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Fix dark regen and radiation therapy in lieu of the aoe panacea proc nerf!

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As it sounds, that proc change should have NEVER gone live without fixing these two powers first. Obviously dark regen for the overhealing it does plus its horrid end cost stats are just way out of line, and then radiation therapy for what seems like an obvious "the regen bonus was meant to stack" issue, where it's heal and end gains are way too low for the power otherwise, or you know, un-nerf those procs when used in those powers. Either way, those two powers need fixed ASAP or un-roll that proc nerf, enough said, what a horrible horrible nerf to them. Any way you spell it this was total BS to those powers, which are the only ones where this change was basically done for in the first place, but they weren't fixed to compensate. Bad move devs, bad move.

Edited by WindDemon21
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Thank god the theft still works in dark regen, but in general the power has been needing an overhaul to something between current and obscure sustenance for a while. As to radiation therapy, people love it for putting  damage procs in it, but for a set that at least outside of tanks really needs as much healing/mitigation as it can, the healing/regen it provides without at least stacking that regen buff is just not enough and needs a bump. specifically figuring that the regen buff would stack on multiple applications which would give it more use vs things like AVs versus a stacking buff per target hit, which would be nicer mob-mob, but stacking per use would be better off in the long run for all situations, and the end cost is so low but the set has other end stuff at least so that's less of the issue.

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4 hours ago, WindDemon21 said:

Only fires off once in an aoe attack now

I don't remember seeing that in any patch notes. AFAIK it was just the Call of the Sandman proc that got changed.

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2 hours ago, macskull said:

I don't remember seeing that in any patch notes. AFAIK it was just the Call of the Sandman proc that got changed.

Yup, seems to have been a stealth nerf around the time of CotS and PT procs going to 1 proc only in AoEs. No mention of that change going into effect and despite multiple bug reports, no comments on the matter from the development team. It might fall under the "not working as intended" category, but still, when a change like that happens, there should be a patch note.

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8 minutes ago, Bopper said:

It might fall under the "not working as intended" category, but still, when a change like that happens, there should be a patch note.

It seems like if it's not working as intended there definitely wouldn't be a patch note.

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14 minutes ago, Vanden said:

It seems like if it's not working as intended there definitely wouldn't be a patch note.

That is the norm on Beta, as they wouldn't want to advertise an exploit. But if you make a change like that on Live, there always should be a patch note. Even if it's just stating the "fix".

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4 minutes ago, Bopper said:

That is the norm on Beta, as they wouldn't want to advertise an exploit. But if you make a change like that on Live, there always should be a patch note. Even if it's just stating the "fix".

But if it's not what they intended and they don't realize it's happening, how can they note it?

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I mean, we can't know whether it's intended or not without a comment from the dev team, but considering they explicitly changed some procs to prevent multiple instances in an AoE it wouldn't surprise me if this was intentional and was simply left out of the patch notes.

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19 minutes ago, Vanden said:

But if it's not what they intended and they don't realize it's happening, how can they note it?

Due to the fact it would have been a manual change to an enhancement, it would be notable. This would not have been a general change to functionality that would have swept over it unknowingly. And if a general change like that was implemented, that would have been noted. 

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Maybe I missed the aoe nerf to CoTS, but that seems..utterly stupid? I know the heal got increased (from like 80 to 160 ish? maybe?) but a proc that can only EVER hit one thing, that can be slotted into aoes? How dumb. It actually made things like the earth/plant control sleeps somewhat useful.


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19 minutes ago, Razor Cure said:

Maybe I missed the aoe nerf to CoTS, but that seems..utterly stupid? I know the heal got increased (from like 80 to 160 ish? maybe?) but a proc that can only EVER hit one thing, that can be slotted into aoes? How dumb. It actually made things like the earth/plant control sleeps somewhat useful.

It's 3 times as strong but can only go off once in an AoE. It's not a bad compromise.

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7 hours ago, Vanden said:

It's 3 times as strong but can only go off once in an AoE. It's not a bad compromise.

True. But how does that align with damage procs, in aoes? With the proper slotting, you can get them to proc to very high rates on every target.


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2 hours ago, Vanden said:

I have no doubt damage procs' day will come.

Um if they make it so damage procs only hit one enemy in an aoe they may as well just get rid of the proc for some global bonus...


Likewise the issue you're referring to is the PPM issue,  where the same negative issue occurred with faster recharging skills.


The ONLY rework that should be considered for damage procs is a way to scale the damage down but keep it hitting each use.

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3 hours ago, WindDemon21 said:

The ONLY rework that should be considered for damage procs is a way to scale the damage down but keep it hitting each use.

While not the ONLY option, that would be really nice if it were like: Adds X damage to your attack where X = some formula based on the recharge (longer is better).

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6 minutes ago, Chance Jackson said:

Stop nerf herding, if we're lucky they won't touch dmg procs

Well considering the aoe proc changes to the sleep and panacea, it would be silly to say damage proc changes are never going to be considered.

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6 minutes ago, Monos King said:

I'm genuinely curious as to why. Are procs considered OP?

Powerhouse has said on a few occasions that he wants to revisit procs in one way or another. Honestly I'd rather they just go back to the old flat-rate system or be left alone but that's me.

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1 minute ago, macskull said:

Powerhouse has said on a few occasions that he wants to revisit procs in one way or another. Honestly I'd rather they just go back to the old flat-rate system or be left alone but that's me.

I do miss that for toggles and quick attacks. That's the problem though, old system "op"d quick attacks but was useless on long recharge powers, now people say that long rech powers are being abused.


In either system I wouldn't consider them making anything OP, but there are clearly situations where slotting the proc is next to useless.


For this reason really they should just guarantee the procs but formulate the amount of damage/bonus/debuff/etc based on the rech/slotting/cast time/etc

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