ToskaJayus Posted May 30, 2019 Posted May 30, 2019 I know there is a way to change the image of a macro but I can't remember how. Anyone know how?
JusticeBowler Posted May 31, 2019 Posted May 31, 2019 /bind b "target_custom_next enemy alive Boss" Bosses aren't specifically selectable unless the word Boss is in their name. Svengjuk, Formerly Alice, Empty Man, EM Riptide, Silver Mouse, and many more... SG: Hero Dawn
ApatheticMalice Posted May 31, 2019 Posted May 31, 2019 Collected a few useful bits and pieces... i thnk "targetcustomnext quantum$$targetcustomnext dark dwarf$$targetcustomnext white dwarf$$targetcustomnext bright nova$$targetcustomnext dark nova$$targetcustomnext void$$targetcustomnext cyst" “team I see that $target is carrying a Quantum weapon! Please make sure that $target is taken care of quickly!” "target_custom_next friend notteammate notmypet" Binds for Making the most of your Kheldian For each type of Kheldian, recommend having 3 files for binds. pb_humanform.txt e “powexec_toggleon White Dwarf$$bind SHIFT+LBUTTON powexec_name White Dwarf Step$$goto_tray 3$$bind_load_file c:cohpb_whitedwarf.txt” q “powexec_toggleon Bright Nova$$goto_tray 4$$bind_load_file c:cohpb_nova.txt” pb_whitedwarf.txt e “powexec_toggleoff White Dwarf$$goto_tray 1$$bind_load_file c:cohpb_humanform.txt” q “powexec_toggleoff White Dwarf$$powexec_toggleon Bright Nova$$goto_tray 4$$bind_load_file c:cohpb_nova.txt” pb_nova.txt e “powexec_toggleoff Bright Nova$$goto_tray 3$$powexec_toggleon White Dwarf$$bind_load_file c:cohpb_whitedwarf.txt” q “powexec_toggleoff Bright Nova$$goto_tray 1$$bind_load_file c:cohpb_humanform.txt” Here’s the set for warshades: ws_humanform.txt e “powexec_toggleon Black Dwarf$$bind SHIFT+LBUTTON powexec_name Black Dwarf Step$$goto_tray 3$$bind_load_file c:cohws_blackdwarf.txt” q “powexec_toggleon Dark Nova$$goto_tray 4$$bind_load_file c:cohws_nova.txt” ws_blackdwarf.txt e “powexec_toggleoff Black Dwarf$$bind SHIFT+LBUTTON powexec_name Shadow Step$$goto_tray 1$$bind_load_file c:cohws_humanform.txt” q “powexec_toggleoff Black Dwarf$$powexec_toggleon Dark Nova$$goto_tray 4$$bind_load_file c:cohws_nova.txt ws_nova.txt e “powexec_toggleoff Dark Nova$$goto_tray 3$$bind SHIFT+LBUTTON powexec_name Black Dwarf Step$$powexec_toggleon Black Dwarf$$bind_load_file c:cohws_blackdwarf.txt” q “powexec_toggleoff Dark Nova$$goto_tray 1$$bind SHIFT+LBUTTON powexec_name Shadow Step$$bind_load_file c:cohws_humanform.txt” target_custom_next enemy defeated (for carrion powers) for more on Kheldy stuffs (outdated but useful)
Xoza Posted June 4, 2019 Posted June 4, 2019 (edited) Here's my list of binds and macros (will modify this post as I create and modify) Emotes /bind slash "beginchat /$$e stancehero1" /bind ENTER "e stancevillain2$$afk ((Typing...))$$startchat" Flight Posing /bind w "+forward$$e flypose2" /bind SHIFT "e flypose3" /bind BUTTON4 "autorun 1$$em flypose1$$em flypose2$$em flypose3$$em flypose4" Toggle Hover/Fly /macro Flight "powexec_name Hover$$powexec_name Fly" Teleportation /macro Recall team "Quantum entanglement locked on $target!"$$powexec_name recall friend /bind lshift+lbutton powexec_name White Dwarf Step /macroimage Veteran_TeleportBase BaseTP "e ultimatepower$$enterbasefrompasscode Ordo-3082" Taunt /macro Taunt "e roar$$powexec_name provoke" Peacebringer Form Trays Human to Nova and back. /macro H2N "powexec_toggleon bright nova$$goto_tray 8" /macro N2H "powexec_toggleoff bright nova$$goto_tray 1" Human to Dwarf and back. /macro H2D "powexec_toggleon white dwarf$$goto_tray 9" /macro D2H "powexec_toggleoff white dwarf$$goto_tray 1" Universal Form to Human /macro F2H "powexec_toggleoff white dwarf$$powexec_toggleoff bright nova$$goto_tray 1" Social /bind ENTER "e plotting$$afk ((Typing...))