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On 6/7/2021 at 3:03 PM, Tyrannical said:

Surge Mastery - Scrapper/Stalker/Tanker/Brute


ElectricControl StaticField.png - Static Field: An AoE sleep patch that works similarily to AoE immobilizes


Pretty sure this is too powerful, at least at t1. Static Field is extremely good CC. The best comparison point would be the Earth mastery's aoe disorient. 


I wonder if Short circuit could fit here instead, or if that would be too much damage?

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There are a lot of great ideas in this thread.


For the folks posting icons, you might like to hear that there's a .psd document you can use to generate custom power icons. I'd credit the person who made it but I am not sure who they are. You can edit this document in Photoshop or Gimp. This is the PSD document used to create "real" modded in game icons (although they have to go through a process after export from Photoshop/Gimp). 


I won't provide a full Photoshop lesson here, but the basic technique involved in icon creation should be familiar to anyone who has worked with Layers.




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7 hours ago, Tyrannical said:

I was gonna go for Chain Fences, but figured it would be a little too close to Mu Mastery in that regard. 


Short Circuit could work, if the numbers were tweaked, or maybe Jolting Chain perhaps?

Jolting Chain could be really interesting. Especially with the doubled cooldown epics (inconsistently) get to keep it fair. That's my vote.


@oedipus_tex bless you for bringing visibility to this.

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Thanks for that, @oedipus_tex.


Also, um . . . I found something (source:  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uHUi6BWFTYj4wbfGBs3LjZL88Fym6B-8EwDr18YZcY8/edit#gid=0 ):



These all appear to exist as assets in-game, on the Live version no less.

I hadn't heard about this unfinished Set before.  I wonder if there are others still kicking around to dig up . . . 

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11 hours ago, GraspingVileTerror said:


Found another one:



Looks very similar to a Set I wrote a ways back for Battle Armour . . . lemme see if that's still kicking around . . . 



Ahah! I've been looking for this!


It was what inspired me to make the 'Tactical Gear' armor set, but I couldn't find the original material, but I'm glad to see that the vision I had ended up being pretty similar to the original concept!


I had a look through the rest and it seems that Gears and Kinetic Assault seem to the the only two powersets there that we don't have (excluding Wind Control)

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Fun Fact Tangent Time:

Kinetic Assault's direct powers are missing from the game files, but not the Temporary Powers used for status tracking or the redirects.




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I'm gonna try something a little different for this one.


So far we have Shield Defense, which is the only powerset in the game that currently restricts usage of certain powersets along with it (Stone Armor used to, but I believe those restrictions have been lifted). So for this one I'm going to take the theme of Shield Defense and instead make a new powerset that fills a similar role that can only be picked while using weapon powersets, even if they can already be used with Shield Defense.


Weapon Defense

You are capable of using your chosen weapon as a means of defense, improving your weapons expertise by incorporating stances and techniques that allow you to evade harm. This powerset can only be chosen if you possess a weapon, such as Battle Axe, Broad Sword, Claws, Dual Blades, Katana, Spines, Staff Fighting, Titan Weapons and War Mace.


ShieldDefense ActiveDefense.png - Combat Stance: Identical in effect to Deflection, instead having the FX follow the arm(s) holding a weapon


ShieldDefense Deflection.png - Agile Fighting: Identical in effect to Battle Agility, instead having the FX follow the arm(s) holding a weapon


ShieldDefense TrueGrit.png - Fighting Spirit: An autopower with the same benefits as True Grit


ShieldDefense BattleAgility.png - Defensive Technique: Identical in effect to Active Defense, instead having the FX follow the arm(s) holding a weapon


ShieldDefense AgainstAllOdds.png - Warrior's Might: Identical in effect to Against All Odds, instead having the FX follow the arm(s) holding a weapon


ShieldDefense PhalanxFighting.png - Battle Ready: A new toggle power which grants a small bonus to all defenses, and also increases perception


PrimalForcesMasteryDominator EnergyTransfer.png - Counterattack: A new power that works like 'Parry' or 'Divine Avalanche'. This cone attack varies depending on the weapon powerset chosen, but always grants melee defense and deals high damage


PrimalForcesMastery PowerBoost.png - Hone Weapon: A click power that increases accuracy and boosts the secondary effects of your powers


ShieldDefense OneWithTheShield.png - Weapon Master: Identical in effect to One with the Shield, instead having the FX follow the arm(s) holding a weapon



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4 hours ago, Sakura Tenshi said:

As someone who has long wanted a “shieldless” shield defense, I’ll accept this.


though part of why I like shield is that grant cover works conceptually for a frontline fighter being a tactical leader and shield charge being shield charge.


