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Everything posted by Nayeh

  1. Strictly speaking of in-game options: You could set your LFG Message - it's the little textbox on the 'Team' tab of your chatbox when you currently don't have a team. Set a new Supergroup Message of the Day... Or whatever that login message is called. Create a new chat channel for your alts and assign a Message of the Day. Use the character biography or battle-cry. Create a macro.
  2. I stopped leveling my Arrow/Plant Satyr when I discovered this.
  3. If you want a Light Sabre, then Ninja Training.
  4. Looking a lot better. Here are just a few more minor tweaks: Dark Servant Swap one of your Cloud Senses in favor of the one with the Damage-Proc. Nearly all of the Dark Servant attacks are -ToHit so it will consistently fire. We're fine with our Pet doing more damage and it will inevitably generate Aggro. Tar Patch The -Recharge proc won't do much (or anything at all?) against PvE content. Swap in a different IO or shift the slot elsewhere. Mind Over Body Between Shadow Fall and Mind Over Body - you might already have decent Psionic Resistance. The Impervium Armors might be a bit redundant. Generally, you want to focus on getting Smashing, Lethal, and Energy resistances. Maybe 2x Titanium Coatings in their place or using more Unbreakable Guards. Twilight Grasp I would consider moving toward one of the Accurate Healing (or Healing?) sets. Like Touch of the Nictus - This ability is your primary healing option. Howling Twilight Shift around the level you obtain this ability. Use this as primarily for the AoE Stun/Debuff and prioritize the resurrection aspect second. Maybe target to have it where Maneuvers, Kick, or Teleport Target currently are. Fade Impervious Skin is a bit gimmicky. You could probably better utilize this slot with a different IO or move it to Health so you can slot Miracle in it - It's an excellent IO for endurance management. Shadow Fall Doesn't Shadow Fall take Defense slots? If so, throw a LoTG there to reach the 5x max on those. ~~~~ You may need to research how Fade & Shadow Fall are enhanced. I believe the Resistance or Defense element (one or the other) cannot be enhanced despite taking the slots? Any other suggestions I could make at this point would radically alter your build - Like swapping Teleport or Super Speed for Link Minds (another LoTG mule) or using a different Epic/Patron line. I just wanted to offer a little nudge. Hope this all helped shape your build! And remember - it doesn't have to be a permanent build. I've gone through 5-7 different builds on some of my favorite characters by now.
  5. Hi-ho. I'm certainly no professional and have only played a Mind/Dark Dominator... My commentary is mostly on the Mind slots, but here are some changes I would consider to reshape your build. Dominate Use 1 or 2 Hami-Os and DMG-Proc the rest out. 6 slots. This will be your primary damage ability - and it's disgusting. Confuse Coercive Persuasion (x5), use the Contagious confusion Proc here. You want an ability that can get more mileage out of this Proc (even in lower-level content) whereas Mass Confusion pretty much already gets the job done. No Damage proc as you want to avoid drawing aggro with this ability. Mass Confusion Superior Will of the Controller set (x5), no Damage Proc. You don't want to draw aggro. Total Domination Use Basilisk's Gaze (x4). No Proc. Or use Unbreakable Constraint (x5) if you're starved on getting the 10% Recharge bonuses. Mesmerize or Levitate Ditch one of these. I imagine you're already quite busy with your other tools and having both of these are constricting your Power/Enhancement choices for minimal trade-off. Tar Patch Remove damage Procs. Use Recharge or Slow/Recharge variants. You want more up-time on this ability (Resist Debuff = More DMG!) and the Procs won't be very impactful. Dark Servant Seems to be a bit heavily-slotted. Consider using Cloud Senses (x4) and maybe a Touch of the Nictus Proc. Darkest Night Dark Watcher's Despair (x4) for the Recharge set bonuses. Focus on the enhancements with Endurance Reduction. Terrify Ditch the Knockdown Proc from the Ragnarok set, it has mediocre gain chasing the 6th slot bonus. Or consider going a Hami-O/Proc route like the Dominate suggestion above. ~~ Other suggestions, Consider beefing up Twilight Grasp. Shuffle a little more for Tough/Weave/Maneuvers. With their current slotting - this may be an Endurance management nightmare without Cardiac. You'll probably have to reduce slotting from Tactics to achieve this.
