ChrisMoses Posted September 22, 2022 Posted September 22, 2022 I am a longtime Blaster who has never gotten a /Devices over level 10. I'm looking to finally give it a real college try - What should be my preferred pairing? I'm leaning Beam Rifle of Dual Pistols for the Tech theme, but will consider other options (as long as I haven't played them to death already).
High_Beam Posted September 22, 2022 Posted September 22, 2022 The first thing I would ask is why? I am not being snarky (different Snarky), I am trying to figure out how you could be that put off by any powers at that low level because that might be what defines why you dropped it in the first place. You can sneeze and get to level 10 at the most casual level in like a couple hours. Did you take a 1-1 balance of primary or secondary or did you load up the 5 Primaries leaving only 2 devices. 1 Girls of Nukem High - Excelsior - Tempus Fabulous, Flattery, Jennifer Chilly, Betty Beatdown, Totally Cali, Two Gun Trixie Babes of War - Excelsior - High Beam (Yay), Di Di Guns, Runeslinger, Munitions Mistress, Tideway, Hard Melody, Blue Aria Many alts and lots of fun. Thank you Name Release For letting me get my OG main back!
ChrisMoses Posted September 22, 2022 Author Posted September 22, 2022 It wasn't necessarily an "I don't like this, I'm intentionally stopping," but it just fell by the wayside as I'm a bit altoholic and must have started something I was enjoying more. BUT - I mean, Web Grenade, Caltrops, Taser - They're not the most spectacular powers. And last I tried, Taser was a single target Stun, I think? I know it's something different now.
PeregrineFalcon Posted September 22, 2022 Posted September 22, 2022 One of my favorite Blasters is Fire/Devices. Just make sure to change the Flares animation from the Standing X to the Powersuit Fists of Flame animation and you're set. It really is a fun combo, especially once you have Combat Jumping and some defense IOs to stack with Field Operative. Being constantly offended doesn't mean you're right, it means you're too narcissistic to tolerate opinions different than your own.
TygerDarkstorm Posted September 23, 2022 Posted September 23, 2022 I have a classic AR/Devices blaster. It's not like the greatest blaster ever, but considering she's a military version of Moon Moon, it kind of suits her, lol. Ruff Ruff Boom if anyone has seen her around before. (and yes, name inspired by the click click boom song :P) The other devices blaster I have is a Beam/Devices, but she's still a baby because, much like you, I'm an altoholic. Devices is a fun and unique set and I kind of wish aspects of it were proliferated over to traps. And if /Devices ends up not being your jam, I recommend trying any of the support AT's that can take traps. My Illusion/Traps controller is level 45ish, and I have never felt so much like a one man army, even on my MM's, as I do walking into a battlefield on that controller. It is a different and totally unique playstyle that I have made work on everything from TF's, to soloing, to radio teams. I'm not a great builder or anything, so I've been working on trying to respec her and learn what I need to get her where I'd like her to be, but I'm impressed with what she can do. I have a tool for pretty much any situation I encounter. Global: @Valnara1; Discord Handle: @Valnara#0620 I primarily play on Everlasting, but you may occasionally find me on Indom. 🙂 Notable Characters: Apocolyptica - Demons/Storm MM; Lurking Monster - Human-Form WS; Environmentabot - Bots/Nature MM; Miss Fade - Ill/Traps Controller; Sister Apocalypse - Beast/Dark MM; Dr. Elaina Wrath - Plant/Rad Controller (Join the House of Wrath, and spread the word of science!); Ruff Ruff Boom - AR/Devices Blaster
InvaderStych Posted September 23, 2022 Posted September 23, 2022 On 9/22/2022 at 8:13 PM, ChrisMoses said: BUT - I mean, Web Grenade, Caltrops, Taser - They're not the most spectacular powers. And last I tried, Taser was a single target Stun, I think? I know it's something different now. Expand I'm still fine tuning a potential build for my flying/ranged beam/dev blaster. 'Nade and 'Trops have decent utility for solo leveling. Taser is still as you say, but not relevant for what I've got in mind which is something like hard target ranged support fire on teams - which doesn't leave much room for the bombs either. Multiple builds are probably going to be in order if I can come up with something that works like it does in my head. If I was running more of a blapper style with pbAoEs and such I'd probably give the bombs a go. Of course I have a beloved blapper, and wanted something different. /Dev is fairly flexible like that; lots of space for going different routes. Persistent +dmg from Drone is decent, and Field Op is excellent; definitely give /Dev until at least 20 if you give it another go for these two powers. Starts to come together on after that point. You see a mousetrap? I see free cheese and a f$%^ing challenge.
