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Focused Feedback: Storm Blast

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9 minutes ago, Luminara said:

Wow, that is slow.

The question is, though - how does that compare to something like carrion creepers?  I'm not arguing that it is slow - it clearly is, but is that mobility more of an added feature as opposed to a core part of the power's intended use?


A part of me would have rather seen storm cell function like either a location-based toggle or one centered around you, with a longish recharge to compensate.

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47 minutes ago, biostem said:

The question is, though - how does that compare to something like carrion creepers?  I'm not arguing that it is slow - it clearly is, but is that mobility more of an added feature as opposed to a core part of the power's intended use?


A part of me would have rather seen storm cell function like either a location-based toggle or one centered around you, with a longish recharge to compensate.

I think it is the same speed as creepers. But you could argue all day that creepers make sense to move fairly slow as they are tunneling through the ground, they creep along (as the name suggests) and are fairly passive until they feed upon a defeated foe.


Storm cell's implementation and behavior doesn't make a ton of sense, but the set is still fun and  feels powerful in spite of those characteristics.

They should add something to the description indicating that storm cell can travel like a light breeze... :)

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56 minutes ago, biostem said:

A part of me would have rather seen storm cell function like either a location-based toggle or one centered around you, with a longish recharge to compensate.


For how you want the power to work and keep up with you without totally detracting from gameplay (recasting a location toggle takes time) on a ranged set (an aura forces it to melee), I think the current pseudopet implementation is honestly the best bet and don't think it needs a radical change -- just that it has pain points.


The speed and targeting priority are pretty high on that list, but imo you could give the set a much better flow with a faster cast time/lower end cost on Storm Cell to make reapplying it where necessary less of a loss. Cast times allegedly don't factor into damage formulas anyway.

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What if, once cast, the storm cell power becomes an "eye of the storm" power, which simply allows you to place a beacon, which the storm cell naturally moves toward, (with you being the secondary target if no such beacon has been placed).

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2 hours ago, biostem said:

 added feature as opposed to a core part of the power's intended use?

HIghlighting the bolded part because that is *exactly* how the movement portion of Storm Cell is supposed to be seen. It is not intended to be a core part of the power's intended use and was added for flavor.

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Global: @Valnara1; Discord Handle: @Valnara#0620

I primarily play on Everlasting, but you may occasionally find me on Indom. 🙂

Notable Characters: Apocolyptica - Demons/Storm MM; Lurking Monster - Human-Form WS; Environmentabot - Bots/Nature MM; Miss Fade - Ill/Traps Controller; Sister Apocalypse - Beast/Dark MM; Dr. Elaina Wrath - Plant/Rad Controller (Join the House of Wrath, and spread the word of science!); Ruff Ruff Boom - AR/Devices Blaster

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Has anyone put much time into testing how damage procs work in Storm Cell?

I've tried it slotted with:

Bombardment -  aoe damage

Explosive strike - knockback

Ice Minstrel - slow


I believe it is checking the procs when storm cell casts the various lightning aura powers for the AoE and knockback procs

25ft aoe 1-4 targets depending

I believe it is checking the slow procs when storm cell casts  windspeed.

25ft aoe, 16 targets, checks every 10 seconds and whenever one of your attacks triggers additional windspeed.


As the power casts windspeed without any further interaction this means it can draw immediate aggro if one of the slow procs lands


I didn't test extensively, but I did see Ice Minstrel trigger a decent amount. I saw enough bombardment that I will consider aoe damage procs and I rarely saw explosive strike (dunno why).

Slotting the slow damage procs is definitely worth considering if you don't care about giving up the non-aggro ability of storm cell.


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3 hours ago, Frosticus said:

Has anyone put much time into testing how damage procs work in Storm Cell?

I've tried it slotted with:

Bombardment -  aoe damage

Explosive strike - knockback

Ice Minstrel - slow


I believe it is checking the procs when storm cell casts the various lightning aura powers for the AoE and knockback procs

25ft aoe 1-4 targets depending

I believe it is checking the slow procs when storm cell casts  windspeed.