I didn't want to have an exact carbon copy of Shield Defense, but I wanted to retain a lot of the core abilities.


It's kinda like how Pain Domination mirrors Empathy in a lot of ways, but for Weapon Defense I wanted to move away from the AoE powers abilities like Phalanx Fighting, Grant Cover and Shield Charge since they didn't quite fit the concept and instead introduced new powers that would suit the focus on the weapon and its wielder.

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  • 3 weeks later

Since we're short on melee and support powersets, figured I would try and adapt some of the Light/Void powerset stuff to fit that, which shouldn't be too hard really. I'll also throw in Void Control, since a lot of Warshade powers come with some sort of mez element to them (Illusion Control seems pretty close to what I'd consider Light Control so I can't think of much else for that).


The melee powersets shouldn't be too hard since they borrow assets form existing powers, since most melee powers involve applying very basic FX over a suite of repeatedly used animations, but the new support powersets would likely need way more work in terms of FX and animations to really bring out their aesthetic.


Light Melee


ElectricityManipulation ChargedBrawl.png - Light Barrage: Same general FX of most PB powers, dealing light Smashing/Energy damage


LuminousBlast RadiantStrike.png - Luminous Smite: Same FX as Radiant Strike, this melee power does moderate Smashing/Energy damage and reduces enemy Accuracy


LuminousBlast ProtonScatter.png - Photon Scatter: Same FX as Proton Scatter (closer range), this power deals moderate Energy/Psi damage in a melee cone and reduces enemy Accuracy


LuminousBlast BuildUp.png - Build Up: Standard build up power, using the same FX as 'Inner Light'


LuminousAura Antagonize.png - Taunt/Placate/Confront: Standard aggro management power


LuminousBlast SolarFlare.png - Flare: Same FX as Solar Flare, this power does moderate Energy/Psi damage in PBAoE and reduces enemy Accuracy (Stalkers get 'Assassin's Flash')


LuminousBlast GleamingBlast.png - Shining Ray: Same FX as Gleaming Blast (closer range), this short range power does high Energy/Psi damage and reduces enemy Accuracy.


LuminousBlast IncandescentStrike.png - Brilliant Strike: Same FX as Incandescent Strike, this melee power does superior Smashing/Energy damage and reduces enemy Accuracy. May also hold foes


LuminousBlast Pulsar.png - Radiant Burst: Same FX as Pulsar, causing nearby foes to take high Energy/Psi damage and have their Accuracy reduced. Affected foes may sleep much like Blind



Light Affinity


ThermalRadiation Warmth.png - Healing Light: Same FX as Pulsar, healing all nearby targets in a PBAoE


TrickArrow Blind.png - Light Burst: New power that works much like Flash Arrow, reducing ToHit and Perception of foes, uses similar FX with some PB stuff added in


LuminousAura Incandescence.png - Light Aura: Same FX as Shining Shield, grants resistance to Smashing, Lethal and Energy to a nearby ally


LuminousBlast GlowingTouch.png - Luminous Touch: Same FX as Glowing Touch, healing a nearby ally and increases their MaxHP for a short while


LuminousAura ThermalShield.png - Glowing Aura: Same FX as Thermal Shield, grants resistance to Fire, Cold, Energy and Negative to a nearby ally


LuminousAura LightofReason.png - Radiance: Uses generic PB FX on the target's head, grants resistance mez effects and a perception boost to a nearby ally


LuminousAura RestoreEssence.png - Rekindle: Same FX as Restore Essence, revives one fallen ally and increases their damage and regeneration


Illusions Blind.png - Brilliance: Same FX as Flash, holds one enemy and deals no damage


ElectricMelee Placate.png - Mirage: New power that slowly chains between foes and placates them, while also reducing their accuracy and perception, has a small chance to confuse. Creates PB eye FX on affected foes



Void Melee


ShadowFighting ShadowPunch.png - Shadow Punch: Same general FX of most WS powers, dealing light Smashing/Negative damage


UmbralAura BlackDwarfStrike.png - Dark Strike: Same FX as Black Dwarf Strike, this melee power does moderate Smashing/Negative damage and reduces enemy Defense


UmbralBlast GraviticEmanation.png - Nebulous Burst: Same FX as Gravitic Emanation (closer range), this power does moderate Smashing/Negative damage in a melee cone and reduces enemy Defense


