Bill Z Bubba Posted May 10, 2022 Posted May 10, 2022 On 5/9/2022 at 11:43 AM, Apparition said: I've said all of this (although I don't think together in one post), over the past couple of years, but it still remains true (although people will vehemently disagree): 1. AE XP should have been cut to 25%. 2. XP from radio and newspaper missions should have been cut to 50%. 3. The only thing veteran levels should have given you is badges. 4. The double XP booster should have cost 5 - 10 million INF per, and the 50% XP booster should have cost 2.5 - 5 million INF per. Expand And the population will plummet to the point where the devs won't get enough donations to keep the servers running. I'd quit JUST on the nerf to the solo incarnate path. 6 1
battlewraith Posted May 10, 2022 Posted May 10, 2022 On 5/10/2022 at 1:31 PM, Bill Z Bubba said: And the population will plummet to the point where the devs won't get enough donations to keep the servers running. I'd quit JUST on the nerf to the solo incarnate path. Expand Same. I feel like this is the obvious outcome. Frankly, a lot of the content that people are skipping just sucks. It was engaging back in 2004, not so much now. I did a Synapse TF the other day. I was the only one on the team actually in the appropriate level range. And good thing for that because I only had a few weak attacks as we spent close to 2 hours clearing out warehouse after warehouse full of clockwork. Most of the mission content is like this--clear a map, talk to a contect, click a glowie, clear another map, etc. For a lot of people I think the magic of the game is not the content, but seeing how their character ideas play out in different conditions. Traditional slow, dutiful leveling is largely antithetical to this. 2 2
Glacier Peak Posted May 10, 2022 Posted May 10, 2022 (edited) This game is a brand new experience to some. For others its a returning favorite. If any folks want to try something new - try first person (or third-person if you normally run in first person). Then play with headphones on! Or that new futuristic virtual reality headset thing! Or just take a break. It is a video game, there are other hobbies to partake of. It will be here when you get back. And remember when throwing pinecones in to the river was the most fun you could ever have? Edited May 10, 2022 by Glacier Peak 1 I lead weekly Indom Badge Runs / A newer giant monster guide by Glacier Peak / A tour of Pocket D easter eggs! / Arena All-Star Accolade Guide! Best Post Ever....
Neiska Posted May 10, 2022 Posted May 10, 2022 On 5/9/2022 at 11:43 AM, Apparition said: I've said all of this (although I don't think together in one post), over the past couple of years, but it still remains true (although people will vehemently disagree): 1. AE XP should have been cut to 25%. 2. XP from radio and newspaper missions should have been cut to 50%. 3. The only thing veteran levels should have given you is badges. 4. The double XP booster should have cost 5 - 10 million INF per, and the 50% XP booster should have cost 2.5 - 5 million INF per. Expand A dark storm splits the sky. Upon a high peak is a castle whose banners flutters in the wind. Deep in the bowls of the ancient fortress, reclines a Gatekeeper enjoying a beverage. One of his underlings creeps in -"M-my lord, I bring terrible tidings!" The Gatekeeper then replies - "..Speak." The pathetic underling continues its whining in an annoying nasal tone. "W-we have received reports that.. that... that people are deciding for themselves what they enjoy!" This statement makes the Gatekeeper bolt upright. "What? IMPOSSIBLE." The underling nods its head empathically. "It's true! It's true! I swear it!" The Gatekeeper casts down its beverage in disgust, and its voice echo's throughout the entire castle. "This Shall NOT stand!" The Gatekeeper begins to pace, accenting its cold joyless words with over emphasized body language. "How DARE they! YOU! Write this down! Take their Newspaper missions! Take their Veteran levels! Take their alternate options of play! Make them pay money for Features!" The underling nods as it frantically scribbles down the Gatekeepers commands. "B-b-but what of Raids my lord? Task forces?" The Gatekeeper pauses and turns its hate filled gaze upon its groveling servant. "NO. I enjoy those! NONE SHALL TOUCH THEM." The underling prostates itself pathetically on the floor. "Forgive me my lord! Banish the thought!" The Gatekeeper narrows its eyes, but nods, and slowly sinks back into its throne. "You have my commands. Now, BEGONE! Leave me." The underling nods, as it slowly backs out of the room. "Y-yes! At once your excellency!" as it turns and flees down the hallway. The Gatekeeper allowed itself a smug look of gloating self arrogant satisfaction, and reclined back into darkness amidst its thoughts. How dare these new interlopers have fun on their own terms! Well, we shall soon see who has the last laugh, even if I will be alone, for only I enjoy the game PROPERLY. All else is PRETENSE. FALSE. A Sick imitation, nothing more. Surely, no one else's opinion or preference of enjoyment mattered but its own. The figure became consumed by these narcissistic thoughts for hours, and the storm continued to rage outside. 3 1
Bionic_Flea Posted May 10, 2022 Posted May 10, 2022 +2 for on topic roleplay prose response. -2 for barely veiled insults. 1
Neiska Posted May 10, 2022 Posted May 10, 2022 On 5/10/2022 at 4:31 PM, Bionic_Flea said: +2 for on topic roleplay prose response. -2 for barely veiled insults. Expand Not insinuating the person I responded to was the Gatekeeper, only the argument itself is Gatekeeping. 1 1
ZeeHero Posted May 10, 2022 Posted May 10, 2022 The XP boosters exist becuase leveling is a huge pain. come to terms with the truth. Getting rid of them will have the opposite effect from what you hope. If you want retention, we need more impartial moderation and more engagement with the community, more things that can be done with any number of players, and in general making the game less frustrating and awful to the modern player. I know that what can be done in that regard is limited given the age of the engine, but surely some things are possible. For instance the UI hotbars STILL do not change to reflect our keybinds. can we fix that already please?
