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Everything posted by Erratic1

  1. Will do. Thanks for the suggestion!
  2. Yeah, it was a bit endurance hungry early on. 😁
  3. I struggle to recall which came first in terms of flouting conventional wisdom. Having taken a Rad/Psi Tanker to 50, I think it was hearing all the bashing of Super Reflexes which prompted me to plan an SR tanker to begin with and that having gone down that road I decided to go whole hog and pair Titan Weapon with it. It is a work in progress, with me having quickly worked him into his 40s before getting distracted and letting him languish. So I cannot speak to end game tanking on him. I can speak to how it was getting there and what I plan on aiming for. Capping Defenses is trivial using SR. Slot SOs in your defensive powers and you are pretty close. On a resistance based set it would be like slotting SOs and being at 80% resistance--close enough that sneezing would cap you. So the question becomes what to layer on top of that. Resistance is the obvious thing to look at, but unlike the case playing a resistance based set and looking to layer defenses, there is a lot more ground to cover trying to build up resistance than there is when trying to build up defense. SR has scaling resistance baked in. You get 1:1 resistance for every percent your life is under 60%. There is also the Reactive Defenses special IO which gives 3-13% scaling resistance which scales from full life downward. Obviously there is Toughness, which gives a base 15% (smashing/lethal). Also I have tried out absorption shields available via the ATO and Preventive Medicine. Neither is playstyle altering in terms of impact, but even so I am leaning towards loading up on Health to get the most out of them.
  4. Having an SR/TW Tanker in his 40s, I haven't found TW to be too slow.
  5. If I were going to make the AT live up to its name, I would not be looking to trample the domain of others but rather build something unique for the AT. Corruptors and Defenders cover the -Res concept perfectly fine before we get to other ATs which dabble in that realm. Something along the line of gaining extra damage and/or aggro (or conversely, lowering the target's aggro at its current target) when what is hit by the sentinel seems appropriate.
  6. Ice Armor and Radiation Armor are both available for Tankers. Ice Melee and Radiation Melee are both available for Tankers. A Rad/Ice or Ice/Rad Tanker is buildable.
  7. When someone activates all the panels in the Yin TF, you and your party will be deliriously happy you dropped Dimension Shift at the entrance to the reactor room. (Not the only place it comes in handy, just a very predictable one.)
  8. Waitaminute. . . Other ATs do not get an area hit out of Greater Psi Blade when Insight is up? I have a Rad/Psi Tanker and getting that his is a real damage boost.
  9. Yeah, Werner is correct: Limits
  10. None of the Tier 9 defense powers can be made perma. The maximum recharge reduction possible in game divides recharge by four. All Tier 9 powers have recharges high enough that division by four leaves you short. As goes Particle Shielding, I can see little reason not to make it perma as it is trivial to do so and even if you have generally godly resists there is something that is weak.
  11. My apologies to the OP and the readers of the thread for dragging the conversation away from the original post. I will be deleting my previous posts in the thread to try to get things back where they should be.
  12. You want Propel and Lift, even with having the blasts from Energy Assault, for the Impact modification to damage. I went without Lift for thematic reasons but will be grabbing on my character's next respec having justified it as fitting theme. Propel however has been a definite plus to damage output. I admit I do not use Crush much at all. My respect plan drops it. Gravity Distortion I am keeping. As for Power bolt, you don't have a choice other than to slot it or not. You might as well slot it because some damage is better than no damage. As for synergy, it is partially what you state--you can choose which targets get held and so not knocked back by your attacks. That is huge. It allows you to single out targets and to temporarily remove from consideration others. Something causing problems for a team member? Knock it away from them. Or if you have the time to spend, hold it and blast it down. I do sometimes wish we had better pet control but ultimately you can move to force your pet to engage, and it is a real help in terms of controlling things.
  13. You are not going to change other's behavior...at least you cannot count on doing so. If a blaster kills something there is no problem as that was everyone's presumable goal anyway. If a blaster knocks something away from me, I presume they have the target under control and turn my attention elsewhere. Certainly when I, as a blaster, do so (which is rare) I am expecting to handle the target myself.
