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Everything posted by Sovera

  1. Of course you're involved in this fiasco. I am not surprised. Carry on challenging the 6% DPS loss, forum knight.
  2. The justification has been given, you just decided to ignore it and all subsequent posts. You're not after an argument, you just want an echo chamber because your mind is set. This thread is a waste of time, carry on without me.
  3. Yes. And that's what these ten pages have been about. Not that it is an insignificant nerf (and a bug fix rather than a nerf at that), but nerf, omg. I'm all for a bit of forum drama if I have popcorn and the patience to wade through ten pages of 'gut feelings' and 'think of the children' and 'these devs will KILL COH IF THEY CONTINUE DOWN THIS PATH!' but lets at least listen to Bopper and his math. 6%, and now the devs have things clean behind the scenes to ease their work. Lets please move on.
  4. All this DRAMA over a 7.5%. All this DRAMATIC arguing over SPREADSHEET DPS. I'm amused. In practical terms 90% of the game is melted under 10 seconds with or without a Tar Patch. I suppose that with a Tar Patch it would go down to 7 seconds. With a 'nerfed' Tar Patch it goes to 8 seconds. (THE HUMANITY! WON'T SOMEONE THINK OF THE CHILDREN!?) A 'hard' target that takes a minute to kill without Tar Patch goes down in 40-ish seconds with it. With a nerfed Tar Patch about 45 seconds? THE HU-... nvm. I can assure -everyone- in this thread that in actual game play no one will even notice the difference. On a long run, with DPS meters running that tally the total damage and kill times, with 5 minute long boss kills and DPS checks, yeah, sure, 7.5% would be noticeable by theorycrafters min maxing a static comp. But here?
  5. Sonic/Bio Sentinel. Amazing fun. Only tarnished because cones really -need- to work without targets and where the camera is faced. 2.6 second animations need to be throw to an open fire as well. Currently a Dark Melee/Fire Brute. DM has the buzzsaw aspect with each attack having two damage procs, on top of Fury, on top of Fiery Embrace, on top of Soul Drain. Fire Armor fixes Dark Melee's lack of AoE with a Fury + Soul Drain + Fiery Embrace empowered Burn, Shadow Maul taken and slotted but not used until the changes to DM come in. I've gone ham on endurance recovery tools (Physical Perfection, Consume, Superior Conditioning) and I feel I should drop them since the build has.... Dark Consumption and Consume... which, incidentally, do noice AoE damage even slotted just for endurance and recharge once empowered by Fury + Soul Drain. I'll test some more. I've just replaced Shadow Punch for Midnight Grasp and will be testing if the loss of buzzsaw will be annoying or not but it is difficult to argue replacing a 50 damage attack for a 186 one.
  6. Still considering the question in the topic, the Rad Armor has something like 86% resistance to recovery and endurance debuffs. As well as 75% defense against recharge and slow movements. A Bio Armor Tanker has 86% resistance to endurance debuffs, but 0 to Recovery (which, like Super Stunner revives and Carnival deaths is an auto-hit effect anyway) and 60% resistance to recharge and slows. Overall I would still lean towards Rad Armor.
  7. The best must have been a Rad/Bio Brute to a Rad/Bio Scrapper. Devastating Blow was pretty uninspired on a Brute having no special synergy. On a Scraper it has extra crit chance and the Critical Strikes proc (which I -still- don't have a clear idea if it fires when the power fires, thus the power is included in the proc time, or if it fires -after- the animation and thus the power it is used on is not included in the proc) made using it more palatable. Ultimately the uber long animations on the set turned me off something fierce. I'm currently trying a Rad/Ice Brute but the long animations are definitely working against me once more despite having decided not to take Devastating Blow this time around. It's level 29 and I'm already ugh. Ice is incredibly end hungry to the point Energy Absorption is part of my rotation, which works fine since it recharges fast, and Rad is super slow and hungry as well (-another- toggle, why not?). I'm thinking of re-rolling to DM/Ice Brute instead since my peeve with Ice is the lack of a reliable self-heal. Until the DM changes hit I'm probably just shelving the idea along with my first DM/Shield. Leveling with an AoE that only hits two enemies is not fun.
  8. Agreed. What is exactly the balance meaning of making activating toggles such a long affair? I have no idea what the original devs were thinking when they made it so. A toggle is something thrown once at the start of the session and then ignored until the next death or the next session.
  9. This will never not be funny. Carry on.
  10. When I tested a /SR (and (/EA) in a Comicon I was disappointed at how they got eaten alive. Aid Self was unable to cope up. /Bio didn't even care and I'm going to assume that Dark Armor is very much the same. The lack of resistances the numerical one above me mentions is correct, IMO, having resistances kick in only at half HP and lower is no way to keep up. Now that said farm maps in particular the Comic Con one do not reproduce normal game play situations and as thus should not be used as a metric.
  11. That unwanted pure damage IO from purples has found its way +5ed into many of my frankenslots. Cheap (in slotting) way of filling out that stat.
  12. Man, you did not lie about the rambling 😄 I just want to add that Blopper did something -precious- with this thread about movement speed in the Guide section. But basically buying Jump Pack and the Steam Jump not only maxes Afterburner's hardcap but also pushes Hover to Flight speed. And since both packs can be used in an alternated fashion this is effectively a permanent thing. And it only costs 100k ^^
  13. Note that the in-game tooltip reflects slotted accuracy (and possibly global accuracy but that part I am unsure of). I had this same doubt in the past and was clarified in these forums. If you are unsure use the character creator and then yes, use the detailed info and check the accuracy. I went and took a peek and all but the last two (who are at 1.2) have the 1.0 accuracy.
