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Last night, I had a ToT dream. Yes, Ive been ToTing so damn much, I DREAMED about it. It was a very short dream, in it was this ziggurat shaped pyramid castle, it was about 5 stories high I think, filled with rooms. Covered in heroes of all shapes and colors. And every single one of those heroes was AFK. Hotel AFk. My dream turned into a nightmare 😞


That really was a dream I had last night.


I wish the AFKers would just stop. Do they honestly not realize what a drag they are? How by not participating they are actively reducing the amount of rewards that could be gained? Could they not at least move their useless bodies out of the doorways? Anyway, I guess the AFKers are so used to AE farming they reckon this is just the way of it (a pox on what AE has become).


Please, just knock on the damn doors and if you just MUST leech, move away from the freeking DOORS.

Edited by Boudicia.Dark
make it flow better
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If what you're saying is true, then there must be an AE in Rocket League, Wreckfest, TF2... 


 Holy crap, there was an AE in Interstate '76?  


Come to think of it, I literally used to doorsit in Tron Deadly Discs on Intellivision.  That's how you hit the Recognizer in the eye.  I swear, I didnt know it would lead to... this.

Anything you can have, we have it.  Even got a devil in the attic.

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Was in Talos last night when the zombies invaded... and because someone was AFK next to Luminary, ALL of the zombies were spawning next to the base portal, and immediately getting vaporized by a police drone.


Tried standing a ways away.  no dice.  Moved to the top of the hill.  Nothing.  Resumed ToT'ing, and in between beating up on monsters (and occasionally getting sent to hospital), I watched a steady parade of zombies crawl out of the base portal planting bed, take one step, and vanish.


It was... incredibly sad, in a way.  The utter futility of undeath.... all because someone decided to eat dinner while they had their training screen up. 

AE ARC's (So Far!)


15252 Child of the Tsoo - [SFMA] Ninjas, sorcerers, and human trafficking (Origin Story - Stick Figure/Storm Lotus)

50769 Hunt of the Eclipse - [SFMA] Finding something that was lost to Arachnos for nearly 20 years (Origin Story - Daisy Chain)

53149 Spells as a Service - [SFMA] When a young hacker makes a connection between magic and mathematics and encodes it into a computer program, chaos breaks loose!

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Complain about these terrible leeches to you league leader?


Tim "Black Scorpion" Sweeney: Matt (Posi) used to say that players would find the shortest path to the rewards even if it was a completely terrible play experience that would push them away from the game...


Clave's Sure-Fire Secrets to Enjoying City Of Heroes
Ignore those farming chores, skip your market homework, play any power sets that you want, and ignore anyone who says otherwise.
This game isn't hard work, it's easy!
Go have fun!
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Lucky you.  I dreamed of playing Dr Mario, only the game was cheating - changing the color of pills after they land, refusing to vanish matches even when six or eight of a color got lined up, dropping pills super fast.


Kinda like what the "challenge" people want to do to this game, really.

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On 10/11/2022 at 11:28 AM, Clave Dark 5 said:

Complain about these terrible leeches to you league leader?

Yes , and I'm not the only one. Last night was particularly terrible as there were 2 leagues going and not a single team in those leagues had any present, active lvl 50 leads, meanwhile PI2 was a ghost town. Look, I get it, sometimes you think you're just going to refll your glass of water but the dog needs a quick walk and then spouse wants to talk about something and you finally get back to the tot and you've got the afk bubble, it happens. But this is beyond a little afk, beyond excessive, this is (in some instances) very low level characters being neglected until the last possible moment before auto-log then neglected just as long again, etc until the character hits (I suppose) 50 and then log out. Not one word, not one door knock, just flat out leeching. They know they can depend on lazy team leads (in some instances, I reckon it's a double or triple boxer who is both absent leader and absent leecher, maybe a whole freekin team of them). I don't understand what is fun about that just like I dont understand the one farmer I got to know who's entire CoH playtime was strictly and exclusively leveling up characters in AE. NO missions, ever. No raids, ever. Nothing at all but AE farms. Even with untold billions in collective influence (I guess, do you get inf in AE?), they never even know what AH was for, never went to MSR, never saw any other zones except AP and get to pocket D. The one and only time I convinced them to try out an Incarnate Trial with me, they put themselves on [follow] with auto-targetting and went afk getting themselves banned by Veracor from anymore Veracor run IT. Again, dont get it twisted, I enjoy some pretty pointless activities as well but there's only so many times one can farm Albinurics before one decides to get on with it (Elden Ring ftw). Whatever, I'm old, maybe that's my whole damn problem. Back in my day we played games for the joy of playing them. Last night I dreamed I was trapped in some horrible place, not an afk hero in sight.

