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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. I seem to recall having seen that somewhere but can't find it. Anyone know where it is? Please and thank you!
  2. Pretty sure I remember this too, I was positive I had run into one of the devs on thier MM at the black market on Cap once (it was a memorable character name, but I've since forgotten it).
  3. You'd clearly addled his mind after bashing him down the first time, and the Geneticists were just enjoying a good laugh, "look, there he goes again! Ha ha! Think we could get him to try again again?!"
  4. "jranger" was a forum thing from The Before Times, but I'm pretty sure only as a joke at his expense, if anything.
  5. Oh no, I didn't know he'd passed until right now. Wonderful person every time I interacted with him, he even once translated some AE dialogue into Latin for me for an arc for some Roman NPCs. Definitively someone who deserves memorializing here, hands down, no ifs, ands, ors. Should probably be somewhere in Cimerora, yeah.
  6. Eh... it's not really that big a thing to me. Sure, comparatively, it's a long arduous slog, but we're only talking about like maybe two minutes tops? Probably less than that. I actually rather like taking a few seconds to fly/jump/speed past the city, but I'm weird that way. I mean, it'd be a QoL sure, but a rather minor one I mean, there's lots more I'd rather see done first.
  7. Hey, Denver gets that too! Shame we don't actually have any decent regulation to avoid that.
  8. Advocating for a People's Republic of Workers? Looking to nail down a script for "Wolfnail & I"?
  9. Don't sweat a thing. If the TF is weirdly complex enough (not many of them are, maybe 3 or four?), the leader will probably be trying to herd the cats to get it done right, so just pay attention to them. If not, just follow everyone and pew-pew-pew and you'll be fine. I'd hardly done any TFs on Live was pretty new to it all when HC came back. The advice I give above got me through 90% of them. Might wanna avoid the "idiotically hard" setting ones for now, sure.
  10. If the place is such a moribund mess then why are Paragon City heroes so busy quaking in their boots over it, huh? Nyah!
  11. That right there would make it worthwhile.
  12. (BTW, it occurred to me that "farming werewolves for the relevant badge" is pretty much just playing that one Striga Isle TF, maybe doing a bit of grey hunting outside too; I almost always get that badge that way)
  13. Never, not once, not on Live nor HC. I am both too cheap to rebuild a character twice and too bored with them by that point.
  14. I enjoy the chaos of rambunctious puppies running all over the place like you've just asked them "wanna go outside, huh boy?" I view it as one of those things that throws a wrinkle into the usual steamrolling and takes some consideration.
  15. ARISE FROM THINE GRAVE!.... to tell me how it worked out, because I just created one of these myself.
  16. A base that looks good enough that you won't feel the need to hide when a friend drops by like that Simpsons "please don't tell anyone how I live" moment. But yeah, those steps up there look just fine, might have to give that a spin if I can find the time soon, thanks!
  17. That's what I was idly pondering, I wonder how much someone who knew what they were doing would charge to make me a decent base?
  18. What, should my character just sleep on the floor on a sheet-less mattress picked up in a Grandville alley or something?!
  19. Sooo.... like most any other thread during the rest of the year.
  20. Damn, mighty jealous of that one. Speaking of thersaurs-y options, I love this site: http://onelook.com/reverse-dictionary.shtml Sometimes it pulls some weird options out of its hat, such as terribly archaic words, words that were never all that popular and who's time has already passed or something, but loving words, it can be a joy to discover rarities such as "pawky" and then use them for your names (the bonus there being no one else has ever used it before). And if the presented words have nothing to do with your concept, they still might trigger some other idea for you.
  21. That's already about 90% of how I play, although I usually do want to trek to 50. But my schedule's too rough for any constant teaming. And I just won a bunch of merits and there's no way I'm not going to use those!
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