  14. Previous poster missed the point. But no, the buff stops expiring if you are logged off. Buy straight up eight hours instead and just re-up it if near Atlas or Pocket D.
  15. It's the HP that gets debuffed, not the def/res. If you monitor your HP at some point it reaches 300 HP where the slightest sneeze from the bot will kill.
  16. There are other reasons why /Bio is lacking for a Tanker. It has zero ways of natively raising S/L defenses so it needs to be brought up with pools and set bonuses. That makes the build tight (no real room for the Presence pool unless deciding to chuck Hasten). Because it relies on set bonuses and pools it doesn't benefit from the extra defense that Tankers get. So it ends being the same as a Scrapper ultimately. Why is this a problem? Because a Tanker is an agro sponge. They will just vacuum up agro and make everyone mad at them. A Scrapper can get away with this. Since the question wasn't 'does /Bio work for a Tanker' and instead 'Rad or Bio for a tanker, which?' I'm still going with Rad.
  17. Well, first off I'm going to say you missed your call by having rolled a Scrapper for that combo. While /Fire is a good choice to increase StJ/'s AoE doing so on a Scrapper will make the enemies run away from Burn which is pretty much the real reason /Fire is taken. Go for a Brute instead. As for surviving while you level you'll be wanting to munch on purple inspirations and rely on your heal.
  18. This was how it was in the previous expansion in WoW. I made a fair bit of dosh but it involved a looooooooooooooooooot of AFK crafting. Lets put this in perspective: I would go to bed leaving the computer on while the character crafted. It was common to spend a whole morning in a different window while my WoW character crafted. It was common to buy 3-4k raw mats (to put -that- in perspective it would fill my inventory four times, easily, and I had the biggest bags possible to obtain in the game) and juggle crafting while receiving mail since there was an enforced 1 minute delay between receiving mail batches. BUT! It was useful! I was grabbing crafting ingredients that players had placed in the AH, I was crafting, and then I was placing the end result in the AH and the people who needed it were buying them. It was a service! Gold moved! Those who wanted the stuff didn't have to craft it, those who were selling the mats had their time picking up things rewarded! Now I flip. And it's a useless service. It's leeching. It's skimming from the top.
  19. Does anyone even -care- about the defense Afterburner gives other than a coincidental LotG mule? Has anyone ever went omg I'm so glad I had Afterburner's extra defense! Letting it go and turning it into an auto would be welcome.
  20. I'm not sure if /Bio is suited for a tank. /Bio does not have DDR. /Bio's regen and absorbs are nice but will not be enough to save from a horde of cimemorans wailing on them. CC (constant knockdowns from Footstomp) or secondaries with defense increases (Katana, TW, Staff) will help negate this flaw. FOR A TANK I am going to say Rad armor.
  21. I gave up trying to make a grey Dark Melee coloring to match the Dark Shield skin in Shield Defense. If I choose Bright Coloring then DM refuses to be black. The darker the color the more invisible the effect. The whiter the color the brighter the effect is. If I choose Dark Coloring then DM seems to only have pitch black as an option. It's an exercise in frustration to wander around clicking on all hues and see the coloring not moving from pitch black. We can change to reds or greens and it is visible as long as we stick to the brighter hues in Dark Coloring, but straying towards the darker ones and it's pitch black. Suffice it to say grey is just not an option.
  22. I have to say one thing that is while people are starting to make grumbling noises about forming a lynch mob because they are being trolled this is a pretty normal practice in WoW. The newest expansion in WoW simply -murdered- professions and the game went from a healthy profession based economy to professions not being worth the dung one might step upon, so I was 'forced' to join in with the flippers after several attempts at funding myself. And I have to say it feels like trash. -Trash-. Flippers are the scum of the earth. A normal economy can be driven to the limit of what players can afford to pay until they reach a point they will rather not have it than pay for it. What do the flippers bring in to the game? -Zero-. They bring nothing. They only leech. They grab normal priced items and put them as little as 10 or 20% higher. That's it. As long as players will grumble but be in a hurry and pay the extra the profits come in. Since I was not very serious about it I averaged a modest 30-40k a day, but since I only needed about 200k to pay for a token as one can imagine I could pay for it in two weeks and my work was all automatic via addons. I can assure you that people were not trolling when they did this and while it is possible that people are trolling here I'd more readily believe someone setting up an AutoHotKey script to do all the clicking and cursor moving. Some people are literally AFK farming with dual auras until mobs kill themselves, so I don't find farfetched someone thinking that this is a good idea. Funny enough I found a small market when I was looking for damage procs of a certain niche set. The procs were selling for 4-5 million which was more I felt like playing with the current ironman rules I've taken to using. But the level 10 recipe of the set but from a different IO was at 10k. I bought five recipes, crafted for 600k cost total and then converted. I was actually tempted at buying all recipes and crafting and converting, but part of the self imposed ironman rules is not messing with the market.
  23. What is there to be said prior to having accumulated the needed influence? You're making a needless wide eyed case of an ingenue. You just live off inspirations like everyone else. Have you tried asking these questions in the threads where the builds you mention were posted? While you have a point this isn't DBZ where we will post a build and go 'This is me at 10% of my real power. And now I will use 20%'. Though I suppose it would have been less fun if Goku did not try to fight normally at first, then go SS1, still be unable to win, then go SS2, then 3, then god, then blue. I DIGRESS!
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