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Ura Hero

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Everything posted by Ura Hero

  1. I would bet that it has something to do with why the gamma settings do not work with multiple monitors.
  2. Back at the beginning of the game up to about Issue 5 any Archvillain and some Bosses could be a challenge if you didn't have debuffs and healing. When City of Villains launched they retuned most of the upper end NPCs so that you didn't have to bring along anything special to defeat them.
  3. This isn't an exact science, but here are my rough rules. I say rough because I don't follow this strictly, but it should get you started and once started you will probably start to see the patterns. 1. Look up the item on the AH. 2. Is it worth more than about 1.5M? Yes. Post it for sale. No. Do roulette, go to step 1.
  4. Do you want your 300k back?
  5. This sort of thing happened a lot on Live. Rikti Monkeys comes to mind. It used to be some absolutely insane number. The devs reduced it. The hardcores complained, the people with less time available were happy. The reverse happened as well. Requirements for some badges were tightened up to match other similar badges. The ones that had gotten the easy badge were happy, those that hadn't were mad. It's the circle of life. *cue Lion King
  6. They show up as salvage. Click to open, there are a few macros here on the forums to make it easier. Once you open them the goodies show up in your email. Click to claim on whatever character on your account you want to.
  7. Positrons Blast Accuracy/Damage, 195 influence.
  8. Ura Hero

    AH Lag

    Going to have to side with @Ukase on this one. I've had it take up to 30 seconds to process a bid when I know there are available pieces at the target price. I haven't looked at the market code, but based on the way that some of the data is stored, I am betting it is a hot mess. Most things like the auction house are done on some sort of tick cycle so part of it probably is due to how close you are to the next tick along with how many are in the queue and how many get processed before the tick cycle terminates and moves on (assuming that it does, which isn't outside the realm of possibility). I don't know what the devs are doing towards the future, but hopefully they are moving away from blob and flat file storage and redoing the underlying code to use SQL or some other database that is more efficient.
  9. Added a link to a Google Sheet with Dates for the next ten years or so to the above guide post. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15qwbS67DmKU6A7eaIVb2ghU10CpsFBsLjDd7PHo8dVs/edit?usp=sharing
  10. Welcome back! I remember you from Live. It's good to see you again!
  11. Apparently my last update got buried. 1517 out of 1550.
  12. Apparently the original devs hated relational databases. Which explains a lot of issues that CoH faces. Ad Hoc databases are not great and they tend to fail at doing a lot of what they are supposed to do. I'm not sure that the database handles FIFO (First In First Out) properly on a date basis. I know I have had bids in at the same price on different toons and had them fill awkwardly with some bids that were very old not getting filled first. Just conjecture, but anecdotal evidence along with what the current devs and others that have delved into the code have said about database issues seems to lend itself to this possibly being the case.
  13. But that is just it. I have to go to a vendor. As @Siouxsie said, I can type /ah anywhere. Convenience and a little apathy. I have billions. I also came from the WoW market where I tried to get the most out of everything because gold was hard to come by. Influence is easy peasy in CoH compared to WoW. I can make a billion in two weeks with literally next to no work just flipping things. Why worry about saving 20k? It would be like Bill Gates stopping to pick up a dollar. Not worth the effort.
  14. I'm lazy. It's really as simple as that. I don't care what the vendor buys it for. I'm already posting stuff to the market and I don't want to make a trip to another spot just to sell for a miniscule amount profit.
  15. I counted all of the obelisk objectives on that one since they pop up as missions and there is so much travel time to click all of them.
  16. Guide to Weekly Strike Targets; Merits, number of missions, etc.
  17. Savage Strike - Savage Melee/Ninjitsu Stalker Should be apparent as to who and why to any real fan of the show.
  18. https://forums.homecomingservers.com/forum/93-excelsior-player-led-event-calendar/
  19. I had a bunch of processes knocked offline. I blame PK. 😉
  20. My guess would be whoever is doing the Purple arbitrage for the crafted versions. Edit: No it's not me. I haven't played the market in months.
  21. Now at almost 84% complete. Looks like we will be done somewhere around Wednesday.
  22. You need the Lorekeeper badge to unlock that mission. https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Lorekeeper_Badge
  23. As a FYI, the last patches seem to have solved all of the errors I was getting. It's plugging along quite well now.
  24. Probably need to delete the "playerslot.txt" file in the accounts folder. Sometimes it gets out of sync with the server and causes some odd behavior.
  25. They hold data for Mids Reborn Hero Planner. If you have the app they will let you plan/modify and build your powersets offline so that you can more effectively do a respec or level up the way you want. https://forums.homecomingservers.com/forum/76-mids-reborn-hero-designer/
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