ShadowFighting BuildUp.png - Build Up: Standard build up power, using the same FX as Stygian Circle (Self only)


UmbralAura Antagonize.png - Taunt/Placate/Confront: Standard aggro management power


UmbralBlast SunlessMire.png - Void Pulse: Same FX as Sunless Mire, this power does moderate Smashing/Negative damage in PBAoE and reduces enemy Defense. (Stalkers get 'Assassin's Void')


DarkCast TenebrousTentacles.png - Creeping Void: Same FX as Gravitic Emanation (closer range), this power deals moderate Negative DoT and slows down foes and reduces Defense


UmbralAura BlackDwarfSmite.png - Void Slam: Same FX as Black Dwarf Smite, this melee power does superior Smashing/Negative damage and reduces enemy Defense


UmbralBlast GravimetricSnare.png - Crushing Grasp: Same FX as Gravimetric Snare, this melee power does high Negative DoT and immobilises the foe while reducing their Defense




Void Emission


SonicDebuff DebuffDamRes.png - Gravitic Bolt: Same FX as Shadow Bolt, projecting a Defense/Speed debuff at your foes


UmbralAura PenumbralShield.png - Void Aura: Same FX as Gravity Shield, grants Defense to Smashing, Lethal and Energy to a nearby ally


UmbralAura TwilightShield.png - Nebulous Aura: Same FX as Penumbral Shield, grants Defense to Fire, Cold, Negative and Energy to a nearby ally


Illusions GiveInvisibility.png - Stygian Shroud: A new power that works as an AoE stealth power with minor Defense to Melee, Ranged and AoE as well as resistance to Speed and Defense debuffs


SonicDebuff Dispel.png - Quantum State: Same FX as Twilight Shield, granting mez protection as well as resistance to enemy teleportation and placate


RadiationPoisoning EnervatingField.png - Gravity Anchor: A new toggle power with similar FX to Dark Extraction. Anchors to a foe and Reduces Speed and Defense of enemies within range


UmbralAura Eclipse.png - Leeching Miasma: Same FX as Eclypse, draining nearby enemies of endurance and slowing them down


DarkMiasma BlackHole.png - Black Hole: Same power from Dark Miasma/Affinity, with the FX of Inky Aspect instead.


DarknessControl ShadowField.png - Grasping Shadows: A new power that has a chance to hold foes in an AoE and heavily reduces their Defense, Perception and ToHit



Void Control


UmbralBlast GravimetricSnare.png - Void Grasp: Same FX as Gravimetric Snare, immobilising a single foe and dealing moderate Smashing/Negative DoT


GravityControl Lift.png - Gravity Shift: Same FX as Dark Extraction, lifting a foe into the air and slamming them down to deal high Smashing damage


UmbralBlast GravityWell.png - Crushing Void: Same FX as Gravity Well, holding a single foe and dealing moderate Smashing/Negative DoT


GravityControl CrushingField.png - Void Snare: Same FX as Gravimetric Snare, but on multiple targets, dealing light Smashing/Negative DoT and immobilizing foes


DarkMiasma TarPatch.png - Slowing Miasma: Same FX as Stygian Circle, creating a patch on the ground that slows down foes and reduces their Defense


MentalControl Telekinesis.png - Antigravity: Same FX as Unchain Essence, acting identical to Mind Control's 'Telekinesis' power


UmbralBlast StarlessStep.png - Pull of the Void: Same FX as Eclypse, creating an area that pulls in enemies much like Singularity. Enemies that leave the field may be teleported back


DarknessControl ShadowField.png - Abyss: Same FX as Stygian Return, holding all foes within the field much like Crushing Void, but deals no damage


UmbralBlast DarkExtraction.png - Stygian Entity: Summons a pet. The Stygian Entity uses the same rig as the Hellfire Gargoyle, but looks like a cloud of nebulous energy. Has access to Void Melee/Blast attacks


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On 6/17/2021 at 7:35 PM, Tyrannical said:

I'm gonna try something a little different for this one.


So far we have Shield Defense, which is the only powerset in the game that currently restricts usage of certain powersets along with it (Stone Armor used to, but I believe those restrictions have been lifted). So for this one I'm going to take the theme of Shield Defense and instead make a new powerset that fills a similar role that can only be picked while using weapon powersets, even if they can already be used with Shield Defense.


Weapon Defense

You are capable of using your chosen weapon as a means of defense, improving your weapons expertise by incorporating stances and techniques that allow you to evade harm. This powerset can only be chosen if you possess a weapon, such as Battle Axe, Broad Sword, Claws, Dual Blades, Katana, Spines, Staff Fighting, Titan Weapons and War Mace.


