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Patch Notes for February 20th, 2024 - Issue 27, Page 7

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2 hours ago, BurtHutt said:

So, you can't have that sybil piece just as an option to add the loin cloth front and cloth on the back? It has to the entire set? That is super lame and disappointing. You also have to have that belt as part of it too? Not sure I'll be using it and it was the only thing I was really looking forward to. Ah well.


yeah man, i too am so disappointed in the direction this game is heading in.


so many people have invested significant amounts of time and money in their.. loin cloth? wait what?

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14 minutes ago, PoptartsNinja said:

That's a bug that pops up sometimes. I actually like it, and wish a lot of zones would have their 'fog of rendering distance' turned down significantly. Or at least modified by /visscale settings.

All water textures just render no matter the distance and make things look really weird, it's odd. There's also the pop-in of details that should gradually phase-in instead. Fly back and forth along some trees and watch all their detail instantly appear and disappear as you move past certain render thresholds, it's wonky.

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1 hour ago, MoonSheep said:


yeah man, i too am so disappointed in the direction this game is heading in.


so many people have invested significant amounts of time and money in their.. loin cloth? wait what?

I'm not sure if you're being sincere or not. I am. 

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The new tip system is...quite excessive. I'm seeing "You got a tip!" 2-3 times per mission (at high levels), and I'm not interested in pursuing any of these tips on this character. And someone was complaining about being photosensitive, and it making them feel ill.


I understand that this change is intended to benefit new players, to draw their attention to this part of the game...but players are only new for a short time, and I fear this will go on forever. Could you possibly add a way to suppress Tip notification messages specifically, to address this issue?

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6 hours ago, VinceBlood said:

Still amazed that people are using an unintended-for-mass-damage-power as a mass-damage-power and getting upset when it's brought in line.  The game has plenty of win buttons, but man, it should not have a super-win-button.  Let's all relax and play.

I don't have an issue with Bonfire getting nerfed.

I just wish they had nerfed the Damage but left the Control (mostly) alone.

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A damn impressive update for a free, almost-20-year-old game.  Nice job, devs!


Well, for the most part, that is.  Not a huge fan of some the nerfs (coughbonfirecough), but I can live with 'em. 


Having said that, for the love of all that is holy and good, please give us a way to disable the constant "Tip Found!" spam!  For that matter, please give us a way to disable any/all of the loot drop spam (other than rejecting all drops, that is).  Or at the very least make the text/animation smaller and not smack dab in the center of the screen.  The constant "tip found" spam is wholly unnecessary.  Seriously.  It's painful during big battles to have a non-stop stream of floaty text interfering with my view of the battlefield.  It was bad enough before this update with spam for recipes, salvage, catalysts, shards, etc.  Adding a whole new source of it with the Tip changes was...not a great call.


I'm fine with it all being turned on by default for the benefit of new players and having to turn it off manually.  I've been playing since Issue Zero - I don't need or want to be informed of every. single. piece of common salvage as it drops.  I'm perfectly capable of checking the Rewards feed in chat.  Or just, you know, looking at my salvage and recipe windows.


Any consideration of the proposal is greatly appreciated!

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45 minutes ago, Dogooder said:

1. Please return the travel power tray.


I made a new character, picked flight and no travel power tray opens. There is already not enough space with three trays and unless 4 or 5 trays are coming soon I need all the space I can get. I even tried visiting NULL and disabling and re-enabling the travel power trays.



Trays 4 and 5 are already in the game, actually! Along with 6, 7, 8 and 9, in fact. Press the small + next to the word Recipes and you'll create a new one that you can move and change the shape of a bit.

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Ok, sorry guys, but you really REALLY R-E-A-L-L-Y need to change those Tips back to the way it was or give the players the option to either turn the messages off or keep the ones the Tips in their Tips without the cycle. It's really damn annoying to be hit by "Tip Received" every time we defeat a mob.


Oh and I'm glad you finally put Penelope Yin in the AE. I only wish you guys could have added Maelstrom as well.

Edited by Omnislash024
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MM Fire Mastery Epic Pool Bonfire still has the incorrect duration.
It was 45 seconds, and is now 30 seconds.

No mention of the reduction in the Patch notes.

I previously reported this on the Beta Testing Bug forum , the Main Feedback thread and the Focused Feedback thread ...
This had been affecting release candidates 1, 2 and 3 and is now affecting Live as well.



[EDIT: Whoohoo Fix Incoming! - Thanks Kindly! 🙂 ]

Now, on to some more general feedback...

The Good: Fantastic job on the RWZ revamps, Advanced mode changes and customization features. Clearly a lot of work went into this and it is genuinely appreciated.

