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Everything posted by MoonSheep

  1. oh man, this is rage inducing like nothing else having a kin on the team that sits there using their lame ineffective blasts at range and not blessing the group with God’s Fulcrum Shift 🙏 and The Lords Speed Boost 🙌 should be punishable by a gruesome and memorable death it’s the reason my co-main is a kin defender, to play the set right
  2. you’re right - i pm’d you as i saw you had misunderstood my post and felt it was the nicer/calmer option than letting the thread descend into an argument, we’ve had too many of those in the last few months my fault for setting my expectations too high i suppose
  3. in my view, this mindset is the downfall of CoX - the game and teams are so much more incredible, powerful, interesting and diverse when people build their alts with the intended archetype and teamwork in mind the “me me me” fad has made the game boring and homogenous
  4. ooh, a TF i want to play, i’ll message the lead and get involved -joins team- well, i’m in now. time to turn off the chat window, nav bar, status bar and let ‘er rip in every direction for the next hour! - The average PuG team, 2004-2023
  5. talos or atlas park seem the most normal place to live - nice streets, some greenery, good transport links, not too overidden with crime imagine living in mercy island!
  6. haha.. i feel i am slowly getting closer to finding this mystical brawler a stalker/scrapper or tank, maybe shield or fire for the extra damage, ice or elec melee… trying them all out on test
  7. i have two lvl 50’s which i play almost daily since returning may 2019 (kin/sonic def and mind/fire dom) + now a lvl 41 psi/shield stalker which has slowed down i’m still on the hunt for the perfect third alt..
  8. tempted by fire/DM myself, or fire/ice - an eternal classic
  9. as dark has such a great self heal, have you considered playing more into +recovery sets rather than +regen? i have a D3 tank on beta i play around with and it seems to work quite well
  10. put it on health or another auto power unless you’re looking to use it for the set bonuses
  11. Some initial thoughts as someone who plays a mind/fire dom Overall, the slotting doesn't make too much sense, your main damage dealing powers appear to be very underslotted, whereas you have overslotted powers which won't give you much benefit - e.g. smoke You'll be able to slot with rare IOs reasonably easily from playing lvl 50 content and TFs, the inf will come in over a few sessions Here's the initial changes I'd make: - 4 Slot char with basilisk's gaze, or if you use it often, 5 slot it with the ascendency of the dominator. if it's too pricy, at least get the +Dam proc - Don't slot flares - Fire cages is overslotted - Fire blast is a primary attack, 6 slot it, or 5 at least - decimation if possible - Smoke is heavily overslotted - Consume is overslotted - Blazing bolt and blaze are hugely underslotted, give each 6 - these are you main damage throughout the build - Rain of fire may not be too helpful - Incincerate should be 5 or 6 slotted, another great attack - Consider taking ice mastery for Sleet if you are not thematically wedded to fire, it's vastly superior. Sleet will benefit your team and the ability of your imps to take down mobs hugely - If you take a shield with your mastery choice, give it 4 slots - One travel power is enough. If you have too many powers left over I'd recommend either leadership for vengeance (turbo charge your imps) or the teleportation pool for Fold Space to bunch things up, which I'd 3 slot with 1 acc and 2 rech
  12. hope you’re able to complete it before the eventual heat death of the universe
  13. RNGesus give’th and take’th, do not question his ways 🙏📿
  14. reading your story makes me think of the paradox where people are able to read LFG to see a TF advertised, message the lead for an invite.. then lose all communication abilities for the rest of the TF, completely unresponsive no matter the chaos unfolding
  15. the late 30’s and early 40’s were quite painful - though i have positive memories of being part of great teams in FF with kin support and incredible looking grav controllers the respec TFs used to be a lot harder too, sometimes you would fail them no matter how hard you tried
  16. are you familiar with how to monitor certain combat attributes to see what your current defense, damage bonus, dmg resistance etc is? i tend to keep a few stats monitored on every alt to see what my current numbers are
  17. you are underestimating my ability to mash those F keys during times of chaos 😛
  18. wandering peregrine island destroying the portals that rikti comms officers used to spawn - back in the day they used to reward good XP i don’t know if the game genuinely was grindier back then or whether i was just awful at playing it, used to do a lot more street sweeping
  19. i play my alts permanently stacked with T3/T4 insps and more backups in email where needed - it‘s why i don’t build for defense, my dom is stronger than any tank as it’s permanently juiced up to the eyeballs with insps 💉 i’ve considered playing my next alt “sober” for a different style of play
  20. if you’re feeling underwhelmed and want to experience a top tier dominator give mind/fire/ice or plant/energy/soul a go on test, the two unmatched kings 👑
  21. kin for life. when the best is on offer, why choose anything else? 😛 edit: probably not too great for solo play though
  22. it goes to me - thanks for the salvage 👍
  23. the “Buy It Nao™” price has always been higher than the average long-bid price ever since the AH was released on an alt i made bids a few months ago for around 500 rare IO recipes in total. every single one purchased now sells for either half the amount i bought it for, or the same amount along with salvage prices going down, things on the AH appear to be getting cheaper across the board
  24. i’ve been playing this as a stalker - it’s a great combo with the addition of AS. if you’re not too fussed about ultimate survivability i’d highly recommend it also consider ice melee/shield for the scrapper, it doesn’t have a strong ‘whacking’ feel (oioi) but is quite effective
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