ShieldDefense ActiveDefense.png - Combat Stance: Identical in effect to Deflection, instead having the FX follow the arm(s) holding a weapon


ShieldDefense Deflection.png - Agile Fighting: Identical in effect to Battle Agility, instead having the FX follow the arm(s) holding a weapon


ShieldDefense TrueGrit.png - Fighting Spirit: An autopower with the same benefits as True Grit


ShieldDefense BattleAgility.png - Defensive Technique: Identical in effect to Active Defense, instead having the FX follow the arm(s) holding a weapon


ShieldDefense AgainstAllOdds.png - Warrior's Might: Identical in effect to Against All Odds, instead having the FX follow the arm(s) holding a weapon


ShieldDefense PhalanxFighting.png - Battle Ready: A new toggle power which grants a small bonus to all defenses, and also increases perception


PrimalForcesMasteryDominator EnergyTransfer.png - Counterattack: A new power that works like 'Parry' or 'Divine Avalanche'. This cone attack varies depending on the weapon powerset chosen, but always grants melee defense and deals high damage


PrimalForcesMastery PowerBoost.png - Hone Weapon: A click power that increases accuracy and boosts the secondary effects of your powers


ShieldDefense OneWithTheShield.png - Weapon Master: Identical in effect to One with the Shield, instead having the FX follow the arm(s) holding a weapon



I would splash in a bit more from other sets. For starters, it makes sense that it wouldn't protect as well as Shield, but would likely have an additional offensive amp.

  • Using Ninjutsu stats for the initial toggles means slightly higher defense but no SL resist.
  • Willpower High Pain Tolerance clone instead of True Grit gives smaller amounts of resist all instead of larger amounts of just elemental (max hp boost is identical). I would eschew toxic resist, because clearly only underhanded poison can bring down our great warrior.
  • I would not clone against all odds. I'm not sure what I'd do instead, but I would let Shield have its thing.  Perhaps something like "while active, attacks generate stacks of +damage" essentially giving you blaster Defiance.
  • A clone of SR's Quickness would help focus DPS towards using your weapon and using it well. Would also synergize well with the +damage stack thing above. 
  • Use Battle Ready or Counterattack, but both seems like too many defense powers.  You are looking at toggle + toggle + click rotation for any given defense. Compared to SR or Shield which only ever have toggle+auto (1 each) applied to a given defense.  Personally, I would drop battle ready for the Quickness clone listed above.
  • Counterattack could (if you wanted) become a shield charge replacement. I imagine something like a short-range savage leap (shield charge is 60, savage leap is 40, and I'm thinking more like 25. Same as an Origin attack) that also gives a non-stacking defense bonus as a fun way to start each engagement.

That's mostly recycled but should end up feeling different, yet inline with similar sets 

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Power Pool - Sidearm


Weapon Resources - Same as Dual Pistol but only one weapon either left or right hand. - Can be used with Weaponless, or Single-Handed Weapons (Broadsword, Mace, Axe...maybe Katana?) Can be used with Shield if there's no other weapon slot used.


Center Mass - You fire a shot into the target with intent to cause harm. Minor Lethal Damage, either Knockback/Down or Disorient effect.

Pistol Whip - Adding a bit of heft to your strikes. Timed Toggle, PBAoE and Melee damaging attacks have a chance of dealing minor bonus smashing damage. Similar in function to the Hybrid Incarnate powers, but more limited and less damage.

Serpentine - You're practiced in how to move to stay out of the line of fire. Toggle good bonus to run speed and low bonus to jump speeds (not height). Bonus to Ranged and AoE defense.
Warning Shot - That shot was clearly a deliberate miss and it would have actually been easier just to hit, makes an enemy stop and think. 10ft AoE Minor Psychic Damage. Either a Move Speed Slow or a Fear effect. Hit animation is everyone flinching.

One More Bullet - You have one more shot, better make it count. Superior Lethal Damage and Knockdown, Center Mass and Warning Shot recharges are spent. Applies a recharge penalty to Center Mass and Warning Shot. 




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4 hours ago, Thrythlind said:

Power Pool - Sidearm


Weapon Resources - Same as Dual Pistol but only one weapon either left or right hand. - Can be used with Weaponless, or Single-Handed Weapons (Broadsword, Mace, Axe...maybe Katana?) Can be used with Shield if there's no other weapon slot used.


