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Macros for the Masses(and keybinds too!)


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Anyone know a way to bind or macro so that with a single press I could do a costume change with emote using a random one of my costumes? Or if that's not possible, to cycle through them in order each time the key/macro was pressed?  Specifically the Dimension Shift costume change emote. Thanks!

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Is there a way to create a single bind or macro that allows me to swap/alternate between two costumes using the same emote. By that I mean... I  have a character with wings, who's alternate costume removes them. So that while indoors he swaps to costume 1 (without) and while flying around out of doors he's got his wings out (costume 0). So the bind/macro would swap to the one that is not currently active.

Dislike certain sounds? Silence/Modify specific sounds. Looking for modified whole powerset sfx?

Check out Michiyo's modder or Solerverse's thread.  Got a punny character? You should share it.

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Trying to replicate a macro I had on Live.

Activates a power and also sends a /tell to the player.

The /tell would say, "Granting you +FORTITUDE+" and said player gets Fortitude, one click.  Being a /tell it's highlighted yellow and makes the signature beep. 

"What are dominators... Much like a spider traps a bug, wraps it up, then starts chewing on it when it's completely unable to escape or defend itself."

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  • 4 weeks later
On 12/16/2019 at 3:19 PM, Nemeroff said:

Trying to replicate a macro I had on Live.

Activates a power and also sends a /tell to the player.

The /tell would say, "Granting you +FORTITUDE+" and said player gets Fortitude, one click.  Being a /tell it's highlighted yellow and makes the signature beep. 


Thanks to HeroReborn I modified what he posted, tested it ingame, and success!

/macro FRGE “tell $target, ++FORGE++.$$powexecname forge”

Buffs team mate/player with Forge and tells them.

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"What are dominators... Much like a spider traps a bug, wraps it up, then starts chewing on it when it's completely unable to escape or defend itself."

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  • 2 weeks later
On 1/8/2020 at 1:05 AM, Nemeroff said:


Thanks to HeroReborn I modified what he posted, tested it ingame, and success!

/macro FRGE “tell $target, ++FORGE++.$$powexecname forge”

Buffs team mate/player with Forge and tells them.

Does this automatically put the "Granting you" words in there?

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Here is my list of Variables, Binds, and Macro's that I use on all of my toons:


Variables (pass in chats, etc.):



example use:   /macro LFG "lfg Anything that a $origin Level $level $archetype ($primary/$secondary playing $side side) can get in on?"

works out to:  (in lfg channel) "Anything that a Natural Level 50 Blaster (Fire Blast/Devices playing Hero side) can get in on?"


GET OUT OF MISSION/TEAM:   /teamquitinternal   -=or=-   /requestexitmission 1

(use the above, should you not get an "exit" button for some reason)


Global Chatting
/bind CTRL+1 "afk Broadcasting on Everlasting TF...$$beginchat /send "Everlasting TFs" ($name, lvl $level $archetype): "
/bind CTRL+2 "afk Speaking in soft tones...$$beginchat /send Local"
/bind CTRL+3 "afk Pounding away on the keyboard!$$beginchat /send "Paragon Chat" ($name, lvl $level $archetype): "

(just a few examples; I like binding to the CTRL+number, since I don't use them for powers, etc).




@@ SAVE WINDOW parameters/options:  /wdw_load, /wdw_save_file <path>, /wdw_load_file <path>
    /macro_image Brawling_ComboLevel1 w1 "wdw_load_file w1.txt"
    /macro_image Brawling_ComboLevel2 w2 "wdw_load"


Here, I set up my layout on the LARGER (2K) monitor and saved it via "/wdw_save"  Then I set up my layout for the SMALLER monitor (UHD) and saved it via "/wdw_save_file w1.txt"  So the "default" is my larger 2K monitor and the alternate is the smaller one (w1.txt).  Creating the above macros gives me a nice "1" and "2" button (via Brawling Combos graphics) where "1" is my smaller monitor (happens to be on my left, so I read left-to-right: 1, 2) and "2" is the larger (default) monitor in front of me (to the right of the smaller one).


