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How confident are you that your build is properly slotted?

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6 hours ago, Water said:


...you are here arguing the toss of my 20 year proven methodology.


TOP TIP - ability take 6 slots, not 10.




Your point is incorrect. You don't have the information that you think you do. I only expressed my staple slotting so that I can benefit from my chosen set bonuses which far outweigh lesser useful bonuses. My 'game life long' anecdote which has occurred from retail to as recently as yesterday is that even with 2 tanks and 2 brutes on a team I am so well slotted by learned experience that I predominantly am the highest threat on most teams I play on. More so now with the recent boost in popularity.




If you are six-slotting Health and Stamina, that takes 5 extra slots in each of the two powers. Please share your default slotting, per this claim:


On 2/8/2024 at 3:50 AM, Water said:

One staple I have in slotting is six slotting health and stamina on every toon. End can deplete immediately so I have to mitigate that, apart from that anything goes which will facilitate a more effective toon.


I can absolutely see extra slots going into Health for a Tanker or Brute, because of the bank of HP.  Yet it has been my experience that Tanks and Brutes often have non-Fitness pool powers that benefit from the sorts of slots that might go into Health, partially because of set bonuses and partially because those powers benefit from enhancement values (e.g. Dull Pain). My own experience has been more like a Tanker's Health will get 2x Numina (Heal/Absorb plus the global) and maybe another global... but it completely depends on which other powers are getting set other sets/globals.


On its face, I can't see "I 6-slot every character's Health and Stamina" as good advice. I have to believe that slotting an Endurance reducer in Sprint would probably do more for Endurance management than the 6th slot in either Health or Stamina. With 10 slots invested in Health and Stamina, there have got to be some Endurance-using powers that could benefit from some of those slots.

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No, I utilise all 6 slots in health and all 6 in stamina for set bonuses, there are a multitude of options to slot both, peruse the IO wiki page to choose your own. Horses for courses. I don't give advice, that's a dangerous thing to do. Nor do I make sweeping uninformed judgements on minimal to zero information.

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"Be Water, My Friend. Empty your mind. Be formless, shapeless, like water. You put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle. You put it into a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend." - Bruce Lee or from IP man.

Edited by shortguy on indom
added who quote was or originated from....

PvP Capture the Flag!  Bring some fun into it....

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Six slotting Health and/or Stamina is commonly known as muling. If you can afford those 10 slots that's fine. I four slot Brawl and Punch a fair bit.


If it's for the actual stats that both Stamina and Health brings then, the numbers are weak. Health in particular is a tiny regen bump and in either case two slots for the raw stats would be enough.


But, it won't make or break a build to slot that way.

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I don't only 6-slot stamana and health, I 6-Slot Brawl and 6-Slot Sprint AND still have a slot to spare on my most epic imaginary build that crushes everything the mostest.


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"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

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9 hours ago, Troo said:


I don't only 6-slot stamana and health, I 6-Slot Brawl and 6-Slot Sprint AND still have a slot to spare on my most epic imaginary build that crushes everything the mostest.


Weak ...

you forgot to 6-slot your Rest.

nice try

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On 2/6/2024 at 5:18 PM, DougGraves said:

So how confident are you that you have the right amount of END, recharge, ACC, etc. slotted in your powers?


100% because I build what works best for me, my playstyle and my experience. I dont care how other people build they characters. 

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On 2/6/2024 at 10:55 PM, Turric said:

I am very confident of my builds. One way I test them is to run missions solo at +2 +8. If everything goes smoothly, I feel like it is well slotted. I detest down time so I make sure my end recovery and such are high. Most toons can run +4+8 against most enemy groups (some can be problematic), but +2+8 or even +1+8 when I'm feeling lazy is my test.

That's a really good idea! I mean all of mine would die straight away, but that's a great benchmark to shoot for.

How many looies are in a mob of +2+8?

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23 minutes ago, tidge said:


What about all those awesome Travel IOs to go into the prestige sprints?


That. Is. Brilliant!

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4 hours ago, JasperStone said:

Weak ...

you forgot to 6-slot your Rest.

nice try

I do wonder know just how speedy that would make the recovery (because I'm enjoying taking on stupid trick builds like this these days), like, would you kneel and then be all 100% recovered in like a second or what?  Or would it play best just as a set mule?  Hm...


