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Everything posted by siolfir

  1. Hover, while not expensive, costs nearly triple the cost of Combat Jumping. Mystic Flight blows them both out of the water, though, which is why I said if you're planning on flying while fighting you're not saving any endurance with Combat Jumping. And I dislike immobilizes because I actually use positioning to manipulate mob AI, line up cones for the characters that have them, and some sets get a lot better performance from repositioning (Kinetics, Storm, Dark Blast) compared to picking a spot and staying there.
  2. To be a bit more specific the "soft cap" for defense is based on the to-hit formula, which gives a minimum of 5% chance for an even-con minion to hit you. There are accuracy factors involved, but the basis for it is that because most mobs have a base of 50% chance to hit, and this doesn't vary until you get into +6 or higher mobs, that any defense that works towards reducing it beyond 5% is wasted. Thus, a "soft cap." Because there is a hard cap for defense as well: it's 175%-225% though, so well beyond what you need unless the mobs are running a lot of +to-hit. And some are. There's also an Incarnate soft cap of 59%, because mobs in Incarnate content have a 64% base chance to hit, so you need more than 45% there. Note that having defense above the cap, either hard or soft, works to prevent from dropping below them when hit with a debuff, which actually makes going above the soft-cap more valuable for sets without defense debuff resistance - it's just also harder to get there and so not usually worth the tradeoffs to do so. For resistance, a soft cap isn't mentioned because there isn't one. You're capped at -300% resistance on the low end, and either 75%, 85% (for VEATs and Khelds), or 90% (for Brutes and Tankers) on the high end. Again, buffs past the cap work to offset resistance debuffs, which are already resisted by the resistance itself.
  3. Doesn't surprise me at all, I've had the best luck with Maxtors - I no longer use the computer because I gave it to my mom, but it has a 15-year and counting Maxtor retail drive that still works, tiny as it may be by today's standards. Seagates, on the other hand, I stopped buying entirely after back-to-back DOAs. Well, one wasn't a DOA, it just failed within an hour. The replacement for that one was DOA (BIOS was like "what drive?"), and so I decided to go with WD for the replacement - I've had a few failures on those, but at least they made it longer than their warranty. Nothing like the decade-and-a-half Maxtor, tho.
  4. Biggest one that would bother me is #3. I'd find #8 annoying, but that's just because of the low-level wait for an attack chain that the Blackwand, Nemesis Staff, and Sands of Mu fills, and you can counter that by making a Dominator or Blaster and have more clicks than you know what to do with by level 8. But not being able to join teams? Heck, that's not only less fun, but you're more likely to die from someone on your team doing something stupid. I took that to mean that you can both buy and sell on the market, you just can't email yourself seed money from another character that you've already inf capped. But @Chainz might come in and correct me.
  5. Personal preference: Combat Jumping. If you have to dip into a different pool anyway, you can get immobilize and knockback protection (from IOs) for less endurance with the same defense buff and if-not-identical-then-close-enough air control. But I tend to fight on the ground. If you're going to fight while flying, Hover will burn less endurance because you can turn Mystic Flight off and just use it. I've done Mystic Flight + CJ for air combat (for immobilize protection) and you can get away with it, but the endurance advantage flips over to Hover really quickly.
  6. My Stalker is named Worst Healer Ever (50+++ Psi/Bio). Does that count as a cool edgy name? 😄 She does get a lot of blind invites, though. Maybe it's because the name is so edgy... I didn't think of that. As for a favorite - I can't say that I have one since what I want to play at any given point varies. So there's no why to it, beyond "am I having fun playing this right now?"
  7. Not going to give you any hate for saying it: a well-played Storm can be a great asset to a team, but even a team-friendly Storm may find the team to be not-so Storm friendly, so it's not bad advice. I'm also going to suggest Time Manipulation for a team-friendly primary that offers a powerful but easy-to-play mix of buffs and debuffs that also offers you a good chance to solo if needed - I have an Ice/Time Corruptor, and even with Corruptor numbers I was herding GMs on Monster Island (mainly because someone said I couldn't). For secondaries, except for Energy Blast (another set that often gets hate even when played well) you can take your pick. But really, how the character is played will determine how team-friendly it is more than the powersets chosen, so as @Psyonico said you just need to figure out what "team friendly" means to you, and make something that you're going to feel happy playing.