Toggling SPRINT on/off while moving forward:

    /bind SHIFT+W "powexec_toggleon Sprint$$powexec_toggleoff Sprint"
    /bind SHIFT+W "powexec_toggleon Prestige Power Slide$$powexec_toggleoff Prestige Power Slide"


Usually I have a stealth IO in my preferred sprint, so while moving around (usually I have W pressed) I just tap the SHIFT key and it toggles it on or off.  Very handy, especially for turning on another layer of stealth via a travel IO.


Roy's Travel Binds:

@@ SJ / CJ typical:
    /bind ` "powexec_name Super Jump$$powexec_name Combat Jumping"
    /bind T "powexec_toggleon Ninja Run$$powexec_toggleoff Ninja Run"
    /bind T "powexec_toggleon Beast Run$$powexec_toggleoff Beast Run"


@@ SS, simple:
    /bind ` "powexec_toggleon Super Speed$$powexec_toggleoff Super Speed"


@@ Magic Pool Flying:
    /bind ` "powexec_toggleon Mystic Flight$$powexec_toggleoff Mystic Flight"
    /bind T "powexec_name Translocation"


@@ Natural Pool Leaping:
    /bind ` "powexec_toggleon Mighty Leap$$powexec_toggleoff Mighty Leap"
    /bind T "powexec_name Takeoff"


@@ NO TRAVEL, NO CJ version:
    /bind ` "powexec_toggleon Ninja Run$$powexec_toggleoff Ninja Run"

    /bind T "powexec_toggleon Beast Run$$powexec_toggleoff Beast Run"

    /bind T "nop"


@@ NO TRAVEL, but have CJ:
    /bind ` "powexec_name Ninja Run$$powexec_name Combat Jumping"
    /bind ` "powexec_name Beast Run$$powexec_name Combat Jumping"
    /bind T "nop"


@@ HOVER and FLY plus something faster:
    /bind ` "powexec_name Fly$$powexec_name Hover$$powexec_toggleoff Ninja Run"

    /bind ` "powexec_name Fly$$powexec_name Hover$$powexec_toggleoff Beast Run"
    /bind T "powexec_toggleon Ninja Run$$powexec_toggleoff Ninja Run$$powexec_toggleoff Fly$$powexec_toggleoff Hover"
    /bind T "powexec_toggleon Beast Run$$powexec_toggleoff Beast Run$$powexec_toggleoff Fly$$powexec_toggleoff Hover"

OR w/ Afterburner (highly recommend, if one took Fly):

    /bind T "powexec_toggleon Afterburner$$powexec_toggleoff Afterburner"


@@ HOVER and Mystic Flight:
    /bind ` "powexec_name Mystic Flight$$powexec_name Hover"
    /bind T "powexec_name Translocation"


I absolutely to keep the same keys bound across characters for travel, the key to the left of the 1 key (on US keyboards it has ` and ~) because it's in such a handy location.  Also, I *loathe* the fact that "T" is toggle the target window on/off.  Why?  What a waste, so I usually have it bound to something with travel or nothing at all ("nop").


Useful Macros & Binds:

/macro i "toggle incarnate" (little gray "i" button to toggle on/off the incarnate window)

/bind . "toggle combatnumbers"  (period key to bring up monitoring stats)

/bind NUMPADENTER "say Congratulations, next round is on me!$$em victory"
/bind MINUS "say Thank you!$$em thanks"
/bind CTRL+T "powexec_name Air Superiority" (or anything else rarely used)

/bind CTRL+P "powexec_location me Red Wisp Pet" (learn and love the powexec_location command!  See below:)

/bind G "say I have $target targeted!" (good for when you have something important targeted)


Game icons (Google Doc): (don't know who maintains, but thank you)


That said, here are my usual "drops" that I bind.  I also move the actual power button to a floating tray, so I can see recharge timers, etc.  That is the only downside with using the macros - they look like the power, but also look like they're always up and ready to use.  Keep the originals in view somewhere, put the macros on the keypressing trays:

