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Focused Feedback: Tasks

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The Future of Freedom (Flashback)

  • The original version of Lord Recluse's Future of Freedom strike force can now be found in Ouroboros.
  • It is located under the 'Made (Level 50)' category and is designated Arc 7.54.
  • This version is true to the original release, with none of the nerfs that the content received later.
    • Mission 4's Vindicators fight has all five heroes returned to their original level of 54.
    • Mission 5's Freedom Phalanx fight has all eight heroes returned to their original level of 54.
  • Shares reward cooldowns with the currently existing version of the content.
  • The Ouroboros version rewards all the same defeat badges you would normally get.
  • This content can be run for the 'Master of Recluse's Strike Force' badge, though it is obviously more difficult to do so.
  • Completion of the Ouroboros version of this strike force with the "Old School Challenge" selected (no Incarnate powers, no Set Bonuses) rewards the new Worthy Opponent badge.

The Future of Freedom (Both versions)

  • You must now defeat the Vindicators and secure the base code to complete Mission 4.

The Graveyard Shift

  • Fixed an issue which could result in players skipping the Rusty Rivet mission entirely.
  • Added killstat credit to Cortex when you defeat him.
    • Will award in Abandoned Sewer spawn of Cortex and Positron Part 2 finale.
  • Zoombies will no longer persist after exploding
  • Zoombies now knockback friend and foe alike when they explode.
  • Mission 2:
    • Fixed Ambush code.
  • Mission 3 (Rave):
    • Promoted JunkShot to Mayor of Ravertown.
    • Added Nav dialog to rescue all three hostages in Rusty Rivet.
  • Mission 4:
    • Adjusted caption positioning in post-task rewards for Investigation Mission chain.
  • Mission 6 (Pathogen):
    • Added a locked door requiring Dr. Meinst's defeat to get the key.
    • Added more Team Leader only Requires parameters in the radio chat.
    • Changed up Pathogen's AI a bit and changed where he spawns.

Freakish Lab of Dr. Vahzilok

  • Added IgnoreRadius flag to many Buzzsaw arc spawndefs to avoid the off-chance of something important not spawning.
  • Added killstat credit to Cortex when you defeat him.
    • Will be awarded in either Mission 1 or Mission Finale.
  • Mission 3:
    • Fixed being able to click on Pierce and getting an empty dialog window

Eden Trial

  • You must now defeat the Rock Wall and Mold Wall to complete the Eden Trial.
  • Greater Devoured in the Eden trial will now drop Ambrosia at level 53 and 54.

Pandora's Box

  • Completing the last mission of SSA2 Pandora's Box will trigger a Nemesis invasion in a zone matching the arc's alignment.

Tip Missions

  • Fixed Stardusk being accidentally killable before rescue in "Make a Deal with Stardusk" tip mission.

Broker / Detective Contacts

  • These contacts can now be Dismissed by talking. This will remove all current progress towards a Mayhem / Safeguard mission. On re-entering the zone, a new Broker / Detective contact will be randomly issued, which allows you to switch your assigned Detective if you really want to.

Turnstile / LFG Queue

  • Added a confirmation prompt to exiting the Cathedral of Pain trial and instanced Rikti Mothership raid.
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21 hours ago, Booper said:

Broker / Detective Contacts

  • These contacts can now be Dismissed by talking. This will remove all current progress towards a Mayhem / Safeguard mission. On re-entering the zone, a new Broker / Detective contact will be randomly issued, which allows you to switch your assigned Detective if you really want to.


This is a very nice change, but it would be great if one could Dismiss the contact from the Contacts window instead of having to go to the contact in person.

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Pandora's Box

  • Completing the last mission of SSA2 Pandora's Box will trigger a Nemesis invasion in a zone matching the arc's alignment.


I ran this bit by several SG mates and no one guessed correctly which Episode was supposed to be run.


Really need some elaboration.  Contact and/or zone would be enough.

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  • City Council
16 minutes ago, KaizenSoze said:

Pandora's Box

  • Completing the last mission of SSA2 Pandora's Box will trigger a Nemesis invasion in a zone matching the arc's alignment.

I ran this bit by several SG mates and no one guessed correctly which Episode was supposed to be run.


Really need some elaboration.  Contact and/or zone would be enough.


The last one, with the giant Warhulk robot in Steel Canyon.

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27 minutes ago, Faultline said:


The last one, with the giant Warhulk robot in Steel Canyon.

Yep, I know that now. I even triggered on the beta, but initially I read it as episode two that wasted time trying to trigger it through the wrong arc. 


Everyone else I have asked has also gotten it wrong. SSA2 is not enough information figure out which one to run.


It's just not obvious to most people.

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On 11/5/2021 at 1:05 AM, Booper said:

Broker / Detective Contacts

  • These contacts can now be Dismissed by talking. This will remove all current progress towards a Mayhem / Safeguard mission. On re-entering the zone, a new Broker / Detective contact will be randomly issued, which allows you to switch your assigned Detective if you really want to.

Very basic testing, works like a champ.

Though it doesn't actually appear to be random.  In an admittedly limited set of trials (3, all on Talos island), it just flipped between contacts...  OTOH, this lets people reliably get the contact standing outside - which is what they actually want after all.

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Thrilled about the last-minute detective change.  If you play in a static team, and want to synchronize detective progress, it gets very, very buggy when people have different detectives in a given zone.  Doesn't fix the underlying issue, but at least allows a solid workaround.

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"Completion of the Ouroboros version of this strike force with the "Old School Challenge" selected (no Incarnate powers, no Set Bonuses) rewards the new Worthy Opponent badge."

