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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. A mix of Ranged and Melee says "dominator" to me. But I know some people (cowards the lot of 'em!) like to only slot their Dom for ranged and avoid melee (make a blaster y'all), so they might not care for this idea of just one set for both. I think Six-Six's idea ther eis probably the best bet.
  2. Don't forget to open up Options and find the sliders to automatically accept team invites for level differences. I mean, you still can team without doing this, but this saves you having to click "yes" every time. https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/The_Players'_Guide_to_the_Cities/User_Interface/Options_Window#Team_Options
  3. If I roll a new character and think damn Clave my man, nice costume! now I wanna play this one, then I start looking round for a build. here and there as I level them up (no farming, but I have been known to join 50 radios in PI and so on), I might fund them off other toons to start following that build; otherwise I might drive myself down a blind alley of having not picked the good powers or something and thus killed my enthusiasm for the toon (I have been known to respec into another build if the first wasn't "me" though). I normally avoid purples (for obvious reasons here, and more to come later) and ATOs, although I have been slipping lately on ATOs... but anyway, by the time I hit 50, chances are I have a fair amount of that build in place. And then... by then, I've probably put together another toon and fallen in love with the costume, so I play them. I don't tend to meaningfully play my toons much after 50, so there's no point in waiting to 50 to give them some kind of a build (or for waiting to slot purples; too pricey too).
  4. I know at least some of the faces still have some baked on skin tone shading anyway, like to highlight the cheekbones and stuff.
  5. Why not also take the timer off the Rex window? You got rezzed, you get to choose when to take it, none of this OMGYOUONOYHAVESEVENSECONDS nonsense.
  6. My most perfect build is the one I enjoy playing the most, of course! But, recently I built a Bots/Emp MM, because having to constantly replace pets ends up feeling onerous the longer I play an MM, so I thought why not? She was pretty good about keeping her robot friends alive, and I also insisted her build include the Pulse Rifle attack from the Bots set as well as Mystic Bolt, to help pile up more damage. I ended up dropping a hold proc into each of those, and it fires fairly often, which makes soloing with her even easier. I'll have to admit I didn't make this build 100% on my own, I posted a sad first attempt at it in the MM forums and some kind soul took pity on me and helped it along to what it became. It's not min/maxxed within an inch of it's life, but it's enjoyable to play.
  7. IIRC, there's a way to edit the costume file for those ... well, I heard it was arms, not leg lengths... but anyway, it doesn't last, once you zone it resets (I think I saw people playing with it here shortly after HC opened up shop? Someone made a cop-outfit character and called him Long Arms Of The Law, which was funny). The giant players: they did hack something somewhere, and were promptly banned for it, ha ha. Or so I heard.
  8. Yeah, I ran into him once too but thought I'd just not be a pest; sorry to deprive you of that serotonin boost, Snarky! Kind of like OP, near the end of my Covid recovery, I was leveling a toon and having a lot of fun with it and even had a chance to start showing up regularly at "events" like Hami raids and whatnot, and was starting to reach that level of recognition as well. Sadly, I got all better and had to go back to work, and have made probably ten alts in the meantime...
  9. I may be a bad blaster, but my usual tactic on a team (solo might be different) is to open up with Full Auto, or to wait about a half second to do so after they've grouped around the Alpha-taker. Waiting for some effect to stack would probably end up with me using Full Auto on like two or three targets.
  10. I'll have to check it later at home where I have MIDS. Will say though, the KB->KD proc makes Gale so, so useful for a Stormie.
  11. Please post all of your builds, because I hate taking Fighting Pool ha ha. But as I don't have gobs of time to plan builds on my own I usually just run with one from these forums, and hoo boy is it a common crutch to make a build (just like relying on some Incarnate to take care of ridiculous End problems).
  12. All true, but that's a lot of ifs, Imho. If you want another T1/2, if you take Kick and then Crosspunch, if you need another attack in general. Meanwhile, pretty much everyone ends up having to otherwise throw away a choice on it (not all of course, I have a couple of Tough+Weave-less builds, but they are kind of hard to arrange well for squishies).
  13. Whoa, has someone still been trying to abandon this mission for two years now?!
  14. Nah, this is like Cuba, the government really doesn't want people coming and going, it erodes their grip on their populace. And hey, the spider guy just got done building his massive spider-base in Grandville, give him some time to tidy everything else up... probably with more spider bases sure, but still. Plus more of its architecture is more human-scale.
  15. I'd say Boxing / Kick, because they're bad and we have to take them anyway to get to something actually useful. So, I dunno, six-slot it or something.
  16. 1st off, thanks, that's very useful info. Second off, MIDS needs to be rejiggered to match what the game does, that's just confusing!
  17. My very first toon, back on Live, around issue 6. I click Rest that someone had told me about and... cannot get my guy to stop, to unRest. Can't move him, can't jump, can only spin around in a circle but still on my knee WTF? To make things worse, at this point someone comes up to me and Local chats "hey, I'm giving out free Inf to lowbies, want some?" I don't recall if I couldn't reply because I had yet to learn that too, but he hangs around for a good couple of minutes, "what, you wouldn't take free money?" before he leaves. Can't recall what I did later to unRest, may have logged out. I mean, I must have tried clicking Rest again, right? Right???
  18. Considering how massive base building has become for HC, they should already be working on some form of this. Sounds like it would be a perfect bit of icing on the cake for Hereclea.
  19. Don't make me look any dumber than I have to in public, you scoundrel! *shakes fist*
  20. Didn't want to clutter up their forum with this (or even know which where to post it in!) so here goes, you're stuck with me: When I've opened up my "view totals" floating screen, where do I look on that to see how much Recharge I've added to my character? I'm currently working on a Dom so this is obviously of some import. My guess is it's the bar labeled "haste"? I guess part two here, why does this bar read 0% when I mouse over it when I've got lots of recharge slotted and it says "215%" right next to it? See? tolja it was dumb! Thanks!
  21. That is not a helpfully written entry. The part "... similar to how a thumbtack is manually placed by left-clicking a location on the mini-map" should be at the very freaking top of that page, not halfway down the page. Something short and sweet and simple like "left click anywhere on your map to place a thumbtack." Like some tl;dr version for what the hell this is. And i assume one can drag and drop them into chat to share them with a group? Cause I've never been able to figure out how to get numbers of the coordinates off the map. I only recently learned that when someone puts those numbers into chat ("Winter Lord is at:....") that you can click on that in the chat box and make it appear on your map, and yet that useful info is in the last paragraph on that page.
  22. One big thing that springs to mind is the market. What with seeding and mixing of crafted IOs and attuned IOs, they've made it work for a smaller pop game that we have; without any of that, we'd all be running around hoarding SOs or paying two billion for a single LotG or something else ludicrous. If you have even one min/max kind of build on just one toon, you can thank that market work for that. Even back on Live it was becoming unsustainable. Opening up the Incarnate stuff was also very helpful. Back during Live, near the end, I was really seeing the population gravitating to doing little other than Incarnate grinding, it was seriously killing the game for me. For me, it's removing the gate-keeping around costume parts and the asymmetrical thing for gloves, boots and shoulders now. I suspect as time goes by, the updating of the infrastructure behind the scenes is going to be more important as well.
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