Tim "Black Scorpion" Sweeney: Matt (Posi) used to say that players would find the shortest path to the rewards even if it was a completely terrible play experience that would push them away from the game...


Clave's Sure-Fire Secrets to Enjoying City Of Heroes
Ignore those farming chores, skip your market homework, play any power sets that you want, and ignore anyone who says otherwise.
This game isn't hard work, it's easy!
Go have fun!
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18 hours ago, Troo said:


I don't only 6-slot stamana and health, I 6-Slot Brawl and 6-Slot Sprint AND still have a slot to spare on my most epic imaginary build that crushes everything the mostest.


Make sure you 6 slot brawl with D Sync Provocations for ultimate cost efficiency!

Mainly on Excelsior. Find me in game @Spaghetti Betty.

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5 hours ago, tidge said:


What about all those awesome Travel IOs to go into the prestige sprints?


I have a distinct memory of this one time where I slotted THREE of the prestige sprints to eke another almost about 8% S/L res.

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21 hours ago, Clave Dark 5 said:

I do wonder know just how speedy that would make the recovery (because I'm enjoying taking on stupid trick builds like this these days), like, would you kneel and then be all 100% recovered in like a second or what?  Or would it play best just as a set mule?  Hm...

I don't think it takes sets.

Just Endurance Mod, Healing, Reduce Interrupt Time, Recharge.

I will have to check ingame. The above is from the wiki.

I did not think Rest took recharge.

Also, Wiki lists no set categories.

Would be nice if it took Healing or EndMod sets



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1 hour ago, JasperStone said:

I don't think it takes sets.

Just Endurance Mod, Healing, Reduce Interrupt Time, Recharge.

I will have to check ingame. The above is from the wiki.

I did not think Rest took recharge.

Also, Wiki lists no set categories.

Would be nice if it took Healing or EndMod sets

Per CoD, Rest doesn't take recharge (which makes sense, since the recharge time is 0s) or sets. 


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34 minutes ago, Uun said:

Per CoD, Rest doesn't take recharge (which makes sense, since the recharge time is 0s) or sets. 


I hardly ever put anything in there. 

The slot stays empty.


 Forums  - a place, meeting, or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged.

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I frame a character up in Mids but tweak as I play for fun.  When I hit 30 I start to look at improving (not min-maxing) areas to make my character more enjoyable with Set IO's (no purples).  Only when I have truely fallen in love with a character do I even think about doing deep dives and questioning slotting.

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Girls of Nukem High - Excelsior - Tempus Fabulous, Flattery, Jennifer Chilly, Betty Beatdown, Totally Cali, Two Gun Trixie

Babes of War - Excelsior - Di Di Guns, Runeslinger, Munitions Mistress, Tideway, Hard Melody, Blue Aria


Several alts and of course my original from live on Freedom, High Beam Prime (someone else has her non OG name)

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I'm 132% confident that my builds are properly slotted... 🙃


For anyone who doesn't get that reference, google "arcanatime".

More seriously, I'm a OCD powergamer across all games, tabletop or computerised...
...which basically means that I'm a complete spreadsheet junky and numbershead but not a "spoiler or shamer".

I enjoy completely grokking the underlying mechanics of a game and learning abilities/powersets in exhaustive detail. And min/maxing. However I don't particularly like being the star of the show and I certainly don't like causing my teammates to have less fun. So I'll often roll up a "sub par" (powerset combinations that are considered underperforming/conflicting/bad) and/or "support" (team buffing) character and then push its mechanical performance as far as I possibly can. And whenever I'm on a team I'll typically hang back unless I'm being called upon to tank (in which case you can bet that I'll be leading the way, virtually unkillable and keeping everything tightly bunched up for AoEs; and playing merry havoc with the concept of the aggro cap via pseudopets and mez effects).

