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Everything posted by Sovera

  1. I'm not a VEAT player so my experience is small, but you have so much +5 stuff in the build at the OP that will just murder all your bonuses if you exemp. I'm not sure i'm looking at the correct build since you say you attuned the LotG but they aren't. Why not add three more slots to Aim and finish 6 slotting Gaussian? You'd push your AoE and Range to 45% without Mind Link leaving Mind Link as a Barrier style panic button (use it if your HP/defenses are going down, not on CD). ML is way way waaaay too long to be using on CD. Ick, near 4 seconds. You have so much damage on Spin that you could change the damage IO for a damage recharge and still be overcapped and finish EDing your recharge. There are a lot of choices I would not go for personally. 3% HP is nothing to write home about in my book and instead 5% melee defense would free some slots. The last slot in Maneuvers barely adds 0.5% as well
  2. Anything with group fly so your henchies can keep up.
  3. Everything seems in order. The only thing I might say is that you have too much in the way of resistances. Lower them a bit since you have the ATO in Seismic Smash that adds 6.7% to all resistances each time it procs, and it can stack three times (Mids accounts for just one and even so they are already a 90%). You shouldn't need Ageless IMO, Barrier is a great panic button for a resist based Tanker (-def attacks will make a mockery out of 90% resists), which also adds another permanent 5% to defense and resists that you can again juggle with. Your 90% resists would go up to 95% with Barrier up, then to 101% with a second ATO stack. Anything over 90% is wasted. This allows to change slotting and add more procs where you'd see fit or to better some slotting like Energize (as your sole heal it should be pumped up). I don't want to mess with your build too much since it's tailored for your playstyle, because if I do it would just turn into another Sovera-cookie-cutter build, but things to consider are your accuracy in Fault (70% against +3, but it's not a power I would bother with personally), that you might want your ATO at a lower level than you pick it so you get the procs sooner, placing a Gaussian proc in Build-up, Paralytic Radial is of very little use and I suggest Degenerative with 75% chance for DoT with 25% chance for debu-... This is taking too long to write 😛 Trying to respect your choices. - Defenses at 40% for Barrier to finish capping if you're doing hard content. If it's not hard content you don't need to use Barrier in the first place. - Resistances at 80%-ish with one stack of the ATO, 86% with a second stack that happens naturally as you're playing, then either a third (unreliable) to finish capping or you're doing hard content and using Barrier and it's a neat 90% including psi. Toxic remains your sole defensive hole. As a bonus Tough becomes a mule you don't toggle on because you won't need it to cap S/L resistances. - Extreme exemplaring was taken into account so powers were shuffled. As low as Posi 1 you have at least two attacks to juggle and one of them is a cone to help with AoE. Both have FF procs to help with recharge. Power Sink comes much much earlier so that you can stop relying on Energize for endurance (a heal needs to be used for moments healing is needed). Because of trying to take Cross punch so early sacrifices are made with Combat Jumping and Lightning Field taken so late, but shuffle according to your desires. - Gloom is great, but I think you'll feel the hurt once you fight mobs who debuff accuracy. Focused Accuracy in the epic Energy pool would fix this, but you will have to see if it's important enough to do the swap. - Hasten at 124 is pretty spiffy and will become perma with all the FF procs. *pantpant* That was some Tetris-ing to fit all the things.
  4. This is all japanese to me. Do you want to tentatively beep Jimmy and see what one of them says? Maybe the blame is on the parser as you say, perhaps not.
  5. Something like this, I guess. Just switch things around the way you see fit. Fire Melee isn't very good atm and Rad Melee (colored fire like :p) would perform better. It has 40% to all defenses which Barrier pushes to 45% and S/L gets capepd with two stacks and Barrier's 5%. You did ask for Fire epic but you can move things around the way you see fit now you have a guideline. I prefer Focused Accuracy to not spend minutes whiffing against ToHit debuffers or Arachnos blinds.
  6. Romans aren't the best test subjects since they toss those +def shouts, and 66% base isn't much depending on how much global accuracy, but I wouldn't be surprised has something off in it such as the pseudo pet not inheriting global accuracy which would make 66% really low especially against romans. That said the moment devs look into Burn they may decide to nerf the everliving bejeezus out of it so don't rock the boat 😛 Perhaps try versus a different faction first?
