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Bill Z Bubba

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Everything posted by Bill Z Bubba

  1. I'm workin on rebuilding my old villain main, Louis Cypher, back to his em/fa build, but this time going tank instead of his original bruteness. I'll be skipping ET, TF and Stun completely. That way he and my em/sr brute will be ready to go for testing should any changes hit beta.
  2. I'm honestly the wrong guy to ask about procs. I've read the threads, viewed all the equations, and rapidly decided that I think too much anyway. So Shockwave is almost always 5 ragnarok (-the dam enh) + the KB-KD Focus is almost always Apocalypse (-the dam enh) + the Glad Jav Chance for Toxic Slash is almost always Hecatomb (-the dam enh) + the Achilles' Heel Chance for damres debuff.
  3. I'd be good with that.
  4. It will be slower than my times for two reasons: I do use hasten and my chain is just fu/focus/slash/repeat. This gives me a triple stack of FU on Focus barring misses which is nice. I also have focus slotted with 5/6 a purple set plus the javelin chance for toxic damage.
  5. Heh. I do love me some claws and sr.
  6. Hi there. You've got 1 too many LotG +7.5% recharge in the build. Saw that by clicking on View Active Sets. Nice job hitting the incarnate softcap so perfectly with a scrapper. That had to have taken some thought. More DPS, huh? Main problem I'm seeing is the lack of hasten to tighten up your single target chain but you do have conserve power and -res procs in slash and shockwave ... what attack chain were you using on the pylon while testing? I've seen a lot of folks go with followup, focus, slash, shockwave but since you have eviscerate with its higher chance for criticals, ya might try dumping focus and going followup, slash, eviscerate, shockwave. Not sure if you can pull off just fu, slash, evis without hasten, but that, I think, was what I had going on my claws/bio scrapper for his best time ever.
  7. I remember screaming at Castle and BAB about how hard they completely fucked up EM back when the ET animation change happened. Still holds true today. I've respeced my EM/SR brute to use EM/BS/TF/BS as her attack chain and there are two points that come to mind. 1: Her ST damage output is still ridiculously pathetic. Of course, her aoe output is also pathetic but that was always the case. 2: She was far more fun when I was only cruising with barrage/ep/bs/wh. If knowing that the least efficient/productive build is the most fun... then something is ridiculously wrong. ET and TF both need a total animation time reduction. Anything less than that will be useless.
  8. O.o That's a whole lotta form shifting. Or am I missing something?
  9. Ouch. New EM/SR brute. T3 Musc and T1 Degen. Attack chain is ET/BS/TF/BS/repeat. 8 frelling minutes. Edit 1: Dropped 2 mins off, down to 6, by having T3 Musc, Degen and Pyronic in play.
  10. I used rebirth on my sr/claws tank when I was testing it against the 801.* AE missions. He does also run musculature core, assault core and degen core. Having the heal and extra regen made all the difference in there.
  11. But.... damnit. Now I have to make a new alt.
  12. Seems like the fix is right there...
  13. I simply dislike getting nothing in return for turning off XP. That's all.
  14. It's an option for everyone but I'll accept it's not an option for many powerset combos and builds. And while I team a lot more since before the snap, I love having the ability to run all the TFs solo when my SG isn't around. No drama, run at my own pace, no hassle, no fuss.
  15. Easily avoidable: Just solo the TFs. Granted... AV fights can add a huge chunk of time when you're running them on level appropriate characters.
  16. You can also use your farmers' emps. Convert 50 into a transcendent and email it to an alt on the same account. Course, you might end up running into what I did where you create most of your characters on the primary acct while the 2nd acct with the main farmer is sitting on 4 transcendents in email that nobody on that acct needs.
  17. Since you keep getting emps every three vet lvls up to 99, don't worry about burning a few for threads when needed. Yes, you can absolutely farm Heather's arc for a component drop over and over with no cool down.
  18. Sentinels as others noted. Safe mode tankmages. A broken archetype but lots of fun. Think I'm up to 6 of them.
  19. I only built this em/sr brute because scrappers don't get EM. Granted... I still love her but she'd be better as a scrapper.
  20. So..... SR wins. yay!
  21. Torn on that. I'd like to see melee SR get the Sent SR treatment with Master Brawler. But if we tweaked all the mitigation sets to match the overall utility of Rad, we'd definitely be losing some flavor.
  22. Heh. You are not alone. ITF is still my favorite.
  23. Picking this thread just cuz.... Someone pls check my math. This look right? RechargeTime = BaseRecharge/(1+%) For ET/BS/TF/BS attack chain using arcanatime for casts ET: Cast 2.904 Rec 20s BS: Cast 1.716 Rec 8s TF: Cast 3.432 Rec 20s Time between ETs = 6.864 Time between BSs = 2.904 Time between TFs = 6.336 Recharge needed for ET: 6.864 = 20 / (1+x) = 191% total recharge Recharge needed for BS: 2.904 = 8 / (1+x) = 175% total recharge Recharge needed for TF: 6.336 = 20 / (1+x) = 216% total recharge
  24. Correct. This is what I get for losin notes!
  25. Really long animation. About 1.5 times as long as shockwave. Thing is, if you're running a scrapper, the extra crit bonus on eviscerate coupled with the +crit chances from the AT IOs makes it a very hard hitting attack often. Pretty sure the best time I got on my claws/bio scrapper was with a fu, focus, evisc, repeat chain. Shockwave's end cost was always way too high for me to ever use it in a ST attack chain. I know with Destiny Ageless you can get away with it, but for me, I'd rather just stick with fu, focus, slash, repeat and a boatload of recharge to make it happen.
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