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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. I adore the "Save Baby New Year" map, hands down my favorite. I really like it when the sun's going down, the sky gets that really deep navy blue color, and the lamp at one end of the bridge near the front of the map comes on. This is entirely subjective because I adore winter and darkness.
  2. This is what I saw on my toon that I recently took thru Mako at 35; got the badge, got the patrol pool, but now when I call him he calls me guppy and tells me to buzz off. He'll live to regret that I can tell you...
  3. Shurikens are overrated anyway, I mean, they're not really meant to be a fully lethal weapon like a sword; they could kill, but it's not something you'd depend on IRL. Having them be part of a set instead of their own set feels more reasonable; and yes, I do know "this is just a comic book game, not real life." Explosive Shuriken is already getting pretty silly as it is.
  4. It's a bit weird to see a giant dangerous octopus every time I pass through IP, but I assume they've just learned ot live with it. 😃 You could say that about any and every other GM and events, it's just how the game works, imho.
  5. It only happened to my Grav/Dark twice when I was leveling and afterwards, and I did play that toon a bit after 50 (that's usually where I start to roll new ones), so yeah it doesn't happen all the time. On the other hand if you think about it as you're obviously getting overwhelmed, it's worth a shot.
  6. Since HC came back, I think I've only self-leveled a toon through these once because he was a solo-only, yeah. Well, twice now. But I also tend to play during vampire hours,s o often I won't see one all day.
  7. No no, not which Patron Pool itself to pick, but which story arc to do, if you're of a mind to.
  8. Also noted. Thinking about all this I ended up taking my toon through Mako's because I wasn't sure I had ever done it before (I had). I didn't really find it much easier or faster than any of the others I've done. GW's had a coupe extra AV fights along the way, which some people might want to avoid... or run towards. But she also has Carnies, so...
  9. I was coming in at the angle of "oh spit, I need to level to 35 but I haven't unlocked this yet!" It's like going to a thrift shop looking for say green pants: you will never find green pants again if you're waiting for it, I couldn't just mope around and hope some dear would flit my way with an offer for the single badge mission. Best to grab that villain with your own hands and shake them upside down until the badge drops out. Picking based on your character works too, I did that for my Illusions/Devices 'troller because Scirroco's "Mirage" badge seemed perfect for him to wear.
  10. The real trick is to rez yourself with your own Howling Twilight cast just before death... and then level! I haven't managed that one yet either though.
  11. HI all, I recently got to a "stuck moment" with a build I was following when it hit 35 and I hadn't yet unlocked the redside Patron Pool that my build called for. So I first off, of course, I started questioning myself, "do I really want this Patron Pool?" and so on. But along the way I started questioning which Patron Arc I should go for. I know everyone jumps for Black Scorpion, but is it really all that much better or different? So I headed over to the Wiki and started talking notes for myself (because that's much faster than slowly scrolling past the long pages for each patron while y brain turns to mush. So now I might have the beginnings of a GUIDE to post in tat section, if someone hasn't already. Nothing complex, just "here's what N00bz should expect when they sign up for this Patron's arc for the sacred badge to unlock the Patron Pools." (Yes, I am a n00b because i haven't done all of these multiple times yet.) Something easy to peruse and easily skim when you want to make the choice quickly (for am such a skimmer). So here's where you come in: I want to steal you brains thoughts you may have on each of the Patron arcs, such as "don't take this one if you have a Psy hole in your armor," "avoid that one because too many defeat-alls," etc. Got a favorite? One you always avoid? I wanna know and why!
  12. Funny, you look more like a hamster to me...
  13. I think I found yer problem right there... 😄 Jokes aside, it's fine to feel burn-out and step away for a bit.
  14. Now let's make two more series of that stuff!
  15. You make it sound like tyranny! If it's run like Player Notes, again, you won't have to deal if you don't want to.
  16. Then you click the "done" button without clicking a single option and go about your day. Like player notes, no one needs to do it nor ever think about it. You know, if we had this. I'm not sure I'd use it much myself (like Player Notes) but on the other hand, it might be nice to have once in awhile.
  17. The Hollows is where I learned that skill as well back when I was new. Still doesn't mean it was fun.
  18. I kept thinking about this while leveling up my AR blaster recently; I mean, so yeah, sometimes she spent a bit of time red side for a TF or something, but usually she was blue. And often going Full Auto on a crowd of foes. Not even Gene Autry could be "shooting the gun out of their hand" with Full Auto.
  19. Maybe it could pop up once you've left the team only, and if it had been one of those revolving door radio teams, it would just go ahead and list everyone who was on that team with you. I mean, I dunno we NEED such a thing, but then again I don't see any problem with it either. If some dev wants to put in the time. I do like the idea that there couldn't be any griefing in there as these are all "positive" possible choices. Like player notes and its stars, no one else would see it later, etc.
  20. I'm not hurting for them, but any "more" is probably a good thing. I think the original design ethos used to be to make them very signature by giving them outfits bits players couldn't have, so that might slow things down, but of course we needn't stick to it. I think setting up Incarnate NPCs would be OK too, but only if players opt in for that level of fight, like the new TF settings. I'd really hate to go fight in a bank and find out it's my Vet Level 30 hero, for example. I avoid PvP for a reason! 😃
  21. I'm not even sure how texture ended up in this discussion? I'm talking color here.
  22. I was going to mention an MM that I recently made, Bots/Emp that I found very chill, but if you want melee , then that won't help. Since HC came back I've found melee to be too much often, always having to run and juggle my targeting from one guy to the next. I find it very chill to hover around followed by Bots who'll look very askance at anyone who dares take a pot shot at me, and do all my support from range. But if I had to go melee it would be a stalker, being able to walk around in Hide it great.
  23. The tail's bushy enough to play the part for several creatures, don't let the terminology trip you up here. I'm guessing it would be easier to work on recoloring a pre-existing costume detail than just outright making a new one, so I was trying to be modest with my demands there. IIRC, the two cat tails: one has a more distinctive striping pattern than the other.
  24. You know, that big furry tail that's wolfish, where you can only add an extra color to the tip? Put similar stripes up the tail so I can make the raccoon thief I've been thinking of all this time!
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