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Everything posted by Sovera

  1. I gave up trying to make a grey Dark Melee coloring to match the Dark Shield skin in Shield Defense. If I choose Bright Coloring then DM refuses to be black. The darker the color the more invisible the effect. The whiter the color the brighter the effect is. If I choose Dark Coloring then DM seems to only have pitch black as an option. It's an exercise in frustration to wander around clicking on all hues and see the coloring not moving from pitch black. We can change to reds or greens and it is visible as long as we stick to the brighter hues in Dark Coloring, but straying towards the darker ones and it's pitch black. Suffice it to say grey is just not an option.
  2. I have to say one thing that is while people are starting to make grumbling noises about forming a lynch mob because they are being trolled this is a pretty normal practice in WoW. The newest expansion in WoW simply -murdered- professions and the game went from a healthy profession based economy to professions not being worth the dung one might step upon, so I was 'forced' to join in with the flippers after several attempts at funding myself. And I have to say it feels like trash. -Trash-. Flippers are the scum of the earth. A normal economy can be driven to the limit of what players can afford to pay until they reach a point they will rather not have it than pay for it. What do the flippers bring in to the game? -Zero-. They bring nothing. They only leech. They grab normal priced items and put them as little as 10 or 20% higher. That's it. As long as players will grumble but be in a hurry and pay the extra the profits come in. Since I was not very serious about it I averaged a modest 30-40k a day, but since I only needed about 200k to pay for a token as one can imagine I could pay for it in two weeks and my work was all automatic via addons. I can assure you that people were not trolling when they did this and while it is possible that people are trolling here I'd more readily believe someone setting up an AutoHotKey script to do all the clicking and cursor moving. Some people are literally AFK farming with dual auras until mobs kill themselves, so I don't find farfetched someone thinking that this is a good idea. Funny enough I found a small market when I was looking for damage procs of a certain niche set. The procs were selling for 4-5 million which was more I felt like playing with the current ironman rules I've taken to using. But the level 10 recipe of the set but from a different IO was at 10k. I bought five recipes, crafted for 600k cost total and then converted. I was actually tempted at buying all recipes and crafting and converting, but part of the self imposed ironman rules is not messing with the market.
  3. What is there to be said prior to having accumulated the needed influence? You're making a needless wide eyed case of an ingenue. You just live off inspirations like everyone else. Have you tried asking these questions in the threads where the builds you mention were posted? While you have a point this isn't DBZ where we will post a build and go 'This is me at 10% of my real power. And now I will use 20%'. Though I suppose it would have been less fun if Goku did not try to fight normally at first, then go SS1, still be unable to win, then go SS2, then 3, then god, then blue. I DIGRESS!
  4. Really? Is HD lying to me? To the HD-mobile! Edit: You're absolutely correct. Time to move things around. Edit edit: I believe I'm going back to my dropped plan which is removing Weave. One free power, one less toggle, in this case a heap ton of slots to re-distribute. Still keep Barrier for the last 5%. Going inside the box would be ignoring Barrier and taking Ageless, but do I really need more endurance and recharge? I don't think so. Barrier is a nice panic button and 5% more res across the board.
  5. I need to be in a eight yard range of a team mate though, which seems super circumstantial to be relying on. If others wish to do so I'd say go for it. I'm going to say you're probably right regarding the Preventive proc. I feel True Grit is too valuable to slot 'empty'. I tried ignoring the resist side, for example, and aim for a full Preventive medicine chasing the recharge, but that was about 5% less resists across the board. Switching to the proc is 60HP less, which I'm going to say yes, the proc is worth the trade for. Full heal slotted it's only 275 as opposed to 204 with just the +5 heal
  6. We have very very very few 'black' options for FX. 'Black' ends up being 'near invisible' which is great to minimize FX effects, sure, but not so great when when we want a black aura similar to Dark Melee effects. In the same vein trying to color something particule intense that does not have a 'Dark X' option then we are unable to make it black and end with just the same near invisible effect. Auras in particular suffer a lot from this. I am still lobbying for an 'invisible dye' in the hue pallet. This would solve so much ugh in trying to color FX as well as stop giving extra work to the dev team. As an example /Bio Offense Adaptation has great looking veins of power, but then we have drippy glowing cloudy hands. Being able to turn that FX 'invisible' would be great and no need to ask the devs to spend time poking at things since the players can do it for themselves.