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I've seen it yeah.  I kept tripping over some guy laying dead on the floor at the motel, like over the course of half an hour: dead over here for a bit, oh look, now dead over there... now there...


Tim "Black Scorpion" Sweeney: Matt (Posi) used to say that players would find the shortest path to the rewards even if it was a completely terrible play experience that would push them away from the game...


Clave's Sure-Fire Secrets to Enjoying City Of Heroes
Ignore those farming chores, skip your market homework, play any power sets that you want, and ignore anyone who says otherwise.
This game isn't hard work, it's easy!
Go have fun!
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44 minutes ago, Boudicia.Dark said:

Yes , and I'm not the only one. Last night was particularly terrible as there were 2 leagues going and not a single team in those leagues had any present, active lvl 50 leads, meanwhile PI2 was a ghost town. Look, I get it, sometimes you think you're just going to refll your glass of water but the dog needs a quick walk and then spouse wants to talk about something and you finally get back to the tot and you've got the afk bubble, it happens. But this is beyond a little afk, beyond excessive, this is (in some instances) very low level characters being neglected until the last possible moment before auto-log then neglected just as long again, etc until the character hits (I suppose) 50 and then log out. Not one word, not one door knock, just flat out leeching. They know they can depend on lazy team leads (in some instances, I reckon it's a double or triple boxer who is both absent leader and absent leecher, maybe a whole freekin team of them). I don't understand what is fun about that just like I dont understand the one farmer I got to know who's entire CoH playtime was strictly and exclusively leveling up characters in AE. NO missions, ever. No raids, ever. Nothing at all but AE farms. Even with untold billions in collective influence (I guess, do you get inf in AE?), they never even know what AH was for, never went to MSR, never saw any other zones except AP and get to pocket D. The one and only time I convinced them to try out an Incarnate Trial with me, they put themselves on [follow] with auto-targetting and went afk getting themselves banned by Veracor from anymore Veracor run IT. Again, dont get it twisted, I enjoy some pretty pointless activities as well but there's only so many times one can farm Albinurics before one decides to get on with it (Elden Ring ftw). Whatever, I'm old, maybe that's my whole damn problem. Back in my day we played games for the joy of playing them. Last night I dreamed I was trapped in some horrible place, not an afk hero in sight.


I understand you enjoy playing differently from others and have different interests in those regards.  Saying though that ae farmers dont know the AH or other aspects of play of the game seems a bit inane, especially when they've helped the market actually have things more readily available for folks.    There are also farmers who farm fund running costume contests and have streamed both their farming and those contests on twitch and brought new people to enjoy the game (Stillkiller is a prime example of this).


Many people farm as well as play play other content in the game.  But even if they didnt, how they play and enjoy is their choice.  There are RPer's who also never join msr's, trials or other things such things too for example.  That's their method of enjoyment. That's their choice too. 


There's nothing wrong with any of that.  Its just some elitist perception to be otherwise usually.  


As has been discussed over and over again, farming in CoH has existed in the same manner even before AE existed when people used mission maps they reset and when the sidekick system was a tad different.  People dont all play at the same time on high pop servers or with the ability to move at the pace that others do(there are disabled folks who have mentioned such on here over the years.).  Some also do not always like to be expected to be on teams, dealing others.... dynamics.  Some folks just like to be around others to varying levels but not necessarily teaming with them and prefer to do things on their own.


We've a wide variety of people and their CoH interests.  No one should be seeking to invalidate or marginalize them.



On to your ToT complaints though.


PI leagues tend to have more afkers. Not just out of the intentional nature to do it but just out of the statistical nature of having 48 people on a max team grinding for hours.  Those PI groups have also the issue that they do go full on 6 teams(watering down the exp) and multiples leagues vying for doors at the motel.  


Every time I've done the Warf ones however, those leagues have been 3-4 teams to keep exp good, little to no competition issues for doors and afkers tend to get  smacked easier due to smaller league situation and how the teams shift between the doors.     


Thus mostly I think warf teams progress faster in their efforts than the pi ones. The pi ones just tend to be the most ongoing constant ones because everyone's just become accustomed to going to PI.