    /macro_image DarkMiasma_TarPatch TarPatch "powexec_location target Tar Patch"
    /macro_image EarthGrasp_Earthquake ErfQke "powexec_location target Earthquake"
    /macro_image EarthGrasp_VolcanicGasses VolGas "powexec_location target Volcanic Gasses"
    /macro_image EarthGrasp_Quicksand QwikSand "powexec_location target Quicksand"

    /macro_image IceFormation_IceSlick ICE "powexec_location target Ice Slick"

    /macro_image WaterBlast_Whirlpool WP "powexec_location target Whirlpool"

    /macro_image NatureAffinity_SporeCloud SC "powexec_location target Spore Cloud"

    /macro_image Leadership_vengence Veng "target_custom_next teammate defeated$$powexec_name Vengeance"

    /macro_image archetypeicon_blaster RoF "powexec_location target Rain of Fire"

Buff Binding on the Number Pad:
    /bind NUMPAD1 "powexec_name Sonic Barrier"
    /bind NUMPAD2 "powexec_name Sonic Haven"
    /bind NUMPAD3 "powexec_name Clarity"

The above is for a Sonic, obviously, but I have similar numpad 1 & 2 for ice shields, force bubbles, etc.  I like to use the number pad to buff team mates so I can move the power icons off the main trays.

*** One-Key Combining Inspirations into REDS ***
    (I only use Tier 2 and Tier 3, as I DISABLE Tier 1's along with rez/breakfrees (or I keep them on and don't convert) at the P2W vendor).  I'll include the Tier 1 as well in case some still enable them:

Make THREE (3) text files in your Game's "data" directory (ex: E:\Games\CoH\data) call the files SRed.txt, MRed.txt, and LRed.txt - each containing a single keybind (I use Numpad 0, if you want another key, change it in the files) below:

    NUMPAD0, "inspcombine Catch_a_Breath Enrage$$inspcombine Insight Enrage$$inspcombine Luck Enrage$$inspcombine Respite Enrage$$inspcomine Sturdy Enrage$$bind_load_file MRed.txt"

    NUMPAD0, "inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_rage$$bind_load_file LRed.txt"

    NUMPAD0, "inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Uncanny_Insight Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Phenomenal_Luck Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Resurgence Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Robust Righteous_Rage$$bind_load_file SRed.txt"


*** If you turned off T1 (small inspirations), then use these two (2) text files INSTEAD of the above:
    NUMPAD0, "inspcombine Take_A_Breather Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Keen_Insight Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Good_Luck Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Dramatic_Improvement Focused_Rage$$inspcombine Rugged Focused_rage$$bind_load_file LRed.txt"

    NUMPAD0, "inspcombine Second_Wind Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Uncanny_Insight Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Phenomenal_Luck Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Resurgence Righteous_Rage$$inspcombine Robust Righteous_Rage$$bind_load_file MRed.txt"

Now, in your keybinds.txt file (default game directory, not the in the .\data directory) add this to your file:
    NUMPAD0, "bind_load_file MRed.txt"


This is just a kick-off.  Now, in game, when you press the 0 key on the numberpad, it will convert ALL tier 2's (that you have 3 of) into Reds.  Press it again and it will convert ALL tier 3's (that you have 3 of) into Reds.  Nice.  Spam Numpad0 and you're golden (convenient for Right-Handers').  Must have at least 3 to combine!  Edit as desired, if someone wants something OTHER than reds, figger it out.


/levelupxp 50  to gain XP for level 50
/influence_add 2000000000  for 2 billion (9 zeroes); can go higher, but can't earn any more in-game/AH besides, what's the point?
/boostset <Set_Name> 50

Typical Sets :
/boostset Luck_of_the_Gambler 50
/boostset Numinas_Convalesence 50
/boostset Superior_Blistering_Cold 50
/boostset Reactive_Defenses 50


OR, better still, see The Jerk Hacking thread on Homecoming Forum:



Then use these macros to access the popmenu setup in the above-linked guide:

/macro F "popmenu freebies"   and/or   /macro f "popmenu freebiesc"


Just my 2¢


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  • 2 months later

I can get the colors to work, but then when I hit the bound key the cursor doesn't set where the text will be entered until I hit an arrow key. I want to be able to hit enter and immediately begin typing with my input going after the color change commands. Is there a way to do that?