kelika2 Posted September 23, 2022 Posted September 23, 2022 Beam Rifle will forever remain awkward until they increase its AoE ability somehow Rifle/Dev is solid Fire/Dev is extremely strong. If you dont mind being close to your enemy Taser will replace Flares
TygerDarkstorm Posted September 23, 2022 Posted September 23, 2022 On 9/22/2022 at 8:13 PM, ChrisMoses said: It wasn't necessarily an "I don't like this, I'm intentionally stopping," but it just fell by the wayside as I'm a bit altoholic and must have started something I was enjoying more. BUT - I mean, Web Grenade, Caltrops, Taser - They're not the most spectacular powers. And last I tried, Taser was a single target Stun, I think? I know it's something different now. Expand At least blasters get Toxic Web Grenade so it does a small amount of damage. Slightly more useful than the Web Grenade of traps (though I'd love if the traps version could get something more akin to the Entangling Arrow treatment where it also provides a debuff). And yes, Taser is a single target stun; it's also melee which is why I don't use it on my AR/Dev. I skipped Taser, Trip Mine, and Time Bomb on my AR/Devices blaster. Like @InvaderStych said, /Dev is pretty flexible in how you want to play it. But definitely try to stick it out to getting Field Op, that power combined with Targeting Drone makes /Dev real nice, imo. I'm also fond of the gun drone, which is one of the reasons I wanted to play /Dev in the first place, lol. And I thought of another devices combo I've heard of being good: Archery/Devices. I haven't played one yet, but it would fit a tech concept with the compound bows and such. 1 Global: @Valnara1; Discord Handle: @Valnara#0620 I primarily play on Everlasting, but you may occasionally find me on Indom. 🙂 Notable Characters: Apocolyptica - Demons/Storm MM; Lurking Monster - Human-Form WS; Environmentabot - Bots/Nature MM; Miss Fade - Ill/Traps Controller; Sister Apocalypse - Beast/Dark MM; Dr. Elaina Wrath - Plant/Rad Controller (Join the House of Wrath, and spread the word of science!); Ruff Ruff Boom - AR/Devices Blaster
Armaaz Posted September 23, 2022 Posted September 23, 2022 My /dev blaster (and only blaster I've ever leveled to 50) is radiation blast. I went with a pbaoe focused blapper strategy to use trip mine and irradiate together. Works pretty well. There is also stun stacking between taser and cosmic burst. Overall I found it to be surprisingly synergistic pairing that I think deserves more credit. Plus I don't ever get sick of the snipe feeling like sending a volley of photon torpedoes at my foes. 1 2
SeraphimKensai Posted September 23, 2022 Posted September 23, 2022 I play a DP/Devices with Fold Space and high melee defense. It works pretty well. 1
ZorkNemesis Posted September 23, 2022 Posted September 23, 2022 Taser is a single targer stun, yes, but a while back it got a massive increase in damage and can be used as a slightly ranged melee attack if you find yourself in close quarters and the target gets paralyzed as a bonus too. 1 2 Currently playing on Indomitable as @Zork Nemesis; was a Protector native on live.
