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Who should issue a task force/strike force that currently does not?


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2 hours ago, BlackSpectre said:

Some great ideas here! I love the idea of taking baddies we don't see much of at higher levels and having a level 30-45 TF. Raise their levels, and add a few more variations. Let's see, for hero side it could be...


Trolls, Hellions, Outcasts, Skulls, Freakshow, Lost, Warriors, Tsoo, Minions of Igneous, Hydra, Warriors, The Cabal, Prisoners


So many options!

Hellions are a big yes for me. I can easily imagine their actual highest leader actually showing up, having struck a pact with some particularly powerful demon lord which gave him and his henchmen power far beyond what the common blood brothers have. And if the climax involves going to Hell itself to put said demon lord to rest, all the better.


Skulls, Skulls... Ideally, a TF concerning them should tie up loose ends from the Kings Row arc. What if their leaders indeed broke out of the Zig and found some way to grow even more powerful?


Dunno about the Outcasts, considering their leader is either dead or good now... But who's to say some particularly ambitious fellow wouldn't try to take his place?


Freakshow are another great yes. Their entire motif just gives so many possibilities of their development...


Also, you mentioned Warriors twice. Was that intentional?

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20 hours ago, Owl Girl said:

Aaron Thiery. it could make for a very fun Vigilante story where you do a prison break to rescue the only man in Paragon with the nerve to push the corrupt and indolent "heroes" of Atals Park into action, separating the wheat from the chaff. it could tie into Warburg and end with a bomb plot on City Hall (which side You are on depends on the agenda of the tf leader...) ❤️

Only problem for that is, would it be available for characters who kill him in the end of that arc?

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5 hours ago, Scarlet Shocker said:






Apart from the above link the character is awful and represents Positron's wankfest when he was lead Dev. We really don't need more of that.

I guess I missed a lot here?  I thought that name was just a p[lay on the terms Robot+Butler.  Have to admit I don't I've ever interacted with Botler other than that one time in... some.. TF where... you fight him, or something?  I'm not much of a lore hound anyway.


Tim "Black Scorpion" Sweeney: Matt (Posi) used to say that players would find the shortest path to the rewards even if it was a completely terrible play experience that would push them away from the game...


Clave's Sure-Fire Secrets to Enjoying City Of Heroes
Ignore those farming chores, skip your market homework, play any power sets that you want, and ignore anyone who says otherwise.
This game isn't hard work, it's easy!
Go have fun!
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I think the City Representative needs her own Task Force;  She seems overworked and underpaid.  Maybe have it involve reports about some crooked cops, which has you delve into the darker side of the PPD.  It'd be cool to see a renegade faction - maybe a Nictus infiltrated the Awakened Division, or an AI gained control of some fraction of the drones, or there were just some legitimately corrupt cops that got access to some very dangerous equipment...

Edited by biostem
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Ok, just hear me out.


Villain side.  Level 9-15.  M.A.G.I. rep.  They were the reason for all the info leaks over the past like 20 or 30 years city of heroes has been out and the reason why so many things go missing from the magi vaults.


This is the villain strike force equivalent of positron.  low tier villain groups getting their hands on lots of shit, maybe even something new that made them a viable threat at-the-time.  goldbrickers using special ammo, (more)relics in the hands of hellions, skulls and trolls or even family.






The main villain of said strike force got a dummy-like mask that did nothing, but people thought that imbued immense power upon the user.  I suggest this being a StJ/WP brute set/at.  All said power was from him alone.  This can bloom into an incarnate/well arc or just leave him as the villain(lol) equivalent of Blue Steel.

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Back Alley Brawler

Arbiter Sands

Marshal Blitz



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Play my AE Adventures, listed under @Jiro Ito, including award winners:

"The Headless Huntsman of Salamanca" #43870 **Scrapbot AE Contest Winner May 2022**           

"On the Claw-Tipped Wings of Betrayal" #43524 **November 2021 Dev's Choice**  

"The Defenders of Talos" #44578 **Mission Architect Competition Winner for October 2021: REBIRTH**  

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On 7/29/2023 at 1:25 PM, Scarlet Shocker said:

Ghost of War Witch


Nobody remains dead in comicbook lore.


She needs to be rescued.

Play through the First Ward and Night Ward arcs. For best results, also play through the Praetorian Warden arc too (the Resistance "good guy" side). 

Edited by A Cat
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On 7/29/2023 at 8:29 AM, Greycat said:

Mirror Spirit. *nods*

Interesting that you bring that up.  While we have TF's served up by trainers, I wonder if we could bring the other two members of the South Korean W.I.S.D.O.M. team (Rose Star, Spark Blade) into the game as Task Force givers.  They're defined, they may even have models in the files of the game, but were never put into it. 