  7. Narrator: But it could, and it was. Grabbing Ice Sword and using it along with Arcane Bolt, no Frost used: 4:30. For those paying attention it was 30 seconds behind the same slotting but using Frozen Fists, an already very mediocre power. Loss of Assault may have helped. This certainly tempers my interest in future wedging Arcane Bolt into a build. For posterity I'll leave the Arcane Bolt build up:
  8. I had the same problem myself, but yes, definitely. The moment you get Singy you get your AoE CC who also pulls a spawn together. it makes my Tankers salivate with envy. The best part? It 'recharges' in 6 seconds 😄 Eventually your Singy gets worn down, but by then you can just replace it by a new one. I chose to drop out of the fighting Pool because without Hover flying is not great for combat. I also had ruinous EPS with barely 0.20 POSITIVE! 😄 So two less toggles was good, but it was a tough decision since I had 75% to S/L and 45% ranged with Fighting.
  9. So what if it's 2 AM? I managed to squeeze in Arcane Bolt into the build and of course I had to go test it. HYPE! Arcane Bolt is supposed to be a better attack now, and it allows to fit in a FF proc to help speed things up, so this will be go-... Nope. 5:20. Second attempt, maybe something went horribly wrong *cry*: 5:00. ...guess not. Final final attempt. Frozen Fists and big emphasis on shooting FT and Burn the second they are up: 5:02 Nope, Arcane Bolt is still crap that can't compete with Ice Sword. Maybe trying to fit in Ice Sword so it can alternate with Arcane Bolt though this will mess up exemplaring thanks to being forced to waste a power on Frozen Fists regardless. I mean, Arcane bolt is still bad, but it can't be Frozen Fists bad, right? Right? Tomorrow will tell since it's nearly 3 AM again.
  10. Sovera is. I couldn't see how to improve this tbh. The obvious answer would be to remove the slots from Barrage and spread them around on things like the woefully underslotted Moonbeam, but then what? Level with Bone Smasher and Brawl until 26? And if exemplaring dust Brawl again? Barrage kinda needs to stay since TF is so far away. Energy Punch is better than Barrage btw, even though Barrage has that 'special' for using the Energy Focus mechanic. EM is a bit of a headache for me since I sort of refuse to use ET's slow mode and insist in wanting to have it only after TF... but TF's recharge is super awkward and tends to force the use of Barrage. Moonbeam does not recharge fast enough to be up for more than every two rotations. So I'm not going to delve into this. Scrapper vets may be of more help. The only small changes I can spot would be removing the sixth Hectacomb from ET for a Touch of Death proc, and replace the Makos in Bone Smasher for five Touch of Death for a little bit more resistance. Also adding another three Eradications in Power Crash to finish capping Energy instead of adding more S/L with Obliteration. Do keep the Armaggedon proc in Power Crash though. You should be able to TF, Power Crash, Whirling, Power Crash, repeat. TF is a great proc triggerer so the Critical Strikes proc sits well there (and gives ET/PC a very good chance to crit). ET is a good proc carrier as well since it requires no endurance reduction and has decent recharge as is. But the rest of the Critical Strikes set is not particularly great to have six slotted. I'd possibly try to fit the five Hectacomb in TF instead.
  11. @Beta968 is a gentleman and a scholar, kudos.