For City of Heroes, that has translated to things like a creating a viable Spines/DA scrapper that simply could not run out of endurance back in i9 (unheard of at the time), Blasters that got around the T9 Nuke recovery crash by using *Rise of the Pheonix* or *Drain Psyche* as part of their regular attack chain, one of the first melee-defence-softcapped Electric "Blappers", a Katana/Regen scrapper that outdamaged Claws/ (due to -res and damage procs), a INV/SS Tanker who could go toe-to-toe with Ghost Widow and the Clockwork King, a Peacebringer without Nova form who still put most Fire blasters to shame, and a Sonic/Elec Defender that was instrumental to scoring quite a number of team "firsts" (e.g. MoSTF) on the server in question and almost clocked up more playtime than all my other toons put together... And much more recently; taking *Repel* on a toon that has no native Resistance/Defences or Mez Protection (a Bot/Kin MM which can keep its henchies alive unaided whilst ploughing through groups of +4/8 faster than a Brute, even *without* abusing Bonfire). Oh, and a /RA Scrapper that has Softcapped positional defences, Hardcapped S/L resistances, and more effective Maximum HP than a Tanker with Dull Pain up and greater self-healing over time than a /Regen.

I'm a firm beleiver in "frankenslotting" - not using full 6-piece IO sets everywhere; but instead 3 or 5-slotting to get more useful procs, set bonuses or raw enhancement % numbers.
And also in taking "Confront" on Scrappers... 🥴

Now, if you ask me if I'm confident in my costumes, that's another question entirely... one of my coalition Supergroups back in the day was called "the Iconites" for a very good reason, and I rather suspect more inf has been spent on tailor fees over the years than on respecs!

Edited by Maelwys
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44 minutes ago, Maelwys said:

I'm a firm beleiver in "frankenslotting" - not using full 6-piece IO sets everywhere; but instead 3 or 5-slotting to get more useful procs, set bonuses or raw enhancement % numbers.

If "frankenslotting" is not getting a full set bonus, call me Victor. 


I don't call it frankenslotting until there is nothing more than a 2 slot bonus or two with four or more slots taken.

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44 minutes ago, Erratic1 said:

If "frankenslotting" is not getting a full set bonus, call me Victor. 


I don't call it frankenslotting until there is nothing more than a 2 slot bonus or two with four or more slots taken.

I'm sure different people will have different takes on it, but I always looked on "Frankenslotting" as what heppens when you "mix" IOs (e.g. some sets, some basics, whatever) as opposed to using a "Full IO set" (which is nice and clean and surely the the dev-intended "right" way of doing things...)

That doesn't necessarilly mean that you need to fill every single enhancement slot with a different type of enhancement; it's enough as long as there are at least some visible stitch marks and/or duct tape.
Dr Vahzilok would be proud.

There are an awful awful lot of builds out there with 6-slotted full IO sets and nothing else; some people honestly can't see past "full set = always best".

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23 hours ago, cranebump said:

When you're the lone scrapper on a team with rolling blaster nukes, you don't often get much time to test your "effectiveness." Because you're too busy wiping off viscera.:-

I have to philosophically agree with @Clave Dark 5 that no player has a responsibility to build a character a certain way in order to run with others. Further, it seems it would be brutally unfair for me to insist anyone approach their game time in any way other than how they wish. It's not just "everyone else's time." It's my time, too. And yours. We're sharing the space. That requires a least a small amount of tolerance, doesn't it?


     And the idea you can build a single most correct build for a given AT/Pairing and for any given team is absurd in the first place.  Especially if not a static team.  Even if one assumes you have the responsibility to build a given way to make another player 'happy' that almost certainly means that somewhere in the next few teams, if not the very next, your build won't be correct.  My Claws/SR has totally different idea of what the perfect build(s) would be to join them than my Emp/Rad does.  And I'd be willing to guess the ideal build to join my Emp/Rad is NOT what the majority of players out there would consider their ideal to maximize my fun.  And the whole vice versa thing i.e. the likelyhood my characters build is the ideal for all 7 teammates is also highly unlikely. 

     The only responsibility I have to my fellow players is not to be a douche.  


And clearly anything other than 8 Empaths is building wrong anyway.  I mean what's not to love about a damage capped Nuke everywhere 5 seconds or so on a defense, to hit, recovery, regen, and possible resistance capped team not the most right ... 😘


Edited by Doomguide2005
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2 minutes ago, Doomguide2005 said:

     The only responsibility I have to my fellow players is not to be a douche.  


You just know that there's someone out there with an Empath/Archery Defender that specialises in administering curative suppositories...  🏹 🚑 👨‍⚕️ 

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