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Yomo Kimyata

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Everything posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. Like when two factions are "fighting" each other until you show up, then they start buffing each other in order to take you out? That is some real BS there!
  2. If by “pets” you mean other players, I’m so with you.
  3. Your comment from another thread reminded me. The arbitrager in me looked at the Steadfast 3% IO market (which was trading 5mm or so) a year and change ago and wondered why anyone would sell 100 merits to sell 300 converters for 21mm before taxes when they could buy 5 lvl 10 recipes, craft and sell for 25mm before taxes. So I’ve pretty much been putting in a ~4mm cap on those for a year or so. Just to keep people from spending merits there.
  4. Here's what I have been doing on Reunion: I have a Villain Base called The Estate that is run by Estate Executor. My protagonist, however, is a xxx/FF solo corruptor named Heir Apparent. He (or she (or huge) ) cannot use the AH or the AE, but vendors are fair game. Any items that can be put in storage in the base are good, but you have to put them there, because once Heir Apparent dies, they're deleted without transferring anything. This means that inf goes away, since you cannot store that in a base. The first two heirs passed away relatively early, but the third is beginning to produce. So when I think of it I sock a few things away for the next generation, like low level SOs. In the end, the difficult part is not dying, since due to the ease of getting converters through merits, there are very few items that can't be created eventually. But unless it is put in storage, it's gone when the character dies.
  5. I’m probably younger than people think I am, but I’m definitely old enough to not read through a ten-page thread for someone else! I’m at that cusp that when I tell kids to get off my lawn, I’m no longer doing it ironically. I actually want them to get off my lawn.
  6. It's in the thread!
  7. FYI, you don't need to do it through Ouro. You can always get Posi 1 and Posi 2 from Positron directly. I think you only need Ouro for the old Positron TF.
  8. Who doesn't?! By the way, very sad that the name "Interrobang" is already taken on Excelsior and Everlasting.
  9. The only waste of time is golf. Anything else is fair game.
  10. You are going to be much better off soloing that later after you've levelled up. I don't remember what the max level of that TF is, but let's call it 16. If you go back and solo it at a higher level (say 30), you get: -- Access to powers you've picked up at the max level +5. So you'd have access to your lvl 18 and 20 power. -- Access to additional slots you've picked up in these powers. You might have a power 3-slotted at 15, but 6-slotted at 30. You get enhancements and set bonuses you may not have had before. -- A greater number of inspiration slots. I'm generally able to solo him on most characters that try (some may need envenomed daggers) with just a full tray of purples. But I don't try at 15.
  11. Here is what has worked for me. People like autonomy. Sure no one is going to delete an email with half a billion inf (or will they?) but I've found that people seem to prefer receiving amounts that they *want* or *need* rather than big blocks to do whatever they want with. The two areas I've had the most success in are: my ongoing giveaway (see my sig for anyone who wants 20mm inf), and periodic contests. In both cases, people know what there is to gain, and willingly participate. So in general, they seem to be pretty happy getting what they were looking for, rather than what I feel like giving them. It's really easy to see a lvl 2 in Atlas with a name or bio you like and drop a half billion on them, but they may not want it or need it. When I was pitching my giveaway, I would occasionally post in Help channel on all the shards. That usually got some good response.
  12. Not that I remember, but I wanted to express my feelings for the OF proc and the OF market. I love that proc unabashedly, and I try to fit in into every build I have as soon as possible. Sometimes it's necessary (Umbral Torrent), sometimes it's useful (any damage aura), sometimes it's just plain hysterical when mobs flop for no apparent reason. But it appears to be underutilized (at least in my opinion). It's got limited supply (run the Summer Blockbuster, or spend 100 merits). For a long time, I occasionally skimmed the bottom of that set, converted to the proc, and listed at a price to skim the cream. It was awesome (and brief) when you could spin them off at 15mm+. And that was very nice profit. I just never felt I could consistently sell more than a dozen a day at that level, and I didn't think I could sell 50 units a day at all. Then sometime earlier this year, someone else(s) (@Sakai I guess!) started to undercut so selling over 12mm became difficult. So it goes. There's still good profit there, but more in the 3mm/unit range. Be warned though, I've got a backlog of inventory.
  13. My ears just started to twitch.
  14. Purple monkey dishwasher.
  15. I've been revising my own challenge parameters, partly due to commentary on this thread. I'm forbidding AE. I was thinking that it would be a way to get rare salvage, but it's trivial to run a few missions and get enough tickets to buy yourself an Alien Blood Sample. Even easier are the recipe rolls. I've also been looking more at day job bonuses. Most offer a bonus that is so manini that it is worthless, but on a challenge character getting that extra drop is nice. I'm specifically looking at the Day Trader, since Brain Storms will add up over time and I'd like to be excited when the RNG gives me the rare I want!
  16. It's a great build for EVERYTHING! Least powerful on a scrapper, but bonkers on tanker, brute, or stalker.
  17. Muahahahah I recently bought every Trap of the Hunter proc from the AH (highest price I paid was 9mm). I don't remember exactly how many, but it was somewhere between 500 and 700 of them. I reposted 10 of them, and have been converting the remainder and selling them. Today I broke even on my expenditure, and I've got about 350 more to convert and sell.
  18. One thing I've gotten out of these challenges is that I try to push my difficulty. Usually I start out at +1/x1, but then again I'm generally pimping out my ride right out of the gates. Right now for, say, an iron alt, I'll start at +0/x1 with bosses. At 10 I up to +1, at 20 I up to +2, etc. Now, I haven't gotten anyone in their 30s or above yet, and I'm going to let my conscience be my guide as to when/if I move up to x3, x5, or x8. On some of my characters, the clear answer is *nevah!*
  19. It depends on the level. From levels 10-19, Air Burst is the only Ranged AoE there is.
  20. Why yes, I *did* just make a SoA named "Poisonous Ray" on Excelsior.
  21. Wait a second, people are complaining because they aren't getting lvl 50+ presents from lvl 49 foes?
  22. It sounds like you are pretty new to the game, so welcome! If you are not new, sorry, welcome! If you are looking for SOs (single-origin enhancements), every vendor should have a infinite number for sale. If you are looking for IOs (invention set enhancements), you can make them yourself or buy them on the /AH.
  23. I'm going to suggest you start your own groups, and mention what you're looking for in LFG chat. There are lots of people like you who just want to have fun. There are lots of other people who just want to get as much reward as possible in as little time as possible, and that's their kind of fun. It won't be easy and you'll be using more time forming teams than you want, but you may meet like minded people that way, form a SG or alliance, make friends, and play the way you enjoy.
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