Maybe I've just had good luck in those regards but its something to consider.  With my anecdotal example I leveled a toon from 1-50, unlocked all its incarnate slots, got just shy of 400 threads, the badges, the aethers,  over 200 merits and 33 mil influence from ToT'ing a over the last few days. I mixed between both PI and Warf   doing so with typically the warf runs getting me 2-3 levels for every 1 level I got in PI due to the info I mentioned before.  I was actively participating of course cept a few min here n there to go to the bathroom/grab a drink(like a large majority of folks do).


Mind you though, I can level an alt in a farm exceedingly faster, however but sans the event badges/goodies, but with more drops thus more influence of course.


All in all, again, people in enjoy the game in different ways. While on TOT's people being afk 100% the time is not nice, the leads of those teams have the right to kick em and put some one else on(unless the leads afk hehe).  They also can choose not to, they made the league after all.  Thus making your own league and policing it as you wish is something as well to consider.


But lumping that sort of thing together with farming in general when as a whole someone says others need to play their way because they dont understand or dislike the way others play differently, its basically silly elitism. 

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And I thought I was leeching by just knocking on every door for costume badges lol.  Really, just standing there in a league afk?  Sad.  I wish we could see people like that in real life.  Oh, wait, those are the idiots that don't go through green lights.  nvm.

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I understand now what B.Dark was talking about, there's like five or six non-leaguers standing around over on PI on Excel well chosen locations to get XP off the league doing the work.  Two are fire brutes, two pairs even share the same name.  Guess I missed them in the chaos until now, as the group's smaller at these hours.


Tim "Black Scorpion" Sweeney: Matt (Posi) used to say that players would find the shortest path to the rewards even if it was a completely terrible play experience that would push them away from the game...


Clave's Sure-Fire Secrets to Enjoying City Of Heroes
Ignore those farming chores, skip your market homework, play any power sets that you want, and ignore anyone who says otherwise.
This game isn't hard work, it's easy!
Go have fun!
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14 hours ago, Snarky said:

people like that in real life.


Go to a public place. Now look around you and count people staring at their phones.

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Active on Excelsior:

Prismatic Monkey - Seismic / Martial Blaster, Shadow Dragon Monkey - Staff / Dark Brute, Murder Robot Monkey - Arachnos Night Widow


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On 10/10/2022 at 10:06 AM, Boudicia.Dark said:

I wish the AFKers would just stop.


On 10/10/2022 at 10:06 AM, Boudicia.Dark said:

Anyway, I guess the AFKers are so used to AE farming they reckon this is just the way of it (a pox on what AE has become).


More proof farming PL'ing causing issues for non-farmers in the rest of the game.


On 10/10/2022 at 10:06 AM, Boudicia.Dark said:

Please, just knock on the damn doors and if you just MUST leech, move away from the freeking DOORS.


How about stop leeching unless people are running teams asking for leechers/doorsitters!?!!


On 10/11/2022 at 11:28 AM, Clave Dark 5 said:

Complain about these terrible leeches to you league leader?


I was actually contemplating the ethics of that.

I was at a Murder Motel, and there was one leecher even using emotes while standing in the general area for over 15 minutes without fighting or helping the league in any way.


This thread as cleared that ethical issue for me.

Yes. What they are doing is wrong, and they should be kicked from the league. People should report them to the league leader.


But, now, here is the thing. What if the league or team leaders are multi-boxing and those are their alt accounts that they are trying to power-leech from the league?!


19 hours ago, Boudicia.Dark said:

They know they can depend on lazy team leads (in some instances, I reckon it's a double or triple boxer who is both absent leader and absent leecher, maybe a whole freekin team of them). I don't understand what is fun about that just like I dont understand the one farmer I got to know who's entire CoH playtime was strictly and exclusively leveling up characters in AE. NO missions, ever. No raids, ever. Nothing at all but AE farms.


Oh, you are pushing my AE farmer button big-time, but I'm trying to resist.


19 hours ago, Boudicia.Dark said:

Back in my day we played games for the joy of playing them.


I thought that was the whole point of playing games, but I guess I'm old as well.


18 hours ago, Sanguinesun said:

PI leagues tend to have more afkers. Not just out of the intentional nature to do it but just out of the statistical nature of having 48 people on a max team grinding for hours.  Those PI groups have also the issue that they do go full on 6 teams(watering down the exp) and multiples leagues vying for doors at the motel.  