ZeeHero Posted May 10, 2022 Posted May 10, 2022 On 5/10/2022 at 5:09 PM, Krimson said: If being more restrictive is a good thing, then the other servers that are not Homecoming should be busting at the seams with players. Maybe that's where everyone went? Expand Aside from the XP issue thunderspy is less restrictive, I can be 3 inches tall at all times! or 10 feet tall! sad nobody is there to play with. 1
Neiska Posted May 10, 2022 Posted May 10, 2022 On 5/10/2022 at 4:46 PM, Krimson said: Yeah, I remember my Ice Sentinel getting invited to 801 to be mocked. But I knew this before I agreed, because even though the group's motive was to see me fail so they could have a laugh at my expense, MY motive was identifying players to add to my ignore list. But yeah, take the high ground. 😄 Expand Personally, I wouldn't call trying to manipulate strangers solely to see if you shouldn't play with them as taking the high ground, but that's just me.
Neiska Posted May 10, 2022 Posted May 10, 2022 On 5/10/2022 at 5:18 PM, Krimson said: You do realize that when people post in LFG or General, that OTHER PLAYERS can see it, right? If you don't want other players profiling 801 players, then don't act elitist and then conveniently gather in a group where you can be easily identified. But I'm not even a little bit upset. Quite the opposite. I have not had to see 801 spam in my timeline for over a year. But yeah, okay, it's my fault. 😄 Expand If you knew the group wasn't for you to begin with, you could have just ignored them at the start and avoided contact entirely. I would call that the high ground. Far as 801 goes, well, I would say that's on them. But if you know what they are, what they are about, and you know beforehand that you wont jibe well, and you join them anyway, then yes, I would say you are knowingly leaping into a situation there. That's just stirring the pot or adding to it, to my mind.
Neiska Posted May 10, 2022 Posted May 10, 2022 No thank you, I'm good. I don't click random links from strangers on the internet. 👍 1
kelika2 Posted May 10, 2022 Posted May 10, 2022 Years ago I wanted one giga server but after seeing general chat/group scene after the homecoming roleplayers and pvp refugees moved in i dont think i have it in me for the 4chan/reddit crowd as well. and finding a name is pretty brutal without going I33+ please delete thread 1
Troo Posted May 10, 2022 Posted May 10, 2022 On 5/10/2022 at 5:00 PM, ZeeHero said: and in general making the game less frustrating and awful to the modern player. Expand do you have a list? I'm genuinely curious what is so frustrating and awful. beyond: UI hotbars STILL do not change to reflect our keybinds. can we fix that already please? be 3 inches tall at all times! or 10 feet tall! "Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown (Wise words Unknown!) Si vis pacem, para bellum
PeregrineFalcon Posted May 10, 2022 Posted May 10, 2022 On 5/10/2022 at 2:43 PM, battlewraith said: Frankly, a lot of the content that people are skipping just sucks. Expand This is funny to me because my 17 year-old son said this to me just a few weeks ago. He said that he likes the gameplay of CoH, which is why he plays, but that he thinks the stories are all stupid. So that's what I did to recruit new players to City of Heroes. I went out and created a couple of them! Let's see any of you top THAT!!! 2 3 1 Being constantly offended doesn't mean you're right, it means you're too narcissistic to tolerate opinions different than your own.
