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Everything posted by Six-Six

  1. Oh, one big possible deal breaker I forgot to mention is the community. The community, in my brutally honest to goodness unadulterated opinion SUCKS BALLS to high heaven. Yes, you do get pockets of decency here and there, but all in all, the general population can all go to Helsinki for all I care, pardon my Finnish. CoH community is much much MUCH better=er.
  2. Thanks @TraumaTrain uhh. no deep reason for the AT and power set combo. I don't have a lot of AssRifle toons so I just assigned the costume to an existing toon. The Merc/Traps is just one of my on-and-off petless projects that get stalled for months at a time. With those projects, I need an inspiring costume change to get the ball rolling again. So the costume just fit the concept but didn't stem from it. I was close to giving up on the toon since it IS pretty much an uber-gimped corruptor, and it's really tough to play. It being a Death Korps is giving me the initiative to push on "for Krieg" haha. I, too, love 40k art and lore. I don't play it as I've never had the chance. I'd love to try, but the dice math is intimidating for my wee brain. I have a bunch of other 40k looks in my work in progress folder, like the Drukhari, T'au, and (posted months ago) an attempt at an Ork. I have a bit of trouble reconciling their presence in Paragon/Praetoria. The three above are ones that are able to suspend my disbelief enough to play them with a clean conscience. Death Korps and Sister of Battle found themselves thrown to the Rogue Isles and Praetoria respectively by the Warp; the Necron "woke up" here (so you know what comes next haha). Nonetheless, they're making the best of it. Here's an Emo-BDSM Gladiator first draft. still fine tuning 😃 Let me know if you'd like some of the costume files. I'd be more than happy to share them with you. 😃
  3. I'm in Asia too and I can relate to your latency lament. Yay for third world internet. I used to play in Reunion which was the most decent in terms of population to latency to time zone ratio. However, Indom's population drop has actually worked for me. Now I switch between Torch and Indom. Time zone's don't really matter as much since I mostly solo.
  4. I ended up with FF/Energy Defender as well. I considered a Dom, but it disregarded the ring aspect in favour of brawling (Ok for guy, but mine was Jessica Cruz). So the bubble sold it for me. Incidentally, I also considered Dark Miasma for a Red lantern because of the tentacles.
  5. Speaking of the Wild West, there's this game that I play on and off. It's called The Outdoors. No internet connection required. No need graphics card (or computer for that matter). Very immersive, especially the Health and Stamina/Endurance aspect. Graphics are awesome...almost life-like, though a little glitchy depending on your location. Not totally F2P and because of that there's a big controversy about it being P2W. DLC's help but not necessary. Story which is mostly campaign mode + sandbox with surprise PvP here and there. Honestly, the plot could really use some work. I don't think any of the players nor the devs really know what they're doing. But the good news is, no one is REALLY good at it. so you're all pretty much on equal footing.
  6. According to Bob Dylan, it's blowing in the wind.
  7. Got a couple of new ones inspired by 40k Edit: make that three 😃 Death Korps is a petless Merc/Traps MM currently at level 28 Necron Technomancer is a Beam/Dark Corr which I may play... one of these days. Sister of Battle is an alternative costume for one of my 3 DP/Ninja Blasters (2 at 50 and one at 15 heeh)
  8. I used to take Voltaic Sentinel and just slot a +chance to stun on it and try to have it around as much as I can... when it was a clickie. But like I've said, since they made it a toggle, the benefit it gave me wasn't justified by the amount of juice it required. I'm curious to how you've slotted it and am eager to hear how you use it/it performs for you seeing as you refer to it as ST Damage. I've learned to turn off travel powers when in combat for two reasons: 1) End consumption is ridiculous with them on and I prefer to walk out of a fight alive than run quickly to my death. 2) Having travel powers on is a little too much for my brain's modest processing power. I simply can't comprehend things fast enough to keep up. That said, Devices is one of my favourite secondaries on a blaster. I suppose I'm just too used to how it plays to mind it. However, I'm not much of an insp popper and I rarely find myself chewing on blues (though I carry a full stack of purples just in case) unless it's a prolonged tussle with a tanky EB. On blasters, I almost often take tough, weave, Acrobatics, Assault and Maneuvers (tactics is a lower priority because of Targeting Drone... so sometimes yes, sometimes no) and an Epic/Patron armour. I make sure to devote at least a slot or two for pure end redux on those because those things will add up if I'm not careful.