On 7/29/2023 at 9:34 AM, JasperStone said:

Matthew and Dana Habashy.

Those two do seem like they have room for more story, and Matthew has demonstrated cool and smart thinking in intense situations.  Just what you'd want in a credible TF giver.


On 7/29/2023 at 5:28 PM, Vanden said:

She’s already been rezzed

Do you refer to the War Witch in Pocket D?  I thought I'd heard she was one from an alternate dimension, though now that I think of it, I think someone suggested she's the Prime Universe War Witch, but can only manifest as alive within Pocket D.   I admit my knowledge is lacking for a concrete answer.


On 7/29/2023 at 5:53 PM, Vic Raiden said:

Hellions are a big yes for me. I can easily imagine their actual highest leader actually showing up, having struck a pact with some particularly powerful demon lord which gave him and his henchmen power far beyond what the common blood brothers have. And if the climax involves going to Hell itself to put said demon lord to rest, all the better.


Skulls, Skulls... Ideally, a TF concerning them should tie up loose ends from the Kings Row arc. What if their leaders indeed broke out of the Zig and found some way to grow even more powerful?


Dunno about the Outcasts, considering their leader is either dead or good now... But who's to say some particularly ambitious fellow wouldn't try to take his place?


Freakshow are another great yes. Their entire motif just gives so many possibilities of their development...




Hellions;  I can't recall ever hearing who their boss is.  A TF might emphasize that.


Skulls:  I don't recall all the dialog, but were there not more relatives or Lords of Chaos than were brought down in the Eagle Eye arc?  Seems reasonable some would be out to free/restore the Skulls.


Outcasts: Frostfire's story has a resolution, but I'd always thought he was just one of the highest ranks, not necessarily the highest.  Also, would love to see a TF, whether before or after Frostfire's resolution, where we learn there's a leader for each powerset, overseeing training in their particular ability, and collectively acting like a war council or joint chiefs of staff.  We'd have to take each down for a victory.


Freakshow: Although I like them, I'm not really into seeing another with them.  There's the Penny Yin TF, and the Sister Psyche TF is still available.  Both heavy on Freaks.  You even get a bit of them in the Numina TF, and they're the focus of one of the Reactor Trials.  I'd rather let another villain group shine.


On 7/29/2023 at 6:55 PM, BurtHutt said:

I wish the new content was different and not so connected to CoH lore. We've had this material for many years. Time for something different and fresh - in story and actual game play.

It could be.  I'm only asking for the contact to be in-game already.  As I think about it, I wonder if inspiration could be had by the original names for some of these groups, names that were discarded.  Like "Skeleton Crew".   That said, there's material that hasn't been touched much that might make a good TF/SF, and any new character will require designs and models.  That's a lot of work.



4 hours ago, Skyhawke said:

Officer Daniels. Time to take back Galaxy City!

That's an interesting idea.  A TF to drive a foothold into recovering Galaxy City, would be a fresh perspective.  I wonder if such a thing could be spun into a dual feature: a TF and an SF both hoping to create a foothold into Galaxy City, each for very different purposes, but having to interact with the same characters, items, buildings, and situations.


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22 hours ago, Clave Dark 5 said:

I guess I missed a lot here?  I thought that name was just a p[lay on the terms Robot+Butler.  Have to admit I don't I've ever interacted with Botler other than that one time in... some.. TF where... you fight him, or something?  I'm not much of a lore hound anyway.


That's about it. That and a somewhat stilted intro if you click on him in Fort Trident, where he obviously needs some work...


On 7/29/2023 at 5:55 PM, BurtHutt said:

I wish the new content was different and not so connected to CoH lore. We've had this material for many years. Time for something different and fresh - in story and actual game play.


... you're ... in COH. What lore would you want it connected to?

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Still not particularly fond of certain segments of this community.

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2 hours ago, Techwright said:

Do you refer to the War Witch in Pocket D?  I thought I'd heard she was one from an alternate dimension, though now that I think of it, I think someone suggested she's the Prime Universe War Witch, but can only manifest as alive within Pocket D.   I admit my knowledge is lacking for a concrete answer.


4 hours ago, A Cat said:

Play through the First Ward and Night Ward arcs. For best results, also play through the Praetorian Warden arc too (the Resistance "good guy" side). 

Seriously, it is one hell of a set of arcs. I highly recommend them!

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4 hours ago, Greycat said:


That's about it. That and a somewhat stilted intro if you click on him in Fort Trident, where he obviously needs some work...