Frozen Burn Posted September 23, 2022 Posted September 23, 2022 (edited) On 9/22/2022 at 6:18 PM, ChrisMoses said: I am a longtime Blaster who has never gotten a /Devices over level 10. I'm looking to finally give it a real college try - What should be my preferred pairing? I'm leaning Beam Rifle of Dual Pistols for the Tech theme, but will consider other options (as long as I haven't played them to death already). Expand /Devices is great in that it pair with everything. So it's your choice! I have an Archery/Devices Blaster that is one of my all-time favs. I built for +Rech and +Acc/ToHit to leverage Archery's inherent accuracy and fast firing. /Devices is perfect for ambushing mobs.... this can be slow going while you set up, whether solo or on a team. Your team certainly won't slow down so you set up, so sometimes you have to think ahead of your team and stealth ahead to set up the ambush point. But when the mobs do run into your Trip Mines covered in your Caltrops - it is glorious! On a team, you may not use Trip Mines, or Time Bomb all that much. Improvements were made so that these are more team-friendly powers. You can toe-bomb enemies with Trip Mine now - you used to always get interrupted but now, not. Do not skip Gun Drone. That is your big source of damage outside of your primary and very team friendly. With decent recharge, you can have 2 out perma. With lots of Rech like my toon, you can get 3 out (and with speed boost from someone else, that 3 will be perma). Gun Drone also has a small taunt component to it so foes will attack it instead of you - and they also gave Gun Drone some decent armor to hold up a bit for taking that aggro. Also, do not skip Field Operative! That is your endurance sustain toggle. It also gives a bit of Def to all as well, which is nice. I've seen other people skip this power because they didn't want a stealthiness, but then they scream they have no endurance. Taser: even though it's a single target stun, it does high damage. Devs did that to all blaster single target mezzes... make them do really good damage. I slotted mine for damage too. It still works great for stacking with my Stunning Shot to take a pesky boss out of the fight. Caltrops seem "meh" but they are amazing for keeping those annoying melee mobs off you. It mitigates their damage while they try to flee. Web Grenade seems "meh" too, but it has its uses as well. It will do more damage than your T1 primary and has a -fly component which is always useful too. Good luck and have fun!! Edited September 23, 2022 by Frozen Burn 5
TygerDarkstorm Posted September 23, 2022 Posted September 23, 2022 On 9/23/2022 at 4:43 PM, Frozen Burn said: On a team, you may not use Trip Mines, or Time Bomb all that much. Improvements were made so that these are more team-friendly powers. You can toe-bomb enemies with Trip Mine now - you used to always get interrupted but now, not. Expand Wait, whaaaat?! Man, I hope they give Traps this kind of love too. I have Trip Mine on my Mercs/Traps MM, but I only use it when I solo with her so I can set up all my toys in one location and then Fold Space enemies to their doom because Trip Mine still interrupts for Traps. Quote Do not skip Gun Drone. That is your big source of damage outside of your primary and very team friendly. With decent recharge, you can have 2 out perma. With lots of Rech like my toon, you can get 3 out (and with speed boost from someone else, that 3 will be perma). Gun Drone also has a small taunt component to it so foes will attack it instead of you - and they also gave Gun Drone some decent armor to hold up a bit for taking that aggro. Expand This is highly intriguing. My AR/Devices Blaster is only level 45 so not kitted out for recharge yet, but multiple Gun Drones will be so much fun. 🤣 Global: @Valnara1; Discord Handle: @Valnara#0620 I primarily play on Everlasting, but you may occasionally find me on Indom. 🙂 Notable Characters: Apocolyptica - Demons/Storm MM; Lurking Monster - Human-Form WS; Environmentabot - Bots/Nature MM; Miss Fade - Ill/Traps Controller; Sister Apocalypse - Beast/Dark MM; Dr. Elaina Wrath - Plant/Rad Controller (Join the House of Wrath, and spread the word of science!); Ruff Ruff Boom - AR/Devices Blaster
FUBARczar Posted September 23, 2022 Posted September 23, 2022 Fire blast goes with anything, but I would also say that anything can go with devices. But my personal preferences would be Fire, Beam Rifle, Elec, Dual Pistols, Ice and Water. 1
Doomguide2005 Posted September 24, 2022 Posted September 24, 2022 I've done AR/Dev and Arch/Dev. The AR/Dev saw very little solo activity however being part of an all friends static team all AR/Dev. The sheer insanity of pulling every spawn in a multi level room into a hallway full of trip mines (as in 50+ spread down the hall) and caltrops while 3+ Full Auto cones let rip. Much fun but couldn't really talk to the solo side. The Archery/Devices was pretty much the reverse. Nearly all solo, a Hover blaster (vs the AR's Super Speed) rarely used mines and if they did it was 3 or so while dropping Rain of Arrows on them (+/- 'Rain of Caltrops'). Both were on Live post-Invention but pre Incarnate.