  9. I usually stick 3 end redux in Targeting drone as soon as I can and work on slotting 6 piece Gaussian to fix its end addiction. I dropped Voltaic Sentinel since they made it into a toggle. The end consumption vs benefit was unbalanced. and Gun Drone, I just stick an end redux or two if I can afford the slots (and I do use Gun Drone quite a bit) What makes Devices useable for me is setting up Stamina with 3x Power Transfer+ perf shifter proc, Field operative with 2 Miracles and a perf shifter proc, taking a jump travel power and 4-slotting Launch for the end bonus. 2 piece Annihilation in Caltrops (since I don't take the primary AoEs) and 2-piece Unbreakable Guard for the end bonus. That's pretty much my bare minimum in terms of set bonuses. With this, I don't have to resort to Cardiac, but I do get fairly winded after an extended tussle.
  10. Isn't there an enable/disable switch in Options>windows>pets>show other pet names? That should do it. Also, manually targeting during a Mothership Lagfest??? You must really enjoy healing for that kind of torture. 😃
  11. Isn't 15? Pillar Missions start at 15, not 10 nor 25. Notwithstanding, I do wish Spiders can start goldside.
  12. @Koopak I get what you mean. However, it doesn't seem to have any effect on Ninjitsu/Ninja Training. I have several toons with those power sets that are not Ninjas, Japanese nor remotely Asian. I think the players are old enough to wrap their heads around it despite the monicker. Also, dropping the "Viking" won't make a Berserker any less Viking much like dropping French makes them less Fries (which are Belgian by the way).
  13. I know @Troo said that this was supposed to be a modified Regen set, but I think it would be more interesting if it was opposite of Regen. Like you get +Def and/or +Res at the cost of HP/regen. I mean it flows with the Berserker theme. You're not actually regenerating or healing, you're just so pumped that you're ignoring damage to your body. It would also be in line with the checks and balances to prevent it from being too strong. It doesn't have to be Def/Res, it could ToHit at the cost of Crit chance (swinging wildly), or even introduce a new mechanic of +damage to your team... I mean there's a reason Berserkers were feared and mostly alone, right?
  14. I haven't played Tankers yet, so this is with Brutes or Scrappers in mind. Berserker Secondary Viking's Oath / 1 / Auto: +Def, +moderate regen Horn of Mead / 2 / Toggle: Self Heal, +Res(Smash/Lethal/Psi), Yarl's Pledge / 4 / Auto: +Max HP Pillage / 10 / Click: Self Heal, +Recovery, +Recharge, +Inf, +chance for rare drops (recipes & salvage) Shield Wall / 16 / Toggle: PBAoE +Res(Knockback, Disorient, Hold, Sleep, Immobilize), +Regen Allfather's Gift / 20 / Auto: Self +Def & +Res(All DMG) Freya's Blessing/ 28 / Click +Regen, +Max HP Berserker Rage// 28 / Toggle: PBAoE +ToHit Debuff, SELF +Recharge, +Dmg, +minor DoT, SELF -HP DoT Valkyrie's Wrath 35 / Toggle: SELF +DMG, +Recharge, +Acc, -Def (similar mechanic to Force of Nature) Doors of Valhalla / 38 / Click: Self +DEF (All DMG moderate...maybe 10-15%), + RES (All DMG again, moderate maybe 20-25%), +Recharge, +Debt Protection, + Instant Revive. but comes with End Crash The idea behind it stems from Natural origin (human) to slightly Magical. So you're just a bloke who IS CONVINCED that they're invincible either by belief, training, or substance abuse. The first few powers build up your Res, Def, Regen/HP, even Recovery and Recharge... because Vikings. They set you up nicely to use the last 3 powers, which on the surface come at a cost, but should be offset by your previous powers if built correctly.
  15. doggos. I like doggos. cute wittle doggos... who's a good boy? who's a good boy? go fetch, bring me back an eyeball.
