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Everything posted by Laucianna

  1. Updated - 11/03/2025 - Updated Human only Peacebringer build, and added a general build for Warshade that can be used as Tri Form and normal changeling
  2. Well done to the winners of the "Farm" Friday Fashion Contest with a prize pool of over 1 Billion Influence! Make sure to come see us on FRIDAY at 19:00 EDT at Homecoming - Excelsior for a chance to win! This Fridays Fashion Contest theme will be "St Patricks Day"! It will be in Echo Plaza on Homecoming - Excelsior Join our Discord to suggest a theme for next week and vote on which suggested theme is picked! https://discord.gg/zsXQUzy698 1st: Bessie the Milk Maid 2nd: Corn Stalker 3rd: Barn Rat Honorarys: Goose El Gallo Joy of Planting Pile of Manure Wind Farm
  3. I may be biased here, but there does feel like a lot of things in this game that players can do that visually/audio-ly make it less fun for others from them simply playing their sets, you have peoples buffs that ruin costumes and you can't decide if you want to refuse or not, you have sets that are super flashy with bright lights going off and cluttering the screen with all their affects, and you have powers that are way too loud that they make your ears ring when used. Changeling is far from the only playstyle to do all of this, and the devs have said it will be removed when they get around to looking at Kheldians, however they have also seen the fact that if they removed the playstyle before a rework then as a whole the AT would take a massive nerf in all aspects. If it is that much of a problem for you however you can always do what others do and list "No changelings" in your advert. (Also from what I have seen, 95% of changeling players also want changeling gone and the AT to be in a good place without needing it (Myself included))
  4. Well done to the winners of the "Beach" Friday Fashion Contest with a prize pool of over 1 Billion Influence! Make sure to come see us on FRIDAY at 19:00 EDT at Homecoming - Excelsior for a chance to win! This Fridays Fashion Contest theme will be "Farm"! It will be in Echo Plaza on Homecoming - Excelsior Join our Discord to suggest a theme for next week and vote on which suggested theme is picked! https://discord.gg/zsXQUzy698 1st: Scuba Diver 2nd: Ridiculous Sunbun 3rd: Sand Castle Honorarys: Bob the Beachcomber Pier Pressure Scuba Eve Shrimp Surfing Bird
  5. /bind lctrl+lbutton "powexec_location cursor White Dwarf Step" /bind lshift+lbutton "powexec_location cursor teleport" /bind lShift+Tab "powexec_location target Teleport" /bind lCtrl+Tab "powexeclocation forward:4 Teleport Target" /bind Ctrl+Space "powexec_location cursor Combat Teleport" These are the binds I use for teleporting around on my Peacebringer 💛
  6. Glory to the Unity! Thank you all for joining us for another super successful Unity event! 💛 I hope you managed to have fun and we look forward to seeing you next Sunday at 8pm EST in Ouroboros for the next event! Next Sunday is: MSR! So all levels are welcome!
  7. Well done to the winners of the "Carnival" Friday Fashion Contest with a prize pool of over 1 Billion Influence! Make sure to come see us on FRIDAY at 19:00 EDT at Homecoming - Excelsior for a chance to win! This Fridays Fashion Contest theme will be "Beach"! It will be in Echo Plaza on Homecoming - Excelsior Join our Discord to suggest a theme for next week and vote on which suggested theme is picked! https://discord.gg/zsXQUzy698 1st: Puppeteer 2nd: Vivid Vale 3rd: Lady Harlequin Honorarys: Unknown Ringmaster Volt Mirage Dancarina de Samba Dressed in the Dark
  8. For combat tp I have it bound to shift+tab to teleport to my target, and ctrl+space to teleport to my cursor if I need to dodge a bomb 💛 Make sure you say hi if you see me in game hun!