25ft aoe, 16 targets, checks every 10 seconds and whenever one of your attacks triggers additional windspeed.


As the power casts windspeed without any further interaction this means it can draw immediate aggro if one of the slow procs lands


I didn't test extensively, but I did see Ice Minstrel trigger a decent amount. I saw enough bombardment that I will consider aoe damage procs and I rarely saw explosive strike (dunno why).

Slotting the slow damage procs is definitely worth considering if you don't care about giving up the non-aggro ability of storm cell.



I've put the Bombardment, Positron's Blast, Ice Minstrel and Impeded Swiftness procs in Storm Cell.  All four go off, the slow ones seem to be more common but I don't have a parser so it's very hard for me to be sure.  You'd probably need to really dig into combat logs to tell how much of a gain having them in is, they certainly don't proc every time. 

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Late to the party, but I jumped on test today and made a Storm Blast/Fire Manip blaster. Soloed two Citadels and a Manticore at +0/x6 with a subpar build I made without Mids.

Right now I'm pretty happy with the set. The min/maxer in me is pretty whelmed, but that might change once Mids is updated. However, the set is super fun to play (which is the most important part IMO). I don't think I'll grow tired of smiting foes with Direct Strike. 😄


I recorded my second Citadel run, if anyone's interested in how Storm Blast might look in regular, easy content.

Disclaimer: Bad audio in mission two, bad build and plenty of bad decisions lol.



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1 hour ago, Glorious said:

Late to the party, but I jumped on test today and made a Storm Blast/Fire Manip blaster. Soloed two Citadels and a Manticore at +0/x6 with a subpar build I made without Mids.

Right now I'm pretty happy with the set. The min/maxer in me is pretty whelmed, but that might change once Mids is updated. However, the set is super fun to play (which is the most important part IMO). I don't think I'll grow tired of smiting foes with Direct Strike. 😄


I recorded my second Citadel run, if anyone's interested in how Storm Blast might look in regular, easy content.

Disclaimer: Bad audio in mission two, bad build and plenty of bad decisions lol.




blimey, are you playing on a jumbotron? 😂 that wide aspect is nuts. so used to seeing this game on a 15" laptop screen. 

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@Black Assassin - Torchbearer

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22 hours ago, ScarySai said:

Storm's pretty great for the situations you can set up for, and still fine when it has to play catch-up.


Seeing the same people harp on it not being the next fire blast isn't productive feedback.

To be fair, neither is "I like it so you all should just shut up because it's fine." 


I can tell you that as of right now (I'm still a lowbie) Im finding the set fine, but hate storm cell. I'd much rather just have an aim/build up proc power. It's way too slow and its effects way too unreliable for my taste.  


But Im open to part of that changing as I level up, but the "slow" part, I think, will be even worse. 

Edited by Puma
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38 minutes ago, Puma said:

To be fair, neither is "I like it so you all should just shut up because it's fine." 


I can tell you that as of right now (I'm still a lowbie) Im finding the set fine, but hate storm cell. I'd much rather just have an aim/build up proc power. It's way too slow and its effects way too unreliable for my taste.  


But Im open to part of that changing as I level up, but the "slow" part, I think, will be even worse. 

It has already been stated that Storm Cell moving was added for flavor and not as a core part of the mechanic. Want it to move faster? Slap recharge in it and cast it off CD on the next group.

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Global: @Valnara1; Discord Handle: @Valnara#0620

I primarily play on Everlasting, but you may occasionally find me on Indom. 🙂

Notable Characters: Apocolyptica - Demons/Storm MM; Lurking Monster - Human-Form WS; Environmentabot - Bots/Nature MM; Miss Fade - Ill/Traps Controller; Sister Apocalypse - Beast/Dark MM; Dr. Elaina Wrath - Plant/Rad Controller (Join the House of Wrath, and spread the word of science!); Ruff Ruff Boom - AR/Devices Blaster

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Had some time this afternoon and decided to try testing. Built at Storm/Temporal Blaster. I decided on time because I wanted that 20% global recharge from Time Lord; and, I also like the -regen powers.

