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What niche parts of the game are thriving and which are dead - pvp, AE for non-farming, RP, base construction, etc?


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They've added a lot of variety to the game and players have come up with other things you can do besides standard missions.


So what parts are doing well and what parts are effectively dead?


This can be pvp and RP or such things as street sweeping, hazard zones, etc.


The big things I see thriving are:  

  • TFs, particularly WST
  • Farming
  • GM hunting
  • Mother Ship raids
  • DFB
  • Blue side


The things I see being mostly dead are:

  • gold side
  • red side
  • Special contact story arcs for teams (Faultline, Striga, Vahz civil war, etc)



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I don't know if I'd consider red side dead or at least in the same context as gold. Red often has players in it.


I think blue radio missions and the like are thriving especially at 50. If you can't get a team committed to a trial or tf/sf, the next big thing is radios (I think). I had a toon just ding 50 and it's a bit of a different take on my usual toon style. I couldn't log on until odd hours for the last bit and there has been small amounts of players on and even then we had radios rolling. Sadly, even at 50, there isn't a ton of radio and contact mission stuff. It started getting repetitive lol...you can blow through most missions with a well equipped 50. So, yeah, radios, maybe tip missions are also busy.


I would add Summer Block Buster and Death From Below as also thriving.

Edited by BurtHutt
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Keep in mind the opinions here are heavily based on the server one uses. Excelsior is doing great in everyone zone. You can even find people running on Gold side in Excelsior.

PVP is mostly dead on Excelsior but that doesn’t mean you will not see the occasional challenge called out on the weekends for PVP. I can run Bloody Bay and Sirens Call and never run into anyone. Recluse’s Victory usually has people just hanging out and challenging others on the weekend. 

AE has a decent amount of people running regular mishes on Excelsior. 

Every other zone is busy and it isn’t difficult to get a PuG going in almost every zone.

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Being constantly offended doesn't mean you're right, it just means you're too narcissistic to tolerate opinions different than your own.


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Let's Go Crack a Planet.

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Very small point, and this is exacerbated by the fact that I never engaged in it to begin with, but PvP has, from my standpoint, gone the way of the trilobite.  I recall, Back In The Day, being in the PvP zones on the way to missions (no, I wasn't a huge fan of it, and got in/out as quickly as humanly possible) and getting sniped/ambushed with no announcement or challenge whatsoever - why the Devs didn't institute a WoW-style set-up, right from the beginning, escapes me completely.


Since Homecoming's institutionalization, this seems to have become even more strongly the case.  I stop off in the PI Arena every once in a while, just to see what's (or what's not) happening; I don't recall ever seeing another PC alt there, and the active Arena itself has been nothing but silent.


Certainly don't have any qualms about this, as I'm perfectly happy to raise the fists in PvE circumstances for as long as this game is running, but I do wonder occasionally what would have happened if there hadn't been such self-declared push to do the "Harrison Bergeron"-number, back in '06 or thereabouts, on what could have been a diverting element for the game.

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2 minutes ago, Krimson said:

Red Side has never been dead and never will. The players who play there ALREADY HAVE A PLAN. So you just don't see them because they are in mission, and not one of the channels. 


Don't all villains always have a plan?  They never work, of course.  *cue Pinky and the Brain theme song* 

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I personally think the variety of content run on Homecoming is narrower than on Live. The reasons I can only speculate on.


Doing well:

  • TFs: TF commander TF's, ITF, Tinpex, MLTF/LRSF
  • iTrials: Lambaf
  • Farming (both in and out of AE)
  • Sitting/PL begging
  • Forum wars. Btw, I really love how Watkins' arc begins with a literal forum fight - I interpreted that as a blatant dig at forumites.
  • epeen extending (AV soloing, TF soloing, undermanned hardmode runs, etc.)
  • Marketing
  • Spending 6 hours in Mids to engineer a build with 0.38% more def
  • Hami
  • Cybering (Everlasting only)
  • Costume contests
  • PI radios
  • Hardmode
  • Aeon SF - shoutout to that Korean guy who at one point ran them daily; truly a hero of the people.


Did well on Live, dead on HC:

  • Speed ITF - the reward was finally nerfed into the ground.
  • All other TF's when they are not the WST
  • All other iTrials
  • RWZ missions - Likely because they were run to unlock LGTF, and LGTF is now dead.
  • Hollows, Croatoa, Faultline, a lot of low-mid level contact arcs - For varying reasons. I think Hollows/Faultline you now level past too quickly. Croatoa died because KHTF is dead and nobody needs to unlock it anymore.
  • Respec trials (unless blue + WST)
  • Morality/tip missions
  • Redside


Dead on live, still buried

  • lolpvp
  • Anything in AE that's not a farm
  • Goldside
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4 hours ago, DougGraves said:

They've added a lot of variety to the game and players have come up with other things you can do besides standard missions.