  6. Accidentally turned my shield into the Eye of Sauron using a Left Hand Aura with an Elemental-Electric Shield.
  7. I made a Plant/Martial Dominator for thematic giggles and ended up enjoying it a lot more than I originally thought it would be. Plant/ overall is a very strong set in itself for it's Seeds of Confusion and the Carrion Creepers. You can easily wrack up a lot of damage and diffuse a lot of tension from your team with these abilities. Plus the creepers just look really cool. /Martial is incredibly gimmicky in terms of utility compared to other sets. I personally wouldn't recommend using it unless you were okay with a secondary that is inferior for the tradeoff of being something different and refreshing. Admittedly, I found it more difficult to build a Dominator using /Martial since the abilities don't have many secondary effects besides damage to qualify for other set bonus stuff. On any note, Trick Shot is a disgusting tool that just shreds enemies with a chaining mechanic. Masterful Shot feels really powerful and impactful with an interesting zipping sound animation. Since we're able to skip the secondary tier1 now, I haven't had much of a chance to try out the final Exploding Shuriken much. It was rather underwhelming to use in the past but I'm just happy to continue having a 3-part Shuriken chain for my character's silly theme - a Beyblade Master. Altogether, my shurikens slowly slice enemies apart like I'm some fancy butcher. I also have a Mind/Dark Dominator - this pairing has been my favorite so far that synergies extremely well. /Darkness secondary offers Gather Shadows, which is desirable by all Dominators, a really good mix of abilities that have an additional bonus access to -ToHit sets. You have plenty of options to work with to help reach your +Recharge goals. Smite, Gloom, Moon Beam, Gather Shadows, and Midnight Grasp are the only tools I ever use from Darkness Assault. Thematically, Dark serves as an excellent canvas for themes like Ink, Water, Sand, and Snow. Again, I would like to highlight that Darkness is a very strong choice as a Dominator secondary set due to it's broad selection of abilities and access to set bonuses. As for Psychic Mastery Epic - go for it. I have used this line twice now since having Link Minds and Indomitable Will grants you 2 easy Luck of the Gambler mules. Mind Over Body is just an additional plus.
  8. Hey buddy, if that were the case then you would never be able to escort a hostage/civilian toward an exit path. Turns out you can with a little inherit ability called Patience.
  9. Or you don't understand that the *real* problem is that supers are moving too fast with an unhealthy expectation of average citizens, zombies, mobile fly traps, and 600 lb animate stones to move at extraordinary rates. No, I don't agree with simply unilaterally increasing the base speed of these figures. Find external ways to influence their behaviors - either teleporting, physically carrying them, blessing them with some buff, re-summoning, or *gasp* slow down to their feeble playing field.
  10. Sounds like you guys aren't utilizing your Singularity very well. With the macro below, you can drop a Singularity directly at your target to use as a vacuum vortex on enemy groups. Without a target, the command will summon the pet in-front of you. Basic Command: /macro -- Vortex -- "powexec_location distance:10 Singularity$$powexec_location target Singularity" For a macro that matches the Gravity Singularity icon. /macro_image "GravityControl_Singularity" "-- Vortex --" "powexec_location distance:10 Singularity$$powexec_location target Singularity" For a fancy Black Pet-Summon Icon. I personally prefer being able to distinguish between abilities and macros on power trays. /macro_image "Arachnos_Patron_SummonOnePet" "-- Vortex --" "powexec_location distance:10 Singularity$$powexec_location target Singularity"
  11. The cloak, glow, and shading here (sort of) brings it all together to make it seem more authentic and combat-ready. I've always imagined wearing something like this (tight pants/leggings) under robes - not even more loose fabric. Colors: White, Off-White, Gold, Brown Head Face - Supernatural Face 12 - Icy blue eyes Detail 2 - Beard Full Hair - Ponytail Robes Robe: Terra Off-White Sleeves: Warrior Off-White Gloves: Tied Off-White Chest: Medievil-Assassin with Gold & Off-White to give a tiny cosmetic flair under the neck. Belt Warrior: Basic Legs: Tight Pant (Upper) Pants-Starburst Off-White & White... this creates a slight shadow variation towards the crotch with bright white toward knees. (Lower) Tight - White & brown - Drag in the white from upper legs. Brown for the shoes. Aura: Glow - Off-White, Full Body Glow vs No Glow
