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Immortal badge


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Just wanted to shout-out this thread and all the good info in here that helped me to my badges. 


As suggested, I used:


Mender Ramiel's arc for Cataclysmic.  My main toon is a blaster and after nearly a year he was almost complete anyway, a good afternoon of gathering up the AVs and setting Thunderous Blast to auto and I had it. 


A Malta mission from Crimson where I gathered up 2 blue-con Sappers to keep me perma-held.  I switched to an alternate build with zero enhancements and just a travel power to get where I needed to go, and worked like a charm.


Mercy Island fires.  I slotted Rest and Energize with 4 Numinas just to make sure my regen was capped (maybe unnecessarily as I did not test Rest beforehand to make sure my regen was capped, but I had the enhancements on hand anyway so figured why not).  I also slotted Paneca Chance for Hit Points and Power Transfer Chance to Heal Self.  I used my alt account to create an Empathy Defender to have Heal Ally on auto, and my kids' accounts with a /time pbaoe heal and /rad with Radiant Auro on auto.  I started an AE arc for the team, which kept us logged in (I didn't see that noted as a way to keep yourselves logged in, but it treats the team as a Task Force same as Ouro or regular TF and was easier as there is an AE building in Mercy Island).  I put all 4 toons in the fires so the others could also work on damage and healing badges, at a slower pace, while my main toon I used fly/rest to drop into the fires and take 58 damage per tic.  I did check twice and found myself dead from the fires for who knows how long, so it still wasn't quite enough.  Had I thought to have my kids create a Pain Domination def, I could have probably avoided that.  Immortal took much longer than any other badge, long enough that all 3 healing teammates picked up Empath easily.


Empath was easy as I used Rebirth at a few Hami and MSR raids and knocked it out without much effort.

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Play my AE Adventures, listed under @Jiro Ito, including award winners:

"The Headless Huntsman of Salamanca" #43870 **Scrapbot AE Contest Winner May 2022**           

"On the Claw-Tipped Wings of Betrayal" #43524 **November 2021 Dev's Choice**  

"The Defenders of Talos" #44578 **Mission Architect Competition Winner for October 2021: REBIRTH**  

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Some alternate methods for some of these....


Some of the PVP badges - use an alternate account and you can get some of the PVP badges where you need to defeat X number of opponents and other basic badges that you only need 2 people to get.  (obviously, the tournament badges, you will need more people - or many many accounts.)


Being Mezzed badges - Sapper missions kept crashing / kicking me out after about 10 mins of being AFK.  So instead, I again used my alternate account with a toon that has a hold... went into the arena and just let it perma mez me with the hold on auto-fire.  Got all badges in 1 or 2 overnight AFK sessions while I slept.


Damage taken badges - I had trouble with the Mercy Island fires killing me after being AFK a bit.  Again, I wanted to be able to have this go overnight while I slept.  So I went into a Carnie Ouro mission and let a minion Fencer wail on me while I rested and had Rebirth RADIAL (for the +regen) on auto-fire.  I had to try a couple initial attempts to see if even-con or +1 or +2 was the right level to give as much damage to me without killing me in the long haul (can't remember where I ended).  I'm a blaster with not much resistances from sets, so after about 2 overnight sessions while I slept, I had all damage taken badges.  

  • If you have a lot set bonus resistances or auto resist powers (like Invulns), rest won't drop them completely so you may need to have higher level foes and/or multiple foes wailing on you.  Just work to find what you can handle without them overpowering your regen while resting and you'll have the badges in no time. 


Edited by Frozen Burn
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  • 2 weeks later

My experience with Immortal was using the Snaptooth Valentine's mission in Pocket D. There is a high probability of getting a Crab Spider Slicer in the Arachnos mobs, who never runs out of end and attacks reliably with a basic attack that does about 419 damage per shot if you're resting and the crabbie cons orange to you. On my badge toon (an emp/rad defender) I drew him away from the portal so Snap wouldn't aggro to it, stunned the crabbie, and then rested with Healing Aura on autofire. The crabbie was more reliable than most other Arachnos damage. I tried Mu Strikers and Fortunatas (not enough) and Fire Tarantulas (too much) hitting a sweet spot where I ground it out over about 17 nights (the days were regular play).

