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Bill Z Bubba

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Everything posted by Bill Z Bubba

  1. But then he was deleted and turned into a fire/bio sentinel with powers colored black and purple.
  2. Or you can add hasten, make it perma and use it as a guide for clicking PB since they have the same uptime. This way you don't waste end overclicking it. Different story on shield, of course, where you need to doublestack active defense to get a tolerable level of DDR.
  3. I went ma/elec brute cuz I had neither. Turns out, this is the only electric using anything I've got. Cept for 1 Tarikoff TF, been 100% solo runnin redside content. No PL. Hit 26. Pretty fun so far. No clue how she'll end up.
  4. Anger leads to the dark side?
  5. Truth. I'd hate to see what kind of mitigation I'd have to give up.
  6. Yay degen core and achilles' heel.
  7. Random post. On my claws/bio, using Followup, Focus, Slash, repeat, AT IO +crit proc in FU, Purple and PvP procs in Focus, Purple and -damres proc in slash, triple stacking FU on Focus, gets around 150 LESS dps than @nihiliishows for their heavily proced out chain. I've avoided procmonster builds specifically because I expected them to be nerfed. Course, I no longer expect that but I am left not wanting to try them out.
  8. Doesn't that mean against something with 75% damres it gets dropped to a .625% debuff?
  9. I just wish my vault held inf and was account wide.
  10. I still greatly disagree with this. Balance can be achieved without power creep and homogenization. It would just take hard work and a lotta time.
  11. This on both. Suddenlink used to be Cox. In Texas right outside of Austin. Just started a 1.5 hour working meeting that I don't care about. I need my fix!!! 🙂
  12. Bases do have their uses.
  13. BAH! Edit: But thank you for that!
  14. Cutscenes are my nuisance but all I have to do is turn 90 degrees and surf the forums while they happen.
  15. There's something beautiful about the passive +crit coupled with the active +crit on triple stacked FU hitting focus. Utilizing eviscerate there instead with its higher base crit value may be numerically superior, but it ain't NEARLY as sexy.
  16. I do go with the full set AT IO on followup, regardless of AT. But unfortunately, I never found Gaussian's CFBU to benefit my pylon times. Did you compare FU-Focus-Slash vs the best DualBlades ST chain on a pylon and if so, what did you find?
  17. Don't forget, the name still lies! It's a tohit buff.
  18. Unsure. I don't think any of my brutes can handle a Werner Rules ITF. But I also can't say I've built one specifically for the task.
  19. I'm going back to my original views. The game is not balanced. Full stop. It never will be. But I'm damn glad I can play it regardless.
  20. And I always choose, "No, yall stay here. I got this."
  21. You sound like someone that takes Elude from SR or Eviscerate from Claws. Again, bolters... and heresy.
  22. You're a smart human. I'm still kicking myself for losing WAY too much CoH info during a less than careful system rebuild.
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