  16. ...So I have a personal SG, SG-A. I have the toon that created SG-A, Alt-1 I create another toon, Alt-2 The current request is that Alt-2 can just type /altjoin SG-A right from the get go. In order for this to work, they system must recognise that: Alt-1 and Alt-2 have the same global. Alt-1 should have set permissions to SG-A for automatic invite/acceptance of application and that Alt-1 does own SG-A. what if some other bloke typed /altjoin to SG-A instead f SG-AA as he intended but made a typo? what if Alt-2 did the same typo and typed /altjoin SG-AA? To set permissions, recognise SG ownership and authority, recognise global, and allow override takes roughly 5 mins of code writing. Add another 5 minutes to navigate the spaghetti code to where it's at, a few more minutes to test it so that it doesn't make any other part of the spaghetti code go wonky, a few more to package it as a patch and roll it out, several seconds to download it (includes restart of the game client)... for a grand total of who knows how many minutes. from a volunteer dev group who most likely have other better things to do. versus 1 minute of your precious time to switch to Alt-1, type altinvite, and switch back to Alt-2. Then what's next? /jointeam? /joinleague?
  17. but this disregards authority and the application process. To join a supergroup, you have to apply for an invitation and the person with authority will accept you. You can't just force your way into an SG. Is it too much trouble to log in with a current member of your personal sg and invite your alt(s)? it takes less than a minute.
  18. what happens when the mission door is smack in the middle of the two trams? will the game break and Paragon collapse unto itself?
  19. Sally??? don't go lumping Sally with the rest of these buggers. 😃
  20. You're right, we can't just have A favourite. Some of my past faves are Pistols/Ninja Blasters and Rad/Energy Blasters, so much so that I have 2 of the latter and 3 of the former... because I enjoyed (still enjoy) levelling them up. I also have a Bots/Dark/Soul MM that I never tire of, and 2 Elec/Dev Blasters... and spiders, of which I have a dozen (8 at 50, 2 capped at 38 for SG purposes, and 2 project toons that only train until 10) My current favourite is a Dark/Savage Dominator (who's slated for Psychic Mastery later). He started out as a suggestion for @Snarky as to what AT and power sets would be nice for a vampire. I ended up rolling him to sort of put my monkey where my mouth is for the Snark Master, and the toon just woo me over. Of course, re-watching Castlevania on Netflix may also have been an influence. I like how Balthazar the Arisen came about. His story progresses as he levels up. First he barely had any powers... just a way to paralyse (dark grasp), exert control over lesser creatures (call swarm, and later a flock of ravenous... uhh... ravens) and his basic slashing-thrashing attack with his sharp nails. He's weak in his current state as he has just been turned, so he relies on his smarts and cunning to get around or go through whatever stands in his way... and to toy with his enemies. Recently (just dinged level 20) he's learned to coerce the minds of his enemies (possess) as he chuckles to himself while they kill themselves for him.
  21. Yes. Def is overrated. Role a x/martial blaster so you can experience the thrill of almost dying in every tangle. Nothing like the threat of death to make you value life. 😃 Srsly, though. Kicks and shield are a very fun combo. I'm not much of a bean counter when it comes to stats, but the sheer enjoyment of flying and roundhouse kicks while holding on to a shield is like Captain America with a bit of Kung Fu training. You can of course swap the fist animations for some of the kicks... as they conveniently hit with the unshielded hand, but kicking is funner.
  22. I have a Bots/Dark/Soul that can solo GMs. And yes, magic origin, because magic and science are two sides of the same coin.
  23. Strictly speaking, you only get about 20 million inf from missions, including the selling of common and uncommon salvage, which for all in tents and porpoises, is practically chump change. There are a few tricks to playing the mysterious AH such as selling off merits, craft-convert-sell IOs, etc. You also get about 80-100 recipe drops from level 10-50 just from door missions (task/strike force excluded).
  24. I don't know if it's a secret, but it's something I've observed. Ambush mobs from Legacy Chain, Wyvern, Tsoo, Family, even Longbow and Rikti have followed me down elevators like how the premature protectors in Doc Buzzsaw's arc will chase you down (2 elevators even); but normal mobs will lose interest and go back to their post if you slip inside a lift. Also, Ambush mobs that spawn from clicking a glowie will rush to where you were when the NPC chatter is uttered (in chat). So as soon as they say their line, move to a different spot and you can catch them off guard.
  25. I do love Group Fly on Bots. But I feel the odd man out when I team with that toon, so she flies solo most of the time. Another option would be like the Team Transport dialogue box, or the Magic Fortune (from P2W... similar to insp chest and secondary mutation... I forget the exact name)... that asks a Y/N input if you want another players Group Fly to affect you whenever it is toggled on. If a player joins a team with it on, then everyone else just carries on how they were. But if it's toggled off and then turned on, then you get the confirmation dialogue.
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