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Force Redux

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Everything posted by Force Redux

  1. Welcome back friend!
  2. Pineapple 🍍
  3. Yeah, pita with the new Council with some secondaries. Controls and debuffs help, too. My demon/dark managed well enough as a result. I can see Marine being more challenging before clarion.
  4. Worse...when you gaze into the Clamor-toe, the Clamor-toe gazes back...
  5. Sorry to hear of this... /em holdtorch
  6. /em holdtorch Fare thee well hero
  7. I too love the lore. We exist!
  8. Welcome back!
  9. Welcome back!
  10. I'm all for it! 👌
  11. I'm on irregular times, but if I see it I'll join!
  12. Thank you Veracor. I was fortunate enough to get in on a number of MOs and other raids. You are a community standard who will be missed. Best wishes.
  13. My elec/energy sentinel is amazeballs. From your list I'd say the blaster!
  14. Beast/Marine MM here, works like peanut butter n jelly.
  15. This build is a work in progress. Final slotting would include a pair of Acc/Dam Hami-Os for each pet. I don't use Mid's any more so this is old skool: Genin 112% damage, 62% accuracy, 40% end redux Acc/Dam Acc/Dam/EndRed Acc/Dam/End Red Soulbound Allegiance %buildup Overwhelming Force dam/KD conversion Call to Arms: Defense Aura - Honestly need to get the Accuracy to about 90% for me to feel comfortable. I might move the CtA Defense Aura to another pet and get another IO in there. Jounin 112% damage, 82% accuracy, 62% end redux Acc/Dam Acc/Dam/EndRed Acc/Dam EndRed Acc/Dam EndRed Edict of the Master: Defense Super. Comm. of the MM: AOE aura Oni 94% Damage, 92% Accuracy, 63% end redux Acc/Dam Acc/Dam/EndRed Acc/Dam EndRed SovRight Resist Aura Exped. Reinf. Reist Aura Super. Mark of Suprem. Resist and Regen aura/End Honestly, everything else is pretty standard /Cold slotting, and I'm kinda out of energy. Getting the uniques into Ninjas and aiming for 100% damage, 90% accuracy and 40% endredux is my goal.
  16. So, anyway...how about that Galaxy City?
  17. With Marine you can easily get away with 40% end Redux.... Maybe less. Save slots for something else!
  18. I've got an old build in my Dark Miasma guide, but for the demons themselves? Let me log in and tell ya what I just respecced into. This includes Musculature Radial T3: Demonlings: 2 Nucleolus Exposure (Acc/Dam) Sovereign Right A/D/E +5 End Redux +5 Soulbound Allegiance %buildup Overwhelming Force damage/KD conversion +121% damage +90% accuracy +75% end redux Demons/Gargoyles 2 Nucleolus Exposure (Acc/Dam) Sovereign Right A/D/E +5 Doctored Wounds heal/end Doctored Wounds heal/end/redux (will swap this out later on for two H/E +5 Dam Resist +5 +117% damage +90% accuracy +74% end redux +32% damage resist +47% heal Demon Price 2 Nucleolus Exposure (Acc/Dam) Impeded Swiftness %smash Ice Mistral's %cold Superior Mark of Sup. A/D/E (attuned for set bonus recharge) Superior Mark of Sup End/Resist/Regen unique (attuned...) +117% damage +90% accuracy +50% end redux (so far he's doing well with this, it was either keep this or get rid of a proc and add End +5 if necessary, which it wasn't so far) Hell on Earth Call to Arms Acc/Rech Plus the other 5 procs. Could move things around with the pets if you want less procs and or end reduction/heal/resist in the other pets to make this function better as a buff...) I really hate having pets struggle for END on long fights and since I have no reliable way in Demon/Dark to manage the blue bar for pets, I make sure to up their END Redux. Particularly the T2 pets in most sets tend to blow through blue. Prince seems to mange well with his 50%. Hope that helps!
  19. Well @honoroit , doesn't matter if we agree or not. About as likely to happen as Elon musk adopting me as his heir apparent. 🤷‍♂️
  20. As much as I love elden ring, as much as I love group player versus player especially battlefields such as in Dark age of Camelot and ESO back in the day, I would not love someone else invading my mission or task force. It's not a bad idea, but you got to know when to play the right song for the right crowd. This is not the right crowd.
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