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A beta testing PSA


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I get it, you read about a change you didn't like, maybe you're like me and are very...for the lack of a better word, 'reserved' with keeping Paragon's legacy alive in the wake of a new team's changes.


But that being said, there's something important people should probably know, as I've seen a lot of people confessing to not actually testing the sets before running their mouth about them lately.




If you've mained energy melee or whatever since 2005, that's one thing, but commenting on the state of a set without even testing it is just an idiotic thing to do. Stop that.

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54 minutes ago, ZacKing said:

Not that I don't disagree with the post, do we really need to test Eagle's Claw as a cone to know that it doesn't make sense as a cone?

I would honestly say yes. Using it in the middle of a packed mob looked right to me over the 40+ missions i bombarded enemies with it.

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23 hours ago, ScarySai said:

I get it, you read about a change you didn't like, maybe you're like me and are very...for the lack of a better word, 'reserved' with keeping Paragon's legacy alive in the wake of a new team's changes.


But that being said, there's something important people should probably know, as I've seen a lot of people confessing to not actually testing the sets before running their mouth about them lately.




If you've mained energy melee or whatever since 2005, that's one thing, but commenting on the state of a set without even testing it is just an idiotic thing to do. Stop that.


I don't know.  I don't think I have to test Ninjitsu losing it's ability to use it's Shinobi-Iri +Run Spd with Ninja Run is just bad.  I currently main it on live, so I'm pretty sure, I will miss the +SPD of it if the change goes through.


Not to mention I use it on non Ninjitsu users as well (love the run animation, what can I say...I use it and fly, both, on a multiple characters) so I know the difference in how the speed feels.  Can I live without it?  Of course.  Done it on multiple non Ninjitsu users.  Do I like the idea of getting rid of one bonus of Ninjitsu?  No.  Do I need to test it to know it?  I don't think so.  The change is bad.


As for EM.  Been testing that.  So yay! 🙂

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4 hours ago, ZacKing said:

Not that I don't disagree with the post, do we really need to test Eagle's Claw as a cone to know that it doesn't make sense as a cone?

Probably, since I tested it and it made perfect sense to me for multiple reasons.



I don't know.  I don't think I have to test Ninjitsu losing it's ability to use it's Shinobi-Iri +Run Spd with Ninja Run is just bad.  I currently main it on live

Which is why I made that disclaimer in the OP. 



If you've mained energy melee or whatever since 2005, that's one thing.

I would consider the feedback of someone who's mained a set for a long time to be more valuable than someone who never touched it before, and has only tested on beta for like a week. Fact of the matter is that most people bashing energy melee haven't actually played it, whereas the large majority of people who have are praising it.


Additionally, I am firmly against the travel nerfs, the stacking is largely inconsequential to game balance and the fix strikes me as a frustrating annoyance.

Edited by ScarySai
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5 hours ago, Galaxy Brain said:

I would honestly say yes. Using it in the middle of a packed mob looked right to me over the 40+ missions i bombarded enemies with it.

Agreed. EC was going to bring my MA/DA Stalker out of cryo sleep if it went live.

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On 11/4/2020 at 6:28 PM, ScarySai said:

I would consider the feedback of someone who's mained a set for a long time to be more valuable than someone who never touched it before, and has only tested on beta for like a week. Fact of the matter is that most people bashing energy melee haven't actually played it, whereas the large majority of people who have are praising it.

I'm unclear on your meaning. Are you talking about people bashing the current state of affairs on HC, or bashing on beta? 


My first villain (back on COH live) was an EM/EA stalker. That's what I recreated and tested on beta. I've got a reasonable idea of how EM plays on HC  since I had my main villain and my main hero (fire/em tank) both nerfed into goo with the EM changes back on live. I think the changes on beta are great. The version not on Beta I can't imagine bothering to play ever. 

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On 11/4/2020 at 12:05 AM, ScarySai said:

I get it, you read about a change you didn't like, maybe you're like me and are very...for the lack of a better word, 'reserved' with keeping Paragon's legacy alive in the wake of a new team's changes.


But that being said, there's something important people should probably know, as I've seen a lot of people confessing to not actually testing the sets before running their mouth about them lately.