  7. Correct, pretty much every one of the BU powers systematically ignores the coloring attempts.
  8. It's a black smokey shield and it stays a black smokey shield with us unable to make to it change.
  9. This is still a thing, and the blue/purple really clashes.
  10. @Jimmy, is there a chance of throwing the new DM changes out into live? Its changes have been finalized and what was to be done with it for now has been done. I've been bidding my time but as I expected the patch to go live suddenly there are -more- things that will now have to be tested, refined, fixed and etc.
  11. I've given a stab at this build. I found myself unable to satisfactorily reach softcap to all (ranged is a PITA to get up much like S/L is on a Sentinel) and so just gave up and took the /Bio approach of getting the defenses to 40% and rely on Barrier's 5% to do the rest. That said it has a nice frankenslotted Life Siphon returning 247 HP on each use (half of what Radiation Siphon does with the same slotting tbh, but no Contaminated mechanic required), all four attacks have two damage procs (Smite, Siphon Life, Shadow Maul and Midnight Grasp), and Dark Consumption is both in and slotted (for now as an endurance filler but always open to be frankenslotted for damage procs later if its recharge is cut down) up every 55 seconds. Soul drain is sadly not perma at only 36 seconds and neither is Hasten at 132 seconds. Because we have Dark Consumption I took Assault as well, and took the 45% Musculature. If it proves to be too much Musculature 33% with endurance modification will be used. I took Focused Accuracy since i sometimes do friendly arena duels but neither it nor Physical Perfection influence the build so they can be replaced by whatever is desired. Tbh I think it turned out pretty well and elegant. Looking at the numbers I feel it is a bit of a toss up between both DM/Shield and Rad/Shield. - Rad edges out with the passive early damage aura that takes the -res procs which will buff everything else. - But Rad also has slower attacks (Devastating Blow at 2.9 seconds compared to Midnight Grasp's 2.2. Radioactive Smash at 1.8 compared to Smite's gorgeous 1.2). - Radiation Siphon heals for double of Siphon Life but does require the Contaminated mechanic, though Irradiated Ground just -spams- Contaminated. It may turn out to be a toss up in a longer run. - Rad seemingly wins hands down in AoE with both damage aura and PbAoE plus Contaminated mechanic. - In native damage Rad edges out with slightly better numbers. But Fusion only lasts ten seconds where Soul Drain lasts for 30 seconds. With only one target in range both give the same damage boost but needless to say that hitting the fabled 7 target cap Soul Drain blows Fusion's ten second 62% damage buff out of the water with Soul Drain's 30 second buff reaching 130%. Soul Drain being nearly perma negates this native damage advantage had even with just one target in range. As long as it does not miss. - The -Tohit of Dark Melee is a bit more useful than Rad's -defense. IMO neither is particularly useful overall. Rad has the opportunity to slot a Force Feedback proc in its attack chain that will speed things up. - DM has an endurance recovery tool. Due to its super long recharge it's not suuuuuper amazing, but it's still there and something /Shield with its lack of Recovery will appreciate. Overall it is a difficult pick. DM's Soul Drain buff is its linchpin, but Irradiated Ground taking both -res procs narrows the distance some. Both have heals, both are decent to good ST. The AoE gap might be cut a lot shorter with Shadow Maul's new brutal 120º angle down to a 3 second recharge further more with the damage it does (650 damage on 3 seconds recharge VS Atom smasher 407 damage in 7 seconds) and this not including the Soul Drain buffs further powering it up (918 Shadow Maul for 30 seconds VS 508 Atom Smasher for 10 seconds).
  12. It's a game limitation and not much to be done about, but I had to choose for a glasses wearing character whether to have glasses, or have horns 😞 Since the horns were much more important horns it was. All of these news are like, HYPE!
  13. Toss it into a spoiler, @Snarky
  14. Sure is. Go to a vendor, right click + E. I just spam both until it's empty. With AH it's drag from salvage, drop in AH, click on the number of salvage we wish to drop in, type the amount, click ok.