  12. Something animal-like from creatures that dwell in tundra climates.
  13. Not big on OP's suggestions. Though Shurikens/Weapon throwing themselves really deserve an entire Blast set. My Plant/Martial Dominator likes to add a little salt to the wounds by hurling out Caltrops ontop of the Creeps. The only suggestions I would make for Martial Assault would be to give the Shurikens some kind of secondary aspect to them - Like Defense debuffs or Bleeding effects. Preferably the Defense debuff because as the set stands now - it is kind of limited building with what are basically 3 single ranged attack-type abilities. I also feel like Shurikens are on-par with Broadsword in terms of what they do as a weapon functionally. Also for making Envenomed Blades a little more intuitive and impactful - it's just an okay ability that really could use some help as it doesn't provide much as the only buff-effect compared to the other Assault set buffs. Maybe give it a Swap Ammo-type function or make the Envenomed Effect more debuffy and not just a mere damage bonus.
  14. Dealing with Afterimages be like: 🥶 I have an SR Tanker that uses a Water-based concept - dodging is something comparable to time dilation. Where things appear to move slower from my perspective.
  15. Try being less basic and add more flare to a name - Like "Rabid Wolverine" or "Lecherous Lynx". Good luck snagging one-word(or letter/number!) names on literally any game that have been around for years.
  16. Uhm. Even if you got some fancy Star Strek or Star Wars name, you would probably get it Generic'd (a name change to something like Generic12398) after playing for awhile. As far as secondary goes... I enjoyed my Gravity/Ice Dominator because he fit my character's stardust forge-mastery well. For Dominators in general, /Dark and /Psi always seem like solid choices.
  17. I love making goblin-concepts. Though I do struggle making pure animal/beast-like figures with this creator... Anywho. Maybe something like this? Using inspiration from the bottom-right picture and attempting to create a Mask using 2 pieces. Head: Full Masks Face: Reptillian Detail 1: Reptile (the spikes on top) Detail 2: Cyborg 1 (Try swapping with Death Goggles, Enforcer, or other accessories) Detail 3: Mandible Aura: Glow > Eyes
  18. Yeah, Poison is toxic trash. Don't play it. I struggle finding enemies that aren't in some inebriated state or toppling over in seconds. On more sincere commentary: - This is my favorite(main) character. Thematically, I love the effects tinted red or blue. Including the hurling Alkaloids and Antidotes. - There are plenty of build paths. Some take the Support abilities, some completely ignore them. - I don't struggle with Mesmerize effects between strategic Placement, Debuffs, Break Frees, Clarion, Stuns/Holds, and having Friends around. - I'm pretty Tanky with the absurd amount of -ToHit applied. In fact, I diffuse a lot of pressure on teams through shear debuffing. - Bosses melt quickly (sometimes in seconds!) as they're more vulnerable to your damage/CC effects with debuffs. Confused Arch-Villains aren't that uncommon. - I adore the small community of fellow Poison-mains. I've come across some really glorious concepts like Velociraptors, Skunks, Frogs, Oil, and Maleficent. The set is fine and fun if you're looking for something niche and impactful. I would change absolutely nothing about it. (Fight me) 🐋
  19. Rhino Horn and get creative with finding a way to conceal the second horn. Meet Shadowgnash: Here I am using a golden Rhino horn with one of the Roman helmets using tinted brown elements to make all this headgear look like leather racing horse attire. Check out my slick blinders! I have also seen others use the the Wild, Cybertech, or Mohawk hairstyles mixed with Rhino Horn or Thunder Horns with some success. If neither of those seem to work, consider trying out a mecha-unicorn concept. For some reason, I find making non-humanoid creatures easier as a mecha with the costume builder CoH has.
  20. Using the Dark Variant on both Burn and the Damage-Pulse Toggle drastically helped me for Fire Armor visibility. It's still bad but it's bearable.
  21. Admiral Sutter: Varying difficulty, several enemy types, cut-scenes, and unique combat mechanics. This is probably my favorite Task Force. Synapse, Katie Hannon, Lady Grey, Virgil Tarakoss: Each of these TF's can influence the outside gameworld to trigger some kind of event (an invasion, spawn a monster, maybe temporarily open a portal to a unique zone, some kind of event that doesn't necessarily have to be destructive). I would like to see more TF's that give the opportunity for more community-oriented content. Multiple objectives within a mission alongside environmental hazards and more dangerous attacks that can ignore defenses unless certain actions are taken. I would like to see less content that could be done in a speedy manner and more content that calls for more tactical approaches that would otherwise trigger more team wipes.
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