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Everything posted by MoonSheep

  1. no you simply use the catalyst by opening your enhancement window, clicking on the enhancement you wish to use the catalyst on then it should show you the available catalysts you have to use have you bought the ATO set yet?
  2. some are better than others too, which set are you looking to use?
  3. this is so funny, some classic PuG times there sometimes you do wonder what kind of person is controlling the seemingly random acting characters, and how they are able to read LFG to see the TF advertised, message to join then lose all cognitive function to communicate
  4. started in issue 3 also, think you’ve summarised the era really well pre-IOs archetypes used to be much more defined, e.g for an STF you’d want certain powersets to have a good chance of making it. i remember completing it in 40 minutes with a really switched on team and that a really good run time back then rad defenders were in strong demand for AV battles sirens call in 2006-2007 was *the* place to be. it would be swarmed on both red and blueside, people would make alts just for sirens having a granite tank on the team was such a noticeable thing
  5. i’m also not a fan of MMs when building a team. if i’m speeding they’ll be left behind, if it’s hard content then heavy hitters are needed i’m sure they’re a fun solo AT for people who enjoy the playstyle, i might run one sometime as a chillout character
  6. levelled my third HC main to 50 the other week with @Xiddo. am now the proud owner of an elec/shield stalker though, i suddenly now have an urge to play my dom main again.. so i guess it’s back to a long spell of reverse altitis
  7. let them die and pop veng, in my opinion it’s much better for team support the nutrious corpse of our fallen comrade will bless the entire team with +30% def, +30% dmg and other goodies
  8. being able to confuse AVs through PTOD is nice too knowing you can lock down an entire mob instantly is very valuable
  9. i think also it’s the frustration of being in a big mob, doing your best to line up a melee cone and then hitting… one… enemy the rage is strong and lasting
  10. not as high level as yours but still great fun, submitting my club membership haha i found it didn't really need much defense from all the enemy debuffs if solo, and when on a team i let the tank take the alpha then hop in, venging any corpses that arise. great for speed run TFs, the debuffs make damage procs nice and spicy too
  11. it’s a great example of a build that would be better on a scrapper or sentinel than a buff/debuff support set positioning and proper team play will always be a more effective survival strategy than relying on set bonuses to facetank every mob #bringbackdefenders
  12. this doesn’t seem too bad mate. if it was me i’d pick up a few T3 team acc insps for the PPs and see how things go on the reverse, i ran a PuG mish team the other day and good lord was it good. every player was playing at their best and it was a dream
  13. absolutely. in my opinion a lot of defenders are worrying too much about playing scrappers, making silly tough/weave builds but neglecting the art of playing a defender and getting the best use out of their primary powers
  14. i have @Mezmera looking over my shoulder when posting on the dom forums, i have to hype up energy 😛 i do think it’s one of the more premium dom attack sets too, i’m not sure psi has enough damage for my liking
  15. i’d swap out tough/weave and pick vengeance / spirit ward. both great if you team a lot. a few def IOs in veng makes it really turn the tide of battle, spirit ward placed on the lead aggro taker makes a meaningful difference you could get away with 2 end reduction slots on disruption field, the difference is minimal having three i’d 3 slot amplify with 2 recharge and 1 guassian’s chance for build up. as amplify recharges so slowly you’re pretty much guaranteed to have the build up proc fire every time, double build up
  16. agreed. my mind/fire dom has every single power at range (apart from incinerate which sometimes gets used)
  17. i level by running ouro arcs for the badges and merits, TFs etc. stacks up pretty quickly i keep an eye out on LFG and my Events chat tab for monster spawns too, every little helps
  18. i have a D3 tank on test that i sometimes hop around with, darkest night makes things really fun, especially combined with other -acc powers it is of course less effective when enemies are much higher level than you, however i’m a big fan of buffs/debuffs as they benefit the whole team and make a character have a lot more ‘depth’ so it gets a thumbs up from me
  19. well, the current wave is rather sizeable time for new member posting controls?
  20. if you have assault and tactics i’d go for veng. it’s a beautiful team power and you can slot an LOTG +Rech in it
  21. MoonSheep

    MA Ideas

    wow, a 31% chance in a team of 8? that is great!
  22. MoonSheep

    MA Ideas

    this is an interesting read i notice attacks on my elec/shield stalker sometimes crit without hide (not AS), do you know what the standard crit chance is and does that also increase with team size? edit: doh, looks like @pearbear had already answered the crit percentage above
  23. After running a few blue cave missions and then the KHTF red cap mission which is ridiculously cramped, I’d like to hear your thoughts on worst map in CoX My nomination would be the arachnos base style maps - They make no logical sense, e.g there is no steps up to the lifts and often connecting areas have a ledge between them. Do arachnos climb around their base? If they have all this power and money why don’t do they design it properly?
  24. i joined a PuG a few days ago, a high 20’s mish team - the enemies were +5 lol. the lead seemed a bit odd before we even started but we thought we’d humour him by trying after the team unsurprisingly wiped he blamed us for being “cowboys”.. it was time to leave
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