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Everything posted by Greycat

  1. That's exactly how I use bindsave. /bindsave somefilethatsusuallycharacternamerelated.txt. Have since live. Much rather do that than try to hand edit any more. Don't have time for that.
  2. Actually, there were several times cameos were offered to the community. So, yes, some of our characters *have* been in the COH comics alongside various members of the Freedom Phalanx. Here's one of mine, along with several others. The rest of the Phalanx were indeed around a few panels back. (Edit: These are archived here. )
  3. You ask like I only have one. 😄 Most of mine probably would just be "yet another hero/villain/person," honestly. I have very few who'd have some specific role, and that probably as some sort of contact. Deadly Diana dealing with stuff related to the Family (helping them, pointing you at rivals, fixing "problems" that would be messy to deal with internally.) Sandra Thompson / Narcissea working with her on redemption and recovering old artifacts (... that she probably stole back in the day) - basically "no, it really does belong in a museum. Or back in the tomb I took it from." Sweet Child of Mimes would probably just be walking against the wind or stuck in an invisible box out on a street somewhere.
  4. I've only heard one person mention losing anything, and they were using profiles (apparently, something I'd never touched.) I've got a file of binds I've used since live that I copy over, so I'll double what Shenanigunner mentioned. /bindsave and /bindload are helpful.
  5. Random is random. It's not given a streakbreaker. You're not *guaranteed* one after ten kills or whatever. Each 10% chance is independent of any other chance you may have had. Just like every other recipe.
  6. I'm assuming you're talking about the square "City information" ones. The ones that used to do things like track kills and such. Yes, I found it amusing to be a "Nemesis nemesis" on occasion. But apparently that took up more processing power than anyone expected, so... What about them?
  7. I'm glad I'm not the only one with this image in mind. "Woooo wooo wooo." "Wooo. Wooo. Wooo." Thug looks over. "Wha's that nosise?" "Well, I'm a hostage, right?" "Duh." "I've got to make that noise now. New law." *beat* "Wooo. Wooo. Wooo."
  8. ... interesting. And I'm far too amused (since this was listed here as a power set *and* I still have the other food definition in mind) at "practice poi," "glow poi" and "fire poi" in that article...
  9. ... isn't poi hawaiian/polynesian cuisine?
  10. ... I do recall at least one person going 1-50 on Brawl. I believe IO silliness was involved, but Brawl apparently got fairly scary.
  11. Well, that and they take more time, generally, even with the coordination. At least from what I've seen.
  12. Ehhh... I could see that being extremely frustrating more than fun. Especially when the players that *aren't* high damage/high durability suddenly get dropped into a team-size ambush and/or boss fight. Some interesting bits in there, granted. But this *specific* implementation...
  13. And what makes Fire blast not magical? (And please explain it to the generations of D&D players who've cast Fireball.) What makes anything else so non-magic that we "need" an "arcane" powerset... which always seems to come down to "I want to wave a magic wand around?" (Which... again, animation/costume options! Hell, it'd probably be more sensible for Dual Pistols than flipping guns in the air for every shot. Elfstones, anyone?) Nothing that the OP said, you've said, or anyone else that's suggested a "magical" set has really offered anything that *couldn't* be done with different animations. Yes, I know you don't like that answer. No, I don't care. And no, there's no particular reason to have a powerset called "magical" or "arcane" or "abracadabra" just because it has some different secondary effect. Why pigeonhole it into a "must be arcane" instead of having the *player* decide *for their character* why X powerset has Y effect? Especially when things *with lore reasons* to be restricted - namely Khelds (with their origins) and VEATs (gender and origin) - no longer are and haven't been for quite some time? And why *shouldn't* fire/dark/empathy/pain domination/earth control have the option to wave a wand or staff or rune or whatever to have their powers trigger? Why do you want to restrict them just because a costume/power customization option isn't good enough for you? Your argument basically boils down to "I want it." Which is fine. Want stuff. Just realize it's not very strong as an argument.
  14. ... which would be why I mentioned it.
  15. Someone sounds sore over a raid. Group fly is generally *beneficial* for pets, so no, telling them to turn it off mid mission or raid is no more valid than telling (say) a tanker that their armors look ugly and upset you and they should turn them off. I don't disagree that it should be off by default, or be able to toggled by a slash command (that could be turned into a macro,) and/or having null available in raid zones (which jus really upsets some people apparently.) But right now the power's in your hands. You don't have to be affected by it. So how about nixing the "other people should use or not use the powers I say" thing. It's not *their* "forgetfulness" that leaves you affected by it.
  16. ... why would you want a "fast XP" option for a side that's fairly strongly story-specific and already kicks you out at 20? Sounds like saying "I really want to see this movie," then fast forwarding to two minutes before the credits roll...
  17. Stopping *right* there. Magic is an origin. It's up to you to decide how any specific powerset is "magical." (And yes, I've seen people using guns, swords, etc and having them be "magic." The Rune rifle customization for beam being a sort of "focusing wand" for instance.) Now, if you want to argue for more magical (or, frankly, "origin themed") power customization for sets? Sure. All for it. It keeps and even expands the flexibility for people to create their own characters the way they want... far more than a "magic powerset" would. If you want "boundless limits?" Don't put bounds on it by creating a set like this. As far as the rest? Ehh. Sort of vague and all over the place. As part of an arc, you already go and collect items. I wouldn't argue with MAGI, DATA, etc. being more involved with giving origin-themed missions, honestly, more focused than a newspaper, possibly even with mini-arcs (saying, sy, up to 3 missions per.) We do already know the game itself is semi-aware of origin thanks to different dialog options (something that was starting to be introduced near the end of the live game,) itself good for flavor - I'm not sure how much more that "awareness" can be expanded, though.