The Bad: Whilst my Bot/Kin/Flame MM was *very* negatively affected by the Epic Pool changes, to the point where I am seriously considering taking both Repel and Whirlwind in order for him to continue soloing at +4/8, I can appreciate that the intent of the power rebalancing aspect of this patch was not to cremate Fire Mastery but to try to bring Epic and Patron pool performance roughly into line with each other.
However Bonfire as a KD patch filled a very useful niche. None of the other MM Patron/Epic pools contain any powers that provide noteworthy AoE Crowd Control; which is a real shame. The closest out there is Web Grenade from the Mace Patron pool. Having something along the lines of Freezing RainIce Slick or even Ice Patch available would be greatly appreciated (and if it wasn't for the cottage rule then I'd be very much advocating for Flash Freeze or Hoarfrost from "Chill Mastery" to be swapped for Ice Patch).
As it stands currently, Bonfire's area of affect has been reduced to almost a third of what it was before and the "flop rate" notably reduced when a KB>KD IO is slotted - foes are now able to flee the area of effect far more quickly, with the result that my AssBot's Burn Patches end up scattering large spawns across the map again. Sad Keanu is Sad.

Edited by Maelwys
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8 hours ago, ninja surprise said:

Wowee look at all this stuff!!!


RIP the Mid's team! Looking forward to their next update too!


My Mind / Time Controller is eager to test the TK/Lift changes and I'm still hoping Mass Confusion gets a recharge decrease some day to make it usable more than once a mission. 🤞

Edit: NVM, with Telekinesis recharge bumped to 2 minutes now and both Total Domination and Mass Confusion at 4 minutes, that's some super sporadic mass control. 😕 Oh well, archiving the Mind controllers again.


But hey, I really love the new volume control! And the GUI and tray tweaks are pretty sweet!

I feel your pain. Not sure who would ask for these Mind Control changes.

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12 hours ago, Perfidy said:

I am most likely in the minority. While I appreciate the tireless efforts to keep us all amused/interested with new things to do, I do think this patch came to soon. I only today asked my SG if they wanted to go to Brainstorm and test the LGTF in hard mode. 

I know there are people that seemingly play this game all day every day, but some folks simply can't. Now it's here, and I'm too late. 

I looked through the patch notes and I've either glossed over it accidentally, or it wasn't mentioned. Previously, we'd get XP when landing on an exploration badge. This no longer seems to be the case. These are the things that sneak through the cracks when you push things through when you could have easily waited until Summer.


The update has been on the beta server since January the 19th.  That's a month, which doesn't seen unreasonable.


The Exploration Badge update is in the patch notes:

  • Exploration badges now grant Patrol XP instead of regular XP.

    • The amount of Patrol XP gained is dramatically higher than the previous amount of regular XP previously gained.

    • The amount scales with level, starting with 1.5 bars at level 1, down to 0.25 bars at level 50.


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Reunion player, ex-Defiant.

AE SFMA: Zombie Ninja Pirates! (#18051)


Regeneratio delenda est!

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I apologize for bringing this up at Live and not looking at it during the lengthy Open Beta (which was great, thank you so much for the time to work things out and having discourse with Forum-goers that we haven't seen in the year prior's Open Betas), and I feel bad because it's really nitpicky, but...

These tanks are facing the wrong direction if they're preparing for a threat from Firebase Zulu. The rear and sides of a tank are the least armored, and while I know the rule of cool beats out realism, I'm not even sure it looks that cool (especially with the exhaust coming out of the front).

Maybe something to consider for the next patch: repositioning them so they are hull front towards threat (and exhaust out the back).

(click for full size)



Edited by twozerofoxtrot
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After playing with my Controllers bonfire for a few task forces it feels like how they nerfed ice slick a decade and a half ago.  instead of being chain knocked down all the time they are able to get a few steps in, but because of fire cages that does not happen.  5/6 bombardment and 1 SA:kb2kd slotting

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1 hour ago, Grouchybeast said:

The update has been on the beta server since January the 19th.  That's a month, which doesn't seen unreasonable.

No, it certainly seems reasonable. Perhaps a time-challenged person like myself would be better served with a deadline. 

And the no xp for explorations? Did I miss that in patch notes? It's certainly not a big deal, I'm just curious. 

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31 minutes ago, Perfidy said:

No, it certainly seems reasonable. Perhaps a time-challenged person like myself would be better served with a deadline. 

And the no xp for explorations? Did I miss that in patch notes? It's certainly not a big deal, I'm just curious. 


I guess it's difficult for them to put a deadline on beta testing, since it depends on how many changes are deemed necessary.  Looking at the past releases, this one was about average, although there have been a couple that were shorter.


Yes, the change is in the patch notes, in the Powers and Gameplay Adjustments section, under Miscellaneous.

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Reunion player, ex-Defiant.

AE SFMA: Zombie Ninja Pirates! (#18051)


Regeneratio delenda est!

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