Looks good! Would this be an Ancillary Power Pool for any specific Archetype or is this a standard universal Power Pool?

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2 hours ago, Tyrannical said:


Looks good! Would this be an Ancillary Power Pool for any specific Archetype or is this a standard universal Power Pool?

Universal Power Pool. I've been wanting one so you could do something like have an off-hand gun for like a scientist-ish controller or melee-centric types.

A shotgun themed Power Pool would be good too.

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Piercing Rounds (Dual Pistols) actual FX for the smoke trail that it does for most of the ST attacks, to emphasize the style of the set.

Marksmanship (Originally Heavy Sniper Rifle)
Tier 1: Snap Shot: Standard Attack - (Lancer shot weapon animation)
Tier 2: Aimed Shot. (Charged Shot Beam Rifle weapon animation.)
Tier 3: Called Shot (Slow, Chance for Immobilize)
Tier 4: Sniper Shot: General Snipe (AR Sniper rifle animation or Penetrating Ray with how they shoulder the weapons)
Tier 5: Swap Mag
          Armor Piercing: -Def and/or - Res  -2.0% (then add AT Scalers) as to not tread on Sonic's ground but still play into the trope of a designated marksman and their ammunition.
          High-Explosive: Adds 7 radius AoE. 80%/20% Lethal/Fire
          Discarding Sabot: 20% Range Bonus, adds a piercing effect, 9 degree arc to ST attacks.
Tier 6: Air-Burst Round: Larger AOE then the HE Mags 14 radius, Chance for Disorient. (Sniper Rifle wepaon animation, FX piercing shot from Dual Pistols, followed by a Explosive Shuriken FX from Martial Assault) 
Tier 7: Squadsight (Auto Power, +ToHit / +DMG self. Allies +ToHit  minor +Def +Perception) - Differentiates it from other sets, but also to play into the 'guardian angel' trope.
Tier 8: Anti-Material: Low Damage, Single Target LARGE -Def / -Res (Think Surveillance terms of values.) (LRM Rocket weapon-cast animation, buckshot on hit)
Tier 9: One Shot, One Kill: Massive damage, long recharge single target. It's like a better snipe. (Overcharge rifle animation)

Originally @Megawatt's idea, but built upon.

I believe there's some rifle options/animations that can be repurposed and borrowed from PPD Ghosts, Crey Snipers, Spec Ops (Mercs) Assault Rifle, and a few others.

But this set mainly focuses on single target, with a Ammo Swap feature to give it some form of AoE, though about as small as Poison's splash debuffs terms of radius.


Edited by @T3h Ish
Grammar, and some other suggestions and ideas.
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Reptillian Mastermind Set


Quill Shot - Animation based on spines throw or attack... tosses a spine at the enemy that does minor lethal and light toxic and slows the target.


Summon Serpentfolk - Summons serpentfolk acolytes with control of plants and savage attacks


Spine Throw - Throws a larger spine at the opponent. Deals moderate lethal and minor toxic damage. Slows the target.


Great Ritual - Enhances reptillian minions with new powers


Spray of Spines - A cone of spines that deal moderate lethal and light toxic DoT. Slows the targets.


Summon Lizardfolk - Summons a pair massive lizard-man, one with a mace and one with an axe.


Serpents of the Earth - Based on Carrion Crawlers from Plant Control, the vines would have to be re-textured as snakes. Summons great snakes out of the ground as enemies are defeated.


Summon Serpent Queen - Summons a snake woman of terrible sorcerous powers


Final Ritual - Enhances the reptillians even further.




Base: Savage Strike (Savage Melee), Entangle (Plant Control)

Great Ritual: Poison Spit (like zombies), Corrosive Enzymes (Nature Affinity)

Final Ritual: Maiming Slash (Savage Melee), Alkaloid (Poison)




Base: Beheader/Bash (Axe/Mace), Throwing Knife (AE custom enemy power), Kick (Fighting, improved version)

Great Ritual: Jump Kick (Superleap), Armor (S/L Resist)

Final Ritual: Foot Stomp (Super Strength), Gash/Jawbreaker (Axe/Mace)


Serpent Queen


Base: Poison Hex (re-texture Dark Blast to be greenish and deal Toxic damage), Envenom (Poison), Brawl

Great Ritual: Weaken (Poison), Alkaloid (Poison), Predatory Toxin (Dark Melee Siphon Life - Rextured green and deal toxic)

Final Ritual: Fossilize (Earth Control), Fearsome Gaze (Darkness Control), Hexing Scream (Psychic Blast Cone, retextured green, Toxic damage instead of psychic)

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2 hours ago, Tyrannical said:

Interesting idea!


