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Glacier Peak

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Everything posted by Glacier Peak

  1. I voted to disable all incarnates, but I also support Alpha-only access as well. RV is such a unique zone thematically - I recently spent a great deal of time doing PvE content in the zone, (badges, xp grinding) and it was enjoyable. BUT! The moment an enemy player shows up, that's when I get to enjoy the zone the most. You are fighting for control of the future, what's not to like! Subjectivity aside, I wholly support the opportunity to improve the zone with these suggestions, and I hope the results of this thread are both easy to implement by our volunteer devs and are built on a consensus from the community (particularly those who PvP here often). Great thread @macskull!
  2. It was placed in the public beta last weekend, so players like you and I will be testing it out and providing feedback and suggestions before it is officially released on the live shards. One way to improve the quality of content and the speed of the release is to assist our volunteer developers with play testing and reporting of any bugs.
  3. I wish I could watch PoVs of these players during matches/kickballs. Ever since everybody had to stop streaming, the only way to learn how to get better for me has been to faceplant from failure or spectate a match. Streaming let me watch at my hearts content whenever I felt like it.
  4. I did the exact same thing! I am pretty sure I used LRT on live more than 14 times in 10 minutes when I was filling out and testing the details of the exploit I found. And the Warshade LRT power as well lol Edit: ... this was as an extraneous circumstance that has never since been repeated.
  5. This is correct, one win per person.
  6. They did give us an ouro-like portal for going to our base. Edit: They don't need to give any reasons. It's in beta, provide feedback. There is not a consensus for or against on these changes, to claim otherwise is inaccurate. This is a forum page, they also solicited feedback on reddit, discord, and in- game.
  7. If you have the time, try it out on the beta, and provide feedback. Our volunteer dev team and the rest of the community would surely appreciate it.
  8. A helpful way to determine the combat attributes of your character is to open the combat attributes window (which his located in the top left corner next to Incarnate Abilities when you open the power tab). So instead of monitoring your health bar icons, you can see it laid out fairly concisely in each category. If you don't want the whole window up, you can right click one of the data points and monitor that by itself (it creates a brand new window with just that information tracking in it, i.e. end recovery or influence). You can also create a combat log tab in the chat bar to refer back to.
  9. Oooh! I thought Flamebeux was a great pick, really well hidden inside the pyramid.
  10. For the past three hunts today, there has been an announcement put out in game. It's in bright orange GM lettering. Some of the previous submissions in this thread have it in their chat if you look closely. The screenshots are saved in the same screenshot folder on the new COH Launcher as it was for the Tequila Launcher. The filepath doesn't change unless you move them yourself or install in a new location.
  11. More General Feedback / Testing Notes: Beta patch notes should say Interrupt time, not Activation time (Thanks @macskull) Both powers are described in game as activating in 12 seconds and both were tested in game to activate in 12 seconds. The beta patch notes indicate it should be 10 seconds.
  12. ... but as it has been reiterated many times by players and developers alike in the past twenty pages of this thread, PvP is not the reason for this change.
  13. I feel like this is all you need to read to grasp the direction of our volunteer Homecoming development team: Whatever reasoning or philosophies, past quotes or paraphrasing you can find that has been put out by the team before now to make this get to the beta is irrelevant. Their decision on their server is to move it forward to this stage. The beta stage of testing - for the purpose of soliciting testing and feedback (not subjective opinion for the loudest folks who post the most).
  14. Solid State Drives (SSD) and Non-Volatile Memory Express Drives definitely improve load times across games, especially in CoH/CoV. Absolutely recommend upgrading from a hard disk drive to an SSD if an individual is looking to make noticeable improvements in their gaming experience.
  15. Thank you, @FrauleinMental I had just finished mapping out all the new costumed NPCs and their locations in-game (like @GM Arcanum recommended in the original post) and was crafting for Fabricator in my SG base. One click on my villain base portal got me in front of Kalinda. I was actually confused for a few seconds because there are two locations for Ms. Liberty (as subsequent posts show). 😅 This is a super fun event! I hope people don’t get discouraged by the folks in this thread thinking it requires camping, it does not require camping. Just hit follow on the thread and go haunt! You could feasibly improve your odds if you map out all the NPCs as previously mentioned, are either Rogue or Vigilante alignment (has access to all zones), open up the LFG tab for a quick TP to the NPC, or just sit in your SG base if it has portals to all zones – I mean there is a lot a player can do if they really want the fun prize!
  16. If you're using Windows 10, you can try using the 'Screen Snipping App'. It's defaulted in the Windows Accessories folder in the program lists.
  17. I think you missed an in-game easter egg opportunity by not making Mender Silos wear a Lord Nemesis costume 😄 Also could've been a funny switch if Faathim the Kind was wearing Rularuu the Raver costume (wouldn't fit in Chantry orb, but still!) or even Darrin Wade 😵
  18. Don't forget to do the emote along with the find.
  19. I'll revisit this question later. Hopefully someone snags one and can answer this before I get one lol
  20. There's an Agent Hassell located at (Platinum Lake: -2495.0, -83.9, -1355.0): that's within the Level 10-50 range. He's unlocked after acquiring the 'Villain Disruptor' Badge. I don't know of any other agents though in that zone. Nobody named Watkins either.
  21. So did anyone manage to snag a RTX 3000 series card? And if so, how does COH run with it?
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