Here is a question that has always been in my mind, and now it is relevant for this update. 

When you say, no Set Bonuses, i assume you mean anything that is described in the set bonus list, such as:

But “set bonuses” include procs and things that are not included in the set bonus list like: ?

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On 11/8/2021 at 6:59 AM, GM Impervium said:

Unless something changed, procs and globals should still work. But I would await dev confirmation on that, and whether or not they'll also restrict those for this play mode.

If it's something feedback is solicited for - my vote would be no IO bonuses of any kind including procs and globals. The enhancement effects are already stronger than what was available prior to inventions.

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On 11/5/2021 at 1:05 AM, Booper said:

Completion of the Ouroboros version of this strike force with the "Old School Challenge" selected (no Incarnate powers, no Set Bonuses) rewards the new Worthy Opponent badge

This note should perhaps be documented in the section on the new Challenge Settings, rather than (or in addition to) here - particularly since it's shown in a screenshot in that section.

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  • City Council
On 11/8/2021 at 7:35 AM, Geribello said:

Here is a question that has always been in my mind, and now it is relevant for this update. 

When you say, no Set Bonuses, i assume you mean anything that is described in the set bonus list, such as:
But “set bonuses” include procs and things that are not included in the set bonus list like: ?


Anything in https://cod.uberguy.net/html/powerset.html?pset=set_bonus.set_bonus and https://cod.uberguy.net/html/powerset.html?pset=set_bonus.pvp_set_bonus

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In regards to the LRSF Flashback, the "Old School Challenge" badge in particular: I'm seeing talk from a few different people that once Page Three goes live, all "Old School Challenge" badge runs they do will require everyone on the team to have both nukes and Shivans.  Now I'll be blunt: I absolutely abhor PvP.  I will not enter a PvP zone for any reason whatsoever.  Back on live, I primarily played red side and my characters went without the Marshal and Born in Battle accolades until the Going Rogue expansion.  I was also excluded from a lot of LRSF runs simply because of my refusal to enter PvP zones.


I realize that this is a long shot, but since quite a few appear to believe that PvP content is absolutely necessary for PvE content, would it be possible to make PvE equivalent temporary powers to nukes and Shivans?


Worse comes to worst, I'll have to form and run my own "Old School Challenge" badge runs sans nukes and Shivans just like I had to form and run my own LRSFs back on live, but it'd be nice if I (and I'm sure others), weren't excluded from PvE content simply because of our refusal to engage in PvP content.  But unless PvE versions are made available, I see exactly that occuring.

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  • City Council
10 hours ago, Apparition said:

In regards to the LRSF Flashback, the "Old School Challenge" badge in particular: I'm seeing talk from a few different people that once Page Three goes live, all "Old School Challenge" badge runs they do will require everyone on the team to have both nukes and Shivans.


Not true. Team Inspirations and Vanguard Heavies will serve the exact same purpose, not even going into the myriad other options available in P2W such as Amplifiers and Signature Summons.

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I think @Apparition's point is not that the content factually requires Nukes and Shivans, but that by Apparition's estimation the community perception is that those Temp Powers will be seen as necessary.  And as a social game, the perception of the majority has a larger bearing on player choices than an obfuscated reality does.

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  • City Council
10 minutes ago, GraspingVileTerror said:

And as a social game, the perception of the majority has a larger bearing on player choices than an obfuscated reality does.


Back when the Hamidon revamp happened, there was a persistent idea on the Freedom server that the new version would be impossible to do without massive levels of coordination that the server was incapable of. This persisted for several months; while other servers were running the raid just fine, Freedom just had a few failed attempts because players kept trying to do things the old way. It took players from Justice transferring over and leading several successful raids for Freedom to grow their own raid leaders, and then the new raid was no longer a big deal.


This is the same. Yes, there will be players yelling loudly that the Worthy Opponent is "impossible" without Shivans and nukes, but it will only take enough people getting the badge with any of the many alternate ways for the mindset to fade away. You don't break an incorrect perception by appearing to validate it.

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10 hours ago, Apparition said:

 Now I'll be blunt: I absolutely abhor PvP.  I will not enter a PvP zone for any reason whatsoever.  


You know you don't have to PvP in a PvP zone, right?


I mean technically, if there's someone of the opposing faction there, then yeah... but if you'd ever actually go into one other than RV, you'd know there's almost never anyone there to worry about! Every time I go to Bloody Bay, I get my Shivans, do the Vincent Vega meme, and leave after 5 minutes.


But still, your choice 🙂

Edited by EmperorSteele
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14 minutes ago, Faultline said:


Not true. Team Inspirations and Vanguard Heavies will serve the exact same purpose, not even going into the myriad other options available in P2W such as Amplifiers and Signature Summons.



Oh, I know that it isn't true.  You are absolutely 100% correct.  I'm just seeing talk from some very good players that I know that it is required and have already been excluded from one beta run because of it, and it's giving me bad flashbacks to live of being excluded from the LRSF in general when I know it can be done without nukes and shivans.


But okie, I guess I'll just have to lead whenever I want to do it. :classic_smile:  Thanks!

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6 hours ago, Apparition said:



Oh, I know that it isn't true.  You are absolutely 100% correct.  I'm just seeing talk from some very good players that I know that it is required and have already been excluded from one beta run because of it, and it's giving me bad flashbacks to live of being excluded from the LRSF in general when I know it can be done without nukes and shivans.


But okie, I guess I'll just have to lead whenever I want to do it. :classic_smile:  Thanks!

To be perfectly frank, if they really believe that nukes and Shivans are required then they are NOT  very good players.

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