The bind I put in my keybinds.txt file looks like:

ENTER "$$beginchat &lt;color #AA00FF&gt;&lt;bordercolor #8800FF&gt;&lt;bgcolor #000000AA&gt;"


So after playing with this for several minutes it seems that you can set a keybind to start with a string, but if that string includes any of the <color whatever> codes it goes into this mode where you can't type anything into the window without first clicking on it.

Edited by GeekySpaz
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I do apologize if this has already been addressed. I could find nothing about it by searching.


I've tried to find some way to set binds that would place a power in a slot on auto, regardless of what power was in that slot, and I've found nothing to suggest that's possible. I work from home now and since work is slow I've been playing while working. When a call comes in, however, I'd really like to be able to turn on a power to auto and let it go. I'd also like to get the CTRL+CLICK default avoided so that it stops triggering my teleport bind which uses CTRL+LBUTTON (or maybe they're both ALT+; I can't remember right now and it's not actually relevant to this question).


Does anyone know anything that I might do for that?


Another question I've been wondering about is the practical difference between binds and macros. Everything I've read in here and elsewhere leads me to believe the only practical difference is that macros have icons for the trays while binds just use keystrokes. Have I missed something that can be done with macros that can't be done with binds? I'm a bit biased because I have an over-abundance of buttons between my mouse and my gamepad and all are easily accessed without looking at them so I never click anything in the trays. That, of course, is a third reason for my primary question above. I very, very seldom click anything in the game other than contacts and glowies and would love to avoid that if I could. Most games I've played have some kind of "interact" action that can be used by a keybind instead of by clicking. Not sure what the deal is here. I dimly recall having the same question back on "live".


I tend to be overly verbose so I'll force myself to close this query here. Thanks for any attention given.



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42 minutes ago, Shaman Coyote said:

I've tried to find some way to set binds that would place a power in a slot on auto, regardless of what power was in that slot, and I've found nothing to suggest that's possible.

There are 2 commands, powexec_slot, which activates a power by slot, but doesn't set it to auto.  And there is powexec_auto, which requires the power_name, not the slot #.  I don't think this is possible


43 minutes ago, Shaman Coyote said:

Another question I've been wondering about is the practical difference between binds and macros.

You nailed this.  Binds are tied to mouse/keyboard, and macros are clickable.  There are some nuances in how you can save them and reuse them that are also different, and I've also found somethings just don't work as a macro and they do as binds.


52 minutes ago, Shaman Coyote said:

some kind of "interact" action that can be used by a keybind instead of by clicking.

I'm not sure this exists, however, unlike your first query, which I am 90% certain of, this one is more like 50%

"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." - Niels Bohr


Global Handle: @JusticeBeliever ... Home servers on Live: Guardian ... Playing on: Everlasting

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On 5/4/2019 at 11:58 AM, TrexelCat said:

So, being the helpful sort that I am, I thought I would post some keybinds and a macro that I use on all my characters. Feel free to use them and modify them as you wish!



/bind enter "afk Typing...$$startchat"
/bind / "afk Slashing...$$beginchat /"
/bind numpadenter "afk OOCing...$$beginchat OOC: "
/bind ; "afk Emoting...$$beginchat ;"
/bind backspace "afk Sending a tell...$$autoreply"



  • AFK - any text that appears after this, but before $$ will appear in a little bubble above your character's head using the AFK system.
  • startchat - Literally just starts the chat input window. No additional characters after it accepted.
  • beginchat - Opens the chat input window, the same as startchat, however any characters placed after it automatically appear in the chat.
  • autoreply - functions exactly the same as default backspace. Opens the chat window and places the name of the last person who sent you a tell in the chat.
  • $$ - Line break. Like hitting enter mid code line. Allows you to make multi-line macros and binds using a single line of text.





