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Glacier Peak

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Everything posted by Glacier Peak

  1. Something something, beta server...
  2. Arachnos Widow or Fortunata fit both those criteria. Check the AT sub forum for posts by @Bopper, @KaizenSoze, @Harakh, or @Gulbasaur.
  3. 🧟‍♀️ 🧟‍♂️
  4. Hey anyone notice how awesome it is to farm the new ToT Elite Bosses! x5 xp and x5 inf, wow the Homecoming team sure loves letting the player base farm phat loot!
  5. Seems about that time of the month for another post from our resident gaming sage known as Diantane.
  6. Yeah I haven't been in game or discord, so I may have missed that info. Well the good news it this community will be here when they return.
  7. The fault lies squarely in line with your assumptions...
  8. Like a badge that tells a player they met all the requirements....?
  9. Well I'm going to reserve judgement until I get a straight answer. No need to jump to conclusions.
  10. @Faultline is no longer listed under the developers section and their forum handle isn't that bluish hue anymore. What's the story?
  11. Grandville, Loc: [4393.4 -462.9 1367.3] 19 clickable doors!!! (17 in screenshot, two more outside of frame). Anyone else have any good spots? Or blue or goldside??
  12. What I like to do is use my farmer as an alt, put Burn on auto, then use my ToTer to click doors. If things come out that are scary, I go to the Burn patch and find safety. Another useful trick is to start a flashback mission or AE mission to prevent the farmer alt from auto logging. Edit: Pick up the Double XP temp power and the EBs give... times 10 XP!!!
  13. Lots of places to go... Zones Trick or Treating only works if the player is in a zone with a level appropriate for their current combat level. The following are the appropriate levels for various zones: Heroes: 01 - 11 Atlas Park 01 - 11 Galaxy City 05 - 15 Kings Row 05 - 15 The Hollows 07 - 15 Perez Park 10 - 20 Steel Canyon 10 - 20 Skyway City 10 - 20 Faultline 11 - 20 Boomtown 20 - 30 Independence Port 20 - 30 Talos Island 20 - 30 Striga Isle 20 - 30 Terra Volta 21 - 30 Dark Astoria 20 - 30 Croatoa 30 - 40 Brickstown 30 - 40 Founders' Falls 30 - 40 Crey's Folly 33 - 40 Eden 40 - 50 Peregrine Island 40 - 50 Firebase Zulu Villains: 01 - 10 Mercy Island 05 - 15 Port Oakes 10 - 20 Cap au Diable 20 - 30 Sharkhead Isle 25 - 40 Nerva Archipelago 30 - 40 St. Martial 40 - 50 Grandville Praetorians: 01 - 08 Nova Praetoria 01 - 08 Underground Nova 09 - 15 Imperial City 09 - 15 Underground Imperial 16 - 20 Neutropolis 16 - 20 Underground Neutropolis 20 - 29 First Ward 30 - 39 Night Ward All: Since all PvP zones automatically exemplar anyone entering to a specific level, anyone entering the zone is brought to a combat level appropriate to the zone, so all zones are appropriate for Trick or Treating for anyone of a high enough level to enter the zone. 20 - 50 Siren's Call 30 - 50 Warburg 15 - 50 Bloody Bay (Bugged. Trick or Treat range appears to be levels 10-20, but since all characters are set to level 25, they no longer meet the level requirement.) 35 - 50 Rikti War Zone 35 - 50 Cimerora 40 - 50 Kallisti Wharf
  14. I remember being able to level pact with an alt, so I did like a dual identity character who had two distinct (Ice and Fire) powers depending on who logged in. Thanks for the insight all!
  15. Oh whoa, had no idea. Thanks!
  16. Title says it - these were a thing if I remember correctly. I could've swore I did this with a friend back in the old legacy days.
  17. Oh yeah since the legacy days. Check it out: https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Halloween_Event_2022
  18. There have been EBs in the Halloween Zombie Apocalypse spawns too.
  19. Oh okay if that's the case, my team and I had no trouble defeating the EBs that came out of the door or the Pumpkin Eochai GM or the banners and it's final boss. So all things equal in my experience. Then again I've soloed all of them myself (yes, even the banners which required me to use multiple monitor screens and lining up the right moments in each banner circle).
  20. Yes, this year's content has all of the previous years' giant monsters, banner monsters and GM, with the addition of EBs in ToT.
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