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Everything posted by biostem

  1. I always thought it was interesting how some power types use the same general icon, (only recolored), while others seem to use unique or much rarer ones. For instance, most status protection powers use an icon like: And most damage resist shields use: But some sets, that have status protection baked into a damage resist or defense aura use some variety of: or While other sets that have RES shields that also provide some status protection just use: It just seems like which icons were used for which power were sometimes chosen arbitrarily...
  2. I'm envisioning this as dominator assault sets as the primary, then armor secondaries with things like damage auras or other utility powers replaced with stuff from thematically similar buff/debuff sets. Hypothetical set (Radiation): 1. Alpha barrier 2. Radiant aura 3. Proton armor 4. Radiation infection 5. Fallout shelter 6. Enervating field 7. Lingering radiation 8. Choking cloud 9. Meltdown
  3. biostem

    War Mace?

    War mace is a great set; It is a little slower with regard to power recharges and a little heavier on the end usage, but nothing that a little extra recovery and recharge from set bonuses or a secondary like electric armor, can't fix...
  4. There are people who want to play as part of a team, and those that want to lead, (read: control), a team. Similarly, there are people that skip over or don't use certain powers because they have experience and don't think they need them, vs those that don't know just how vital or useful certain powers are, (maybe a /kin didn't take speed boost because they solo 99% of the time). IMO, it's not a matter of playing your AT wrong, inasmuch as whether you are willing to work with other members of your team and whether those other members are open to genuine & constructive criticism/feedback. I, for one, am not going to get upset of a defender on my team is doing a lot of blasting, but if they are barely using any of their primary powers, and the team is suffering because of it, then we'll definitely need to rethink our strategy. I'm not going to suggest kicking them, but a constructive, "hey, can you focus a little more on the buffing/debuffing", wouldn't be out of line, IMO. I'd say this type of behavior was a bit more forgivable back in the days where certain powers weren't available to certain ATs, but now, if you want blast set X, and your playstyle is more like that of a blaster, then perhaps that would be a better fit than a defender, (I still wouldn't just kick someone because they didn't play how I thought they should, though)...
  5. I want to play something like this: Imagine if you had a typical D&D group, (fighter, mage, thief, cleric, ranger), and you could hop between any of the characters. Individually, you'd be weaker than a regular character, but working as a team you could accomplish a lot more, only it'd just be you controlling all the characters... Basically, I'd love to be able to make a mastermind-type character, only you get to completely customize all your minions, choose their powers, and hop between which you directly controlled at any given time...
  6. Broadsword is a solid set that hits reasonably hard, but the biggest thing going for it is parry. It's a quick-recharging power, (~3 seconds), that grants a decent defense buff against lethal and melee damage. You slot this for acc, defense buff, and recharge, and you should be able to stack it, (IIRC, its effect lasts 10 seconds). While I'm not a huge fan of parry's animation, it's still quite good and highly effective...
  7. Why not do something like: /bind 1 "next_tray$$powexec_slot 1" Then just arrange the powers in all your trays so you can keep pressing 1 to activate a power and switch between however many powers you want. You could even use "prev_tray" in some to keep it between 1 or 2 trays, or use "goto_tray" after however many you want to take you back to the beginning, (like maybe each tray only has 5 powers in it, but the last has 6, and that one closes/restarts the loop)...
  8. A stalker could be an interesting match for a tanker - let the tanker grab aggro, then the stalker sneaks in and assassinates the high-priority targets. Another interesting match-up would be a controller that may be a bit lacking in the hard control department, such as an illusionist.
  9. One thing I'll say Champions has over CoH is the prevalence of "lunge" powers in the various melee sets - allows for quick and efficient closing of the gap if enemies should move out of melee range... It'd be nice to get something like that added to CoH, with shorter than the 2-minute cooldown of the one from the leaping pool...
  10. Yeah, that was kind of my concern. Is there a way to flag a power so it only works on indoor/instanced missions, instead of out in the main zones, then? I'm just trying to think of what ways would be easier to implement this...
  11. This may have other unforeseen consequences, but what if we just added a short recharge power to the P2W vendor that basically grants enemies KB protection, (sort of like how some immobilize powers do)? Then, you could choose to apply this power to enemies you're fighting, to prevent them from being knocked.
  12. You have to use a bind file load command, which I'm not familiar with...
  13. Coyote, I couldn't get DCLICK to work in a bind - could you clarify its usage for me, please?
  14. So I was able to create a bind by addressing each window independently, (chat, tray, compass, health, target, inspirations, map). Not ideal, but it works. If anyone has any better suggestions, I'm all ears! :-)
  15. So I alternate between playing on a desktop and playing on a laptop. The laptop has a smaller screen, so I was wondering if there is some way to create a bind that would allow me to reduce the window scale of all windows which I can use to easily switch between larger windows for my desktop or smaller ones for my laptop. I know there is the window_scale command, but it seems to require a specific argument for each separate one. Is there an "all" command for this, or will I have to use the slider form the settings menu instead? Thank you!
  16. To be honest, I'd recommend trying all sorts of different archetypes and power combinations in the starting zone, Atlas Park, until you find a particular combination that you find fun to play, before teaming up with anyone; Familiarize yourself with how different powers and game mechanics work, what different enemy tiers are like, and so on, so that you at least have a foundation upon which to begin playing with other people. Grab one of the movement and jetpack powers from the P2W vendor there, and just become more comfortable with moving around and navigating. I'd suggest something like a scrapper, brute, or sentinel at first, since they have a more straightforward playstyle. Make sure you absolutely love your character's look and powers, so you know you'll want to stick with them for a while. Don't be afraid to push your comfort zone a bit and there's really no penalty to dying below level 10...
  17. Heck, you could make a bind that activates a power then changes your power tray, then press the same number to activate the same slotted power and move to another tray again., so you're just pressing 1 button to activate multiple different powers, (if you don't want to access saved keybind files).
  18. I would do something like: /bind lctrl+lbutton "powexecname fire imps" - makes you use the power when you press the left control key and left-click or /bind mousechord "powexecname fire imps" - makes you summon the imps when you press both mouse buttons at the same time
  19. I mean, if what happens to your pets is really of that much concern when zoning, then just dismiss them yourself, before zoning...
  20. Ah, gotcha. I wonder if they could make a version that *doesn't* disable all other toggles, then - doesn't seem like it'd be overpowering to do so or anything.
  21. Often, I find myself having to step away from the computer in order to take care of RL stuff, so teaming is very difficult for me - so in that regard I can certainly sympathize. As for the speed issue - they added a walk power/toggle that greatly slows you down, so give that a try...
  22. I just could not get into poison, no matter how many times I tried. Give nature or radiation a try - everything poison can do, they can do better...
  23. Think of them like a a lower damage blaster with tons of control. The degree to which you lean on the damage side or control side of the see-saw, and whether you're more single target or group-focused, depends heavily on which primary and secondary sets you choose. For instance, I'm in the process of leveling up a gravity/earth dom, and she absolutely annihilates single targets, but groups can give her some problems, (she's still relatively low-level, so that may change later). I'd imagine that a dark or plant dom would fair much better against groups of enemies...
  24. Do you happen to know how Gamma Boost, from Radiation Armor, works? Powers like stamina list a % bonus to recovery, but Gamma Boost's power icon shows an amount of end/sec, and the tooltip says that varies based upon your health... Bio armor's "inexhaustible" has similarly cloudy data on its effects in-game. Thank you!
  25. If you look here, you can see an outline of what the powers would be. They're actually very reasonable regarding the knock effects...
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