/macro LFG "lfg Level $level $primary $secondary $archetype looking for team $side side."


Places a new "power" in your powers tray labeled 'LFG' that when activated automatically posts to the [Looking For Group] channel with the line of text seen above.



  • $level - Gets replaced with your current characters current level.
  • $primary - Gets replaced with the name of your current characters primary power set.
  • $secondary - Gets replaced with the name of your current characters secondary power set.
  • $archetype - Gets replaced with your current characters Archetype.
  • $side - Gets replaced with which side your current character plays on(hero/villain).



No mods required, no editing of game files. Just copy the line you wish to use into your chat text field, modify as you like within the bounds that you can modify them, (IE: startchat will never accept text after it, no matter how hard you try to make it), then hit enter. Presto, modification made.


Feel free to reply to this with your own binds and macros! We were heralded as one of the(if not the only) friendliest community of players in MMO history, let's keep that going by providing macro/bind help to those who are new to CoX, and those who once played, but can't remember some of the finer details.

I have no idea why, but I can't get the first bind to work.

/bind enter afk typing...$$startchat

It does the afk part, but not the startchat part. Confused as to why. I've tried binding it to different keys but it never wants to fire the startchat part. Any ideas why?

Retired, October 2022.

Fallout Engineer Rad/AR Defender || Peacemoon Empathy/Psi Defender || Svarteir Dark/Dark Controller

Everlasting || UK Timezone

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On 4/19/2020 at 11:52 AM, Peacemoon said:

I have no idea why, but I can't get the first bind to work.

/bind enter afk typing...$$startchat

It does the afk part, but not the startchat part. Confused as to why. I've tried binding it to different keys but it never wants to fire the startchat part. Any ideas why?

Just to say I fixed this - I was missing the quotation marks!

/bind enter "afl typing...$$startchat"

They are listed in the original post but for some reason my brain filtered them out.



Retired, October 2022.

Fallout Engineer Rad/AR Defender || Peacemoon Empathy/Psi Defender || Svarteir Dark/Dark Controller

Everlasting || UK Timezone

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On 4/20/2020 at 6:42 PM, DarkWing said:

Is there a way to activate multiple powers from a macro? For example activating Radiation Infection, Lingering Radiation, and Enervating Field from one macro?

I'm not sure if it would work, but it woudl be something like

/macro RAD powexec_name radiation infection$$enervating field$$lingering radiation


Not sure if it works, but would be something along those lines if it did I think? 

Otherwise you could create a series of bind files which load up the next power in a cycle. However in the real world this might be a lot more cumbersome than just casting them manually, as it will cycle through the 3 powers rigidly.

Best practical advice I can offer is to expand your range of keybinds, so that you can have more powers at your fingertips. Personally I use keybinds 1-5 as normal and then convert 6-10 on my power bars to q-t. (or alt+q-t, ctrl+q-t, etc.). 

plus with /bind you can bind any button on your keyboard and mouse, so take full advantage of that. In the long run that will work better.


Rad doesn't have a lot of clickie powers so you shouldn't have an issue really. 

Retired, October 2022.

Fallout Engineer Rad/AR Defender || Peacemoon Empathy/Psi Defender || Svarteir Dark/Dark Controller

Everlasting || UK Timezone

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On 4/20/2020 at 1:42 PM, DarkWing said:

Is there a way to activate multiple powers from a macro? For example activating Radiation Infection, Lingering Radiation, and Enervating Field from one macro?

the way to get this to work is by pressing the button multiple times. Because most powers have activation times, a macro or bind stops after one. This can work because 2 of the powers are toggles and the non toggle can be place in the proper place.


