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Sudden Acceleration: Knockback to Knockdown


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21 hours ago, kelika2 said:

Most of the times its some overzealous ice controller popping everything in an ungathered group, makes AoEing with ranged alts a pain in the ass and a nightmare for melee


... at which point I wander up with my AOE KB and knock everything into a nicer pile...

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Kheldian backstory guide 2.0 is out.

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13 hours ago, DoctorDitko said:

But, on the off chance I wind up on a team with KB-phobia, I keep a couple KB->KD enhancements and a bunch of Unslotters handy at all times.

This is the attitude that makes our community so great. 


We can argue until we're blue in the faces here, but let's try to be tolerant of other people in game.  Worst case, either way, tough it out for a mission or a tf, and then use the Add Note feature so you can avoid playing with people who play too differently than you for it to be fun.

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15 hours ago, kelika2 said:

I missed the criticism in Lumi's post on page1.  Just sounded mean spirited

The first part you're talking about was a joke to be light hearted. You then make accusations to instigate the poster in a more serious post. So far, there's nothing wrong with that... But to then deflect, as if that's not what you were either trying to do or unintentionally did is just cowardly.


There's nothing even wrong with being mean spirited so that doesn't justify your gaslighting. FYI, I'm not angry or annoyed, I'm just pointing all this out. If you didn't realize it before, well now you do... Even if you don't feel that's what happened, that's how it's perceived, which is the important part.


Back on topic, you didn't comment on my point about the damage proc. That leads me to believe you are fine with adding more damage procs to things that already have effects? Why not add damage procs to the chance to immob proc? Or the chance for slow proc? Wouldn't those be deserving as well?

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1 hour ago, Naraka said:

The first part you're talking about was a joke to be light hearted.

Well, please explain the joke.

To me it came off as a slippery slope, if the devs give one thing, they have to give everything to the point of needing someone to drive for you.  So its best to do nothing.

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And that would be the joke, in my opinion. At least, that is what made me find humor in it.


I also note you still have not answered Naraka. If Sudden Acceleration's KB to KD proc is to be given a damage component, then why not the other non-damaging procs too? And while we're at it, since they will now have a damage proc and an effect proc, why not give the damage procs added effects as well? See? It is both joke and valid point about adding a damage proc to Sudden Acceleration.



Edited by Rudra
Edited to correct capitalization (or lack of more precisely).
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  • 2 weeks later
On 3/10/2022 at 1:30 PM, Rudra said:


If Sudden Acceleration's KB to KD proc is to be given a damage component, then why not the other non-damaging procs too? And while we're at it, since they will now have a damage proc and an effect proc, why not give the damage procs added effects as well? 



While we're at it, we should change the Panacea and Performance Shifter procs to also do damage to the power's user when they trigger.  It'd be hilarious.  And I say that as someone who uses both in almost all my builds.😇

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1 hour ago, arcane said:

Ya know what? Sure. I am on board with the OP’s proposed change under the condition that complaining about KB->KD procs and slot taxes becomes a banned behavior in the ToS.


But... then I won't be able to make fun of those pouting crybabies, anymore... 🤔

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IMHO, this post here highlights the value of the KD proc when it comes to damage potential. The TL:DR here is that in a mission environment, there is a clear difference with sets that "Scatter" enemies with and without the proc(s) invested that on average is about 1 minute faster clear times with that alone. Using Archery as an example, changing it's single AoE KB power to KD changed it's average clear time from 8:40 to 7:50, about 10% faster in the course of a x8 mission with a single slot. 


The KD proc is super powerful on it's own merit, and does not need further boosts.



That said, not all KB powers are the same. The main issue I think that always comes up is AoE knocks, especially spherical knocks where enemies can be scattered to the 4 corners of the globe easily by mistake which can cause chaos. The flipside is true too when certain powers become MONSTERS with KD such as Tornado and Bonfire.

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  • 1 year later
On 3/9/2022 at 12:55 PM, TheZag said:

Knockback and knockdown are no longer required to be based on the magnitude of the knock.  Its possible to have a power with 20 magnitude knockdown or 3 magnitude knockback.  The devs just havent made any changes to knockback powers yet except for singularity.  It uses the new knock system to do that anti repel 'vaccuum' effect.


We should wait and see what the devs do with the upgraded knock system.  Its likely that they wont be making any changes to knockback until they convert powers using the old knockback system over to the new knock system.

does this mean singy no longer needs a kb-kd io?



Edited by Saiyajinzoningen
yup singy still needs it lol

Its easy to criticize a suggestion but can you suggest an alternative?

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Its still supposed to knock the enemies away after they get pulled close so you would still need the kb>kd if you want to prevent that.  Gravitational pull can attract enemies as far away as 45 feet and repel can knock them away once they are within 9 feet.


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6 hours ago, Greycat said:


... and you had to necro a year and a half old thread to ask that?



I just thought I should possibly search for related threads,

before constantly creating possible duplicate ones asking basic questions.

Is there a rule about not posting in old threads?

if so, what is the length of time not to be exceeded?

I just have so many questions about gravity.

I did ask in-game before posting here and nobody (that was on at the time) knew the answer. 

sorry for the inconvenience


Its easy to criticize a suggestion but can you suggest an alternative?

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2 hours ago, Saiyajinzoningen said:



I just thought I should possibly search for related threads,

before constantly creating possible duplicate ones asking basic questions.

Is there a rule about not posting in old threads?

if so, what is the length of time not to be exceeded?

I just have so many questions about gravity.

I did ask in-game before posting here and nobody (that was on at the time) knew the answer. 

sorry for the inconvenience



Unfortunately,  no matter what you did,  you would have lost.  Post in an old thread and someone is upset for a necro.  Post a new thread and someone is upset that you made a new topic about an old subject.  Just pick the complaint you prefer and post accordingly.


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