$$startchat" /bind SLASH "e stancehero2$$beginchat /" /bind ENTER "e stancehero2$$afk ((Typing...))$$startchat" /bind ENTER "afk ((Typing...))$$beginchat [@Xoza]: " /bind L beginchat /lfg [@handle] Edited April 30, 2020 by Xoza 1 - Xoza Shadow (@Xoza) Ordo Imperialis / Everlasting / Excelsior Arcon | Yuri'ko | Xoza | Nebulum | Novae | Nebulae | Chell | Rayn | Mendalara | Teslia | Cybernet | Teras Kasi | Arcstalker | Bull Rush My Costume Archive | My Characters & Creations | My Binds/Macros | My Club
Murcielago Posted June 4, 2019 Posted June 4, 2019 /bind b "target_custom_next enemy alive Boss" I cannot get this one to work either, do I need to remove the current bind on B before I bind this key?
Healix Posted June 4, 2019 Posted June 4, 2019 If you copy/paste it, it should replace whatever you had bound to b. And as JusticeBowler said, Bosses aren't specifically selectable unless the word Boss is in their name. Forever grateful to be back in my city!
HunterMS Posted June 4, 2019 Posted June 4, 2019 Help please, looking for a macro for FLY with a flypose, any help would be appreciated.
_NOPE_ Posted June 4, 2019 Posted June 4, 2019 Help please, looking for a macro for FLY with a flypose, any help would be appreciated. 1 I'm out.
HunterMS Posted June 4, 2019 Posted June 4, 2019 Help please, looking for a macro for FLY with a flypose, any help would be appreciated. Thank you
SmalltalkJava Posted June 5, 2019 Posted June 5, 2019 Genius. On the target glowie helper. That should help people who are hard of hearing Baseline MM Henchmen Defenses and Resist Values MM - Beast Pets - Pet Attack usage and some quick proc testing
takkat Posted June 9, 2019 Posted June 9, 2019 Can't find anything on a bind/or macro on changing costumes using the change emotes. I've tried using the key mapping via the options but the emote wont happen (yes it's turned on). I remember back in the day I had one but I can't remember it, and I can't find it any where. Thanks in advance!
justicebeliever Posted June 9, 2019 Posted June 9, 2019 /bind [key] "cce [costume number, 0 is the 1st] [costume emote name]" /macro [name] "cce [costume number, 0 is the 1st] [costume emote name]" Here's the list of emotes from paragon wiki...there are a couple of new ones in I25, but I don't remember their names: example /macro CC "cce 1 ccbackflip" or if you character says something when changing costumes /bind CTRL+NUMPAD1 "cce 2 cccast$$l by our powers combine" or you can have a power toggle on with it /macro CC0 "cce 0 ccenergymorph$$powexec_toggleon prestige power slide" 1 "The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." - Niels Bohr Global Handle: @JusticeBeliever ... Home servers on Live: Guardian ... Playing on: Everlasting
CaptainAmazing Posted June 10, 2019 Posted June 10, 2019 I've got a couple of questions and a request for specific help on a macro I've been trying to put together. I want to make my character say something everytime a certain power is used i.e. resurrect and say "Rise!" locally. Should i be binding the macro to a button or can it be worded to activate the power no matter what button i am using for the power (because i may move buttons around as i level up) The other macro im trying to do is to allow a button click for my young son who plays with me to auto target me and then follow me. So far I've got a button that targets me but sometimes targets others or