets stuck with listings that are too high.
  17. There already are caps, either hard or soft, on everything except (I think) Hammy-os. Salvage is seeded, you can buy merits with inf and you can buy everything else with merits. And there is a hard cap of 2bn on everything, but that's not what I think you were thinking of...
  18. This is the big one, but I felt that this was a patch that can cause volatility in a number of ways. Your thoughts?
  19. I hear you, but given the fact that inf, merits, xp, and any other rewards currently in the system literally fall from the sky, would anyone actually start running Carnie farms for 1.25x-2x inf/xp/purple drops?
  20. Sleep is tremendously overpowered solo or on small teams that know how it works. It is mainly useless on zerg teams.
  21. But what is a reasonable price to post? [screws in monocle and begins to monologue...] People seem to be uncomfortable in choosing the "right" price to post their offerings. I think part of that is that dumping is instant and easy, versus choosing a price is more work and may take a little time. I think the other part of that is that people are afraid of posting too high and eventually having to eat the 5% posting fee. If it's the latter, my rule of thumb is to let my offer sit for a week before I repost at a lower price. 5% is a drop in the bucket versus getting on with your life. Shrug your shoulders and move on. I think there are four basic categories of offers. In order from fastest to slowest (and from lowest price to highest price): 1. Sell it NAO. As long as there is a bid outstanding, you are guaranteed to sell your item instantly if you offer it at 1. A lot of people offer their items at 5, in order to make sure that they at least break even on listing fees. Speed: instant, so long as there is a bid outstanding. The problem is that you have no idea what that bid is. If you sell something NAO, you need to make your peace with the idea that you may sell it at the price you listed it for. 2. Sell it NEXT. This is a method you can use when you want to be the very next person to sell to a "real" bidder. If you are able to figure out what the highest outstanding bid is, then you offer at a level that is just above that level. Example: last 5 trades are: 10mm, 9mm, 10mm, 5mm, 8mm. That's not a lot of information. There is a "low" bid that got filled. If I wanted to be the next seller, I'd offer it at just over 5mm. That way, I'm not feeding the lowball bidder, but I should capture the first real bid that comes in. I call this being the lowest outstanding offer (LOO). Speed: generally pretty quick. You are relying on a "real" bid coming in, but you don't know when that will be. In my experience, I'd expect that to trade in minutes to hours, depending on the item, 3. Sell it SOON(tm). This is what I use for most of my sales. I try to capture the high end of the range, but I want to sell it within a day or so. In the example given above, we see that there are buyers at 10mm, but fishers at 9mm and 8mm, and lowballs at 5mm. I'd like to sell to some of those 10mm bidders, but if I offer at 10mm, I'm going to lose out to anyone who offers less than 10mm. In this case, I would probably offer at something just over 9mm. Speed: generally less than a day. Almost always by the next time I log in that character (I alt a lot). 4. Sell it SPENDY. I almost never use this method unless there are less than five of the item in question currently offered, and I don't judge that there will be a lot of supply in the near future. Given the example last 5 trades, and assuming zero items for offer, I'd offer somewhere north of 10mm. How far north depends on the item. Speed: totally depends. You could post at 12mm and sell for 15mm in minutes, or 10 more could come in for offer at under 10mm, and you could potentially be sitting on your offer for a long time. If you have to sell right now, you are being held hostage to whatever bids are already out there. If you can want minutes/hours/days, then you have a lot more power in realizing higher sales prices.
  22. It operates the exact same way that it did on Live, but there are a few key differences: 1. There are a lot fewer people playing on HC than there were on Live, which means that the depth of the market isn't as strong. 2. Thanks to fungibility, converters, etc., nothing is particularly expensive to make, so costs of things are much lower than they were on Live. 3. Thanks to point 2 among other reasons, accumulating inf is extremely easy. So you have lower cost goods, higher disposable income, and illiquid markets. This seems to lead to more/most/all people simply "buying it NAO" since they have plenty of inf and prices are low. Think of what you do when you are looking to buy something. Do you buy it NAO, throw in a lowball bid and hope to rip someone off, buy something cheaper and make it into something you want, or put in a reasonable but high-ish bid that you expect will get filled in the next 24 hours? Almost everyone seems to do some variation of the first three. When you are selling at a "sell it NAO" price, and hoping to get a genuine high bidder, it's probably not going to happen. I tend to buy things at a "buy it soon(tm)" level which is much higher than the 20k you mention, but lower than the 7-10mm you mention. tl;dr If you want to sell for better prices, you need to offer at higher prices. If you sell it NAO, you are going to have to get used to the idea you may reap sell it NAO prices.
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