ZeeHero Posted May 10, 2022 Posted May 10, 2022 (edited) On 5/10/2022 at 5:29 PM, Neiska said: No thank you, I'm good. I don't click random links from strangers on the internet. 👍 Expand If you mouseover her link you can see a URL, it's not a suspicious one. Quote Oh great. Now I actually have to WORK on my non farm AEs. 😄 Expand I started making one way back when.. I created an enemy group of red lightning magic red cows.. the Mu Cows! Quote do you have a list? I'm genuinely curious what is so frustrating and awful. Expand Slight exaggeration not THAT awful. but I wont make a list for you because on average people have been morons and refused to even bother listening so not going to waste so much effort on them, but I will elaborate a bit. The UI in general has some major issues in being counter intuitive, and needs an update. aside from needing the shown numbers correspond to keybinds, the menus could use work, as well as features to lock certain UI elements in place so we dont keep accidentally moving them. Aside from that there are a ton of gameplay related issues but as far as that goes, I dont know what's actually able to be improved so I won't list. engine IS ancient and so is the code after all. not everything is possible. Edited May 10, 2022 by ZeeHero 1
Neiska Posted May 10, 2022 Posted May 10, 2022 On 5/10/2022 at 6:44 PM, ZeeHero said: If you mouseover her link you can see a URL, it's not a suspicious one. Expand I shall take your word for it. 👍
ZeeHero Posted May 10, 2022 Posted May 10, 2022 On 5/10/2022 at 7:21 PM, Neiska said: I shall take your word for it. 👍 Expand It may depend on browser but in chrome the link will appear by the bottom left of the window.
Saikochoro Posted May 10, 2022 Posted May 10, 2022 (edited) On 5/9/2022 at 11:43 AM, Apparition said: I've said all of this (although I don't think together in one post), over the past couple of years, but it still remains true (although people will vehemently disagree): 1. AE XP should have been cut to 25%. 2. XP from radio and newspaper missions should have been cut to 50%. 3. The only thing veteran levels should have given you is badges. 4. The double XP booster should have cost 5 - 10 million INF per, and the 50% XP booster should have cost 2.5 - 5 million INF per. Expand How about no to all of these suggestions. This would alienate many players and cause them to quit. This is directly targeting specific areas play styles that you believe to be wrong based on your comments. Farming and power leveling is every bit as valid a play style as running through story content. One of way of playing is not better or worse than another way. Here are a couple suggestions that people who look down on power leveling and farming can use in their own gaming without encroaching on others. 1. In AE missions, leave approximately 75% of the enemies undefeated before clicking glowies. If all enemies must be defeated, turn off xp once 25% of the enemies have been defeated. 2. In radio missions, leave approximately 50% or the enemies undefeated. Or alternatively, turn of xp halfway through the mission. 3. At each veteran level, open up your salvage window and delete all threads and emp merits that were rewarded upon leveling. Or buy boosters/super inspirations and then delete those. 4. When obtaining double xp boosters from p2w vendor, open up the auction house and pay 5-10 million for one white salvage for each hour of xp booster you obtain. For 50% xp booster, buy white salvage for 2.5-5m influence. Be sure to delete the white salvage after purchasing. This also serves to make white salvage sellers happy with a nice surprise. Alternatively, don’t buy xp boosters. There you have it. You can use those methods to play the game how you want to play it. Others can continue to play how they want to play without being oppressed by those who “superior” players who want to crack down on offending play styles. Alternatively, you can just let people play how they want to play and accept people like to approach gaming in different ways. Edited May 10, 2022 by Saikochoro 1 3
cranebump Posted May 11, 2022 Posted May 11, 2022 (edited) On 5/10/2022 at 5:55 PM, PeregrineFalcon said: He said that he likes the gameplay of CoH, which is why he plays, but that he thinks the stories are all stupid. Expand Been running contact mishes fairly regularly for a few weeks now (on and off, through the Long Riders SG). While I find a lot of the old mishes have those repeated, tedious hunts, I don't find a lot of them "stupid." Or rather, I don't find them any stupider than missions I've gotten in other MMOs. I do think that the older arcs lack of cut scenes to push the narrative makes them appear worse than they are (that, along with an over-reliance on "hunt X _____s" and "Talk to ________"). Without those scenes, the story is much more text dependent. Details are less blatant and, frankly, less interesting due to the lack of visuals (imho-and I say this as someone who enjoys well-written stuff). In the final analysis, all game stories boil down to defeat, collect, or escort, with some traitor mechanics/ambushes and talkies thrown in. The rest is window dressing (which, for our more dated stories, could be better I admit). This isn't a video game devoted to a straight narrative, focused on a single character. As a catch-all milieu, with various environments delivering different tones and themes, I think there's enough out there that is still pretty good (decent?). Would agree we could use some spit and polish, though. Edited May 11, 2022 by cranebump 1 I have done a TON of AE work, both long form and single arc. Just search the AE mish list for my sig @cranebump. For more information on my stories, head to the AE forum sub-heading and look for “Crane’s World.” Support your AE authors! We ARE the new content.