Edited by Milk Sheik

Refight the Trojan War and stop Arachnos in the time-traveling "Dr. Aeon and the Wrath of Achilles," 5 missions full of heroic allies and smash/lethal EBs, AE#31899!

Torchbearer Greek & Roman theme SG and coalition -- "Polias" -- always looking for new members!

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On 2/1/2022 at 7:14 PM, Milk Sheik said:

My experience with Immortal was using the Snaptooth Valentine's mission in Pocket D. There is a high probability of getting a Crab Spider Slicer in the Arachnos mobs, who never runs out of end and attacks reliably with a basic attack that does about 419 damage per shot if you're resting and the crabbie cons orange to you. On my badge toon (an emp/rad defender) I drew him away from the portal so Snap wouldn't aggro to it, stunned the crabbie, and then rested with Healing Aura on autofire. The crabbie was more reliable than most other Arachnos damage. I tried Mu Strikers and Fortunatas (not enough) and Fire Tarantulas (too much) hitting a sweet spot where I ground it out over about 17 nights (the days were regular play).

This is an interesting way to accomplish the badge - did you see the post about getting it in less than two days? 17 days seems like a really long time considering all of the alternatives that have been posted in this thread.

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On 2/3/2022 at 10:01 AM, Glacier Peak said:

This is an interesting way to accomplish the badge - did you see the post about getting it in less than two days? 17 days seems like a really long time considering all of the alternatives that have been posted in this thread.

I did not see them until I had the badge. Most of them don't work for me. I don't have one pocket emp let alone two, I don't have a badge toon with super-high regen ticks or a lot of hp, and I don't like resting in public places as opposed to a mish. I did it the way I did it on Live, playing during the day and knocking out damage at night.


Oh, and the Snap mission being in Pocket D helped me back when we had Pocket D teleporters, so I could fire one off late at night after a TF or whatever when all my other teleporters were recharging, set myself up in the mission, and go to sleep.

Edited by Milk Sheik
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Refight the Trojan War and stop Arachnos in the time-traveling "Dr. Aeon and the Wrath of Achilles," 5 missions full of heroic allies and smash/lethal EBs, AE#31899!

Torchbearer Greek & Roman theme SG and coalition -- "Polias" -- always looking for new members!

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  • 1 month later
3 hours ago, Glowman said:

How do you rest in fire? Nothing I'm doing is working.

Hover/Fly/Use a temporary jetpack power and move above the aforementioned fire patch then click rest. After about 3 seconds, it will root you to the ground on the fire patch.

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  • 3 weeks later
17 hours ago, Sakai said:

I don't think you ever could. Does a damage aura still do damage when you are at rest?

When you are resting, you have the flag 'Only Affecting Self' and it puts this in big red letters on your screen.

So, no.

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Originally on Infinity.  I have Ironblade on every shard.  -  My only AE arc:  The Origin of Mark IV  (ID 48002)

Link to the story of Toggle Man, since I keep having to track down my original post.

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On 4/17/2022 at 8:10 PM, Sakai said:

I don't think you ever could. Does a damage aura still do damage when you are at rest?


It used to be that resting just made you only affecting self and immobilized. That allowed you to use powers on yourself and potentially move around if you used enough Break Frees or had a bunch of Clear Minds cast on you. However when they did all the changes to power rooting a few months ago, they changed rest to root you instead. That means you can no longer use any powers or move regardless of how much -immob is put on you. At least at the same time they made it possible to activate rest in the air and fall so that lava and fire farming is still possible.

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From Champion (Hero) and Infinity (Villain), currently playing on Everlasting.

Former member of the Hammers of Justice on Champion.

Raid leader for 'Everlasting TFs'.

Mains: Trickery Girl (Ill/Rad Controller), Burk (Sword/Shield Stalker), and 8 other complete badge characters.

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  • 6 months later

Thought I'd revisit this thread.