  9. So sadly you won't be able to bind two powers to use in a single key press, as no matter what form you are in that bind will always try to use white dwarf step. the three options I can think of for what you want are: Having two keys for the bind, so having shift+lbutton for human tp, and ctrl+lbutton for dwarf tp (This is what I use and is easiest) If you use a bind/macro to go in and out of dwarf form you can set up a bind file to swap to so when in dwarf it binds the dwarf tp, but when back in human it rebinds it to normal tp Final one is to have a rotating bind, so it will start with a human tp then switch it to be bound to dwarf tp, making it so if you double click it will teleport you. If you let me know which of those you would prefer I can try to help more with getting it set up on your toon 💛
  10. Well done to the winners of the "Valentines" Friday Fashion Contest with a prize pool of over 2 Billion Influence! Make sure to come see us on FRIDAY at 19:00 EDT at Homecoming - Excelsior for a chance to win! This Fridays Fashion Contest theme will be "Carnival"! It will be in Echo Plaza on Homecoming - Excelsior Join our Discord to suggest a theme for next week and vote on which suggested theme is picked! https://discord.gg/zsXQUzy698 1st: Small Bouquet 2nd: Afrodesiac 3rd: She did not come/The Best Woman Honorarys: Love-Bug Lovechild Headless Harlot Lovespells R us
  11. Not that I know of 💛
  12. Updated - 17/02/2025 - Posted the picture of the successful Labyrinth of Fog! Where we even beat the Highscores of all other servers! Massive thanks to @Zaldra5 and @VortexMaster Next week is an Incarnate Trial Train so bring your level 50 Kheldians and Arachnos to Praetoria to kick ass!
  13. The Unity proves that all you need is Kheldians and Arachnos to blow Achlys out the water! Power in Unity! @Zaldra5 @VortexMaster
  14. There is a daily MSR ran at 3pm Eastern 💛
  15. Updated - 15/02/2024 - Added a section for the Nemesis Wedding event
  16. Yep on average 💛 Granted this is with being super tanky still
  17. There are so many in this game who are beyond wonderful people, and I know if I ever asked for help they would (And have been) there for me in a heartbeat, so I try to help as much as I can in what ways I can, after all the smallest of good deeds can lead to a tidal wave of good coming into your life, and sometimes all someone needs is that little act of kindness to keep them going through a hard time 💛 Saying that there's no need to keep this negative conversation going, we should focus on moving forward with positive attitudes 🙂 I will try to be more up to date with the updates when I can help it and looking forward to all the future events I get the privilege to run!
  18. General build is around 450 DPS, the Goddess build is around 750 DPS 💛
  19. This weeks trial will be the Labyrinth of Fog! Why let the Midnighters have the power of Achlys when we should take it for ourselves!
  20. Heya, sorry that I have not been as up to date as I would like, there's been a lot going on in my real life right now and this is just a game for me after all. I try to run things that people enjoy with no benefit to myself, and I am far from perfect but I try my best, you can always message me here, on discord, or in game and I am happy to answer as soon as I can. Also for the record I didn't chose "fame" it's a game where I run a lot of events so people will recognise the name, the wiki page was fun for RP, please try to remember that people on the other end of the screen are still people who have real lives they need to attend to 💛 Again sorry for not being more up to date, will try to do better but can not promise I won't mess up 🙂
  21. Well done to the winners of the "Unity" Friday Fashion Contest with a prize pool of over 1 Billion Influence! Make sure to come see us on FRIDAY at 19:00 EDT at Homecoming - Excelsior for a chance to win! This Fridays Fashion Contest theme will be "Valentines"! It will be in Echo Plaza on Homecoming - Excelsior Join our Discord to suggest a theme for next week and vote on which suggested theme is picked! https://discord.gg/zsXQUzy698 1st: Hero/Villain Juan 2nd: Androgyny 3rd: Guardian of Unity Honorarys: Jeska Captain Paragon Master Equinox Teamster Warhamster Volt Mirage
  22. Sounds quite a lot like the Font inside the Labyrinth of Fog 💛 Endlessly spawning waves with giant monsters in an ancient roman colosseum including a unique GM spawn too!
  23. Both Peacebringers and Warshades are monsters at the end game if built and played right to the point they can do damage on par with Blasters whilst tanking on par with Tankers, early life of a Kheldian is hard for sure so I would suggest taking advantage of our passive that grants buffs from other AT's on the team to help sustain you until you can get perma Eclipse
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