Cyber Bishop Posted September 24, 2022 Posted September 24, 2022 (edited) I have quite a few xx/ Dev blasters Main toon is Fire/dev archery/dev electric/dev Ice/dev water/dev dual pistols/dev Beam rifle/dev assault rifle/dev Edited September 24, 2022 by Cyber Bishop 1 Main toons: Mistress-Six (Blaster), Cyber Bishop (Tank), D-Six (Blaster), Bowmistress (Blaster), Rina-Twelve (Blaster), Blazin' Bow (Blaster), 20 Fathoms (Blaster), Icee Qube (Blaster), Minaton (Tank), Princess Ariel Gabrielle (Tank), Lady Lilia M (Blaster)
Cyber Bishop Posted September 24, 2022 Posted September 24, 2022 On 9/23/2022 at 4:43 PM, Frozen Burn said: Also, do not skip Field Operative! That is your endurance sustain toggle. It also gives a bit of Def to all as well, which is nice. I've seen other people skip this power because they didn't want a stealthiness, but then they scream they have no endurance. Caltrops seem "meh" but they are amazing for keeping those annoying melee mobs off you. It mitigates their damage while they try to flee. Web Grenade seems "meh" too, but it has its uses as well. It will do more damage than your T1 primary and has a -fly component which is always useful too. Good luck and have fun!! Expand This right here especially Field Op. 1 Main toons: Mistress-Six (Blaster), Cyber Bishop (Tank), D-Six (Blaster), Bowmistress (Blaster), Rina-Twelve (Blaster), Blazin' Bow (Blaster), 20 Fathoms (Blaster), Icee Qube (Blaster), Minaton (Tank), Princess Ariel Gabrielle (Tank), Lady Lilia M (Blaster)
Kinestron Posted September 24, 2022 Posted September 24, 2022 Absolutely love my Beam Rifle/Devices. He is one of my best characters and puts out great damage. In fact, I liked him so much I decided to try to pair something else with Devices that being Electric. He is already 50 within a couple weeks. Usually, with my playstyle and time constraints it easily takes twice as long. 1 1
FUBARczar Posted September 25, 2022 Posted September 25, 2022 On 9/24/2022 at 4:38 AM, Cyber Bishop said: I have quite a few xx/ Dev blasters Main toon is Fire/dev archery/dev electric/dev Ice/dev water/dev dual pistols/dev Beam rifle/dev assault rifle/dev Expand CB, besides Fire which is your next best combo with Dev? 1
Cyber Bishop Posted September 25, 2022 Posted September 25, 2022 (edited) On 9/25/2022 at 1:25 AM, FUBARczar said: CB, besides Fire which is your next best combo with Dev? Expand To be a complete tactical a-hole, Ice to be honest. Between caltrops, bonfire, blizzard they don't stand a chance (its almost unfair) . Electric is fun especially since the buff too. Edited September 25, 2022 by Cyber Bishop Main toons: Mistress-Six (Blaster), Cyber Bishop (Tank), D-Six (Blaster), Bowmistress (Blaster), Rina-Twelve (Blaster), Blazin' Bow (Blaster), 20 Fathoms (Blaster), Icee Qube (Blaster), Minaton (Tank), Princess Ariel Gabrielle (Tank), Lady Lilia M (Blaster)
The_Traveler Posted September 25, 2022 Posted September 25, 2022 Never been a blaster guy... buuuuuut. I love Beam Rifle. corrupters/defenders... decided to try a Beam/Dev... Devices is AWESOME. My play style is Single Target from the air (I team mostly). Targeting Drone (easy insta-snipe, plus 80% dmg bonus on first attack, +20% dmg bonus always), Field Op (2x better base than stamina and invis and defense... it's amazing), Turrets (focus CDR and watch, some have posted having 3 perma and 4 out at once), Munitions epic... It is an absolute blast. I stayed away from the short range stuff (although im looking into caltrops as a proc hog). Point is, it is VERY versatile set. 1 1
