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Glacier Peak

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Everything posted by Glacier Peak

  1. Yeah I voted! The HC Team deserves the props and recognition for their continued support and innovation in this game.
  2. Working as intended. There are powers that only except certain sets. For example, Sprint only accepts [Running & Sprints] or [Leaping & Sprints] IO sets, Running Speed enhancement TOs, DOs, SOs, Basic IOs, etc. Thrust is a Running-only IO set, which Sprint does not accept. Thrust can be slotted in travel powers like Super Speed and Speed of Sound.
  3. Yeah @Dacy base tour videos are the paragon of player created content. I tried my hand at making a video of some content from this game and put it in my signature, but it's no where near the stuff dedicated people make to show how awesome this game is!
  4. Oh man did you see the sequel? Couldn't watch most of it because my eyes were cringing so hard 😬
  5. Be excellent to each other, yes that is what is intended for this community.
  6. The return of the king, the true Emperor of PvE gameplay. His wisdom will flourish a god-like generation of players who need not worry about what other players do or say. For his word is truth. Ha, but seriously always a good time reading this satire.
  7. There are streaming services online dedicated to people playing video games. Some of these steamers garner more views than the Superbowl in a given year. They make millions in sponsorship and ad revenue, in addition to their subscribers support and donations. It's very real, take a look and broaden your views.
  8. Really just the folks who post in the #Streams & Videos section of the HC Official Discord. I mean, if you wanted, you could do a search on each atreaming platform too.
  9. There are so awesome temp auto powers available from the Candy Keeper that make Ice do more damage/resists/etc.
  10. Indom all the way! Either way I'd follow the raid leaders directions.
  11. Buy all temps and level to 50 without using any selected powers except those temps.
  12. I've done a bit of both, but yeah it's not really in my interest to stick around for the whole thing and there are usually enough players in the league that it won't adversely affect the raid.
  13. I've still only completed seven MSRs since I started in July of 2019. They are so boring. The action is awesome in the beginning, dropping pylons and planting bombs, but the AV/GM dude is vaporized in seconds and then you just sit there and drop a thousand Sleets, Ice Storms, and Blizzards on enemies until your eyes melt. I still need three more completions for the badges, so anything to make this more engaging sounds good to me.
  14. That is the default stance for using the Void Skiff travel power, which you can purchase at the Pay 2 Win (P2W) vendor on most CoH/CoV maps or the Transact to Win (T2W) vendor in Praetoria.
  15. Makes me wonder if Adrian's attire from Watchmem was inspired by these pulp heroes.
  16. I don't play Masterminds, so can you tell me what can be slotted in those pet upgrade powers?
  17. Fair enough, I'll be honest I haven't ran through it since IOs came out on the legacy servers. I did run it once for a badge on HC though.
  18. Nothing has been announced about a decline in drop rate for Enhancements. There was mention of one of the Salvage Packs granting the wrong boost (xp boost instead of experienced?) or something like that.
  19. Isn't this what the University IO tutorial is for?
  20. Oh yeah for over a year, mine was 'Euclidean Pilgrim.' I got to select it in my Account Settings.
  21. I think the only way this could work is if you were running the game on a virtual machine and mirroring it over to the Nvidia Shield (either via wired connection or through wifi). Take that with a cup of salt, I've never had one to try that advice out on. I do know that CoH can be ran on a modern cellphone, an ancient (circa 2008) laptop, and within a virtual machine though!
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