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Take Your Child to Work Contest! ONE DAY ONLY!!

GM Miss

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  • Retired Lead Game Master

First of all....CONGRATULATIONS!


Today we are going to run a contest that lasts for one day only! From now - until the end of the day Friday at 12:00am UTC you can submit one screenshot of you and your new addition anywhere in Praetoria, The Rogue Isles, or Paragon City for a chance to win some awesome prizes! The more creative the better!


More info on your little one here.


Where can I submit my screenshot?

For Discord: Submit your screenshot to the #child-day-screenshots.

For the forums: Submit your screenshot to the thread located here.


When do I need to submit it by?

April 3rd 12:00am UTC



First Prize: 1000 Merits + Golden Title (#1 Mom/Dad/Parent)

Second Prize: 750 Merits + Golden Title (#1 Mom/Dad/Parent)

Third Prize: 500 Merits + Golden Title (#1 Mom/Dad/Parent)

Fourth Prize: 300 Merits + Golden Title (#1 Mom/Dad/Parent)

Fifth Prize: 150 Merits + Golden Title (#1 Mom/Dad/Parent)


When will the winner be chosen?

The winner will be chosen by the GM team by Saturday April 4th and announced on Discord and the forums.

📷I joined in on the fun. Here is me and my new addition at work! 📷


Having fun on location.


Seeing old friends.


Sitting at the big table.




Edited by GM Miss
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Contact me on Discord (Miss#1337) for a faster response!


Want more information on lore pets?


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11 minutes ago, Calamity Cain said:

NVM I'm on another planet. Just realized what day it is. 😛

Well, it isn't really quite yet, for some of us.  Honestly, it hadn't really hit me 'til I read your post here myself.

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20 minutes ago, Vanden said:

Alright, just to be clear, is there actually some sort of mechanic now to make a "child" NPC appear in the game?

There is no mechanic.


He's just *There.*



Still not particularly fond of certain segments of this community.

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On patrol with the First Warden, getting up close and personal with nature.


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🏳️‍🌈 Everlasting Player 🏳️‍🌈

Mains: First Warden, Railwarden, Lucid Dream, Capricious Keeper

Alt Mains: Radiant Vanguard, Forbearance, Trepidation, Alexandria Ward

Maybe some day I'll recover from Altoholism

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Pick your caption:


"See, son, this is why you don't want to be a blaster when you grow up."

"Doogie Howser, Vanguard M.D."

"Give me 500 mg of Excedrin stat.  And a babysitter."




Edited by skoryy
better pic
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 Everlasting's Actionette 

Also Wolfhound, Starwave, Blue Gale, Relativity Rabbit, and many more!

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