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Everything posted by Skyhawke

  1. I agree that AI is getting too smart. My workout app suddenly started quantifying my progress in turkeys lifted...like it knows why I've bumped up my sets. My app shouldn't know I'll be eating mounds of turkey in two days yet...
  2. Sigh...nobody ever thinks outside the box. Do a reverse enter supergroup mode. That's the ticket.
  3. I forgot to address this part. For the sewer trial? I dunno. Giving it too much reward would just make it become yet another speed-run-a-thon, but as is it's not (obviously) bringing 'em in either. It didn't feel overly challenging (except the part where I was 1 dude trying to do the work of many), so that's not what's keeping folks away. It didn't feel overly long. I think like someone else said, it's not part of an accolade or doesn't grant crazy rewards so why bother. Hmmm...maybe a small accolade? Like something along the lines of fighting through the sewers and all the crazy gunk therein gives you a 5% recovery or regen boost or maybe resist to all? Nothing game breaking, but a niceish bump. 🤷‍♂️
  4. The high end sewer trial. I have never, ever seen anyone broadcasting for that one. I tried soloing it, but just couldn't be in multiple places at once. It wasn't hard, not even time consuming to progress through, it's just the final fight needs more hands on deck. To this day, I don't understand why people don't do it.
  5. Sounds about right. As others have said, it would've carried more weight if he was an actual part of the game. As you go along, you interact and do missions for the other big heroes, but Statesman is just this legend that everyone talks about, but doesn't seem to do diddly squat. Had he been a part of our experience up until he dies (and agreed...$@$@ing Darrin Wade?!?!?!?!), it would've hit hard. As is, it's a "Yes, very sad....Anyway..." moment.
  6. Brawl: Punch your foe with green pepper level damage. Inferno: Unleash a carolina reaper level blast of fire damage all around you. I think we found our new way to quantify damage.
  7. I have been playing Cyberpunk 2077 for the new dlc, but am taking a break after hitting the
  8. Fighting the urge to call a couple people loonies, it's hard. I mean, we skirt the bears den as is, why start chucking firecrackers in there? I guess some people really do just want to watch the world burn.
  9. Just have Manticore pop out a random door, yell "Get the hell offa my lawn!" and insta kill everyone with Rain of Arrows. Afterwards, all doors in that area cease to work for 20 minutes because he called his neighbors and told them to turn their porch lights off. Leagues have to keep moving, AFKers are left dead on the sidewalk (while Manticore smiles as he drinks his coffee), MMs just hanging out from afar lose their gravy train, it adds a sense of suspense/danger and the event becomes more dynamic.
  10. Best value: The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind. I bought the game and both expansions. Between the expansions and player mods, I had @ 320 hours in on one character. Freaking loved that game. Worst value: The Order 1886. I bought it full price, beat it a couple hours wondered what the hell Sony was smoking.
  11. Another example of blatant stalking, this time the song's just pointing it out.
  12. I'm in. I'll make Fra Gee Lay, the Itallian stalker with gams and fishnets for days.
  13. Went to this one and it was crazy amazing! You folks put a ton of work into that haunted manor. Kudos!
  14. Shhh...don't mention the end of Halloween lest she rise again!
  15. I miss when a team would finish the Frostfire mission then spend 10 minutes ice surfing in that room like kids. Do one now and it's "gg", "ty", "tc" and everyone splits. The ice slides are still fun, stay and be goofy!
  16. Yeah, but now when I bid the usual 300 it doesn't take. I know it'll go back down, but at the moment, it was driving me batty. Seems like a dick move to me. 🤷‍♂️
  17. Popped into the university to craft some IOs and when I went to buy some salvage I was out of, I ran into someone realllllly overpricing all the basic salvage. Why, oh why (besides the obvious) do people do this?
  18. Brawl. When you're tapped out and can do nothing, Brawl is there. Brawl is with you start to finish. It asks nothing and gives everything. Brawl is life. It knows you'll get your nukes and one shotters and snipes. It knows you'll eventually become an Incarnate. Yet through it all, Brawl is there. It waits for that moment when all else fails and you have only your two fists to depend on. So keep Brawl on your tray, hell, slot that sucker with IOs because it will never let you down. That, friends, is true power. Fire nuke is also nice.
  19. Eochi and Jack in Irons are part of a giant monster fight club and we keep interrupting their sessions.
  20. Could just make the EBs beeline for anyone flagged as AFK. Double xp stops working after you've hit the pavement. 😈
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