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Everything posted by Troo

  1. I don't have any cash but to have mountains of infamy stashed.
  2. I gave em credit. :)
  3. I know, I know.. why did this get put in General Discussion cluttering up the important topics? Prizes I wanted to discuss prizes. I'm thinking some awards could be: Hardest Draw (Prize = choice of _______) Luckiest Draw (Prize = choice of _______) Best Costume (Prize = $$$) Worst Costume (Prize = 1 breakfree and forum fame)
  4. I'll see what I got when I get home. So much for self control.. Roll #1 __56__ Roll #2 __29__ Roll #3 __39__ Defender / Force Field / Electrical Blast (Initial reaction - "Okay this will be new" & "You can't kill me but I can't kill you") Roll #1 __48__ Roll #2 __25__ Roll #3 __79__ Dominator / Electric Control / Radioactive Assault ("Electric Control.. that's the give folks the shakes, right? That's Affinity fool. Sounds fun!") Roll #1 __57__ Roll #2 __39__ Roll #3 __56__ Mastermind / / ("well, I'm not doing this one, lol") Leaning Elec/Rad Dom
  5. Slot Machine's Random Challenge Up for a new challenge? Does the RNG really hate you? Maybe you're just looking for a new character to try? Ever want to create a new character and wish there was a tool that would randomly select a character for you? "Do you feel lucky, punk?" 3 d100 Rolls Roll #1 ________ Roll #2 ________ Roll #3 ________ https://rollthedice.online/en/dice/d100 Play for fun or for prizes. Win Big!! For Prizes: Roll AT & Power Sets then post to this thread: AT, power sets, name, costume, maybe some story, and later update with a level 25-30 screen shot! Multiple prize categories!! Through April 20th If you wanna chat with others in game @Xeph set up a channel: Slot Machine Supers This was done last spring. Credit @Mike Morbid and aided by @ArchVileTerror (Roll #1) Archetype (Rolls #2 & #3) Blaster Power Sets Brute Power Sets Controller Power Sets Corruptor Power Sets Defender Power Sets Dominator Power Sets Mastermind Power Sets Scrapper Power Sets Sentinel Power Sets Stalker Power Sets Tanker Power Sets Archetypes with Epics: - No Rules / Bring Your Own Rules - How am I playing: I am going to roll three characters and select one of them to take to level 30. (if I roll all masterminds, the fates hate me, but I'll do it)
  6. Something like below (doesn't have to be exactly this, showing something less expensive for the mid 30 levels) Click to enlarge Basic priorities while leveling up in my opinion 90% Fire Resist 30% Fire/Cold Defense (one inspiration can then get you to the soft cap of 45%) (Aegis in shields helps (3 or 5 enhancements)) More Damage (maybe add a Chance for ____ Damage in Area of Effect powers) Add more Defense (reduce inspiration need)
  7. Busy week here. I'll have one ready for next weeks challenge.
  8. Can we get these costume pieces on the permanent?
  9. Yes. It is counter-intuitive, but do the lower than your level farms. I believe there is a office map that is very full of mobs.
  10. but I digress

  11. It is April 1st

  12. History and experience shows that while changes may seem heavy handed at the time, they are often for the best overall. Feedback for devs is important and should be shared. Criticism is where we need to tread lightly. For some perspective: I play Energy Melee/Regeneration as my main since waay back. Nerfs are not unfamiliar. Changes are no stranger. Have gone from the strongest to middling. Sometimes the actual reasons were not forth coming (exploits of game mechanics are often not discussed). Sometimes, something I was doing was the cause for a correction. Bottom line: People speak up because they care & we are lucky to be able to play publicly. This is how it goes. -Troo (April 2021)
  13. The majority of the coming changes are most excellent.
  14. Tips and Tricks when posting images: Double clicking on an uploaded image allows for it to be resized in the post but still viewable at full size. There is an upload cap size. Tips and Tricks when viewing images: The popup viewer allows viewing the fullsize image The popup viewer allows viewing all images in a post (back and forth) If you have more Tips & Tricks please share them. Additional Tricks:
  15. just kidding I didn't read all the post..
  16. wait, wait.. just hold on there.
  17. 15s durations can be impacted by activation times. 30s duration w/ 5min recharge can be a good spot for taking alphas and reactive purposes, but is a bit busy (this would be my choice) 45s duration avail up to 1/2 time.. this is just looking for a comparable power to string together. just my opinions.
  18. If I wasn't asking a question and showing an example, yes it would be strawman. But my question was not to refute the RoP changes.
  19. Jimmy do you mean pool powers or any power? Scorpion Shield seems to fit "A single power should not be able to bridge a gap that results in entire parts of the game being obviated" Are all these type powers on the chopping block? What about Incarnates? Specific IOs? Proc'd out epics? It would be fair to give folks a heads up.
  20. One advantage the Flight pool has had is that it can use powers like Combat Jumping and still fly. The Leaping pool cannot use Hover and still effectively jump. Teleport can use both and still teleport. Super Speed cannot. There are many combinations of travel powers that leverage different aspects of the available powers to achieve different goals. Increasing Lives minimum flight speed a little would be preferred by many. Increasing Lives flight cap, and providing a path to or near the cap that does not require 3 power selections or slotting an individual power to ED range sounds good. (I haven't see this entirely yet) Question: Power swaps/removal/replacements by the dev team still come with a free respec? With multiple builds per character are there multiple free respecs? I look forward to build 4.
  21. The same could be said for the Live version of Afterburner. See Bopper's note above. Also, your having zero idea how to use it in combat does not trump or discount the fact that others do have combat uses for it.
  22. stand like an X with both hands in the air and Flares shoot out.. while hovering you are not crazy
  23. Ha! Thanks for the stability tweakers
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