... you're ... in COH. What lore would you want it connected to?

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah...It's been the same stuff for a while. So, you're telling me if you were buying comics, you'd be happy to see the same old factions/lore/villains for several years? With very little new stuff added? Hmmmm...you and I are maybe on different wavelengths.


With that type of mentality, so many of our fave comics would not have evolved or added new material. I could go on here but I feel I've made my point.

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On 7/29/2023 at 6:55 PM, BurtHutt said:

I wish the new content was different and not so connected to CoH lore. We've had this material for many years. Time for something different and fresh - in story and actual game play.

There are only so many "players" within the world of CoH.  By "players", I mean forces that pose a threat, either on a local or global/universal/multi-dimensional scale.  There are many potentially untapped plot ideas that could utilize already existing factions.  It doesn't have to be confined to "steal dangerous artifact" or "build doomsday weapon", either.  I wouldn't want new random stuff added just because you or the devs are bored, and it would make more sense for new stuff to tie back into what we already know...

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1 minute ago, biostem said:

There are only so many "players" within the world of CoH.  By "players", I mean forces that pose a threat, either on a local or global/universal/multi-dimensional scale.  There are many potentially untapped plot ideas that could utilize already existing factions.  It doesn't have to be confined to "steal dangerous artifact" or "build doomsday weapon", either.  I wouldn't want new random stuff added just because you or the devs are bored, and it would make more sense for new stuff to tie back into what we already know...

Well, nothing wrong with a connection or something completely new and different. 


Yes, there's tons you can expand on etc but it's been around for so long and it feels stale to me. 


I feel there are options here to do both - new and original and expand on existing. I'd prioritize something a bit more original. 

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3 minutes ago, BurtHutt said:

Well, nothing wrong with a connection or something completely new and different. 

I do not believe that it would be possible for any individual or group to wholly arrive out of nowhere - they would pretty much have to come from some existing group;  They could be a new faction of an existing group or otherwise have ties to them - sort of like the Knives of Vengeance coming from the Knives of Artemis and the Talons of Vengeance...

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On 7/29/2023 at 4:20 PM, Valcarde said:

Only problem for that is, would it be available for characters who kill him in the end of that arc?

so first off, i think that option is just there for a laugh and i seriously doubt that anybody has ever clicked it. and in the case that they may have accidentally misclicked then they could be thankful that the Canon Narrative ignores this mistake.

i will remind You all that you can do Penelope Yin's task force whenever you want even if you have yet to discover the PsychoChronoMetron and expose it to her dreadful thoughtform when she was still just a plucky teenager. and yet Agent G insists that you go thru the whole process anyway, even tho history has moved on already. if you've ever visited Owlborous then you know full well that the causality of events is not set in stone. anybody may seize control of the zeitgeist 😃

done with the Moogle "community" here. since they obviously don't care about anything lore wise and poop on people who do.  Moogle backstory guide might be uploaded in a 3rd location when i finish the revision. no, it may not be put on the wiki, and what was there of my first one has been REMOVED! please do not reupload. i'm not giving the people here the benefit of the work just to be pooped on and told "lol, let people play how they want, f you." (you can than xXLimpBizkitFanXx, KupoKaiser, daRealSid, boxdestroyer2002, OwlBoy, BrayCat, ButtStroke420, Spencer Gifts LLC, president obama, the San Antonio police Department, my mom not letting me use the computer room after 9pm, GM_Vietnam, Sharkey, DanceDanceCommunistRevolution, my wife's boyfriend Carl, ChronicIBS, shortstackgoblin, sharif for not liking it, Rusty Shackleford, harshBDSMmaster, AcceptAllCookies, BundleOfSchticks, Stygian Owl, Farticus_Rex, Cockroach Girl, Oranbega_Beggar, The People's Democratic Republic of Glendale, GoDaddydotCom, ClarrisaExplains: it all, My Chemical Gluten Allergy, Square Phoenix, Sharkey ((again)), and the rest for making that very clear.)



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Not so much a who as a what.

I think it would be interesting if there was a Taskforce associated with the Omega Team Memorial. You visit the Memorial and are greeted by a Psychic Ghost of one of the 50 heroes who followed Hero 1 to the Rikti Home Dimension and perished. They offer you the opportunity to save those that remain alive from the Rikti and return them home. You may even be aided by Glacia and Infernia who know the lay of the land and possibly how to succeed, having escaped and returned themselves. It would require no new assets and could be an interesting mission arc/taskforce/strikeforce.

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it's just right for me..."

( Unless it's Raining, or Cold, or Really Dirty

or there are Sappers, Man I hate those Guys...)

                                                      Marine X

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