even my pets and a separate button for follow. Id prefer something reliable and one button only. Last question is about where macros are stored and is there a file i can move around machines or make available to all my alts? many thanks in advance! Neil. ZERO MERIDIAN (AFFILIATED WITH THE HOUNDS OF L❤️VE) REUNION SERVER ZM WATCHTOWER, Geosynchronous Low-Earth Orbit, Lat 51.476852 Long -0.000500, enterbasefrompasscode ZEROMERIDIAN-1121 ZM Watchtower is for all heroes at all times, all we ask is that you set your visual scale /vis_scale 10
justicebeliever Posted June 10, 2019 Posted June 10, 2019 I've got a couple of questions and a request for specific help on a macro I've been trying to put together. I want to make my character say something everytime a certain power is used i.e. resurrect and say "Rise!" locally. Should i be binding the macro to a button or can it be worded to activate the power no matter what button i am using for the power (because i may move buttons around as i level up) The other macro im trying to do is to allow a button click for my young son who plays with me to auto target me and then follow me. So far I've got a button that targets me but sometimes targets others or even my pets and a separate button for follow. Id prefer something reliable and one button only. Last question is about where macros are stored and is there a file i can move around machines or make available to all my alts? many thanks in advance! Neil. It may just be semantics here, but to ensure we are saying the same thing...A bind is to a specific key on the keyboard, specific mouse button, or a combination. But it is specific. So if I bind something to the "F" key, it will only happen when I press the "F" key... A macro creates a "button" on the powers tray. And you can move it around all over, but it requires you to click the button (or the appropriate keystrokes for the slot the button is in) to activate it. So if you put it in the 3 spot on the 1st power tray, you can either click the macro, or press 3 to execute it... I'm hoping that clears up the first question - /Macro [name] "l Rise$$powexec_name [Revive Power Name]" for local chat, otherwise for team chat - /Macro [name] "g Rise$$powexec_name [Revive Power Name]" 2nd question for your kiddo /Macro [name] "target_custom_next [your hero's name here]$$follow" should do the trick. It will only target something that in the brackets as part of it's name. So if your Hero's name is "gunner", it's going to target any NPC that has "gunner" in the name... 3rd question - I do not believe you can save macro's - just the binds...However, you can edit the macro and copy/paste the text into notepad, and then paste them into the next character you want to have that macro... "The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." - Niels Bohr Global Handle: @JusticeBeliever ... Home servers on Live: Guardian ... Playing on: Everlasting
CaptainAmazing Posted June 11, 2019 Posted June 11, 2019 That is amazing! Thank you very much indeed. ZERO MERIDIAN (AFFILIATED WITH THE HOUNDS OF L❤️VE) REUNION SERVER ZM WATCHTOWER, Geosynchronous Low-Earth Orbit, Lat 51.476852 Long -0.000500, enterbasefrompasscode ZEROMERIDIAN-1121 ZM Watchtower is for all heroes at all times, all we ask is that you set your visual scale /vis_scale 10
D43kk3n Posted June 11, 2019 Posted June 11, 2019 Is there a way to write up a macro to have a 1. Costume change (to 2nd costume), activate flight, then 2. if clicked again will cycle to hover, then 3. if clicked again, toggles off hover and changes back to the 1st costume?
