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Everything posted by Troo

  1. More than enough.
  2. Can you feel it? It's almost that time again.
  3. Wheaton´s Law
  4. Sadly the above quote discounts the rest of your post.. just fyi "literally everyone" does not equal "in my opinion" Willpower could be considered more basic than Invulnerability. Battle Ax could be considered more basic than Super Strength.
  5. IS this focused more for Brutes or Tankers, set proliferation?
  6. To dream the impossible dream and You gotta fight for your right to party
  7. Troo


    elec/shield is very sturdy and splashie with pauses between AoE ice/fire/fire or ice/fire/elec is actually more AoE, AoE, AoE, AoE, AoE (these AoEs just don't hit as many targets) trying to max AoE on a stalker when scrappers and brutes are available..
  8. cheers
  9. At this point I think we are in hold our breathe mode.. PAGE 6! page 6! 6..6.. 6.. .....
  10. It was a pretty hot topic until the Dark Consumption tweak on beta.
  11. Any thoughts on: Maybe as difficulty is increased max number of targets for AoE could decrease.
  12. crickets for dark melee page 6..
  13. You could move.. There's an area in Texas and well.. Nevada
  14. @plainguy when your team does it, it may be time to take a look.. wait I meant when my team does it, it may be time to take a look.
  15. Awful. Thoughts to his family.
  16. Aren't the sorcerer PBAoE and AoE more attacks, debuffs and quasi-pets? I can rephrase to say 'defensive toggle dropping'.
  17. You fiend! @Lines I had a similar thought 'Oh dear gawd, please don't make some of those office maps more maze like!'
  18. As a demon role-playing a human playing a game using one of many many characters. I take it as far as I can throw it. (which is pretty far.. depending on mood.. and inclination) Did I answer correctly or was that TMI?
  19. Interesting. I would have thought it was a global.. but I guess now that I am thinking about it, it's not a global unique since we can have 5. Thanks for the explanations. There are so many subtleties it is bound to confuse folks. (honestly I'm a bit embarrassed I had some of it wrong)
  20. /em doublefacepalm no one is designing power sets around incarnate level characters.. that said +dmg for take hits sounds more ragey that regenie. it is definitely correct that:
  21. Yep, but we'd need to attune the other IOs in the set as well. As someone who lived in Sirens Call, making sure that enhancements were maximized for the desired level was important. (this mind set carried over to IOs) I seem to remember lower level Luck of the Gambler: Defense/+7.5% Recharge costing more that higher level ones. Maybe this was due to availability and falsely reinforced my misunderstanding.
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