  12. Continuing from the previous post since it was 3 AM - as what had started as a quick test turned into multiple ones - what I extract from these tests is that the value of procs go down as they cost something. FT at 700 damage should have blown FT at 540 out of the water, and yet casting fewer FTs ultimately caught up, and, in fact, surpassed it slightly. Casting our heaviest hitters as much as possible is common sense but its good that testing backs this bit of popular knowledge Look at Slash from Claws, for example. It fits perfectly within its rotation and requires no recharge to continue doing so, ergo loading it with procs adds something to the build at just the loss of a bonus set. But looking at FT the extra damage comes at the cost of casting more T2 or T3 which are laughably behind it in damage. So looking back at Ice we do have that one attack that fits perfectly in the rotation: Ice Sword. Even without any recharge slotted in it it recharges in 2.50 seconds... which is as long as Frost takes, so there is no loss in loading it with procs instead of aiming for IO bonuses. - First test: 3:51. Better, but I'm dropping Frost from the rotation which means lower upkeep for the ATO +res proc. - Tossed the four Might of the Tanker into Burn. The upkeep of the proc is now much better. Also 3:46. The differences are minimal so far though far from no-recharge-FT testing as I play with 5 Hectacombs. - Testing with minimal-recharge-FT to improve FT's damage changed little: 4:01 - Frost takes too long to cast and I find that I'm either waiting 1-1.5 seconds to pass to use another skill or using Frost and having my better skills up while it's still animating. So time to bring back Frozen Fists with full-Hectacomb-FT.... and nope. 3:54 - Perhaps Frozen Fists + procmonstered Ice Sword with minimum-recharge-FT: 3:25 ...alright, we may be on to something. One more try: ....3:48. Or it was just a fluke. - Everything fits perfectly with Hectacomb-slotted-FT, Frozen Fists, frankenslotted Ice Sword, Frozen fists.... but no, 4:10. - Frankenslotting and adding lots of procs seems to have brought very little dividends. So what of the regular slotting but with the Frozen Fist spam? 4:01. - Frankenslotted Frozen Fists: 3:40 - 4:10 - 4:06... how do we lose 30 seconds like this? It goes beyond just 'whiffing'. - Everything slotted regular like but Frost as the procmonstered carrier: 3:56 We are back on the starting line. Adding a boatload of procs did not really affect things either way as the times are firmly stuck on the 4 minute average. Things I have learned: Frozen Fists 'feels' better to use for ST. Faster animating and less time choosing whether to use a power when I have 1-1.5 for Ice Sword/FT/Burn to recharge. Ultimately it does not matter either way so what feels better may be the better criteria. This is merely on the animation side of things as Frozen Fists is a pretty terrible power all around. Same animation time of the T2 but with the damage of a T1? Yuck. Same deal with Greater Ice Sword. It has the same animation time of Frost but is ST and hits for a whooping extra... nine damage. Also, testing is as infuriating as ever with 30 seconds from one try to the next.
  13. I've tried making this into a single bind and was unable to as it would get stuck in targeting Singy and would not move to Teleport Target. I resolved this by making a rolling bind. It still has some flaws such as Singy needing to be within LoS to be targeted which doesn't always happen. But, I must say, this gameplay is nearly mandatory now. I kept doing this and that and eventually figured my main AoE CC both trapping, CCing, and helping the team, was simply to teleport Singy into a new group of enemies. It was very satisfying and fulfilling. Singularity.txt Singularity2.txt
  14. You're mistaking the -30 or 35% resists for the slow. The slow is useless. The -35% is not. Those powers are used and welcome for the -res, not for the slow. Your comment makes it seem like you believe it is the slow that is the useful component. A headscratcher but no worse than the rest. We already had knockback white knights, but now we also have mass immobilize protectors railing about the incompetent bad players who don't want to walk to the mobs they selflessly immobilized for us (to deal with).
  15. After some time trying to figure out what was better but coming up empty (Bopper I ain't) I decided to go for the true-d and tried: testing. What is better? - Five Hectacomb with purple Hold damage proc. This is the lowest damage option at 540, but the global recharge and accuracy are good and also the recharge baked in means more uses of FT since the rotation can go down to FT, Ice Sword, Frost with a 0.5 second gap. - Frankenslotted Freezing Touch with no recharge (purple damage/endurance). Biggo damage increase. 700 damage. Booyah. A row of 90% chance procs. Downside is that the slower recharge forces a FT, Ice Sword, Frost, Ice Sword and still have a near one second gap. - Frankenslotted FT with minimal recharge (purple damage/recharge). Middle way damage option at 675, and the recharge is just perfectly edged by the fraction for FT to recharge after Ice Sword, Frost, Ice Sword. The tests were done without slotting -res procs since I've stopped thinking of them as important for other than pylon tests. I already know my 3 minute Fire/MA does it in 4 minutes without -res procs so that's my benchmark. Without overthinking it too much: 700 damage FT with no recharge: 4:20 - 4:23 675 FT with minimal recharge: 3:51 - 4:10 540 FT with Hectacomb: 4:01 - 4:12 No clear answers unfortunately, but about as expected from similar tests in the past. Full Hectacomb gives a bit more global recharge and accuracy which has its value. It's a 'DPS' option though, but having FT up more often is also nice. When the choice is Frost or Ice Sword it's nice to see FT up. FT with minimal recharge is the best of both worlds. Having a perfect rotation does not matter as much since Burn messes with it every 7 seconds or so, but still it makes a difference as the testing showed. FT with no recharge may not have given the best results but in a team setting it might still be the best choice. Anyone with Speedboost, or Accelerated Metabolism, or dropping an Ageless, and suddenly that gap isn't there anymore. It's the best burst with a row of 90% procs waiting to be unleashed: But overall the difference is minimal. It is the reason I stopped frankenslotting Burn despite the omfg big burst, because with the difference not being large and me exemplaring a lot I prefer to have the attack up more often while garnering the extra global recharge and accuracy. Testing Frozen Fists didn't show much better results. A quick respec to improve upon it and following FT, Ice Sword, Frozen Fists, Ice Sword: FT with full Hectacomb = 4:07 FT with minimal recharging= 3:57 Same old. I will prefer to keep Frozen Fists minimally slotted as a mule and keep on doubling Frost for ST and AoE.