I went straight to 50. I prefer the late game content so it's where I tend to spend my time. No teams available, so I did Maria Jenkins.

I skipped Jet Stream because I dislike knockback, but took everything else. I skipped Aging Touch, Future Pain and Time Shift on the Temporal side of things as they didn't serve my testing. 

Combat Jumping, Super Speed, Fighting Pool and Leadership along with Mace for Scorpion Shield. I was S/L/E capped and had 170% global recharge with Perma-hasten. Agility Partial Core Revamp.

First thing I noticed was that Storm Cell and Category 5 were hard to see. Turns out I had my graphic setting at Minimum. Once I cranked on to Ultra, they became very visible and attractive looking.  I have some concerns about it's graphics in the late game, incarnate trials with 24 person leagues creating lag if I have to be running it with high end graphics enabled.

I had zero problems with Storm Cells performance. It lasted for a minute and I had it's recharge down to sub 50sec. I was soloing though, so I can see issues potentially in faster moving teams. Especially in the late game. I did see a suggestion earlier in the thread that it would be better served in the Tier 3 spot instead of Tier 4; and, I couldn't agree more. Since it is what moves Jet Stream from repel to kb, and is (functionally the set defining power, it would be nice to have access to it right out of the Tutorial.

My ST attack chain was Hail Stones, Direct Strike and Cloudburst. I never touched Gust. For AoE I was able to switch back and forth between Chain Lightning and End of time. I was running at +0/x8 Bosses and AVs enabled. I was never in any real danger of dying. Armed now with what I know after reading this 15 pages, I would definitely consider Jet Stream with a SA KB->KD.  Again, I really think these two powers should be swapped in the Tier list. Honestly, I found the damage to be a little anemic. That was across both ST and AoE.

Category Five was really disappointing. I was using it in missions and not really getting much impact out of it. I took it to Portal Corps parking lot and dropped it on three level 50 Possessed Scientists just to test. It killed two but the third ran away and survived. These were three blue minions and they didn't die to a nuke. 

I will try again with a Defender and a Corruptor later on. But, on a Blaster, I was a little underwhelmed with a damage set underperforming in the Damage category. I doubt I will bother trying it out on a Sentinel.

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2 minutes ago, Bellicose said:

Had some time this afternoon and decided to try testing. Built at Storm/Temporal Blaster. I decided on time because I wanted that 20% global recharge from Time Lord; and, I also like the -regen powers.

I went straight to 50. I prefer the late game content so it's where I tend to spend my time. No teams available, so I did Maria Jenkins.

I skipped Jet Stream because I dislike knockback, but took everything else. I skipped Aging Touch, Future Pain and Time Shift on the Temporal side of things as they didn't serve my testing. 

Combat Jumping, Super Speed, Fighting Pool and Leadership along with Mace for Scorpion Shield. I was S/L/E capped and had 170% global recharge with Perma-hasten. Agility Partial Core Revamp.

First thing I noticed was that Storm Cell and Category 5 were hard to see. Turns out I had my graphic setting at Minimum. Once I cranked on to Ultra, they became very visible and attractive looking.  I have some concerns about it's graphics in the late game, incarnate trials with 24 person leagues creating lag if I have to be running it with high end graphics enabled.

I had zero problems with Storm Cells performance. It lasted for a minute and I had it's recharge down to sub 50sec. I was soloing though, so I can see issues potentially in faster moving teams. Especially in the late game. I did see a suggestion earlier in the thread that it would be better served in the Tier 3 spot instead of Tier 4; and, I couldn't agree more. Since it is what moves Jet Stream from repel to kb, and is (functionally the set defining power, it would be nice to have access to it right out of the Tutorial.

My ST attack chain was Hail Stones, Direct Strike and Cloudburst. I never touched Gust. For AoE I was able to switch back and forth between Chain Lightning and End of time. I was running at +0/x8 Bosses and AVs enabled. I was never in any real danger of dying. Armed now with what I know after reading this 15 pages, I would definitely consider Jet Stream with a SA KB->KD.  Again, I really think these two powers should be swapped in the Tier list. Honestly, I found the damage to be a little anemic. That was across both ST and AoE.