Figured since my badger was in the low 200s in vet levels, would actually work at the Immortal Badge.  (Cataclysmic is 85% done, so that one will happen anyway)


Was at 38 million damage taken and put myself into a council mission with my secondary account running an empath.


Willpower scrapper and while Rise to the Challenge cuts down incoming, it boosts regen.   I surrounded myself with a bunch of minions, though I killed off the flamethrowers since their area effect would hit my empath.  Having Rebirth on auto and with the autoheal from the empath got me to be able to take in 1.2 million an hour (a bit more, but occasional burst damage is being accounted for)

The agro changes have helped this a bit since there are some minions shooting me from the hall as well.


Definitely not as fast as some methods, but should knock it out over the next week while afk

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I literally just log in 2 accounts at lvl50 and go to arena, rest and have the other char attack on auto.


For mez use a hold or stun. Slot accordingly for damage+accuracy, make sure diminishing returns is off as well as set bonuses, resist bonuses, etc. Pick a heavy hitting slow recharging attack (1000+ dmg every 8-9 seconds)

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8 hours ago, Disruptor said:

I literally just log in 2 accounts at lvl50 and go to arena, rest and have the other char attack on auto.


For mez use a hold or stun. Slot accordingly for damage+accuracy, make sure diminishing returns is off as well as set bonuses, resist bonuses, etc. Pick a heavy hitting slow recharging attack (1000+ dmg every 8-9 seconds)

360,000 damage received per hour is on the low side of other alternatives offered in this thread (2 million damage received per hour for example). The flip side though is that is sounds pretty easy to set up and you get progress towards other badges.

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49 minutes ago, Glacier Peak said:

360,000 damage received per hour is on the low side of other alternatives offered in this thread (2 million damage received per hour for example). The flip side though is that is sounds pretty easy to set up and you get progress towards other badges.



I researched and tried the other ways but couldn't get them to work. For example I remember Gladiators were once a viable way to get these badges, I specifically remember using the Longbow Warden in Gladiator matches to get the healing badges on a character w/o allied heals on Live but I think Gladiators are disabled on HC.


The fire stuff wouldn't work for me even if I tried resting in fly before falling. IDK if it was changed or I was doing something wrong. On Live I would just sit in the middle of a mob while inside a mission, on Live I def did the sapper method for Mez but I was too lazy to find specific Malta missions.


Decided to just go with arena which I'm very familiar with arena farming, on Live I did arena farming for pvp ios (when they first launched). You can invite to arena from anywhere and join a match which is nice and easy.


I've been using high damage holds w/ 3 dmg & 3 hold enhancements to work towards both mez and dmg taken. I've finished all 6 mez badges, the damage ones take more time for sure.

Edited by Disruptor
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6 hours ago, Disruptor said:

I researched and tried the other ways but couldn't get them to work. For example I remember Gladiators were once a viable way to get these badges, I specifically remember using the Longbow Warden in Gladiator matches to get the healing badges on a character w/o allied heals on Live but I think Gladiators are disabled on HC.

I used the gladiators to get the healing badges on Homecoming.

I have not used Arena matches for any other category of badges (aside from the badges specifically for Arena matches).

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Originally on Infinity.  I have Ironblade on every shard.  -  My only AE arc:  The Origin of Mark IV  (ID 48002)

Link to the story of Toggle Man, since I keep having to track down my original post.

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22 minutes ago, Ironblade said:

I used the gladiators to get the healing badges on Homecoming.

I have not used Arena matches for any other category of badges (aside from the badges specifically for Arena matches).

How did you get Glad matches to work?


EDIT: nvm i think i figured it out

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1 hour ago, Disruptor said:

How did you get Glad matches to work?


EDIT: nvm i think i figured it out

For anyone else who might have questions, the gladiator matches are pretty simple.


1.  Go to an arena console and select your gladiators.  You must do this before starting a match.  You'll need the Longbow Defender unlocked (which is earned by getting PvP rep).  You'll want two of them plus low-cost 'padders' to be healing targets.

2.  Start the match.  You need to specify it as a gladiator match and want the victory condition to be death (1 or more) and not a timer.