Indystruck Posted May 11, 2022 Posted May 11, 2022 Enforce another global lockdown. 3 2 1 3 @Twi - Phobia on Everlasting
Stoked Posted May 12, 2022 Posted May 12, 2022 (edited) A few thoughts I hope aren't too redundant. I've read quite a bit of this thread and feel like there is a faction of people that will complain about almost anything if it doesn't suit their play style or expectation. That in and of its self is inappropriate because there are no rules about how you must play or level a toon. I certainly respect those that want to grind away day after day, not taking advantage of PL or AE or XP boosts. Good for you! Not so good for anyone else. I tried moving to Rebirth if not to simply escape the whining; to at least see what the new costume pieces were like. They are in fact fantastic but that costume uniqueness comes with a hefty price. There are no IO sets available in AH. None. You are forced to use merits or a lot of money to pay for the salvage and recipes and craft them. Still not necessarily a huge problem except that you never have enough money because you're forced to buy new SO enhancements every few levels or you can't hit or defeat anything. This inevitably leads to grinding for influence so what do people do? They run the same TF/ high level story arcs over and over trying to earn enough or get drops. Guess what peeps ... that's FARMING. Any time you repeat a mission, arc , TF or simply go grinding through the streets you're farming at some level. There are quite a few other "issues" on Rebirth that I won't detail here but I think it's important to keep perspective. It took me almost 3 hours with a team going through DA arcs over and over to get from 25 to 29. I blew the couple million influence I had made on lvl 30 SO's because I couldn't hit anything any more. Two levels later, I'm doing that all over again. Without player donations you can never get ahead and actually save for IO's and properly build an end game toon. Instead of trying to bully or swindle the Devs into changing game play for everyone on a shard, try just moving to another shard or server altogether and play there. No different from a tv channel or social media channel, if you don't like what's going on change the channel. Oh .. you have a bunch of 50's on HC that you don't want to have to build all over again? I wonder why ... Recruiting new player ideas: 1. MORE COSTUME PIECES PLEASE - everyone is starting to look the same 2. Consider weapons as costume bits (non functional) but you can carry around a staff or shield for instance 3. Fix the base entry process. You should be able to do this from anywhere EXCEPT PVP zones by using an Ouro portal type design. These shards are never getting licensed by NC so make it free or a permission that an SG leader can give to people in the SG. 4. NEW LOW LEVEL CONTENT - this one is huge. You may generate a lot more interest in the game by new players if they don't have to slog through the same old story lines over and over for all the alts. peace out Edited May 12, 2022 by Stoked 1 1 2
Stoked Posted May 12, 2022 Posted May 12, 2022 On 5/9/2022 at 11:43 AM, Apparition said: I've said all of this (although I don't think together in one post), over the past couple of years, but it still remains true (although people will vehemently disagree): 1. AE XP should have been cut to 25%. 2. XP from radio and newspaper missions should have been cut to 50%. 3. The only thing veteran levels should have given you is badges. 4. The double XP booster should have cost 5 - 10 million INF per, and the 50% XP booster should have cost 2.5 - 5 million INF per. Expand I'm confused because everyone of your points is a "should have". Based on what? Your own opinion or some grandiose delusion of being a Live Dev controlling gameplay for hundreds of people ( or more) ? Look, I respect your need to grind. But that's on you. That's how YOU want to play and forcing new recruits to slog for hours to get a couple levels and come back and do it again is not a recruiting tool. That's an inevitable retention issue. In other comments as well people attribute shards dying to AE or farming in general. If you PL your toon to 50 and get incarnate, what's left to do ... right? How about going through Ouroboros and doing all the low level content it enables? How about PVP? How about I don't care if there's nothing left to do because I just like making alts and assessing each build's performance. Point is, as so many have already said, if you don't like the play style, go to another shard or go to Cake, Rebirth, et. al. where the ghost towns are a result of not being able to use AE for leveling.
DarknessEternal Posted May 12, 2022 Posted May 12, 2022 Fixing the standard damage formula to include all the relevant information it currently does not, like animation time, and then actually making powers follow it would help. The only thing we have in CoH is generalized mission play. 80% of all power sets being a dumpster fire is pretty limiting on what people are actually allowed to play if they want to have any kind of fun with being a "super" hero.
PeregrineFalcon Posted May 12, 2022 Posted May 12, 2022 On 5/12/2022 at 2:04 PM, Stoked said: 4. NEW LOW LEVEL CONTENT - this one is huge. You may generate a lot more interest in the game by new players if they don't have to slog through the same old story lines over and over for all the alts. Expand New low level content only benefits veteran players who will be able to play new low level content, it does not benefit new players at all. If someone is truly new to the game then all of the "old" content that you and I have played a thousand times will be new to them. 1 Being constantly offended doesn't mean you're right, it means you're too narcissistic to tolerate opinions different than your own.
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