If you need to go AFK for a couple of minutes, go to your base, or at least say that you are going afk. You can get moved to an AFK team.


If you are going to go AFK for 10-20 minutes, then leave the team. Otherwise you are leeching.


The ToT teams aren't sending out /LFG messages asking for leechers/doorsitters. Players are deciding to do it without asking permission to do so.


I think the number of players that are leeching/doorsitting are the minority. I don't think it is acceptable and other players agree.

If you want to run a farming afk ToT league, then go for it. But don't expect other players to want to stay on your team to be leech food.


I tell you if I'm on running a team and there are leechers, they get the boot. I have it as leader. It is there as an option for bad behavior. To me doorsiding/leeching is bad behavior. I don't think I'm the only one.


And you now why it's the PI leagues that tend to have them? Because that's how they got to PI in the first place  ... if not with their current character, but with their alt.


I really have to think at this point that a majority of level 50's were power-leveled. Characters that get to keep their character name without ever logging in again simply because they were power-levelled to level 50.


58 minutes ago, Clave Dark 5 said:

I understand now what B.Dark was talking about, there's like five or six non-leaguers standing around over on PI on Excel well chosen locations to get XP off the league doing the work.


It seems like this behavior is increasing then.

I'm assuming that they are working to afk farm are the Prismatic Aether Particles and/or treat it as AE AFK farming/doorsitting because the number of standard AE farms may be down due to the event.


Either way, the ToT Leagues aren't advertising for leeches and, as such, I think leeches should kicked from teams. 


Are the team leaders that are level 50 and AFK leeching?! You betcha.

If I see that I'll quit the league as well. I'll be looking for active leagues on other servers and not being used by leeches.

I'm sure that there are people that want to be on teams where they won't be leeched.

Some of the leagues are well organized.


And to close, I have honestly only seen ToT leeching happening on the most populated servers.

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If someone posts a reply quoting me and I don't reply, they may be on ignore.

(It seems I'm involved with so much at this point that I may not be able to easily retrieve access to all the notifications)

Some players know that I have them on ignore and are likely to make posts knowing that is the case.

But the fact that I have them on ignore won't stop some of them from bullying and harassing people, because some of them love to do it. There is a group that have banded together to target forum posters they don't like. They think that this behavior is acceptable.

Ignore (in the forums) and /ignore (in-game) are tools to improve your gaming experience. Don't feel bad about using them.

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28 minutes ago, Shred Monkey said:

Go to a public place. Now look around you and count people staring at their phones.


If someone posts a reply quoting me and I don't reply, they may be on ignore.

(It seems I'm involved with so much at this point that I may not be able to easily retrieve access to all the notifications)

Some players know that I have them on ignore and are likely to make posts knowing that is the case.

But the fact that I have them on ignore won't stop some of them from bullying and harassing people, because some of them love to do it. There is a group that have banded together to target forum posters they don't like. They think that this behavior is acceptable.

Ignore (in the forums) and /ignore (in-game) are tools to improve your gaming experience. Don't feel bad about using them.

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On 10/13/2022 at 7:02 AM, UltraAlt said:

It seems like this behavior is increasing then.

I'm assuming that they are working to afk farm are the Prismatic Aether Particles and/or treat it as AE AFK farming/doorsitting because the number of standard AE farms may be down due to the event.

You don't know the half of it.  This morning I was playing GM scout for my league, so I wasn't at the motel much.  At one point I did come back and there was this swarm of hovering pets (bots, demons, thugs) parked in the center of the motel lotat the hotel.  Not in our league, the MM standing nearby and spamming a Heal or whatever from their secondary.  Not clicking doors, not directing or anything, just parked.  I've seen them sit like this for over an hour.  I'm not inclined to do the work for door sitters, so I bowed out.


I've talked to the devs and they don't seem to care about it.

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Tim "Black Scorpion" Sweeney: Matt (Posi) used to say that players would find the shortest path to the rewards even if it was a completely terrible play experience that would push them away from the game...


Clave's Sure-Fire Secrets to Enjoying City Of Heroes
Ignore those farming chores, skip your market homework, play any power sets that you want, and ignore anyone who says otherwise.
This game isn't hard work, it's easy!
Go have fun!
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On 10/10/2022 at 12:59 PM, MistressOhm said:

Was in Talos last night when the zombies invaded... and because someone was AFK next to Luminary, ALL of the zombies were spawning next to the base portal, and immediately getting vaporized by a police drone.