  15. Though it is not a combo I have played I'm going out on a limb and say Dark Melee/Shield. Shield has an easy time reaching the soft cap and has decent resistances. It does not have a heal but DM provides it. What makes me say /Shield instead of /Bio (despite 95% of my characters being /Bio) is that /Bio has a bit fat zero for defense debuff resistances whiled /Shield has 65% and higher depending on the AT. Anything that throws debuffs from Banished Pantheon to Crey to Cimerorans can eat most of my /Bios, and while they rarely do so is more because of AoE burst, CC, and knowing what is coming. My /Fire Tankers and Brutes are also pretty sturdy but have big holes versus debuffs, though less of a problem since little debuffs resistances. But being put into a crawl with nullified recharge can and has been done with the excessive use of pre-emptive force the usual solution.
  16. You have a good point and I agree with you. I edited the guide.
  17. I actually surprised me today when I thought of looking at the DDR in /Bio to find it has zero, according to HD. No wonder Cimerorans eat my /Bio characters alive. /Shield has 65% when I checked. I definitely will level a DM/Shield since the lack of heal in /Shield is covered by Siphon Life.
  18. Scrappers don't get Gloom. Looking at it on a Brute on HD with fury at 80% and two damage procs it does 383 while Smite with one proc is at 379 on a Scrapper.
  19. How are you guys attack chains? The way I see it on HD and after editing the databse with the changes to SM it becomes pretty powerful. We are talking 655 damage power as opposed to the T9 at 786 damage (and SM doing splash damage, AKA 1300 damage if it hits two mobs). But even with the changes it is still slow at 2.5 animation. In fact the set is pretty slow and ponderous. Midnight Grasp at 2.3 seconds, Siphon Life at 2.1 seconds, SM at 2.5. I can do a gapless attack chain out of these three, but the question is do I want to? With Midnight Grasp, Smite, Siphon Life, Smite, Midnight Grasp, using Smite would be a bit more damage and lowering the slow animations. Two Smites would be 764 instead of 655 and allow to move between each 1.2 animation instead of being locked in place. I'm not sure where to place the Critical Strikes proc. Siphon Life seems like the more obvious choice but since I want to frankenslot to maximize the heal I'll have to sacrifice something. Smite might proc early meaning it won't be available to buff Midnight Grasp. I suppose I will sacrifice a damage proc in Siphon Life for it. The set is still a bit light on AoE with SM having a 3 second recharge so /Shield for an extra oomph is not a bad choice, though I ponder if a /Fire Brute would not fill the role as well. Burn is a good ST and AoE skill and while a /Fire Brute is not as durable as a Tanker (the Tanker ATO is preposterous allowing an extra 15% to all res) it does do more damage with fewer mobs (the biggo extra target cap Tankers got is nice and all, but save for farming that advantage does not last for long).
  20. I'm working on one myself on HD, but I want the new IOs since they will change how things are slotted.
  21. I'm glad I saw this since I rolled a Sonic Sent and noticed the huge delays as well.
  22. It's how I felt when I took Fire Sword Circle and saw it do 48 damage. In WoW there is this cut-off number with AoE. Four mobs and up? AoE. Three mobs and down? You're better off doing ST and kill them one at a time. With 48 damage I wonder the cut off, 'Up to 8 mobs use it, seven mobs and lower just ignore it and ST' 😄
  23. Since we are compiling minor bugs it's super common for me to start typing and not capitalize the very first word of the phrase, so I backtrack to erase it and it will eat the next space. So something like: 'i want to go to Talos' turns into 'Iwant to go to Talos.' It's so minor I would never have mentioned it were this not a compilation of minor bugs.
  24. I throw away all of mine too. If all uncommon salvage was worth 100k I would reconsider, but I can't be arsed to go through the list one by one. By the same token I am annoyed when I want to buy an uncommon salvage and type 5k, nothing, then 10k, nothing, then 20k, nothing. At that point I just type 100k, and in fact I buy everything I need for 100k for the rest of the recipe because screw messing with.. with... it's not even peanuts, it's the crumbs of salt from the shell of peanuts. I met a new player saying they did not use the double XP because they learned the hard way that using it meant no influence so they could not buy their SOs. We were about to do Synapse and I told them, you know, just by doing this one TF now you'll earn something like 18 million and have all the money from this one thing to pay for all your SOs for the rest of your character's life, plus half a dozen other alts. This is how I feel about this faffing around with uncommon salvage being bought for 5k to be resold for 20k. It makes sense and is how many players (myself included) made gold in WoW, but there we had addons making things automatic to buy in 5-6k QUANTITIES. But doing so here with no automation to help smells of masochism tbh.
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