  16. Someone in this thread is confusing roleplay with gameplay, and making some really weird arguments that make me happy they are not a dev. If a TF is tagged as level 35 then it MUST be doable at 35. Hami spawning at 50 stops this. The bug where Doc Buzzsaw spawned as a +7 EB because it spawned at its max level and the TF could be started at level 8 broke many Positron part one TFs and it was a bug that (eventually) got fixed. Whether the fix to LGTF is for Hami to have the same dynamic level scaling as the other mobs OR for the TF's level to be 45 it does not matter. What matters is that the TF must be doable.
  17. To me the the reason to go Defender is invariably because I want those powers earlier. If I make a Stormie something or a Kin something I'm actually playing a Storm or a Kin, the rest is fluff, so I want those powers early.
  18. Heck, that's fine. You do you. As in, you slow or whatever and then deal with them as I move on to the next group. Wouldn't want to let those important slows and sleeps go to waste after all. The team would crumble with those important skills sitting unused on your bar!
  19. I'm saying number validation. A lot of the back and forth when ever you bring up a spread sheet can be snipped by the root when you say 'I mathed this. You think it's wrong? I went and tested and got this as a result'. I'm not pissed at you or anything like it. But I have been around long enough in a number of games where under the hood mechanics or synergies not working as expected (Path of Exile is infamous for this since it has a lot of 'added damage' not being the same as multiplied damage despite having nearly the same nomenclature) that things mathed out turn out not to be what is expected when adding and subtracting. Even the arguments about the best attack chain can be boiled down to tests and results. Which may or may not show results. For example I got better results with my claws Tanker once I realized using Burn after Focus meant the FF proc in Focus had half its duration eaten by Burn's animation time. When I tested the -res procs against AVs I didn't do it all perfect and savvy like Bopper who started calculating regen of AVs, health ticks, damage done. I did super simple like: hit mob for 5 minutes. Look at HP. Hit mob for five minutes without -res procs. Look at HP. Subtract HP, get %. Done.
  20. I have nothing against you personally, Under. I don't know you enough and our paths don't converge. But your insistence that you have some holy grail that only you from amongst all other players have noticed, who then point flaws in rotation or math, is becoming the stuff of legends. And then we have the opposite like Sir Myshkin who comes into a thread with hours of testing and lays it all down. You don't see people argue with him and it's not some thing about charisma or diplomacy or using soft words. He just shows the results from different slotings or rotations and then says, alright, this is what I found. I read your last incursion into the Blaster forums and saw you mentioned it here as being 'shouted down'. You could have shut down everyone by going 'alright, you said this was not possible, but I went and tested and here are my results. Suck on THAT!', but it always devolves into math and spreadsheets with the other side saying no while you say yes. It could be as simple as, 'Oh you say Fire is the absolute best? But Electric is at least on par. Here, I tested it, you got X for Fire? I got Z for Elec'. As for the Trapdoor it's over the Scrapper forums. It has all the details.