Category Five was really disappointing. I was using it in missions and not really getting much impact out of it. I took it to Portal Corps parking lot and dropped it on three level 50 Possessed Scientists just to test. It killed two but the third ran away and survived. These were three blue minions and they didn't die to a nuke. 

I will try again with a Defender and a Corruptor later on. But, on a Blaster, I was a little underwhelmed with a damage set underperforming in the Damage category. I doubt I will bother trying it out on a Sentinel.

did you just drop category five and then stop? You have to keep attacking to power its procs.

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22 minutes ago, Bellicose said:

Had some time this afternoon and decided to try testing. Built at Storm/Temporal Blaster. I decided on time because I wanted that 20% global recharge from Time Lord; and, I also like the -regen powers.

I went straight to 50. I prefer the late game content so it's where I tend to spend my time. No teams available, so I did Maria Jenkins.

I skipped Jet Stream because I dislike knockback, but took everything else. I skipped Aging Touch, Future Pain and Time Shift on the Temporal side of things as they didn't serve my testing. 

Combat Jumping, Super Speed, Fighting Pool and Leadership along with Mace for Scorpion Shield. I was S/L/E capped and had 170% global recharge with Perma-hasten. Agility Partial Core Revamp.

First thing I noticed was that Storm Cell and Category 5 were hard to see. Turns out I had my graphic setting at Minimum. Once I cranked on to Ultra, they became very visible and attractive looking.  I have some concerns about it's graphics in the late game, incarnate trials with 24 person leagues creating lag if I have to be running it with high end graphics enabled.

I had zero problems with Storm Cells performance. It lasted for a minute and I had it's recharge down to sub 50sec. I was soloing though, so I can see issues potentially in faster moving teams. Especially in the late game. I did see a suggestion earlier in the thread that it would be better served in the Tier 3 spot instead of Tier 4; and, I couldn't agree more. Since it is what moves Jet Stream from repel to kb, and is (functionally the set defining power, it would be nice to have access to it right out of the Tutorial.

My ST attack chain was Hail Stones, Direct Strike and Cloudburst. I never touched Gust. For AoE I was able to switch back and forth between Chain Lightning and End of time. I was running at +0/x8 Bosses and AVs enabled. I was never in any real danger of dying. Armed now with what I know after reading this 15 pages, I would definitely consider Jet Stream with a SA KB->KD.  Again, I really think these two powers should be swapped in the Tier list. Honestly, I found the damage to be a little anemic. That was across both ST and AoE.

Category Five was really disappointing. I was using it in missions and not really getting much impact out of it. I took it to Portal Corps parking lot and dropped it on three level 50 Possessed Scientists just to test. It killed two but the third ran away and survived. These were three blue minions and they didn't die to a nuke. 

I will try again with a Defender and a Corruptor later on. But, on a Blaster, I was a little underwhelmed with a damage set underperforming in the Damage category. I doubt I will bother trying it out on a Sentinel.

LIke Wavicle said, you aren't getting the most benefit from Storm Cell and Cat 5 if you also aren't using your storm attacks; your attacks are what make them proc and do their thing to the full extent.

Global: @Valnara1; Discord Handle: @Valnara#0620

I primarily play on Everlasting, but you may occasionally find me on Indom. 🙂

Notable Characters: Apocolyptica - Demons/Storm MM; Lurking Monster - Human-Form WS; Environmentabot - Bots/Nature MM; Miss Fade - Ill/Traps Controller; Sister Apocalypse - Beast/Dark MM; Dr. Elaina Wrath - Plant/Rad Controller (Join the House of Wrath, and spread the word of science!); Ruff Ruff Boom - AR/Devices Blaster

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1 hour ago, Bellicose said:

Category Five was really disappointing. I was using it in missions and not really getting much impact out of it.

Storm blast has a much higher degree of intra-set reliance/interaction than almost any other set.  As such, looking at any single power outside of these interactions will appear lacking...