Kinestron Posted September 25, 2022 Posted September 25, 2022 On 9/25/2022 at 3:20 AM, Cyber Bishop said: To be a complete tactical a-hole, Ice to be honest. Between caltrops, bonfire, blizzard they don't stand a chance (its almost unfair) . Electric is fun especially since the buff too. Expand And Electric is even more fun when you have another Elec on the team. You are taking all except AVs down to zero endurance and at that point, your blaster does extra damage. I never knew that mechanic existed.
Cyber Bishop Posted September 25, 2022 Posted September 25, 2022 On 9/25/2022 at 6:54 PM, Kinestron said: And Electric is even more fun when you have another Elec on the team. You are taking all except AVs down to zero endurance and at that point, your blaster does extra damage. I never knew that mechanic existed. Expand two elec is gold. Main toons: Mistress-Six (Blaster), Cyber Bishop (Tank), D-Six (Blaster), Bowmistress (Blaster), Rina-Twelve (Blaster), Blazin' Bow (Blaster), 20 Fathoms (Blaster), Icee Qube (Blaster), Minaton (Tank), Princess Ariel Gabrielle (Tank), Lady Lilia M (Blaster)
Ringo Posted September 26, 2022 Posted September 26, 2022 On 9/25/2022 at 6:54 PM, Kinestron said: And Electric is even more fun when you have another Elec on the team. You are taking all except AVs down to zero endurance and at that point, your blaster does extra damage. I never knew that mechanic existed. Expand The Shocked mechanic is new. Less than a year old I think? It's really done wonders for Electric blast
Frozen Burn Posted September 26, 2022 Posted September 26, 2022 On 9/23/2022 at 5:44 PM, TygerDarkstorm said: Wait, whaaaat?! Man, I hope they give Traps this kind of love too. I have Trip Mine on my Mercs/Traps MM, but I only use it when I solo with her so I can set up all my toys in one location and then Fold Space enemies to their doom because Trip Mine still interrupts for Traps. This is highly intriguing. My AR/Devices Blaster is only level 45 so not kitted out for recharge yet, but multiple Gun Drones will be so much fun. 🤣 Expand Yeah, they made those improvements for Blaster /Devices with the Aug 27, 2019 patch after the page 2 release, but unfortunately, these updates didn't carry over for Traps: It would be great if they did make those changes for Traps too (not sure why they didn't). And as for multiple Gun Drones - it's certainly doable.... The base Rech is 180s and it lasts 90s. You can easily have 2 out for a little bit with only max Rech in the power and Hasten (~170% total Haste) which gives Gun Drone roughly a 67s Rech. If you can get to ~295% Haste, it will get down to ~45s Rech and you can have 2 out perma. At about 370% Haste, you'll be down to max bottom Rech of 36s (capped at 1/5 or 20% of base Rech) and you can have 3 out, but the first one will self-destruct soon after spawning the third. To get 3 perma Gunnies out (30s Rech), you have to have outside help from another player like with Speed Boost, Accelerate Metabolism, Ageless, etc. 1
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