So what parts are doing well and what parts are effectively dead?


This can be pvp and RP or such things as street sweeping, hazard zones, etc.


The big things I see thriving are:  

  • TFs, particularly WST
  • Farming
  • GM hunting
  • Mother Ship raids
  • DFB
  • Blue side


The things I see being mostly dead are:

  • gold side
  • red side
  • Special contact story arcs for teams (Faultline, Striga, Vahz civil war, etc)



So….Everything is exactly as it has been forever.  Except right after they released each of the above things and there was a brief rush to do that content.   

Because Goldside has always been dead, Redside has always been dead, Story arcs (except for ones associated with badges /accolades) have always been a solitary pursuit 

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2 hours ago, Black Talon said:

 I recall, Back In The Day, being in the PvP zones on the way to missions (no, I wasn't a huge fan of it, and got in/out as quickly as humanly possible) and getting sniped/ambushed with no announcement or challenge whatsoever - why the Devs didn't institute a WoW-style set-up, right from the beginning, escapes me completely.



Errrr... I have to question your recollection.


There's only been one time people were forced into PVP zones - after they were introduced, and EVERY CONTACT would give you a "Go talk to the warzone liason!" mission. Said liason was in the actual PVP zone, just inside the gate. Hop in, talk to him, leave.  There's also *always* been a 30 second countdown when you come in. Which, sure, might not have been enough for people on *extremely* slow connections (dialup/satellite/very low broadband,) but generally was enough to see him and leave.


There were never any other missions (regular, PVE missions) that took you into the PVP zones. The only missions that exist there are (a) any PVP zone events and (b) the ones that affect the zone itself (things like "bomb base" or "rescue longbow agent,") which you get inside the zone (and have to talk to a specific contact to get, who's *also* inside the zone.)


The devs *also* beefed up defenses in the area - granted, there are holes (I know I've gone into BB and cleared out the tower overlooking the blueside helicopter, but that's fairly outside of snipe distance IIRC.) So it would be *exceedingly* rare to get ambushed or sniped. And they also moved that liason outside the zone, where they are now, since some people *really* didn't want to deal with PVP, to the point they didn't want to enter the zones for anything, at any reason, ever. (And even as someone who enjoyed those zones, I had to agree with those requesting that he get moved - get the explanation outside, and opt out by never having to enter them. Though, much better without them being a forced contact.)

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4 hours ago, Zect said:

Did well on Live, dead on HC:

  • Speed ITF - the reward was finally nerfed into the ground.
  • All other TF's when they are not the WST
  • All other iTrials
  • RWZ missions - Likely because they were run to unlock LGTF, and LGTF is now dead.
  • Hollows, Croatoa, Faultline, a lot of low-mid level contact arcs - For varying reasons. I think Hollows/Faultline you now level past too quickly. Croatoa died because KHTF is dead and nobody needs to unlock it anymore.
  • Respec trials (unless blue + WST)
  • Morality/tip missions
  • Redside

I don't see as many Speed ITFs, but I do see them since the revamp

Other TFs, all the time on Everlasting and Excelsior

Other iTrials, wrong

RWZ, I see some advertisements for them occasionally, and the occasional LGTF.  Was on one two days ago

Hollows teams I see often enough.  Others, rarer.   And you still have to unlock KHTF.

Respecs, yea, during WST I see both, but not often otherwise

Redside, plenty of action


I think there might be a confusion between stuff being run and stuff being advertised a lot.

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2 hours ago, lemming said:

I think there might be a confusion between stuff being run and stuff being advertised a lot.


I am definitely going by what I see advertised.  I can't know what people are doing without making it known.  Which is why I am asking here.

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8 hours ago, Krimson said:

Red Side has never been dead and never will. The players who play there ALREADY HAVE A PLAN. So you just don't see them because they are in mission, and not one of the channels. 

I need to revisit my “solo redside” which i used to do once or twice a year on a Brute.  I think it might be time to do it on a Blaster or Corruptor!!!  Gotta have a plan

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Just because it hasn't been mentioned: Base building is definitely alive and well.


Numerous public transit hubs on Excel, and I've no doubt the same on other servers. The proverbial "Everybody and their brother" has a private base or more than one.  Our SG base gets seasonally redecorated on the regular by one of our more industrious leader types.


I dunno if it is still a thing, but at least one person was doing Real Estate RP on Everlasting - posting listings here on the forums from time to time.




Maybe I should try it. 🤣

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You see a mousetrap? I see free cheese and a f$%^ing challenge.

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9 hours ago, Greycat said:


Errrr... I have to question your recollection.