If you've mained energy melee or whatever since 2005, that's one thing, but commenting on the state of a set without even testing it is just an idiotic thing to do. Stop that.


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Just another French Player

So Excuse my old, bad and too french English !




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3 hours ago, drbuzzard said:

I'm unclear on your meaning. Are you talking about people bashing the current state of affairs on HC, or bashing on beta? 


My first villain (back on COH live) was an EM/EA stalker. That's what I recreated and tested on beta. I've got a reasonable idea of how EM plays on HC  since I had my main villain and my main hero (fire/em tank) both nerfed into goo with the EM changes back on live. I think the changes on beta are great. The version not on Beta I can't imagine bothering to play ever. 

You fall into the “mained Energy Melee or whatever since 2005”, Doc.

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If someone posts a reply quoting me and I don't reply, they may be on ignore.

(It seems I'm involved with so much at this point that I may not be able to easily retrieve access to all the notifications)

Some players know that I have them on ignore and are likely to make posts knowing that is the case.

But the fact that I have them on ignore won't stop some of them from bullying and harassing people, because some of them love to do it. There is a group that have banded together to target forum posters they don't like. They think that this behavior is acceptable.

Ignore (in the forums) and /ignore (in-game) are tools to improve your gaming experience. Don't feel bad about using them.

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5 hours ago, drbuzzard said:

Yeah, I figured that, but I still don't know who they are calling out.

The people that didnt recreate and test. Just complained that "I mained for 800 million years, but can't be bothered to log into beta and test! It is all trash!"

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10 minutes ago, drbuzzard said:

Fair enough. I was wondering in a general form.

There's a few, but a pair of specific posts that started this were pages of argument, followed by one of the participants in said argument going "No, I haven't actually tested anything" while I know for a fact they don't play energy melee at all, and thus have no basis for their arguments.

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Yeah, that's utter BS. If you don't know the set in the least bit, you are not qualified to make an argument. I fully admit I don't play EM currently and have not bothered on HC. However I now have 3 alts waiting for this version to go live. I have tested it a fair bit, though not as much as some. 

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Hey, I called out one issue before I logged on to test!

My experience prior was making an EM/Elec Brute (named, appropriately enough, Saveur du Mois) pre-nerf to go AV hunting, who became my main and badge-hunter, then shelving the character post-nerf to only bring her out two or three times (once for a respec where I realized I didn't enjoy her anymore afterwards, again after the shutdown notice as a "last hurrah" run, and maybe another?) until she was lost in the shutdown. I went and got the badges on my Ice/Rad Corruptor instead.


But I also tested afterwards, confirmed that I didn't like some things I thought I wouldn't like, complained about a subset of those, and those complaints were accounted for and things were adjusted for. So again as part of the PSA: provide specific complaints. Indicate why you think that they are a problem, with examples if possible. Some things are pretty much set in stone already (like the existence of a focus system for EM), but within those constraints meaningful feedback can still push things into a desired direction.


Even if it isn't the one you thought about (ex: adding critical damage on ET vs increasing the critical damage on TF).

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On 11/6/2020 at 3:39 PM, drbuzzard said:

Yeah, that's utter BS. If you don't know the set in the least bit, you are not qualified to make an argument. I fully admit I don't play EM currently and have not bothered on HC. However I now have 3 alts waiting for this version to go live. I have tested it a fair bit, though not as much as some. 

If you played it back on live, it doesn’t take much testing to see that this EM update is as close to perfect as any set will ever get.

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On 11/3/2020 at 6:05 PM, ScarySai said:

I get it, you read about a change you didn't like, maybe you're like me and are very...for the lack of a better word, 'reserved' with keeping Paragon's legacy alive in the wake of a new team's changes.


But that being said, there's something important people should probably know, as I've seen a lot of people confessing to not actually testing the sets before running their mouth about them lately.




If you've mained energy melee or whatever since 2005, that's one thing, but commenting on the state of a set without even testing it is just an idiotic thing to do. Stop that.

Actually, gotta disagree here.  
I propose changing all of Energy Melee's attacks single target attacks that do pure lethal damage that do negative HP on the caster and add a chance to grant invis to teammates. 

What? You dont like that? YOU HAVENT EVEN TESTED IT YET!!!
Sometimes you dont need to test something to say you disagree with the direction it's going. 

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