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Insta-cast snipe question


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I see the yellow circle around my snipe power (psi lance on a defender) occasionally when I level up, and see on the old Paragon Wiki that Issue 24 was going to make it instant-cast if you had 22% or more toHit. I tried increasing my *accuracy* in the power to 22% but that didn't work so I figured it was global toHit, so at level 22 I 4-slotted Exploit Weakness (7%) and Positron's Blast (9%) and added a Kismet: Increased toHit (6%) to Stealth. But that combination of slotting enhancement sets didn't work either.


Now I see from the power's "Detailed Information" that I need *97%* increased accuracy. Is that accuracy within the individual power (several IOs or SOs?) or global toHit or a combination of the two?


Exploit Weakness 4-slotted at level 25 gives me a 20% accuracy bonus, and my global bonuses are 22%, so am I 42% on the way to 97%? If all I need is 55% more accuracy, I could add a couple of SOs or common IOs. If I need to get to 97% through global bonuses I'm a long way off.


Thanks for reading.

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I just found out this was a thing when I saw an odd yellow ring on my snipe yesterday. I had just leveled and I guess I had enough buffing going on because of it that I'd triggered this. I've since noticed this happens Every time that alt levels. I'll have to figure out what you guys are getting sometime so I can slot accordingly in the future.

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You need 97% tohit, ie, 75% base plus 22% from buffs.


There's a display bug where the game allows fast snipes at 22%, but doesn't show the ring until something like 22.5%. So if you have exactly the right amount, see if it works even though you don't have the yellow ring.

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If you have the Kismet proc and Tactics then you're a small yellow away from insta-snipe.  I tend to carry a few of them on my Blaster for times when I don't have teammates with Tactics.  Pop a small yellow and you've insta-snipe for the next minute.

Guardian Survivor, occasional tanker and player of most AT's.

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I just found out this was a thing when I saw an odd yellow ring on my snipe yesterday. I had just leveled and I guess I had enough buffing going on because of it that I'd triggered this. I've since noticed this happens Every time that alt levels. I'll have to figure out what you guys are getting sometime so I can slot accordingly in the future.


The reason it happens every time you level is that you get one large inspiration of each type affecting you when you level, and a yellow insp grants +to hit.  A large one grants +37.5%, which is over the 22% needed for insta-snipe.  A medium yellow, btw, is only 18.75%, not quite enough. 


To the OP, the nomenclature in the game can be confusing, unfortunately.  Accuracy goes in one place in the overall formula to hit mobs, "to hit" goes in another place.  Accuracy comes from IO set bonuses, slotting Accuracy SOs/IOs in powers, and so on.  To Hit is much rarer, though also much more useful percent-for-percent if you are trying to hit mobs which are higher level than you, or have defenses.  It is also the only thing that can give you insta-snipe currently.  To hit comes from the Tactics power, as well as a few others in the game, yellow insps, and you can get continuous +6% from the Kismet proc (which is wrongly labeled Accuracy, by the way). 


A defender can actually get insta-snipe continuously just from a Kismet and 2-slotted Tactics, but that is because the AT modifier for buffs/debuffs on a defender is much higher than that on a blaster.  I suggest using the Pine's hero planner to figure out exactly what you need, no point in buying enhancements and doing a respec and still not having it work. 


I heard, by the way, that they may be changing insta-snipe so that everyone has it, but the damage bonus will increase with higher To Hit up to 22%.  I haven't verified that myself.

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Just want to toss out that my /Dev blaster with Targeting Drone (slotted with 2 ToHit Buff) has perma InstaSnipe (unless debuffed, damn CoT ghosts)

Same here, my targeting drone is 3 slotted with to-hits.  If I remember correctly I had insta snipe when I chose targeting drone with no slots.

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The reason it happens every time you level is that you get one large inspiration of each type affecting you when you level, and a yellow insp grants +to hit.  A large one grants +37.5%, which is over the 22% needed for insta-snipe.  A medium yellow, btw, is only 18.75%, not quite enough.


Yeah, that's what one of my chans said when I asked what the ring was about. :p

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Also, if you want to hit the 22.5 to make sure you get the yellow ring?


1: Enhancement Boosters




2: 6-slot Cytoskeleton Hami-Os.


Or take a Resilient Alpha.

If you want to be godlike, pick anything.

If you want to be GOD, pick a TANK!

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Related to instant snipe, I've found it useful to monitor tohit in my combat stats.  I already knew most of enemies with tohit debuffs, but now that the exact number is important I've found some new ones.  When I find myself unable to snipe when I think I should, I dig a bit deeper and find out exactly what enemy is causing it.

I've adjusted a few targeting priorities due to this, when I want to instant snipe.



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You can also do it as a Defender.


Tactics >> (4) level 50 ToHit standard IO

Alpha slot >> Spiritual Radial Paragon, +20% ToHit buff (2/3 ignore ED)


The above pushes Tactics to provide +22.08% ToHit. It does make snipes instant, but it does not surpass the 22.5 threshold to render the "ring"

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I've been trying to make this happen on a psi / kinetics corruptor.  Does anyone have any suggestions on how to work this out?  I tried accuracy enhancements with no luck.  I can't tell if either set has any way to boost accuracy but it doesn't look like it.  Am I missing anything ?

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Take Tactics and 6-slot it with ToHit enhancements (overslotted, but necessary... they have a higher Buff modifier than Blasters, so you may be able to get it with fewer than 6 slots).

Get the Kismet +Accuracy IO and slot it into a power that takes +Defense enhancements.


That should get you the needed ToHit.

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