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Everything posted by MTeague

  1. None of the biggies in the new power pools are perma-able though correct? 10 minute cooldowns, 60 or 90 second durations? Though I guess with enough recharge you can avoid the "Too Cool to Use" trap of wanting to always keep it available and then never actually USING the fool thing, because your'e too afraid of wasting it. As long as teh recharge isn't suuuper long.
  2. I guess I'm still stuck on the Why. It's very easy to headcanon / RP that your character doesn't know.... but I mean, you are the person creating the character.... you probably would know the truth of your own characters fictional history, whether or not that character know it? Or are you doing method-acting RP, so you can't allow yourself to know what your character shouldn't know?
  3. The point isn't failure to remember the password. The point is to handle a typo. I have taken to using passwords in excess of 30 characters long for most things that do not also have some kind of dual-authentication system. For some places, I have a password > 50 characters long. But it's a pain when I get it wrong, becuase if all I see are dots, you have no idea in there where you skipped a character, transposed a character, hit an extra key, etc.
  4. Proposed difficulty setting name: "What Just Happened?"
  5. minus the rewards difference, I am in favor and would change my vote from No to Yes. I dont' see a way to recast it though.
  6. I'm not sure it needs increased rewards. CoH has historically not given a dam if you go for easymode or +4/x8 Night Ward when you choose what level of challenge you want. So I would vote against THAT. But additional options in the quantity and kind of foes you face, are fine with me.
  7. Chloroform Man! Passed out from being abducted. Woke up in a bathtub full of ice, missing both kidneys, but, now had superpowers allowing him to manipulate ice! He just also has to have a pack strapped around his waist to handle his dialysis needs....
  8. It varies a lot by character. For my Mind/Kin (my avatar is him), it's him walking into a warehouse, alone, stealthed, and turning everyone inside it to fight against each other and locking them down and subuing them all with his mind. Then stepping back into the shadows. Or busting out his LightMagic costume change macro to switch from a Lamont Cranston / The Shadow style costume to one of his more Magi Unmasked costumes and going from being a hidden hand to a more blunter instrument of destruction with Incarnate Judgment and/or Pets. For my Claws/SR scrapper, it's being surrounded by 20+ baddies and being like "All y'all are actually trying, right?" as none of them can lay a glove on her. For the Fire/Fire/Fire sent it's diving into a pack of Longbow and unleashing Aim/Burn/Fire Cages/Rain of Fire/Fireball and generally being "YOU. WILL. BURN."
  9. Never actually noticed that before. Now I can't unsee it lol.
  10. Also if the goal is just to know "will I like this character when I have my whole toolkit"? There's a TEST server. And you can shazam a cahracter to 50 there anytime you want. Much better tahn screwing up when you get Build Up, or when a Mind Controller gets Confuse, or when a Katana Scrapper gets Parry, etc.
  11. One angle I think that is factoring into this. To the very best of my knowledge, when IH was changed from Toggle to Click-With-Long-Downtime, it was a Scrapper Only power. Niether Stalkers nor Brutes even existed yet, and it wasn't available for them. Now for a SCRAPPER to have such incredibly good regen that they could out-tank-tanks, was, at that point in time, considered Unacceptable. Should it still be considered unacceptable today, in the land of Incarnates and IO set bonuses and more? Debatable. But generally groups are not expecting a Scrapper or Stalker to soak the alpha for a full team, one alpha after another after another after another. They DEFINITELY expect that of Brutes, and I think most people would say it should be a thing that Brutes are capable of. So this may require some AT-specific finessing.
  12. All depends on your primary and playstyle. My Fire/FireFire sentinel lives in melee. I treat him like a Fire Scrapper who doensn't use Fire Swords, but who does throw fire a short range to catch runners..
  13. Given that Necromancy uses Gloom and other Dark Blast attacks, I believe it's the intended "Darkness" primary. Still, no harm in asking for Even More Primaries. And I admit, darkflame Fire Imps like on the Nightstar Black Swan(?) map would make nice pets.
  14. I believe Achilles Heel proc, will stack with Fury of the Glad proc, and Annhilation proc, if the the timing on their proc's overlaps.
  15. I give it a no. The "Big" powers are rarely your bread-and-butter playstyle powers.
  16. I hope the devs see it that way. Because I see it requested enough I'm thinking sooner or later it will probably happen. Me personally, I would much rather keep it a Click, every bit as strong as it is now, than accept reduced healing to make it a perma-on toggle. I wouldn't exactly darn people to heck if it made a toggle and kept the same strength. But if push came to shove and I had to choose... I generally don't need it up 24/7, it's not that that hard for me to tell when things are about to hit the fan and pop it. Although, my high level /Regen is a Stalker, not a Brute, so I may do the math differently than a Brute would.
  17. That I can work with. Sorry if I was a bit snippy. I thought you were talking about delaying them even as-is.
  18. I must disagree. Vehemently. Besides, several have multiple AE powers. Total Domination / Mass Confusion / Terrify / Telekneisis, etc. You've only got 9 slots to put them in per tree. The game survived quite long enough with AE holds at 18, and the sky never fell. I see no reason of any kind to delay when they can be chosen now. If you also want to delay Ranged Damage AE's and Melee AE's, then maybe. For the record, I think that would be a bad idea too, but if you're going to screw up the Controllers and Doms, then at least be equal opportuntity about it. AE Holds are not nukes. They hold things. For a short period of time. Then every one of them you haven't killed by then attacks. A blaster nuke kills things DEAD. They don't get back up X second later.
  19. To be fair, Co-Op teams are also impossible in MOST zones that have an AE building.
  20. Hm. For my Mind/Kin, I just confuse non-robotic targets and let them kill the bots for me. If for some reason a few bots outlive the rest, Levitate is smashing damage, very handy for bots. Not sure whether you maybe skipped that power though. Pretty sure TK Thrust in Psi Assault is also Smashing dmg.
  21. This is why beasts are not named fearsome beast named, like "Winter Fang" or anything like that. My pets are named Daisy, Buddy, Lily, Fluffy, and Mittens (don't have the dire wolf quite yet, 2 more lvls to go), as if they were domesticated pets used to having the same living quarters. And I may occasionally imagine that they talk to each other like the pets in the Homeward Bound movies.
  22. At what cost though? IH was turned into a LONG cooldown click instead of a toggle because it was considered wildly overpowered as-was. Do you only want IH turned into a toggle but keep it at full strength? What if it became a toggle, but was cut down to 80% strength? toggle at 60% strength? toggle at 40% strength? at what point would you stomp on the brakes and say "No, not at that price!"
  23. I'll take as many OPTIONS as I can get, as long as the original looks are still available. Might require renaming a power... "Dire Wolf" -> "Dire Beast", so you could have a Dire Wolf or Dire Bear or .... anything else.
  24. Ah, crud, I forgot about that. Was totally getting ready to respec my tank later tonight. Back to the ol' drawing board....
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