Tried standing a ways away.  no dice.  Moved to the top of the hill.  Nothing.  Resumed ToT'ing, and in between beating up on monsters (and occasionally getting sent to hospital), I watched a steady parade of zombies crawl out of the base portal planting bed, take one step, and vanish.


It was... incredibly sad, in a way.  The utter futility of undeath.... all because someone decided to eat dinner while they had their training screen up. 

This is why I go to my base when I know I am going to be away for a bit.

 Forums  - a place, meeting, or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged.

"it will be a forum for consumers to exchange their views on medical research"

Spam Response- Spam, in the context of cybersecurity, refers to any unsolicited and often irrelevant or inappropriate messages sent over the internet. 

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I have spent quite a bit of my free time trick or treating this year, and about 65% of the time I have a 50 in the league, I've been running my various 50s for the 10 prismatic aether's. I often find myself a team leader being a lvl 50.


I've noticed lots of afk leeches, so using my powers as a team leader, I boot them off the team and replace them with active players. I'll chat my team up and tell them "I have only one rule. Everybody fights, no one quits. If you don't do your job, I'll kill you myself! Welcome to the Roughnecks!"

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16 minutes ago, SeraphimKensai said:

"I have only one rule. Everybody fights, no one quits. If you don't do your job, I'll kill you myself! Welcome to the Roughnecks!"

Rico's Roughnecks!

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Girls of Nukem High - Excelsior - Tempus Fabulous, Flattery, Jennifer Chilly, Betty Beatdown, Totally Cali, Two Gun Trixie

Babes of War - Excelsior - Di Di Guns, Runeslinger, Munitions Mistress, Tideway, Hard Melody, Blue Aria


Several alts and of course my original from live on Freedom, High Beam Prime (someone else has her non OG name)

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10 hours ago, Clave Dark 5 said:

You don't know the half of it.  This morning I was playing GM scout for my league, so I wasn't at the motel much.  At one point I did come back and there was this swarm of hovering pets (bots, demons, thugs) parked in the center of the motel lotat the hotel.  Not in our league, the MM standing nearby and spamming a Heal or whatever from their secondary.  Not clicking doors, not directing or anything, just parked.  I've seen them sit like this for over an hour.  I'm not inclined to do the work for door sitters, so I bowed out.


I've talked to the devs and they don't seem to care about it.


In this case, it sounds like an AFK farmer and their multi-box accounts. 


I haven't seen this behavior other than on Excelsior, but I haven't tried doing the ToT event this year on Everlasting yet.


I'm sorry that they are dragging down your gameplay experience and, making other players suffer/have less fun/rewards, because you were no long willing to hunt down giant monsters for the league.


The game is more enjoyable without the leeches.

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If someone posts a reply quoting me and I don't reply, they may be on ignore.

(It seems I'm involved with so much at this point that I may not be able to easily retrieve access to all the notifications)

Some players know that I have them on ignore and are likely to make posts knowing that is the case.

But the fact that I have them on ignore won't stop some of them from bullying and harassing people, because some of them love to do it. There is a group that have banded together to target forum posters they don't like. They think that this behavior is acceptable.

Ignore (in the forums) and /ignore (in-game) are tools to improve your gaming experience. Don't feel bad about using them.

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6 minutes ago, UltraAlt said:

The game is more enjoyable without the leeches.

Swimming in lakes and rivers too.

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Girls of Nukem High - Excelsior - Tempus Fabulous, Flattery, Jennifer Chilly, Betty Beatdown, Totally Cali, Two Gun Trixie

Babes of War - Excelsior - Di Di Guns, Runeslinger, Munitions Mistress, Tideway, Hard Melody, Blue Aria


Several alts and of course my original from live on Freedom, High Beam Prime (someone else has her non OG name)

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15 hours ago, Clave Dark 5 said:

At one point I did come back and there was this swarm of hovering pets (bots, demons, thugs) parked in the center of the motel lotat the hotel.  Not in our league, the MM standing nearby and spamming a Heal or whatever from their secondary

I ran into this in PI 1 yesterday, an enormous ball of MM pets with the mains set to auto heal, and no one responding to invite requests. What I saw was that they were all left on Aggressive Follow, because as soon as someone (not the cluster) clicked a door and got a trick, the closest side of the swarm would swoop out and attack, then return to the swarm. I wasn't interested in playing feeder for a bunch of AFK leeches, so I went to the TUNNEL portal and switched instances.


Edited by srmalloy
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