/macro Debuff "powexecname lingering radiation$$powexectoggleon radiation infection$$powexectoggleon enervating field"


the 1st press turns on enervating field, the 2nd radiation infection and the 3rd activates lingering radiation.


one thing of note is that the last written power goes first, if you put linger radiation last the macro will only activate lingering radiation, pressing it a second time will make it wait for lingering radiation to recharge and fire again


you can do this with any string of toggles but you can not do this with any string of regular powers unless you go through the exercise of creating multiple bind files such that one power is activated and then the key is reassigned to a different power so that pressing it again fires another power and reassigns the key again for a 3rd power and so on, prob not the best explanation of bind file rolling but I'm tired 

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On 12/16/2019 at 11:21 AM, Oubliette_Red said:

Is there a way to create a single bind or macro that allows me to swap/alternate between two costumes using the same emote. By that I mean... I  have a character with wings, who's alternate costume removes them. So that while indoors he swaps to costume 1 (without) and while flying around out of doors he's got his wings out (costume 0). So the bind/macro would swap to the one that is not currently active.

this is like the fly hover bind or macro...  fly and hover are mutually exclusive so "powexectoggleon fly$$powexectoggleon hover" switches back and forth and then i use a second one to powexectoggleoff fly$$powexectoggleoff hover to touch ground


but back to you, 


/macro CCE "cce 1 cclightning$$cce 0 cclightning"  with a wait time of 15 seconds between costume changes


cclightning can be whatever emote you want like featherspin or featherburst i mention only because of the wings, they seem underwhelming (not a lot of feathers thrown around)   nuke is kinda nice


also the 2 ccemotes can be different

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4 hours ago, dwmgxyz said:

this is like the fly hover bind or macro...  fly and hover are mutually exclusive so "powexectoggleon fly$$powexectoggleon hover" switches back and forth and then i use a second one to powexectoggleoff fly$$powexectoggleoff hover to touch ground


but back to you, 


/macro CCE "cce 1 cclightning$$cce 0 cclightning"  with a wait time of 15 seconds between costume changes


cclightning can be whatever emote you want like featherspin or featherburst i mention only because of the wings, they seem underwhelming (not a lot of feathers thrown around)   nuke is kinda nice


also the 2 ccemotes can be different


Unfortunately, I can only click the 'Thanks' react once. 🙂





Along with other useful information posted by macro gurus I added a macro image, got it on the first try even. 😄


/macroimage GravityControl_Wormhole CCE "cce 1 cclightning$$cce 0 cclightning"


Edited by Oubliette_Red

Dislike certain sounds? Silence/Modify specific sounds. Looking for modified whole powerset sfx?

Check out Michiyo's modder or Solerverse's thread.  Got a punny character? You should share it.

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On 1/21/2020 at 9:45 AM, r0y said:

Roy's Travel Binds:

@@ SJ / CJ typical:
    /bind ` "powexec_name Super Jump$$powexec_name Combat Jumping"
    /bind T "powexec_toggleon Ninja Run$$powexec_toggleoff Ninja Run"
    /bind T "powexec_toggleon Beast Run$$powexec_toggleoff Beast Run"

Great set of binds, I got some great ideas in there! Another way to do the above would be:
/bind T "powexecname Ninja Run"


Since it's a toggle power, it'll automatically turn on and off, each time it's 'exec'ed 🙂

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3 hours ago, frostcape said:

Great set of binds, I got some great ideas in there! Another way to do the above would be:
/bind T "powexecname Ninja Run"


Since it's a toggle power, it'll automatically turn on and off, each time it's 'exec'ed 🙂

Yes, since it is mutually exclusive with combat jump and super jump, you'd only need to turn it on, then use the ' key to toggle CJ/SJ and turn Ninja/Beast off.  However, if you want to just have nothing, I put the toggle on/off in there.  Normally I reserve "T" for toggling Afterburner on/off, so I probably copy/pasted and replaced AB with Ninja and Beast.  I'm lazy like that.