  8. Well, that too, but I also do like the demons (except for the infernal howling) - when both sets were new I made a Demon/Pain MM and you just have to take the whip attacks for someone with a Pain Domination secondary, right? I (usually) skip the attacks in every other primary, though, so you could say that it might just be liking to whip things. 😈
  9. siolfir

    Solo Numina?

    The GM spawns as a Monster (equivalent to AV) during the TF, regardless of whether you're solo or not.
  10. I've made MMs without any attacks before - as @JJDrakken says their damage is bad and if you need something else they're the first to go. But with that said, I like the attacks in Demon Summoning, mostly in aesthetic and they're also the only ones that I feel could be included for performance, and I will go with "rule of cool" over performance in most cases anyway. As @RageusQuitus2 says, the attacks all carry a short duration resistance debuff (9.375%) similar to (but smaller than) Sonic Blast's resistance debuffs. It softens things up and multiplies the damage your pets - and the rest of the team - are doing, so while you're not doing a lot of damage with the attack it's worthwhile IMO because of the extra damage you're getting from your pets by virtue of the added debuff (and if nothing else, once you can maintain attacking, add procs to get damage from them). Also, Thermal isn't exactly a busy set - you put shields up once every 4 minutes, Melt Armor has a long recharge and duration, and in most situations the most taxing thing you need to worry about is keeping Forge up: it's not like you're going to be healing all the time. You'll probably spend more time yelling at your Demonlings when they run off where they aren't supposed to be, but other than that what else are you going to do?
  11. Probably, and teams like that are why I started wanting to know the final number. 😄
  12. Unless I'm in a rush and forget, I always set a limit on deaths just because it won't track them otherwise. I also tell everyone on the team this, and not to worry about it - it's not like it tracks who dies, and I like to know the final number. Chalk me up as one who also wants those settings to mean something.
  13. They're not that useful because they weren't supposed to be that useful when they were first made. Since it was a veteran reward, there were concerns about making them too powerful since they were a matter of haves and have-nots, and no way other than subscription time to change that. Now that anyone can get them, I could understand the point that they should probably live a little longer than they do, but they were originally intended to be hard to keep alive as a balance point for getting a free buff: that's why a power was added specifically to make them easy to kill if targeted. They're enough of a nuisance to keep alive that I don't even bother to get one. And because it is a free buff, I'd hesitate to provide too many hit points: just getting rid of the -maxHP line and leaving the -resistance alone (so they always take quadruple damage) would effectively give them more hit points than an Underling. I also think that the whole idea is just even more power creep; the +damage (3%) and +recovery (5%) isn't great, but the 5% resistance to all or 2.5% base defense can be very meaningful when stacked with everything else that's far more readily available to players now than it was when the pets were added. Edit to add: remove the defense and resistance from the buff and I'd have no problem giving underling (or even minion) hp without the -res: at that point they're still splitting aggro and that's probably more useful than the +dam or +recovery buff, so I wouldn't want them to have full "pet" hp (which is more than four ATs get, and the same as five others!)
  14. @00Troy00: You can reset your game password here: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/gameaccount/
  15. When was that? Streaming is back to legal again as of May 13th as long as you aren't showing Code of Conduct violations or locking it behind a paywall. Which means if you want, you could make a video of the testing and post a link to it here, rather than worrying about combat logs.
  16. I like the asset and it seems a shame to waste it, but since there's confusion maybe you can put it centered overlaying the silhouette of the most obvious landmark for Atlas Park - the statue of Atlas - and that would probably eliminate any questions. I mean, the exits are labeled on the map and so it really doesn't need it, but my first thought for the image for AP was the statue and I'm probably not alone in that - heck, you could even add a graffiti Atlas holding the O in Paragon to represent the statue if you want something more subtle than just "hey, look at the statue again!"