3.  Invite people to the match.  Everyone involved must have selected their gladiators in advance.

4.  I think you need to set your gladiators to defensive posture or something to get the Longbow to start spamming their heals.  Bunch everyone up as close together as possible.

5.  Profit.  Keep everyone on team 1 far away from team 2.  There is to be no fighting.


The way I did this for the healing badges back on live, was to use my second account on one side and everyone else on the other side.  If we had more than 8 people working on the badges, I would divide them between the two teams.  And we often did have more than 8 people because, once upon a time, you needed to heal 1 billion points for the final badge - which was LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE without farming it.  Positron admitted it was due to a typo but they left it that way a long time once we started getting the badges by farming.


Eventually, they reduced the badge requirement by a factor of ONE HUNDRED, making it possible (but crazy tedious) without farming.  And, of course, it continued to be impossible if you had no healing power of your own.


For some context of how crazy the initial requirement was - I cycled my character through other peoples' SGs to get them the three SG heal badges since that unlocked base items.  In the process of getting the badges for a few dozen players over the course of 1-1/2 years, I earned all three SG healing badges for FORTY-SEVEN different SGs.



Having said all of that, there's another way to get the healing badges now that we have incarnate powers.  Get the Destiny power that gives +HP - this counts as healing done.  Go to Mercy Island where the troops are arrayed near the base portal and set it to auto-fire.  You'll want to be in task force mode to avoid being logged out.



Yay!  Detailed info on the healing badges in the 'Immortal badge' thread.  🙂

Originally on Infinity.  I have Ironblade on every shard.  -  My only AE arc:  The Origin of Mark IV  (ID 48002)

Link to the story of Toggle Man, since I keep having to track down my original post.

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  • 1 month later
On 9/6/2019 at 12:23 AM, Sister Corruption said:

Empath - Craft a Rebirth Core Epiphany for your Destiny slot (the one with +temp HP). Go to the ledge in Mercy with all the training Arachnos in formation and set it to autofire. Should get the badge in a dozen or so hours of idle farming.


Jailed - Start an Ouroboros mission with Malta on -1. Find a couple of spawns near each other with 2 or so -1 sappers in it (higher if you have better defenses), kill all but the sappers, let the sappers whale on you for a while. 

Where is this ledge??

TINKERERS and LEOTARDED personal supergroups on Reunion; open bases! codes TB-9014 and LT-1051

TinkerBell (MAIN) super reflexes / martial arts tanker & badge hunter; Sarabraxus, energy / energy blaster; Sarathustra, fire / therm corruptor

Scotch Bonnie / Caroline Reaper, fire/ss brutes & fire farmers; Granny Fix It / Green Granny / Great Granny, empathy/psi defenders; plus a few others.

@Xarah formerly on Champion, Triumph, Victory, now @chuckv2 / @chuckv3 / @chuckv4 on Reunion

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1 hour ago, chuckv3 said:

Where is this ledge??

Behind the Villain spawn in for the first time position in Mercy Island. Near Doll Maker and the P2W vendor, there should be anywhere from 1 to 6 groups of 6 or more Arachnos in formation. 

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  • 1 month later

Did the healing badge trick get nerfed?

I set myself to villain, went to Mercy and stood between the marching soldiers and put my Rebirth on auto cast.  I can see the green numbers appear above them when I cast it, but looking at my badge progress I don't show any movement.



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6 hours ago, Semler said:

Did the healing badge trick get nerfed?

I set myself to villain, went to Mercy and stood between the marching soldiers and put my Rebirth on auto cast.  I can see the green numbers appear above them when I cast it, but looking at my badge progress I don't show any movement.

I would recommend you double check the destiny incarnate power. It needs to be the +Max HP Rebirth power. 

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1 hour ago, Semler said:

As in it needs t be the top one?  That would be why its not working then, it's just at the second.  Thanks

Hmm, looking at what is there, does seem 2nd tier isn't enough, you need:

Tier 3: Rebirth Total Core Invocation or Rebirth Partial Core Invocation


Tier 4: Rebirth Core Epiphany

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