  21. Some heroes don't wear capes. But some do and are called Solarverse.
  22. Me, with less swearing and a bit more politeness before we even start the TF. Then I have to explain Spectral Terror counts since the mobs tremble in place instead of clumping around me. Then I ask not to use Sonic Repulsion. Then I ask again not to use Sonic Repulsion. Then I ask a third time not to use Sonic Repulsion. Then I start getting curt at the fourth request not to use Sonic Repulsion. Finally explain it is Sonic Repulsion doing it at the /Sonic's bafflement for me singling them out by name.
  23. I read this whole thing before posting. I have to say it is disappointing and tiring to read the endless bickering and back and forth spreadsheet talking. @underfyre with his claims that are never substantiated and spreadsheets that are shown to have either rotation or math errors, @Monos King simple request of a test being deflected over and over, even @Obitus diatribe. Now, I'll say his upfront. I think Iv'e been around long enough to be understood I don't hate any of the persons I've named and that I am not someone who is aggressive. I think. Someone correct me if I'm actually these things. But guys, these arguments get TIRING. Spreadsheets, links to City of Data, math. For the love of god. We need actual testing. Go out, do things, report on your findings! If someone said to me 'well fah, your Fire Armor builds can't solo X AV because it is mathematically proven that...' I would not spend pages and pages arguing with the person. I would hop into the test server and test it. If it was true I accept it. If it is not I prove the claim is false. We don't NEED ALL THIS BICKERING! The thread could be a quarter of its size if right at the start someone started a test and invited others to show what they could do. Instead there is this love for arguing. When someone has claims what we need is testing. Someone says their Blaster can do X? Then do X and show us what you got. Someone claims their Sentinel can do X better? Go do X, report to us. So far the testing that has been done in the later pages shows Sentinels slightly behind despite the loudness of Blaster superiority. There is currently a Scrapper test that is the Trapdoor mission. I've tried it on my Fire/Fire Sentinel (75% resists, 45% S/L) and the poor thing tried three times and died three times (can't hover blaster). I reckon a Blaster would do better by killing faster. I don't recall a single Blaster doing better than their melee counterparts though. I have looked at the same test the first time I saw it and poo pooed about some of the times because my FA builds are so much damage fuufufufu and etc and etc, but instead of arguing about it I TOOK THE DAMN TEST, and got my expectations lowered by having worse times than the best Scrappers (so yes, I have wider AoEs, more survival, Burn is amazing, but I'm always a minute to a minute and a half behind the better Scrapper times). Guys, for the love of God, lets be adults here. Pick a test, show your results. Pylons, Trapdoor mission (I heartily recommend this one though the narrow tunnels cuts down on the strength of hover blasting), or something else. I love the pylon thread regarding to this. No spread sheet talk. People go, test, post build and results. There. No maths, no arguing. This is what they got. Do what you want with it. See where it can be improved by adding or removing procs or changing the rotation. But instead of bickering the changes are tested and results are posted. Is it better? Did it make no difference? Work from there on.
  24. I confess I don't see what DB brings different to Claws. It's a Claws clone (or vice-versa) except having slower animations (sometimes substantially) and lower damage (according to Mids). So I keep looking at it and then never make one.
  25. Kind words, Dove 🙂 It's mostly for me but I might as well post it so others can make use of it. This harkens from the early Homecoming days, forums brand spanking new, first page still... and so little information or builds being posted. What you've posted seems to be in order. Changing the power selection is fine since it's you who is using the build and thus it is suited to your playstyle. I find I don't need Tough or Weave for the mid levels since everything is easy and little in the way of debuffs to threaten us. We run things at +1 tops so there is not this big level gap to make things threatening. That's why I keep Tough and Weave so far down the list since at 50 is when we push the difficulty and when the extra defenses are needed. That's how I do it, but it doesn't have to be how you do it. That said you can burn a respec and see if you really notice a difference in survival by not having Tough and Weave. Just as note you don't need the Kismet as long as you're running Focused Accuracy. With FA you're overshooting 95% by a comfortable margin (and the reason I take FA is mostly because it resists accuracy being debuffed (as well as the Blind protection)). This is against +3 which is where the T3 Alpha leaves us. For +1 or +2 enemies you don't even need FA to reach the ToHit limits so either way Kismet isn't adding much. If you go into Mids' options, then 'Exemping&Base Values' you can change ToHit to 48 to mimic fighting a +3 enemy.
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