  17. @CrankyOldMage: I'm just going to go on record here saying that based on the text in the OP I don't think there's anything wrong with the ask, depending on what goes into the overlay. And as you can see in the post about the music videos, it's all dependent on what's being done. But there's also the Art & Multimedia section that might let you see existing work, and there's even an existing commission thread in that section that, as @TemporalVileTerror said in their first reply, may get you better results. If nothing else, you can look through the section and see if you can find someone whose style you like, and contact them directly.
  18. Freedom was, really; for Going Rogue the "villain" ATs had to start in either Praetoria or Mercy until alignment missions at level 20+. It wasn't until Freedom that they just gave up entirely.
  19. It was more than just Artemis; Athena and Hestia make up the other "main" virgin goddesses (wikipedia has several others listed). That's not to say that the rest of the post was incorrect, just that there was more than one that was viewed as chaste.
  20. To be fair, Whirlpool is probably less overpowered having it than Singularity, which can draw mobs in and keep them from acting through KD, plus it is nearly a perfect fit thematically - both with slowed mobs trying to get out of it and it drawing them back in. I don't really see it for armor sets (including Khelds, but I agree that the dwarf forms need something more than taunt) and definitely don't see it for Chain Induction. I think that changing the repel in TK to "draw to target" is... reasonably, if not completely, in line with how the power works both thematically and mechanically, so any unnamed rules would remain inviolate. I also agree with the tangent that TK and Levitate don't really have anything to do with a theme of controlling people's minds, but that ship sailed before I ever started playing. Some powers I was surprised to not see are: Earth Control: Quicksand Dark Miasma/Darkness Affinity: Black Hole Storm Summoning: Tornado Each of those would thematically fit, with some being far more more annoying than others.
  21. Enhancement Boosters - they're also special salvage, but a different type.
  22. Pain Domination was created as a dark mirror of Empathy available to Masterminds and Corruptors before Going Rogue, in response to requests to proliferate Empathy. The first two powers are copies (AoE heal, single target heal), then, in the order that the powers show up in Pain: Share Pain is an Absorb Pain clone that heals for a bit less, but doesn't damage you as much and gives you +damage when you use it; Conduit of Pain is the ally rez, you get rewarded with a Mutation-like buff when you use it so make sure to let your teammates die frequently; Enforced Morale is a Clear Mind clone that includes a non-stackable +5% recharge and damages the target if their health is over 90% ("the beatings shall continue until morale improves!"); Soothing Aura replaced Regeneration Aura a few tiers earlier, it's a heal-over-time toggle instead of a +regen click that's... useful but meh; World of Pain was the "replacement" for Fortitude: a PBAoE that also affects you, but is resistance instead of defense and has lower values for +tohit and +dam; Anguishing Cry replaces Recovery Aura: no +recovery, instead you get a PBAoE -def -res click debuff; Painbringer keeps the +regen and +recovery but swaps the +recharge out for +damage from Adrenalin Boost. Despite the "copy-and-tweak" nature of how it was from Empathy, except for the resistance shield being PBAoE and needing slotting to be perma it plays more like Thermal: the whole team ends up with +res(all) and some +dam, one person gets a lot of +dam, and it has a res/def debuff on a long recharge (albeit PBAoE instead of ranged).
  23. Yeah, first I learned of this was when Willpower was in beta. Brutes were getting ridiculous resistance numbers out of High Pain Tolerance, which provides 5.625% resistance to all. It was missing the flag to ignore outside buffs, and Fury was pushing the resistance to silly levels.
  24. Haven't had a chance to test, but I believe that is what they did: the patch notes say "The minimum level to start the Lady Grey TF has been changed back to 45 as it was on live" (emphasis added). Sounds like you just need to have a 45+ begin it and everyone else can be 35+. Edit: nm, was tested later on and it's 45+ for all. 😞
  25. @Oysterhead has it covered - the arc increase is exclusive to the Tanker inherent changes that gave them wider cones and larger radius AoEs, and some cones in melee sets aren't considered melee cones. In my head it makes sense to simplify it, but while for me melee means "10' range or less," I can see the possible confusion of "being in a melee damage set" so it's a good point to bring up.
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