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Everything posted by MrAxe

  1. My very first Frostfire (which went VERY badly) led to the creation of "The Predominantly Dead" sg. We never teamed again, however it was funny at the time.
  2. Managed to grab "Freezing Furnace" for my Fire/Ice Tank. I thought I'd have a worse problem with an elemental name.
  3. MrAxe


    (Without playing the victim) I have severe OCD and this is something I do, too. Nice to see I'm not alone in all these habits lol.
  4. It's the same situation here in the UK.
  5. Thank god. Been waiting on Carp Melee for like, forever.
  6. My nemesis. It messed up on me and I got booted last time. All those merits, gone. Not this year!
  7. I've been wanting an update for a while too. Would be really interesting.
  8. Back on live (before jet and jump packs) don't take super speed on your first toon. Oh the nightmare of Terra Volta *shivers*.
  9. I like the speed of pool travel powers. I'll go for a purchased one if I run out of power choices.
  10. Managed to spare a bit for once. Thanks for the hard work guys.
  11. Its a good combo with plenty of holds to stack up the magnitude.
  12. Farming with 3 toons has been the best way for me so far. Although its still possible to have hardly anything drop even under those conditions.
  13. In Stamina, 2 end mod and a performance shifter +end proc (also a healing proc if its a tank). Health varies a lot depending on build. At the very least the combined healing and end proc gets slotted. A lot of the time I slot at least one recovery global in there too.
  14. Other - remaining origin power pools and a new primary for Tanks.
  15. My Mastermind is not a lazy one. I'm constantly frantically clicking. For specific powers, one reason I love fly though is its the lazy travel power. I love how relaxed getting to most missions is.
  16. Make like a vampire and get outta here! Seriously though I'd have wanted to quit too.
  17. WASD to move (with X to fly down) and the mouse for everything else.
  18. Shield/Psi Tank (main, favourite AT, love TK powers) Ice/Axe Tank (old main, nostalgia overload from this one) Illusion/Storm Controller (super flashy and cool looking) Storm/Ice Blaster (2nd favourite AT, synergises really well)
  19. I heard that Interface works with PA though, or is that false? I'm also assuming that set bonuses like accuracy don't work either.
  20. MrAxe


    I hated it on live. Buffs not strong enough, debuffs not strong enough. The real issue later on is having to spam that single target heal like crazy. I've not tried it on Homecoming, rerolled as Necro/Dark and having a much better time.
  21. That dank cave one with wooden doors and the big room with multiple floors with holes in them. Especially when its a kill defeat all.
  22. I'm not sad like the OP but I can obsess far too much over builds. My main's main build underwent masses of tweaks across 3 years.
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