We're certainly lacking a 'Cultist' or 'Mutant' angle for MM primaries, and this looks to be a pretty good middleground!


Could certainly do aliens, mutants, or the like. Went with the cultist-ish vibe because yuan-ti.

Though to be honest, if I had pet customization available it would be along the lines of making just a bunch of slice-of-life people that happen to be scaly.

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Tactical Mastery - Mastermind - Corruptor - Defender

MunitionsMastery_Surveillance.png- Squad Sight - Auto Power. Minor +Defense +DMG +ToHit for allies. Doesn't buff the Mastermind, akin to Grant Cover for Shield.


MunitionsMastery SleepGrenade.png - Smoke Grenade: A ranged -ToHit / -Perception power, borrowed from Devices. 


MunitionsMastery BodyArmor.png - Body Armor or Kevlar Vest: Auto power. +Resistances to Smashing, Lethal and Stun.


MunitionsMastery CryoFreezeRay.png - Fear Gas Grenade: A ranged AoE Fear/Terrify, -DMG, Minor Toxic DoT. Leaves a psuedopet to continuously refresh the effect for a duration. Same toss animation as frag grenades/smoke grenade, or under-handed like O2 boost or Alkaloid is. Recycled Tear Gas FX from Malta Titans or PPD Ghost/Grenadiers.


AssaultWeapons DOT.png - Air Strike: Targeted AoE Radius 20, Long CD. 4-6m.(Uses the animation from the Galaxy City tutorial, with the strafing / arrows.) Delayed AoE damage, heavy lethal DoT. 2 Animations, one is the wrist typing animation from summoning Robotics pets. Or, using the old boxy comm from summoning your Mercenaries pets.

Alternatively, an Artillery Strike. Uses the FX from the Praetorian Warwalker with the targeting reticle / bombardment. Large TAoE. Heavy Lethal Damage + Fire. 75/25% split.

Wanted something that fits Mercenaries and/or Traps conceptually and feel that this fits th'bill.

Edited by @T3h Ish
Grammar, and some other suggestions and ideas.
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  • 2 weeks later

Forge Mastery - Mastermind / Corruptor / Defender
T1: Fire Sword
T2: Fire Cages
T3: Fire Shield
T4: Cauterizing Aura (DoT / HoT toggle) or Hot Feet.
T5: Greater Fire Sword

Bio Manipulation / Assault
(Blaster / Dominator.)
T1: Weakening Drain (Immobilize, Toxic DoT, -Def, uses bio armor FX for legs on foes, uses Drain Life movements / animation for the attack.) Defensive adds -DMG. Offensive increases Toxic DoT. Efficient increases Immob Duration.
T2: Hardened Carapace (Melee Punch, temporarily has the arm armor. Minimal FX available. Same as Punch animation from Super Strength. Temp +S/L resist if on Defensive.)
T3: Parasitic Aura (Doesn't do Absorb, PBAoE. Toxic DMG and temp -DMG.) Same FX.
T4: Corrupting Smash (Seismic Smash animation, moderate Smash/Toxic, uses both-arm FX from the Bio toggles.)
T5: Adaptation in lieu of Build up to modify abilities.
T6: DNA Siphon (Follows Drain Psyche) from both Psi Assault and Psi Manip for Blasters. Sustain Power, Same FX as DNA Siphon / Regen/Recovery.
T7: Ablative Carapace (Active: Minor ticking absorb CD for the duration, minor resist to Toxic.) Same FX. Defensive adds Max HP.
T8: Adaptive Blow (Fire, Cold or Toxic DMG and Smashing Damage, depending on Adaptation, same animation as Knockout Blow and it's alternate animation styles, plus relevant secondary effects and FX from things like Cold DoTs, etc. Inspired by Environmental Modification terms of resists offered for damage types instead.)
T9: Genetic Corruption (PbAoE -DMG, Minor Toxic Toggle.)

Suggestions for TBA / etc are always welcome. Please do!

Offensive would add a chance for Toxic DMG to attacks from your primary. (Fire + Fire DoT for Adaptive Blow)
Efficient would offer flat endurance reduction. (Cold DoT -Rech / Slow for Adaptive blow)
Defensive would add a chance to heal from attacks and buff some of the secondary debuffs from Genetic Corruption, such as -DMG and the like. And Toxic (and -DMG) for Adaptive Blow.

Edited by @T3h Ish
Grammar, and some other suggestions and ideas.
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