There's only been one time people were forced into PVP zones - after they were introduced, and EVERY CONTACT would give you a "Go talk to the warzone liason!" mission. Said liason was in the actual PVP zone, just inside the gate. Hop in, talk to him, leave.  There's also *always* been a 30 second countdown when you come in. Which, sure, might not have been enough for people on *extremely* slow connections (dialup/satellite/very low broadband,) but generally was enough to see him and leave.


There were never any other missions (regular, PVE missions) that took you into the PVP zones. The only missions that exist there are (a) any PVP zone events and (b) the ones that affect the zone itself (things like "bomb base" or "rescue longbow agent,") which you get inside the zone (and have to talk to a specific contact to get, who's *also* inside the zone.)


The devs *also* beefed up defenses in the area - granted, there are holes (I know I've gone into BB and cleared out the tower overlooking the blueside helicopter, but that's fairly outside of snipe distance IIRC.) So it would be *exceedingly* rare to get ambushed or sniped. And they also moved that liason outside the zone, where they are now, since some people *really* didn't want to deal with PVP, to the point they didn't want to enter the zones for anything, at any reason, ever. (And even as someone who enjoyed those zones, I had to agree with those requesting that he get moved - get the explanation outside, and opt out by never having to enter them. Though, much better without them being a forced contact.)


i must also challenge your memory 🙂


in Bloody Bay you could pickup radio style missions - do a patrol, diffuse a bomb mish or a rescue captive mish. the missions would change some sort of red/blue reputation of the zone depending on how many you complete


i used to level several alts solo through such missions and have very fond memories of doing so


warburg had the rocket launch too which required a fair amount of running through the zone

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3 hours ago, MoonSheep said:


i must also challenge your memory 🙂


in Bloody Bay you could pickup radio style missions - do a patrol, diffuse a bomb mish or a rescue captive mish. the missions would change some sort of red/blue reputation of the zone depending on how many you complete


i used to level several alts solo through such missions and have very fond memories of doing so


warburg had the rocket launch too which required a fair amount of running through the zone


Right, but you had to be *in* the zone to pick those up. As I said, no PVE contact sent you there. If you're talking about *those* missions (which I also specifically mentioned,) you were in a PVP zone doing PVP missions, so ... complaining about people engaging in PVP while in a PVP zone is kind of like complaining about people speeding on a racetrack.

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2 minutes ago, Greycat said:


Right, but you had to be *in* the zone to pick those up. As I said, no PVE contact sent you there. If you're talking about *those* missions (which I also specifically mentioned,) you were in a PVP zone doing PVP missions, so ... complaining about people engaging in PVP while in a PVP zone is kind of like complaining about people speeding on a racetrack.


ah yeah, i see that. sorry i missed that part 👍

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It never occured to me back on live that the entire Warburg runs to get all three flavours of the bombs and of the bit when you get to launch the rocket had anything to do with PvP. Duh….

I used to sneak in and pray nobody spotted me striving to get the goodies to use against the PvE AV’s. Never used them for anything else.

But thinking about it now (lol hindsight is wonderful) I see that the entire point of the take npc to a terminal bit was only ever PvP based kill opportunities.

That was the only jepardy factor as the mobs were sooo easy to avoid.

Probably the most tense and scary mission time ingame for me at the time. Needed a super fast swivel neck power and by the end I could run backwards around the zone as fast as forwards hehhe. Happy days, those scientist npc’s were so stupid about following! 🥴

Edited by Jacktar
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5 hours ago, twozerofoxtrot said:

Sitting here laughing at Goldside being dead when it's literally capped at level 20.


Definitely not dead. Last time I was running my latest Praetorian I saw 3 or 4 other players hitting the trainer at the same time.


Not dead, just a realm for solo-starting toons with a specific background. Or for completionists doing Side Switch Every Time runs.


Gold side is excellent.  Just need a code tweak so former Praetorians get to keep the Gold Flyer for their TT.

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You see a mousetrap? I see free cheese and a f$%^ing challenge.

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On 12/3/2022 at 10:05 AM, lemming said:

I don't see as many Speed ITFs, but I do see them since the revamp


Imo Speed ITF is only alive if ITF is the WST (as it was recently). Then people take advantage of the WST to speed lots of alts through it for a notice.


But yes, Everlasting TFs does cycle through everything in the game.

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The only thing on HC that I think is truly dead is PvP.


Redside isn't as busy as blue, but I've seen plenty of strike forces running on Excelsior.  Gold is its own thing: it's more story and solo-focused and caps out at level 20 unless you're really dedicated to not crossing over.  It doesn't need or really benefit from having lots of people.  Same for AE story missions—most of those are better experienced solo, where you have time to read the clues, look at NPC Info boxes, and really dig into what the author laid down.  Neither of these are "dead" as long as you feel like playing them.   

Edited by Zhym
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