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10 hours ago, dwmgxyz said:

this is like the fly hover bind or macro...  fly and hover are mutually exclusive so "powexectoggleon fly$$powexectoggleon hover" switches back and forth and then i use a second one to powexectoggleoff fly$$powexectoggleoff hover to touch ground


This first macro is not necessary to use toggle (but you can!).  Fly and Hover are mutually exclusive, so just having "powexec_name fly$$powexec_name hover" is enough.  I only use toggleon if I have a toggleoff in the same bind/macro (e.g. "powexec_toggle_on hover$$powexec_toggle_off hover"), or want the power off (as you do in your second macro).  Basically, powexec_toggle_on = powexec_name



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9 hours ago, r0y said:

This first macro is not necessary to use toggle (but you can!).  Fly and Hover are mutually exclusive, so just having "powexec_name fly$$powexec_name hover" is enough.  I only use toggleon if I have a toggleoff in the same bind/macro (e.g. "powexec_toggle_on hover$$powexec_toggle_off hover"), or want the power off (as you do in your second macro).  Basically, powexec_toggle_on = powexec_name

yeah I usually don't use the toggleon much, I think i went toggleon because my answer before was a mix of powexecname and toggleon.  Now I'm curious about what you wrote with you hover on and hover off bind, I have always just done (if only using one) /bind t "powexecname hover" and that was enough to make it turn on or off. Did you ever try that or did you just go straight to the on/off?

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13 hours ago, dwmgxyz said:

yeah I usually don't use the toggleon much, I think i went toggleon because my answer before was a mix of powexecname and toggleon.  Now I'm curious about what you wrote with you hover on and hover off bind, I have always just done (if only using one) /bind t "powexecname hover" and that was enough to make it turn on or off. Did you ever try that or did you just go straight to the on/off?

Eliminating the toggle for a single, toggle-able power does the same thing as using toggle_on / off.   I usually only use it when I want to be sure a power is OFF, for instance, I have a Hover/Fly bind that goes:

/bind ` "powexec_name Fly$$powexec_name Hover$$powexec_toggleoff Ninja Run"

...which makes sure I'm not flying/hovering around with Ninja Run toggled.  Similarly:

/bind T "powexec_name Ninja Run$$powexec_toggleoff Fly$$powexec_toggleoff Hover"

...which will bring me out of hover/fly and start running, as well as turn


EDIT:  As luck would have it, I was on a toon with an odd travel power setup:  BW/Bio Sentinel.  Now Bioarmor on a sentinel is great because of Athletic Regulation.  In offense mode, it's a massive +run / movement buff.  So much so that I did NOT take SS, SJ, or Fly.


Instead, I took Hover (for blasting / LotG mule / etc) and just use Ninja Run + Sprint to be at the speed cap while in Offense mode.  Quick Hover, too.


Anyway, my usual Fly/Hover bind was not going to do, so I did this (which gets us to the whole TOGGLE ON / OFF issue and where / when to use it):

/bind ` "powexectoggleon Combat Jumping$$powexectoggleon Hover$$powexectoggleoff Sprint$$powexectoggleoff Ninja Run"
/bind T "powexectoggleoff Hover$$powexectoggleon Sprint$$powexectoggleon Ninja Run"

So here, I use my "travel key" (the tilde, to the left of "1") and the travel buff key "T" (I re-map target with CTRL+T, just in case).  When there is more than ONE power needing to activate, and one uses "powexecNAME powerA$$powexecNAME powerB" then only power "B" gets activated, another press will deactivate powerB.  Both of these things I do not want.  So I used the toggleon / toggleoff as shown above.


My intention is spam-tap tilde to turn off the endurance hogs of sprint and ninja run, turn on the combat flight (aka hover) as well as turn on Combat Jump.  Inversely, when I want to haul ass at run-speed cap, I spam-tap the T key.  I know the key press for each is just two, but sometimes in the heat of things, I just want to spam it and go.

Edited by r0y
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Does anyone know of a way in game to create a macro that creates a new mail, defaults in your global name and then attaches the item you click on to the mail or am I really reaching here?

Let me know please before a bind a key outside to fill in the blanks...Thanks!

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2 hours ago, lkellum1600 said:

Does anyone know of a way in game to create a macro that creates a new mail, defaults in your global name and then attaches the item you click on to the mail or am I really reaching here?

Let me know please before a bind a key outside to fill in the blanks...Thanks!

Wouldn't think so, because there is no slash command that would even come close.

Source: Paragon Wiki list of slash commands

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