  14. Kinetic Melee/Bio Good damage output, solid survivability, and an active playstyle (especially if you slot Overwhelming Force KB->KD in Repulsing Torrent). Routine attack routine is to pre-activate Repulsing Torrent and charge forward. Once at maximum range, the charge will be interrupted by the activation of Repulsing Torrent, launching an attack which knocks groups down. Then the charge will continue to the targeted foe. Once up in the group, activate Burst. By that time most of the foes you have knocked down will have just gotten to their feet and be knocked down again. . .at least the ones who aren't defeated. Melee individual targets until Repulsing Torrent is available again, at which point you leap away while activating Repulsing Torrent. This will cause you to spin to face your most recent target and again do an area attack which knocks down everything in range. Rinse and repeat. Power Siphon is nothing short of amazing, especially while in Offensive Stance.
  15. Focused Accuracy, since you should have endurance to burn?
  16. I was not impressed by Ground Zero as a power. Is the set bonus meaningful to you? If not, you could free up the power/slots for something else. My Rad/Psi is 50 (my first post-shutdown 50 in fact), but I have not done much with her since hitting 50.
  17. Glad it worked out for you. Very nice costume!
  18. Does that real Build Up give a damage bonus of 300% Because that is what I cracked last night in a Summer Blockbuster run. To be fair I was in Offensive stance from Bio Armor, so if you want to answer in relation to 275%, that's fine. And Repulsing Torrent, slotted to convert knockback to knockdown is awesome. Edit: I am not saying do not take Kinetic Melee on a Brute (or Stalker). You should find what works for you and if that is different from what works for someone else, so be it. Not getting Power Siphon reset on a Brute may not matter to you (though I might advocate for double Fury gains during its duration to the current developers).
  19. I am enjoying my KM/Bio scrapper. If you make the Brute version, I would be interested in how you like it.
  20. Slot KB->KD in Repulsing Torrent. You pick up a very useful area attack that way.
  21. I had been casting about for something to pair with Dark on a Blaster, and while I had looked at Plant, it just wasn't doing it for me. So made a guy to try out Atomic because of this thread, and at level 31 it has not been bad so far. Of course a lot to be determined in upper levels. Small annoyance in not having a third single target blast until level 26, but lower levels go by quickly.
  22. Short update for anyone that cares. The character, while not a primary focus of mine, seems to be coming along nicely, hitting level 36 yesterday. He had been at 43% defense values before I respec'd out of Combat Jumping, which I did to more easily fit Toughness in. It is a temporary setback, since it was clear to me that IO sets will push him up above soft cap. I have grabbed only four IOs so far: Performance Shiter: Chance for + Endurance, Gauntleted Fist: Recharge/Chance for Absorb, Preventive Medicine: Chance for Absorb, and Reactive Defenses: Scaling Damage Resistance. I should probably snag Steadfast Protection: Resistance/+Def (All). Its the only one that may be worth just making from recipe and not bothering with Attunement on since not having it when exemplaring to beneath level 27 isnt really going to matter. With Performance Shifter, while endurance woes are not completely gone, thing are good enough that I can see waithing for Physical Perfection at level 44. It does mean I currently only switch Toughness on once I sink beneath 60% health. In the respec, I dropped Build Momentum. I had thought it would be useful in pulling to be able to run up to groups and start swinging, but the emergent tactic turned out to be Taunting, which gives enough time to build up momentum via an slow, initial attack like Defendive Sweep.
  23. Do you really hate the concept of Endurance so much?
  24. Erratic1

    Psi set ok?

    I have a level 50 Rad/Psi Tanker, and Psi is a perfectly fine secondary. However it is not an AoE set like say Titan Weapons.
  25. I should probably leave well enough alone.... The description at Paragonwiki and the details at City of Data both suggest the power provides a small value absorption shield (7.5% of health) every few seconds (5 seconds) for the duration (30 seconds). In play it appears to give all the shielding at once and the shielding lasts for a minute. I am not complaining, as having an extra 50% life (if you slot recharge and bring Particle Shielding's recharge time down to a minute or less) is quite handy. Still, it looks like we Radiation Armor people are getting way too good of a deal here.
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