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2020 - New year, endless possilities


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What are your hopes for our home for CoH in the coming year?  We've had discussions about what we'd like to see feature-wise in the game.  But, what's on your wish list for the game as a whole here at Homecoming?


For myself, I'd love to see the successful conclusion of the NCSoft deal, which I believe will open the floodgates for the kinds of real changes in-game that we have been waiting for, and to see the game flourish in the wake of it's new officially sanctioned status.  It would also lift the specter of the gray-area legality which the game currently operates beneath, and with it, the underlying fear that we could wake up one day, and see it all disappear.  I imagine that just from a resource perspective, completing that prodigious task would free up a lot of time that is currently dedicated to the legitimacy efforts.


What would you like to see in 2020?

Edited by Abraxus
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What was no more, is REBORN!

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I agree that a successful conclusion with NCSoft would be great it has been wonderful to have CoH back in my life.

Actually had a lengthy list of things, but I just hope the game continues to grow and remain fun.

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In no particular order:


1.  If the tech allows it, an increase in the zone cap would be amazing.  I always have so much fun when 40+ heroes are working towards a common objective, but organization of "raids" takes a lot more time than it needs to because everyone rushes to reserve their spot in the zone .


2.  A "butt" slider.  


3.  I would love to be able to dump market transaction data into a spreadsheet or database to analyze offline.  This would be a very low priority for the devs, but I am a data nerd and I think the market would function more efficiently with more transparency.


4.  I LOVE outdoor bases.  However, the mechanic for making outdoor bases limits the accessible geometries quite a bit.  The ability to simply remove the ceiling and walls from an indoor base to access the outside would open up a lot of creative space, especially indoor bases with outside landscapes.


5.  It would be neat if there was something (with an incentive) else to do besides raid again once everyone is organized in a league.  For instance, double the rewards for a mothership raid in the hour after a hami raid is completed.  Or make a successful mothership raid give a 30 min temp power that debuffs hami.  Or make either give a temp buff for incarnate trials.  The goal would be to maximize the playtime/organization time ratio for league events.

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The true release of the code base and IP such that anyone who desires to do so can prop up servers and play out in the open, without having a single entity dictating how the game will go forward, or fear of legal threats, with licenses if need be.

Realease the code an IP as a kit to build on, etc., a rules-system with a world that anyone can alter.


A change in the playerbase to truly accept all players of all abilities and playstyles, including accepting server communities of differing outlooks, without resorting to the typical hateful gamer rhetoric.


A change in the behaviour of mis-informed and fearful players that feel the need to troll others over not being creative enough or bringing down the Bad Mouse.


IMO, if this happens, all the rest of the things people want will be more possible, from small changes to new content.


...what? You stated 'endless possibilities' after all!  😉 

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It has been my goal to stand up my own server and get it running before anything bad happens with Homecoming (not that I want it to) just as a backup.  My first swing at it was unsuccessful but I'll figure it out.  


As far as Homecoming, I'd like to see the negotiations finish with a win/win scenario.  


The quick testing I did on Pineapple for MMs seems to be pretty sweet - I rolled a Bots/Dark, boosted him to 50, and ran a mission or two.  AI changes look pretty promising although I've seen some posts from people saying the changes don't help Demons or Beasts with Kinetics maybe???  It would be cool if these changes could go through soon. I have 3 MMs that have been sitting around waiting for playtime.  

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1 hour ago, jubakumbi said:

The true release of the code base and IP such that anyone who desires to do so can prop up servers and play out in the open, without having a single entity dictating how the game will go forward, or fear of legal threats, with licenses if need be.

Realease the code an IP as a kit to build on, etc., a rules-system with a world that anyone can alter.


A change in the playerbase to truly accept all players of all abilities and playstyles, including accepting server communities of differing outlooks, without resorting to the typical hateful gamer rhetoric.


A change in the behaviour of mis-informed and fearful players that feel the need to troll others over not being creative enough or bringing down the Bad Mouse.


IMO, if this happens, all the rest of the things people want will be more possible, from small changes to new content.


...what? You stated 'endless possibilities' after all!  😉 

Yeah, I wish upon a star once in awhile for peace on Earth, goodwill towards man.  But, of all things, human nature is the hardest thing to change.  Folks are, as they are.  The hope is that the nature of the game attracts the majority of folks who are just as you describe.  However, we know that reality dictates there will always be those few who can't/won't subscribe to that ideal.  It's a micro example, of a macro problem, and we are but humble gamers, making our way in the world.  We do what we can, when we can, and hope it's enough.  But, we can't solve the entire world's ills.  So, I will play, and try to be an example of those higher ideals.  If we all do that, things will take care of themselves.

Edited by Abraxus

What was no more, is REBORN!

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2 hours ago, NNDeepdish said:

I just want to be able to play the game. Anything else is just a bonus.

This is about where I stand, though the mapserver's been pretty problematic for me in that regard as of late.


I wouldn't mind a "bonus" that includes no more damage crash on Rage, after that nasty tease on the test servers, though.  I was really looking forward to that...

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I'm not a big dreamer.


Get an editor to proof-read and fix the typos in the mission text. Some of us actually read it (gosh, the lore is amazing).


Spread the seasons to as many zones as possible (and appropriate) over time. Next year, make it overcast in Atlas when it snows. Clear skies and snowfall don't mix.


Every now and then, just drop a zone-level appropriate giant monster into the zones to stir up excitement. Have an exemplared Warwalker take a casual stroll through Atlas, Kings Row, Perez Park, or Steel Canyon. Do the same with Jack in Irons, Babbage, and all the rest. Make heroes do more than zip between missions and model their costumes at trainers.


Give all the powers the Minimal FX treatment.


Oh. Maybe I am a big dreamer. 😃



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On Excelsior : Plasma Fury (Fire/Fire Blaster) - Prodigal (WP/SS Tank) - Terra Forma (Earth/Storm Controller)

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