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Glacier Peak

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Everything posted by Glacier Peak

  1. There is a strategy involved and team work necessary to make the risk worth the reward. The auto hit attacks are only auto hit if you choose not to break line of sight, etc. Hamidon used to be the hardest challenge in the game, now it's a simple procedure with a league. I think the Relentless difficulty is a great optional addition for players who want more reward and more challenge. I'm excited to see it proliferated further.
  2. I see you post this same line or some variation of it a lot. Have the devs added content that wasn't brand new? All of the story arcs that Piecemeal added last year were from scratch. All of the content that Cobalt and the gang added, such as the Dr. Aeon SF was built brand new. Looking past the actual content, I could see thinking the updates to powers and QoL are considered updating old stuff that was there before.
  3. There's a lot to what you have just posted, so I'll take a swing and see what I hit. Procs were never balanced for PvP. And they greatly contribute to the damage is king meta. That tends to create a meta that overlooks the Archetypes that don't directly drop fat numbers on heads. And that's just for starters - there's also the proc rate formula itself that tends to favor longer recharge single target attacks over AoEs, which itself narrows the meta further to Archetypes which have multi-effect single target powers (think Greater Psi Blade, Char, or Fossilize). Controllers still have a role, it's just a bit different than in PvE. Crowd control is non-existent in PvP. There are short duration spikes which benefit from 2-4 second status effect durations to prevent players from mitigating incoming damage, but usually another Blaster on the spike with Bitter Ice Blast or Blaze will do the trick. That's not to say a single target hold isn't helpful in the right situation, just that crowd control doesn't exist because players are all over the map and AoE attacks are duds in PvP. Then again, that's from an 8v8 perspective - I haven't seen any Controller or Dominator only events, or really much of anything but Blasters, support, and disruption roles in organized arena matches. In PvP zone play, it's the wild west where pretty much anything can be good or bad depending on the situation. As for the steep floor to entry, that's a challenge that needs to be addressed in the game. In the mean time, the community can continue to run events and leagues to make the barrier to entry minimal or at the very least easier.
  4. There are a lot of sub threads on this forum, easy to miss unless you know what you're looking for. Keep an eye on the Announcements and Patch Notes sub threads for the latest, or join the Homecoming Discord for more information.
  5. Good way to phrase the suggestion. A benefit without consequence - what is not to love? I say that players can already do this. You say, yeah, but it is burdensome. And I say yeah, well they were the ones who made the +70 characters and not keep track of that information themselves. And so we go back to why not help those people who chose not to keep track of that information. And so I say yeah, as long as it benefits the rest of the player base. And then them I'm told, no - a QoL change can benefit a few people, and I say that's fine, but I don't support a solution to a problem that already has a solution, albeit however burdensome or tedious it may be to check through each character created. Make the suggestion or don't, I just want it to benefit the player base as a whole, that is my opinion. So maybe over time, in the next 3-4 years when a majority of the player base has created 40 or more characters, this suggestion would benefit the majority of the player base.
  6. I get that you think it is easier to talk in comparisons, but I don't. This is a thread about veteran levels and other character items being displayed in the character selection screen, not about any other things you've brought up. I don't appreciate the colorful language either. I think it's best to either discontinue this back and forth on the thread between ourselves or take it to direct message so that other players can add to the discussion.
  7. I don't agree with the presumption in your statement. QoL should benefit the entire player base. All players experience the life of the game, they are all entitled to receiving a quality update. I don't believe in the segregation of updates you are describing. If a developer wants to work their magic on a niche focus, I am neither for or against it - but as a player and member of this community I can give my opinion on the topic whenever I please.
  8. Yeah, 700 mill inf would be before boosters, so more likely around 1 bill inf (and I catalyze every proc/global bonus too like a weirdo!). That's usually what I figure each of my characters is worth, depending on the market +-100 mill inf.
  9. It's not an argument, its a discussion. And I've not said whether I am for or against this suggestion, so what makes you think I need convincing?
  10. Definitely not rolling in influence - I don't have a lot of merits to begin with. When I do get merits from gameplay I either convert them to converters and sell or use them to buy boosters. I've built up a decent amount of IOs though. Other than that, my in game wealth is very liquid. If I need a large sum, around 700 million influence to deck out a character, I'll just farm it.
  11. I don't have that many, but for the sake of discussion I have one character that maintains all of my stuff and has their own base to drop things in, along with email to themselves. If I had 100 of those characters, I'd be wondering what I'm doing not concentrating my wealth because the game doesn't have, nor has ever had a character "treasure" counter to tell me what each is worth. But no, it would be not easy given your question - 100 characters would take some time to login and check, I'll give you that.
  12. But it doesn't benefit me, a fellow player, so that's why I asked why other players could just do it themselves if they wanted to know that information. Quality of life requests should benefit the entire player base. If I had 70 alts (I have more like 30 maybe) and I wanted to know how much each was worth I could log in to find out then write it down or put it in a spreadsheet.
  13. So the need is so great that knowing what all 70 alts or more have at all times is important? Can't players just track that themselves?
  14. If I want to know what veteran level my character is, how much influence they have, or how many emp merits or the like they have, I just log in to the game as them. Does it need to be easier than that?
  15. I disagree with the premise of your question. I enjoy creating items in this game and feel nothing but good ol' relaxing fun when I need to create something.
  16. It felt like a TV show written like a movie, but with less content. I feel like the whole series could've just been the last episode and I wouldn't have missed anything.
  17. Thank you for the feedback on the potential issue with group rarity. I'm more inclined to believe that each mob and type would be easy to find considering that they respawn even after defeated and will all be found in more than one place. It's a good thing to keep in mind though.
  18. I'm satisfied with the game's graphical fidelity, however, I would appreciate the UI receiving a polish and the image files getting higher res textures (outside of those which are available via client side mods).
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