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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. Your framerate's so bad they're gonna change the name of the game to City of Statues.
  2. Back on live I created a brute who used a baseball bat for a club, and had something like a traditional old timey baseball uniform and a big orange pumpkin head, who was the character mascot for a Croatoa minor league baseball team. But I can't recall his name! "Croatoan Something" I think... never did level him, he was more a concept than a real toon.
  3. I haven't run it over a year, but I recall that the string of missions from Mr. G end up giving you a "War Criminal" badge. Even running a rogue at the time, that made me feel sorta of dirty... so, perfect for you ha ha! https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Mr._G_(Primal_Earth)
  4. I didn't know Null could get us to a ToT map, where's that? I mean, not to sound lazy, but I'm not at home or I'd go check myself...
  5. I know I've seen a few Mars Attacks martians running about over the years (this is a really good one). I once made one myself and was running through the reside tutorial when I stumbled into someone else's take on the exact same idea. Talk about awkward! That's the only time that's ever happened to me. I ended up never finishing the tutorial with that toon.
  6. Popping into Pocket D for the trainer there that can do sliders seems pretty straight forward to me. Have to admit I don't recall if gold side can get there or not though.
  7. Probably Storm's Lightning cloud, but I really prefer to be more in-your-face about calling down the vexation on some foe, like through a blast to the face or a broad sword to the face. Or bots to the face, that's fun too.
  8. To paraphrase Texas, don't mess with Grav Control. I say that jokingly. I know once or twice that empty cardboard box of a dumpster has blocked my view in a cave map or something, but it's a small price to pay, really, and doesn't happen too often. If it does bother you, you can choose to not take the power as you mentioned some players doing.
  9. That describes ever Corr I've played though: both! There's no dichotomy here, they can be two things.
  10. I've used a couple times in the past two weeks or so! I've also seen it from other players - when we didn't just start steamrolling the second two plus players had entered the instanced map anyway.
  11. Seems like at this point it's just splitting min/max hairs really. I mean, it's not like they aren't both playable anyway.
  12. I respecced to follow a build I found on the forums and it's a bit less blaster-y now, but I slipped right into the groove and sort of focused a bit more. Now I'm doing a fairly well balanced mix of blast and hold: picking which to do next, which targets needs a hold or soft-control knocking back, which to just blast, etc. It feels like a pretty good mix of capabilities - on a team, I haven't done any soloing yet, not that I usually do much anyway.
  13. Thanks everyone for your input. I ended up creating a Grav/Energy, because I wanted to throw forklifts at people, amongst other things. At 20th so far, she plays indeed a lot like a blaster (based on what powers I've chosen so far), which is easy peasy-playing (so much so, I haven't leveled a blaster past 20, too dull overall). Now that I'm starting to get near the exciting Grav powers, this "feel" should change. Dark was a very close second, so maybe I'll go for that one one next. Or Plant; never played a Plant.
  14. I had one back like I6, but it's been ages since then I think he was the only one ever for me, The thread down the ways about "what would you change for Doms?" sort of discouraged me. Plus I wanted to try a ???/Martial because I like the shurikans, but I hear the set's sort of, uh marginal. Then again I don't normally min/max like a mofo, so that might not be such a big deal for me. But I "need" to work towards permadom, or at least some real edging towards it. If it helps, I currently have Psi/Martial I made ages ago but never got past like 10th level, and I'm thinking of another, maybe Grav/Energy, or Dark/Energy. Sell me on the madness!
  15. I keep coming back to this thread misremembering what it's asking and thinking you're asking us to create some power creep for the game itself, like some deranged game of "you call that a power creep? That's not a power creep. This is a power creep!" So pardon me for derailing for just a second because the perfect thought struck me. My suggestion for such would be a Hamidon Summoning power set for Masterminds.
  16. You must be fun at parties! I'm never wasting my time picking a rez power, because I like to pick them. You can quit any team you want, too. =)
  17. "Feel like a real superhero." "It's your chance to design your very own really cool action figure and then play with it!"
  18. Summons aside, because that probably would be too crazy, maybe make these a power choice when you're leveling. You've paid for [power] and have it when you hit the next level where you're allowed to choose your next power, but instead of any of the usual options, you get to designate that one as your next power choice. Now you have it permanently, and later you can even add slots (maybe capped at only four or something?). Obviously you'd need to scan everything for balance issues and all before allowing for this.
  19. In general if faced with one choice or another, I would side with this (and truth be told, I'm not all that concerned about this issue anyway, really), but People absolutely start calling for blood if you take something away from them and I have no doubt that'd go any differently here Lots of folk are already complaining about the game being too steamrollery, at all levels So yes, let's combine two unpopular things, that's sure to work! 😁 Mainly I was just being a bit of a devil's advocate; I do currently like MSRs just the way they are and have died myself plenty of times on those ITFs, Dark Astoria content, etc. Personally I agree that "if you don't like playing that way, then don't. Take your ball and go start your own team with your rules, because that does always work out, the game has room for everyone and all play styles."
  20. I think instead of nerfing players attempting the Hami, it would make more sense to buff Hami instead; it's one thing to take stuff away from players, another to just put up[ a higher wall. That wall though would have to go up in lots of places though, not just Hami, right? MSRs, ITF, all 50 that stuff really.
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