  18. Since the "breakfrees already deal with KB" was covered - this would be yellows.
  19. So just as a breakdown: In your mid 30s, regardless of side or AT, you'll have ancillary / epic pools show up. At the same time, *redside,* you'll get a mission from Arbiter Rein which introduces you to the patrons and has you pick one to do an arc from. This is where you get mu/leviathan/socrp/soul from. *Unlike live, you are not locked into the patron you do the arc for.* Quite a few people do Scorpion's arc. Still unlocks all the pools. There is no blueside equivalent. Then, at 50 - once you train - a few things will happen. You don't have to do anything to start in on Incarnates - as you play stuff, you'll get shards and threads dropping and start getting XP towards vet levels (every few will give a badge and some incarnate stuff 'til vl99.) You'll get a contact to take you into dark astoria, where you'll play arcs which will deal with Incarnate-focused enemies and give rewards that'll help get Incarnate stuff built out. You'll also be contacted by ouroboros to do a mission for mender silos. This will *also* unlock your Alpha slot. Personal recommendation? All the Incarnate XP you get on this goes towards alpha... which is automatically unlocked at the end of the arc, so fighting everything is pretty much wasted time and XP. Run at -1/0, ignore everything you can and do the minimum possible to finish it. (The only one that's somewhat *involved* is the second mission after talking to Lady Grey, and that's mostly from ambushes. The others, you can pretty much just run to the end and beat up the boss.)
  20. As far as the scrapper/brute thing? I don't know about new player friendly, but they do definitely have a different feel. I've got some sets duplicated as scrapper and brute and seem to have far more fun with the brutes. I'm not sure if it's the fury vs crit mechanic, that I can taunt more than one enemy at a time or what, they're just more fun to me. Because for some, alts = characters, not just some mids build and/or spreadsheet. I've got several of each and they're vastly different "people," which reflects not just in the bio but in power choices. For folks like me, the question above is like going "you've *got* the dictionary, it has all the words in it, why do you need more books?" 🙂
  21. I don't have a signature character, really. I have *characters.* Not because I'm trying to find "that one," but because there are stories to create and tell and they need characters.
  22. ... really? My experience has been the exact opposite, not just in RV but all the zones. An absolute *lack* of PVP, while people hop in to grab Shivans/Nukes/Heavies, badges, time-in-zone, etc. I can think of *one* time in the last two years I've actually had anyone interested in PVP (in BB, of all things, and it was fun 'til someone hauled in a ringer.) I think I've found someone else in zone - any of them - that I didn't bring with me perhaps three times. I think some of these changes suggested would negatively impact people going in there to ... do the objective, on a non PVP build or lower damage/survivability build. (Granted, you can grab heavies to help, but still.) And honestly... the zone's already rewarding you (with the heavy at the end) for participating in zone mechanics. I really, *really* don't think we need a new currency. Or... let me rephrase that. If we're revamping *anything,* PVP-rewards-wise... start with Siren's Call. Because the rewards there *suck.* They weren't great on live - the temp stealth you get for doing the "hit all the call boxes" there is worth more. You fight, and fight, and ... get an SO or an inspiration? Blecch. And then any bounty (only zone that uses it) you acquire vanishes if you leave the zone - *including going into one of the zone missions to buff your side/debuff the other.* Mind you, pre-broke-pvp-revamp on live, pre-"get powers +5 to your levels when exemped, even in zone," I think Siren's was my favourite zone. You had gotten a good suite of powers, but it wasn't a T9-off. It led to some of my favourite (solo and group) fights in the game. Also, the PVE aspect there is just ... slow, boring and broken. THAT's a zone with no real reason to participate. Try to bait the sides into fighting and, several minutes later... 100 rep, if your side wins? Then rinse, repeat... boring. (Since, you know, nobody's there to fight most of the time.) I'd revamp Siren's - the PVE, the PVP reward table for the zone, the works. As part of *that,* I'd revamp bounty. You want another currency for PVP? Use bounty. It's the quicker picker upper. Plus it already exists - you just have to make it "sticky." Have it able to be turned in for some decent, low to mid tier rewards. Have it awarded for doing the zone-affecting missions (bomb/rescue/etc.) Have it have a *reasonable* accumulation - and the rewards should be worth you spending some of it *now* vs building it up. Obviously player kills, multiple player kills before takedown, etc. would give more than doing PVE - but both would still build up, so if nobody's around and you're working on (say) your Man in Black badge, getting some nukes in Warburg, whatever, you're still building it up. Once *that's* high enough, if you keep it, then yeah... ATOs, PVP recipes, etc. Specific numbers? *shrug* no idea. *That* can be kept and earned across the other zones as well. With the side effect that, if you're high enough bounty, a warning *will* go out to someone on the other side if they're there about a "high value target" or whatnot. And you being at (say) 10k bounty/pvp merits/whatever means *defeating* you (with some time limit) is worth more. (No, you don't lose your merits.) Specific mechanics, farming curbs, etc. - well, others can discuss those, but that's where I'd start, honestly. I don't think RV needs the revamp, but SC does, and can lead to that merit revamp across all the PVP zones.
  23. So since you're aware time is a limited resource - and I'm assuming you're aware we have a completely volunteer team who does have other things to do with *their* time, versus getting paid for 40 or more hours a week of doing this - why did you bother asking the question? This may be high on *your* priority list. Meanwhile, I see patch notes with new powersets, new story arcs, new base items and various fixes - rather a long list. So, yes, to answer your question: As I said. Time. You don't like that answer, I don't care.
  24. I almost never respec. *shrugs.*
  25. You know you can alter it in the menu off the chat window, you don't have to find a field analyst.
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