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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. Well, so that makes a few. I recall back on Live every year when school started the number of players would dip for a bit and everyone would cry doom. I'd guess - just guess yes 🙂 - that there's also a certain amount of burn-out after we've had the game back for a few years now. I don't know a thing about PVP but that it's always been a niche set of players. I wouldn't think "there's little PVP footage out there" would really mean all that much, but I'm also not part of the "spend my time watching people play a game" set, which I do understand is a real thing ion this day and age; I can't understand how such would keep players away however.
  2. Is there any solid evidence that this was true with even a noticeable fraction of the lost layers, like I dunno, a poll or something? Correlation doesn't equal causation and all that.
  3. Thanks, I'll see if maybe I can make one again, although none of those are good days for me.
  4. AR power set doesn't get it either, iirc, it just fires from your same gun of choice in your costume. I have it on a blaster I'm leveling right now, but I'd have to double check for sure.
  5. Does Eda still do those? I had started HC on Indom, but had to move over once the population started dropping too low for me to find any group to PUG with late at night. I think I still have some decent toons on Indom that I haven't ported over to Excel (which, of course, I could easily port back over yeah).
  6. I don't know which one it is, but one of the Water powers does this too, just completely fills up the screen if you're anywhere near it for a couple of seconds. Also not a fan.
  7. I want this now, like one of those Council guys who carry around that canon that looks big enough to be a rubbish bin, that'd be neat.
  8. Now's the time to deliver those valentines, they'll never suspect it during Christmas! I think I still have one or two of those too.
  9. Congratulations! You've been awarded the "Nothing To Wear" badge for tailoring your costumes 100 times!
  10. That tells me your a very combative person.
  11. I think that applies to a fair number of missions, but I'm also pretty sure some are baked right into the story and it's always the same map for them.
  12. Oh sure, it all easy for you guys to gush over all this snow, but that;s because you don't have to drive in it.
  13. I use a free-be editing program for photos called Art Weaver which is very Photoshop-like.
  14. I don't even see accolades as being "key." They're a slight extra bit of icing on the cake, it's not like being denied taking Incarnate slots or something.
  15. Amazing. I've tried to use that mask but always reject it because it looks so much like it's own thing (like the brain in a jar head, it's so specific and un-modifiable that it just puts me off somehow, even though I love it). I've also tried to superimpose something from beneath it like you did here and never made that work too. Guess I didn't try hard enough!
  16. Yeah, that's just on you, like all the people who told me I could skip rez powers in my builds, which I suspiciously still get a heck of a lot of use out of leveling up and past 50... 🤔
  17. The hidden links for April 17th, 2021 and August 8th, 2021 aren't showing for me.
  18. I pretty much hate groups that do that already, so yeah. That said I have zero idea what an 801.7 tank is or even refers to, being just a filthy casual. Combine that with me losing interest in toons (or just the Incarnate system itself, not quite sure yet) before I can get them to Tier 4 specialness, I think I should just forego this one. Which is fine! I also don't PVP, I don't feel I have to play everything in the game. I know lots of people kept saying the game was too easy and to them I say have at it and enjoy.
  19. I'm with you on this, but as the rest of the thread shows, some people take the chasing of badges seriously enough, which is fine of course. I'm a heck of a lot more excited to see the "Resistance" hat was granted for female toons, but different strokes and all that.
  20. Aw hell no, I'd end up throwing cars at white-con foes with just a sliver of health left and lampshades at full-health AVs! Every time!
  21. I'm thinking this is one of the biggest problems CoH has: only the leaders get the story. I was realizing that I've missed much of the story and lore in CoH because I PUG most of the time, I'm not too much of a solo player. Plus it's obviously been a plague for any writing of note in the MA. I hope the current devs are looking at this. I don't know what you might do to solve it.
  22. I've found there's really little room to complain about Moffat once Chibnal took the reins. Well, I say "little," there's some. He had his annoying fall-backs as every writer does, and dialogue was nothing but sparkling with him around. And the fact he was able to pull himself out of most of those tics and reinvent a lot of his style when Capaldi stepped into the role was pretty great. I've just recently been back through all of those episodes and they're mostly great stuff. I find it brings a whole nuther dimension to the show if you're not hyped up to the gills and waiting, straining for that very next episode to broadcast this week, rather than just sitting down for some telly. That said, I can't bring myself to rewatch any of Chibnal's run, they were just so flat.
  23. Seconded, it's like the largest thing you throw, that's gotta count for something.
  24. So far this sounds about as fun as starting a defender solo on Goldside... 😀
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