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On 4/13/2023 at 9:25 PM, Captain Fabulous said:

Nitpicky request: Is it possible to adjust the VFX of Storm Cell and Cat 5 so that the primary color applies only to the rain/wind effects while the secondary color applies only to the lightning strike?


I would love this, if it can be done. Seconded!!



On 4/12/2023 at 4:47 PM, Booper said:

Looking at the budget, there is something that we can potentially do that will help lower levels but limit uber-builds. So here it is:

What if instead of a 90s cooldown, it gets lowered to 40s, but does not accept recharge buffs (so it's fixed to 40s, always). This would keep the current 60s duration intact.


Give me a 👍  or 👎 . Discuss it if you like, may throw it on beta regardless just to see what performance feels like. 


Personally I'd rather be able to enhance the recharge, because we CAN get it under 40 seconds. I very much dislike when the recharge can't be enhanced in a power. 

Then again, I agree with folks that are saying it /seems/ like we should just be able to have 30sec recharge AND 30sec duration. I don't see why Storm Cell is considered "so overpowered" that reducing the recharge MUST ALSO include a reduction in duration, but I admit I'm no expert. 



On 4/7/2023 at 10:03 AM, akumamishima said:

Are Devs open to the idea of changing the name of Category 5?  There are a lot of words for violent storms that evoke imagery vividly and I don't feel Category 5 accomplishes that same imagery very well.


Tempest, Typhoon, Nor'easter, Monsoon, Torrential Downpour, I find that any of these immediately inspire more power and command than Category 5.


FWIW - As a Floridian I have to respectfully disagree. Tempest and Nor'easter are just storms. Monsoon and and Torrential Downpour are storms with lots of rain, and Typhoons are Tropical Storms. Category 5 is serious in a way that those other terms simply aren't. So just MHO of course but I think Category 5 is a great name.   🙂


Overall I am very excited for this set. Storm Summoning is my favorite set, and MMs are my favorite AT, so I am already used to having to slot everything with light blue enhancements, and going Cardiac most of the time. 😉 So it seems like Storm Blast will just be par for the course as far as endurance use is concerned. Absolutely rerolling my namesake as a Storm/Storm corruptor, THANK YOU DEVS!!! ♥️

Edited by kwsapphire
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4 minutes ago, kwsapphire said:
On 4/13/2023 at 9:25 PM, Captain Fabulous said:

Nitpicky request: Is it possible to adjust the VFX of Storm Cell and Cat 5 so that the primary color applies only to the rain/wind effects while the secondary color applies only to the lightning strike?



I would love this, if it can be done. Seconded!!



6 minutes ago, kwsapphire said:


FWIW - As a Floridian I have to respectfully disagree. Tempest and Nor'easter are just storms. Monsoon and and Torrential Downpour are storms with lots of rain, and Typhoons are Tropical Storms. Category 5 is serious in a way that those other terms simply aren't. So just MHO of course but I think Category 5 is a great name.   🙂

I still think it just sounds too weird.


But I'll say again: MAELSTROM!

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15 minutes ago, WindDemon21 said:

But I'll say again: MAELSTROM!


They'd have to change the animation to make it look like whirlpool, then. 


Maelstrom: a powerful whirlpool in the sea or a river.

Origins: from Dutch "malen" (to grind or whirl) and "stroom" (stream).

Edited by kwsapphire


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4 minutes ago, kwsapphire said:


They'd have to change the animation to make it look like whirlpool, then. 


Maelstrom: a powerful whirlpool in the sea or a river.

I guess, I do like the name though.


Tempest i think works really well though. When I think tempest I think of a really violent storm.

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20 minutes ago, WindDemon21 said:

I guess, I do like the name though.


Tempest i think works really well though. When I think tempest I think of a really violent storm.


To each their own. There is literally no storm in the universe more violent than a Category 5 hurricane*, so the name totally works for me. It may be the Floridian in me, given that storms and hurricanes are more than just abstract concepts down here. 🙂


*Unless you count a tornado as "a storm" which I don't, and it appears most meteorologists agree. 

Edited by kwsapphire
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