justicebeliever Posted June 11, 2019 Posted June 11, 2019 Is there a way to write up a macro to have a 1. Costume change (to 2nd costume), activate flight, then 2. if clicked again will cycle to hover, then 3. if clicked again, toggles off hover and changes back to the 1st costume? Probably not as a macro, but you could do it as a bind (work of a keystroke or mouseclick instead of a button on the power tray) Create 3 .txt files...and for convenience put them in the data folder where you have CoH installed. I'll call them Fly here Fly1.txt = "CTRL+NUMPAD1 "CCE 1 [costume emote here]$$powexec_toggleon Fly$$bind_load_file fly2.txt" Fly2.txt = "CTRL+NUMPAD1 "powexec_name Hover$$bind_load_file fly3.txt" Fly3.txt = "CTRL+NUMPAD1 "CCE 0 [costume emote here]$$powexec_toggleoff Hover$$bind_load_file fly1.txt" then create a bind for the first scenario - /bind CTRL+NUMPAD1 "CCE 1 [costume emote here]$$powexec_toggleon Fly$$bind_load_file fly2.txt" Now whenever you do CTRL and "1" on the Number pad, it'll cycle thru what you just described And away you go...let me know if you need more info "The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." - Niels Bohr Global Handle: @JusticeBeliever ... Home servers on Live: Guardian ... Playing on: Everlasting
CaptainAmazing Posted June 12, 2019 Posted June 12, 2019 So I've been looking around have seen talk of a couple of legendary hover/flight macros, sadlly when following the links to them the 'waybackmachine' has not stored those pages. My suspicion is that the best we could get is a button that switches back and forth between hover and flight. What I would love is a macro button that leaves me hovering while stationary (fighting melee) but as soon as i start moving it switches to full flight (and maybe afterburner) and then back to hover when i stop moving again... ....if it could bring me a coffee and massage my feet at the same time, that would also be good :) Many thanks in advance! Neil. ZERO MERIDIAN (AFFILIATED WITH THE HOUNDS OF L❤️VE) REUNION SERVER ZM WATCHTOWER, Geosynchronous Low-Earth Orbit, Lat 51.476852 Long -0.000500, enterbasefrompasscode ZEROMERIDIAN-1121 ZM Watchtower is for all heroes at all times, all we ask is that you set your visual scale /vis_scale 10
D43kk3n Posted June 12, 2019 Posted June 12, 2019 @CaptainAmazing So I had posted the same request on Reddit as well.. I think this may be the answer you are looking for
Marshal_General Posted June 13, 2019 Posted June 13, 2019 So I've been looking around have seen talk of a couple of legendary hover/flight macros, sadlly when following the links to them the 'waybackmachine' has not stored those pages. My suspicion is that the best we could get is a button that switches back and forth between hover and flight. What I would love is a macro button that leaves me hovering while stationary (fighting melee) but as soon as i start moving it switches to full flight (and maybe afterburner) and then back to hover when i stop moving again... ....if it could bring me a coffee and massage my feet at the same time, that would also be good :) Many thanks in advance! Neil. Look up City Binder. It still works.
rheckenkamp Posted June 14, 2019 Posted June 14, 2019 /bind BUTTON4 "powexecname Super Jump$$powexecname Combat Jumping" I used this back in the day. "Back" button on my mouse toggles between combat jumping and super jump. I used this to switch from flight and hover as well. /bind MBUTTON "powexecname Radiation Infection$$powexecname Enervating Field" On my radiation defender, I use this to turn off the two targeting AoE toggles so they can recharge before we get to the next group of mobs. This won't work to cast them, just turn them off.
0th Power Posted June 14, 2019 Posted June 14, 2019 Can someone proofread my binds? moving forward and pseudo-auto energize power /bind w "+forward$$powecex_name Energize" open chat with shift enter instead of enter /bind enter "" /bind shift&enter "beginchat /send" I am Pro-Human I invented Combat Teleport I invented K'ong (More proof here too) Battle Rifle
NekoAli Posted June 14, 2019 Posted June 14, 2019 You misspelled 'powerexec_name' You reversed the x and c. To remove a bind it's /unbind enter or whatever the key is. I don't know if you an bind a null. Beginchat needs another arguement for the channel you are chatting in. like 'beginchat /send Local'. If you want to send to the active channel the command is 'showchat$$startchat'
justicebeliever Posted June 14, 2019 Posted June 14, 2019 You misspelled 'powerexec_name' You reversed the x and c. To remove a bind it's /unbind enter or whatever the key is. I don't know if you an bind a null. Beginchat needs another arguement for the channel you are chatting in. like 'beginchat /send Local'. If you want to send to the active channel the command is 'showchat$$startchat' Also, you need to use the "+", not the "&" to bind 2 keys together. NOP is the "null command" for a key... Here they are in nice copy/paste format: /bind w "+forward$$powexec_name Energize" /bind shift+enter "show chat$$startchat" /bind enter "nop" "The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." - Niels Bohr Global Handle: @JusticeBeliever ... Home servers on Live: Guardian ... Playing on: Everlasting
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